Lyrically machine gun funk of Biggie
I brutally beat emcees like Diddy did Cassie
New York can have back their key to city
Belt strangulations, Tyson bad intentions
Son of Sam schizophrenic pace frenetic
Enmities surge as gun violence did in pandemic
Hostilities have enemies runnin' like Birdman did Druski
They'll bolt quick as Usain when I'm Django unchained
Abu Ghraib prison torture abuse of civil war in Sudan
Brutalization very heavy as flash floods in Afghanistan
I make opposition quit like Devin did Shakur in spar session
The Omen demon vision brutal as Comanche women
JChavez been deadlier than Mexico's Juarez
Pro-Palestinian chaos at college campuses
I do damage like extreme weather to wheat crops
Foes will be left with Joe Biden suicidal thoughts