Like sh was the bomb like it was like what what t it has left it's gone what what is me w t ups gone what space is like snap it's like oh what like if it was already finished it's like she came to life and took off left she left though she was there every finished work she was gone like yes she had she had busted how I am was am was I I was um left behind after a long time holding I gave up I let go all up there dirt in my jeans and shirt I had to get up my hat taken off but it was hot a little bit of water would be good I think I would of made a note would she take it or throw it away what was it about me all my things I would of kept I would did do do i have it how it feels to be taken away in in any with the wind after I tell her to just let go leave me I continue and come to my desk I think no one has found out what should I do do i have yes a bunch but what about one how it feels like when you don't speak yes of course I am not the most perfect all to think of like yes I know she it's like she has upgraded and gone up another level while I stay here who is the one that comes back and enters oh my no I i must be trippin am i so like am i so so drunk like I see cups glasses I feel the evening I see lights hear sounds to it having to be me that plain piece of paper all messed up what to do do i control what it has there no all I can do is speak speak a sound even that pencil will help me who and how I I hope they can last how will you see it will you see the outside do you see inside lighting going off at times or on waking up I think the same feeling around the heart area is lifting me up from the back to the front it's waking me up it's really just in the middle heart hard as yes how it is it is pretty extremely difficult I know she does not want to its like your happy you are not a stud it's like man I should not just yes we have to go through this feel feeling fools be singing I to how to flip this page I would yes I would start with the hair then face something that doesn't happens a lot how it looks when it starts everything that comes out im not nobody to some it might be simple or very so much hard harder like how no like if that that fool yes how how is is it is he that I can I believe how did like how has can is he old or older the old back back then hey but what no yes he he can come just right now today hey like do do you like how it did he he is a is he a crazy person everything that used to come out I have I have seen his his old stuff do you remember this fool his like how was is I think his his form or manner like what oh yes I have like can he come home come back how like this is his what how will you say like so oh he s still around I think I might yes he is so like no it it's there how do I see everything yes how night looks in twilight not the movie when the sun is bouncing he is leaving but the moon comes back she is chillin I see I can see stars them lights it's like yes a few years after that fool had a color mood paper it used to be alright but I stay don't hey please come come back hey but like where did you go oh I have been yes how it was when you chill what this this how they no like I I hope they don't or they they find found do they just how they follow me where to go hey no no more this fool just how can like no I would jump over I think I would score in the end zone then get up everything ok like what how who everything I must feel what what to say speak or better just be here at this what how would I oh yes I have I have to hear I would have i have heard this fool like I do need for this fool to come just here how we listen to this ih stuff hey yes like who who is this I no like I think I have tripped oh I I have yes I have seen this all old this old stuff who like do I will i be all alright with conditioning no like oh yes your hair is nice it is so how it looks smooth where how yes no there is no championship now today but yes that one was it was how it felt yes it is it was like a fast rollercoaster that goes up then down yes how we fall but no I have not fallen hey how would you like hey but where where do we go what what is your I think it sounds alright what is your (....) yes to start off where where do you want to go yes I have to be here but no like do you like (......) I think I must need to put In c d s how they sound scratched but how they still play or not some songs but some sometimes do like would you (....) yes sometimes I have to let them play cool volume or all alone hey can (...) yes I just need to just be here calm by myself and just bump what would you man this this is very so it is (.....) it has happened how we go through how we how we all just how it feels how I hold my balance I must hold on how the flower would not mean nothing it's like I felt but then it went away it was gone how it returns and leaves is that what we all go through ? It has it is gone saying goodbye what the tequila bottle is notes I'm losing it to drink when you tell me and let me know yes when sh knows and is with that person how everybody knows a heavy book I'm about to get beat up with punches of paper when we find they don't beat me up on my own I can barely stand how the inside feels I think I would be programmed to wake up the first minute you know