Originally Posted by bigben
the pain would cease but at what price?,
the cats scratch at mice as eagles catch flight,
the gats will ignite before we can ever unite,
the syndrome of living as a infected victim,
with sick scum sadistically selecting the income,
the boredom of living an average life,
seduces the scattered lifes like innocent battered wives,
accepting their shattered cries self esteem out of align,
I've seen children mistreated and beaten until numb,
I've seen dopefiend parents neglect their young ones,
its now a way of life complacency is how we fail right?,
we stay on hype fuck changing! erasing any ray of light,
I can't sleep because friends and family are vanishing,
its damaging watching television at family gatherings,
unflattering is how we are stereotyped,
mad at the world bumping ignorant Radio hype....