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Thread: Jesuit-Trained Movers and Shakers

  1. #91


    The Road from Rome

    The Road From Rome
    2005 12 30

    By Barry Chamish | rense.com

    Ignatius Loyola - Founder of the Jesuits

    It has been barely a month since the Israeli government apparently agreed to cede some real estate on Jerusalem's Mount Zion to the Vatican and barely two weeks since I reported on the deep background to the affair. Since that time, a great deal of mail has arrived rounding out the picture. As grateful as I am for the new information, another event surpassed it. At a recent dinner party, the hostess informed me that she had sold her book collection but had kept one volume back. She agreed to lend it to me.

    The book is called All Roads Lead To Rome? (Dorchester House Publications). It is a detailed study of how the ecumenical movement is razing the foundations of the Anglican church in England, and replacing it with the ceremonies and beliefs of the Roman Catholic church. The author, Michael de Semlyen, is a leader of a British Evangelist group and this is going to cause difficulties with my Jewish readers who are tired of looking over their shoulders waiting for another Evangelist trying to "save them from Hell."

    To these readers, I can only assure you that this book is vital to the understanding you need to protect yourself from mortal danger. I am well aware that given the choice of who is more threatening to the Jews, the Evangelist movement or the Vatican, American Jews would choose the former because of their conversion practises. But they are very wrong. These practises are patronizing and insulting, but they are a mere inconvenience compared to the past and present mass murder of the Jews secretly organized by the papacy.

    The Jews should be deeply grateful for Protestantism. As soon as any nation replaced Catholicism with a new Protestant state religion, the slaughter and torture of the Catholic inquisition stopped and decency took over. The Protestant nations of Europe and the British Commonwealth offered their Jews a secure shelter they had never known in any Catholic country. By fighting to protect Protestantism worldwide, de Semlyen, is fighting to protect the safety of Jews worldwide.

    Which leads to an issue that should bother all Jews. Why is it that only Christian writers are exposing the depths of venality that has seen the Jews massacred by the Vatican through the millennia? Where are the Jewish voices investigating the papacy and its current manipulations against the Jewish state? Why, in this time of desperate intellectual need, are Jewish writers so lame?

    But that is the fact and those of us seeking the deep truth about Israel's current disastrous decline must turn to Christian writers like de Semlyen to get to the bottom of matters...At least until our own writers stop with their conventional claptrap and start investigating for themselves.

    De Semlyen finished his book in 1991, and some of his findings are more than merely interesting in light of historical events which followed them, and needless to say, he could have known nothing about. Let us look at what his research tells us about the current Pope Benedict XVI.

    Pope John Paul II with future Pope Benedict XVI in 1978. Image and text from: Wikipedia.org - Pope Benedict XVI pp. 162-3 - The Rehabilitation of the Inquisition of old is something of an article of faith for the Vatican; for the Inquisition is alive and well and, within the restrictive limits placed on it by democratic freedoms, as powerful as ever. Roman Catholic author and former priest, Peter de Rosa, in his 1988 book Vicars Of Christ, The Dark Side Of The Papacy, writes about the modern Inquisition: ' Located at Casa Santa, the pope's house is known locally as the Palace of the Inquisition. In recent years, having had a bad press, the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Inquisition, like the Soviet secret police, has been renamed more than once. In 1908, this oldest of Rome's Sacred Congregations became The Holy Office. From 1967, it changed to the Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith. The present secretary and Chief Executive. the Grand Inquisitor Of Old, is the Bavarian Cardinal Ratzinger'...According to the Catholic Herald, ' Austere Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is dubbed in Italy as the latter day inquisitor for his Doctrinaire Guidance as prefect of the Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith.'

    What do you know? The pope was, until his investiture, the Grand Inquisitor of the church, the same post which saw millions of Jews, tortured, mutilated, or if they were lucky, merely forced to flee or hide their faith.

    De Semlyen also provides surprising background on Princess Diana, written years before her assassination.

    pp. 149, 162-3 - When Newman became Britain's most famous convert to Rome in 1845, his confession prior to his confirmation was heard by George Spencer, known as Father Ignatius Spencer of St. Paul, who also acted as his sponsor. Great great great uncle to Princess Diana, as well as great uncle to Sir Winston Churchill and convert to Rome in 1930, just before the start of the Oxford Movement, Fr Spencer is now in line for 'Sainthood.'...

    The Parker-Bowles family is Catholic. Princess Diana, much influenced by her spiritual rapport with Mother Teresa and her favorite clairvoyant, Irish Roman Catholic psychic Betty Palko, is 'taking instruction from a Dominican priest to convert to the Roman Catholic faith, at a secret Oxford address,' reported the tabloid newspapers, Today and The People.

    If these reports are true, the princess, once converted, may well ask the Pope for an annulment to her marriage, based on the infidelity of Prince Charles. This would create a constitutional crisis that would very likely assist the ambitions of Rome.

    ** However, what interests us most, is the Vatican's push to create a one world religion with its capital in Jerusalem. **

    pp. 17 - In May 1989, a group of 100 Pentecostal and Charismatic leaders representing 30 nations, met to pray for a Decade of Evangelism in Jerusalem's ecumenical Notre Dame Centre.

    The Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem.
    Image from: javeedsukhera.com & wordbytes.org/holyland/

    pp. 19 - Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury and an enthusiastic ecumenist, told BBC Radio Three; "It is entirely possible that the Anglican Church could disappear to make way for a united world church."

    pp. 56 - A remarkable revelation from a 1990 book, The Keys Of This Blood, written by a former Jesuit, Malachi Martin, is that Pope John Paul II is convinced he will be called in the 1990s to be the moral and spiritual leader of a world government.

    pp. 73 - Roman Catholic writer, Piers Compton, in his book, The Broken Cross, recounts in considerable detail, the initiation of Angelo Roncalli, late Pope John XXIII, into the society of the Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians, in 1935. He also lists eleven cardinals and 75 prelates of the Church, together with their code names and dates of initiation into secret societies.

    Masonry encourages all religions. 'The Great Architect of the Universe,' it is argued, can be approached through many mediators including Buddah, Muhammed, Krishna or Christ. Freemasonry offers little or no resistance to ecumenical unity and thus freemasonry and Catholicism, freed from the difficulties of the past, can share a common goal in overseeing a one world faith.

    pp. 75 - The world's statesmen and rulers continue to seek audiences to consult the pope on global strategy. George Schultz, America's Secretary of State, consulted the pope before major discussions, stopping off at the Vatican on the way to Middle East peace conferences. Yasser Arafat, after the American acceptance of the December 1988 PLO peace initiative at the United Nations, also stopped at the Vatican on Dec 24, presumably for more than a Christmas blessing. Arafat has met with the pope more than once...

    The Reformer Magazine sounded a warning: "It is not without significance that Mikhail Gorbachev went to see the Pope in this time of crisis. This stirs fear in many hearts. The reunion of Germany under a Vatican-dominated party gives cause for concern. Will history be repeated? Will there be a pro-Vatican bloc in Europe again, this time allied to Russia with Poland, Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia in tow? Will this be a repeat on a wider scale of the Vatican's support of the central powers leading up to the First World War and the Fascist powers in the Second World War? These are pertinent questions. The Vatican has never lost its objective of world dominion."

    pp 83 - Interviewed on Denver's KLTT Radio, Dr. Malachi Matin spoke of three forces battling for total domination of the planet, as the world races towards annihilation. The contenders were John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev and the capitalist West. As the world's spiritual and moral leader, he would lead a world government with absolute authority to decide all basic issues of human survival and human prosperity.

    pp 85 - Many believe, and not only Christians, that Europe is destined to be the center of a final world empire, as the Holy Roman Empire restored. The European newspaper reported that, "The Christian Democratic leaders from Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, and the Netherlands backed far-reaching plans for the transfer of national sovereignty and the establishment of a federal government, with sole control over monetary, foreign and defence policy."

    pp 87 - Dutch Prime Minister, Rund Lubbers, a devout Catholic who attended a Jesuit College, was the architect of the Maastricht Treaty on Political Union. Lubbers worked closely with Jacques Delors, also Jesuit-educated, in furthering the Maastricht agenda, undeterred by the mounting distrust of the treaty by the European people.

    pp 100-01 - Author Roy Livesey is convinced that much of what we see is an elaborately devised smokescreen for the deception fashioned by the Jesuit Order and the Church of Rome...Another professor of history, Norman Cohn, writing about ' the myth of the Jewish World conspiracy,' states in his book Warrant For Genocide that it can be traced back to a French Jesuit, Abbe Barruel, who instigated the myth on which the infamous Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion were based... Like the Vatican, the New Age has close links with powerful organizations such as the UN, UNESCO, the World Council of Churches, the Bilderberg Group and the Freemasons. Other organizations and movements with a political agenda, such as the many various peace and disarmament groups, also act as a veil behind which one-world government and one-world religion are taking shape.

    Ignatius Loyola with Pope
    pp 128 - The order of the Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius Loyola to secretly accomplish two major goals for the Roman Catholic Institution. The first was to obtain universal political power; the second, to establish the universal church.

    pp 133 - Dr. J.H. Lehmann points out in his book Behind The Dictators that the Jesuit Father Staempfle wrote Mein Kampf for Hitler.

    The infiltration of the Vatican's symbology on the Israeli psyche is far deeper than Israelis can fathom. Let one example suffice for now. When the new shekel coin was introduced just over a decade ago, the imprint on one side didn't seem Jewish. It wasn't a symbol of Judaism like the date palm, menorah or even the Medieval star of David, it was a three petaled lily. Beneath it on the left side are three other symbols which may have a perfectly good explanation, but it's not known to the public whatever it may be. From top to bottom they appear to be a gallows, a yardarm with a = sign, and a Z with a - sign. Who knows what the shekel is trying to tell us, but two of my correspondents have come to similar conclusions:

    One Shekel.
    More Israeli Coins
    Have you looked at a Shekel lately? "Joan of Arc carried a white banner that showed G-d blessing the French royal emblem, the fleur-de-lis, when she led French troops to victory over the English in support of the Dauphin, Charles VII, in his quest for the French throne. The Roman Catholic Church ascribed the lily as the special emblem of the Virgin Mary. Due to its three "petals," the fleur-de-lis has also been used to represent the Holy Trinity." Not even the Shekel has escaped the disintegration.

    A picture that I have seen from a Cabbalistic source showed the triple crown tiara on a flame-breathing dragon for the Solar deity worship shows exactly what these people intend to do: worship the ancient deities of the sun, moon and stars. The Jewish leaders can't get close enough to him. He is wearing the same outfits as the apostate Herodian temple high priests of 1900 years ago, wearing the same kingly tiara of three crowns...The secret societies that want to put him in place believe he is the most qualified. One of the books that I recently viewed showed that the ancient Herodian temple of 1900 years ago had the same exact Vatican snake pillars inside. The apostates will continue to congregate with their fellows. The solution is to listen to what the legends have told our people.


    On Ecumenism

    On Benedict XVI
    Papal Homily on 40th Anniversary of Close of Vatican II

    She is the offshoot from which grew the tree of redemption and of the redeemed. God has not failed, as it might have seemed formerly at the beginning of history with Adam and Eve or during the period of the Babylonian Exile, and as it seemed anew in Mary's time when Israel had become a people with no importance in an occupied region and with very few recognizable signs of its holiness.

    God did not fail. In the humility of the house in Nazareth lived holy Israel, the pure remnant. God saved and saves his people. From the felled tree trunk Israel's history shone out anew, becoming a living force that guides and pervades the world. Mary is holy Israel: She says "yes" to the Lord, she puts herself totally at his disposal and thus becomes the living temple of God.

    Pope Benedict, in his first Christmas address, has urged humanity to unite against terrorism, poverty and environmental blight. He called for a "new world order" to correct economic imbalances.


    On December 18, I gave a lecture to the Root And Branch Association in Jerusalem called: ZION FIRST - THE VATICAN'S NEW CRUSADE FOR JERUSALEM

    I had intended to give a one hour presentation explaining the government's decision to hand over a piece of Mount Zion to the Vatican, but audience enthusiasm turned it into a two hour show. The lecture was professionally filmed with two cameras and I'm thinking of turning it into a product. Please let me know if you'd like to see the lecture and if you'd prefer to view it as a DVD, video or CD-Rom.

  2. #92



    Kelly insists link to Opus Dei will not hinder political career

    Rebecca Smithers, education editor
    Monday January 24, 2005
    The Guardian

    The new education secretary, Ruth Kelly, yesterday admitted that she received "spiritual support" from the controversial Roman Catholic Opus Dei movement, while insisting that her faith would not stand in the way of her taking up further government jobs.

    There had been speculation that the newest member of the cabinet had ruled out a move to the departments of health or international development because of her opposition to abortion and contraception.

    Article continues
    But in an interview on BBC1's Breakfast with Frost programme, the 36-year-old mother of four said publicly for the first time that her religious beliefs would not be an obstacle to such a move.

    In her first television interview since taking up her first cabinet job in December - replacing Charles Clarke in the reshuffle triggered by the home secretary David Blunkett's resignation - she confirmed that she does receive spiritual support from the Opus Dei group, an ultra-conservative Roman Catholic organisation.

    Ms Kelly's links with Opus Dei (Work of God in Latin) have been under scrutiny since her appointment. But yesterday, insisting it was a private matter, Ms Kelly refused to say whether she was a member of the group.

    "I, along with any other politician, am entitled to a degree of privacy in my private life," she said. "I do have a private spiritual life and I am completely open about that. People know that I am a Catholic and that I take it seriously.

    "I do have spiritual support from Opus Dei and I think that's right. These are private spiritual matters. Politicians are entitled to a private life."

    Ms Kelly denied reports that her beliefs on issues such as contraception would make her refuse to serve as a health or international development minister. Her collective responsibility as a cabinet minister meant she also took responsibility for policies in those areas, she insisted.

    "I am absolutely clear that as a member of this government I have collective responsibility for government policy, so as a member of the cabinet responsible for education, I also have responsibility for those policies developed in the health department and in the international development department and so forth, and I stand by those," she said.

    "These are policies after all which are not only developed by this Labour government but are approved by parliament.

    "While there are issues of conscience, which of course I'll express my view on in the lobby in the usual way - because most of these are ques tions of free votes - as a member of the government I have responsibility for those policies and for implementing them in my own department."

    Ms Kelly also hinted that headteachers could receive stronger powers to remove unruly pupils from classes, with both teachers and parents concerned about "lower level disruption" in the classroom.

    "It is really important to support headteachers and teachers in tackling disruption in the classroom," she said.

    "We have made huge progress on the really difficult cases, the pupils who have severely disruptive behaviour. But quite rightly what teachers are concerned about and what parents are concerned about is that this lower level disruption that goes on in the classroom now is tackled.

    "I would like to see the teacher being able to remove disruptive children from the classroom completely and have either alternative provision within the school or indeed off the school and maybe working together with other schools in a particular area to provide that provision."

  3. #93


    Confession No. 8: Crafty And Duplicitous Jesuits Are Master Deceivers With The Goal To Destroy America
    by Greg Szymanski, June 11, 2006


    In the first seven confessions, unknown history has been presented and people have come forward, trying to retrace the steps and piece together the true story of the Jesuit Order and the Vatican.

    With the information presented here every Sunday, the foundation has been adequately laid that the Vatican, through the deceptive Jesuit Order, should not be overlooked when looking for the true spiritual leaders of the New World Order bringing about America's destruction.

    The foundation has also been laid, proving that beyond a reasonable doubt, the deceptive Jesuit Order and its New World Order minions have made the Zionists the "scapegoat" for America's demise.

    This method of deception has been carefully crafted, leaving a clear path of destruction for the real criminals in the Jesuit Order and the U.S. government simply by deflecting any criticism or knowledge of their active involvement in destroying the liberties and freedom of the American people.

    With that said, there still is much to cover about the Jesuit Order, as more than 400 years of lost and stolen history cannot be recovered in seven short weeks. However, this week we shall use Confession No. 8 on the shores of Brushy Creek to recap our first seven sessions, as next week we will embark on two more months of studying the Jesuit Order, concentrating on the numerous countries they have been expelled from and concentrating on their present worldwide organization.

    This week, however, we borrow from a most useful web site called Jesuit Love, a web site utilizing the same type of deception in words utilized by the Jesuits when they actually as a benign group of priests try to pass off love for hate, peace for war and Jesus for Lucifer.

    For those who do not want to spend the time reading over the first "seven confessions" in the Arctic Beacon archives, this web site adequately recaps most of the information presented in a brief and concise manner. It is also suggested that all conclusions made below should be researched by the reader on his own, as connecting the "true dots" is vital for the salvation of your own soul and the salvation of America.

    And its content and wording can be used similarly as a lawyer would present his case in closing arguments made to a jury. Here is a summary at Jesuit Love, answering why America should not rule out the Jesuits and the Vatican when looking toward the real enemies controlling the New World Order:

    General Statement Concerning the Jesuit Order

    For four hundred years the great Jesuit army has been fighting their covert war for absolute control of the world. A masterful army of spies and assassins they have, in the past, been expelled from every country in Europe. They have arranged nearly every war in the last 300 years. They initiated the US Civil War to transform the United States into a Central Controlled tool of their conquest of the world. They have placed Hitler in power, Stalin in power, Mao in power, Pol Pot in Power and many more inquisitionists throughout the world's history.

    They now use the United States to perpetrate inquisitions. As they did in Korea and Vietnam as they are doing again with Iraq. The goal is simple and glorious, a one world government, a New World Order with the Pope on the throne and the Jesuit General in control of the Pope and the empire of the world. Secret services such as the CIA, the KGB, MI6 are controlled by them. Presidents are elected and Popes and Presidents are killed by them. They are the army of the Vatican in control of the Vatican. They hide behind secret societies which they control and corporations they own like Microsoft, Bank of America, Lockheed and many more.

    This site is dedicated to the glorious achievements of the Jesuit Brotherhood, the Society of Jesus for all to now know.

    As previous Jesuit General Tamburini once said "See sir, from this chamber I govern not only Paris but China, not only China but the whole of the world, without anyone knowing how I do it."

    The end of the fabricated "Cold War" marked a turning point in the careful fight waged over the last 400 and more years by the Jesuit Brotherhood. The long awaited New World Order is upon us! Absolute control of the world via the Holy Roman Empire (Isis-Horus-Seb) is no longer a secret necessary to maintain. Let the truth be told that the world belongs to the Black Pope.

    The Jesuit Brotherhood is now in the phase of consolidation. The ever heretical United States and Canada will soon be the hallow grounds for the inquisition. No less thorough than those of the past under Jesuit servants Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many others. The cleansing will be complete, the protestants will convert or be annihilated. The "Freedoms" will be destroyed as subservience to the Jesuit General is no longer a privilege but a requirement.

    The non-believers will be slain for the greater good and greater glory of the Jesuit controlled Vatican empire. Jesuit controlled actors like Bush ,Gore and others serving the Order.

    Achievements of the Jesuit Order

    -- Make lending of money on interest a noble occupation.

    -- Place Jews in positions where fault or blame can be placed in the future.

    -- Exterminate heretic leaders and key opponents.

    -- Arrange for puppet leaders like Hitler, Mao, Stalin to extend the inquisition.

    -- Arrange for the slaughter of the Indigenous infidels.

    -- Institutionalize the Corporation to compete with the individual.

    -- Establishment of the Central Government for the United States

    -- Establish the United States Federal Reserve Bank

    -- Control and facilitate the "Secret Societies" .

    -- Centralize inner power by controlling the nations Secret Services

    -- Fabricate conflicts such as the Cold War and Terrorism

    -- Create artificial events such as 9/11 to manipulate populations

    -- Control thinking by controlling Educational, History, Media

    - Maintain a conscript army through economic repression and inquisition.

    --Repress technology and understanding, hide Tesla's - promote the Einstein's!

    --Manage the health of the populous.

    Jews and the Jesuits

    The Jews have long been a of whipping dog of the Jesuit controlled Vatican. As the killers of Jesus time and again they have been made to suffer and more so as a competitor to Christianity!

    Among their ranks of any group are always individuals recognizing their true worth as the lap dogs of their Jesuit masters. The use of secret societies facility the identification of suitable individuals. These individuals for example selected Jews often serve the Brotherhood of Jesus quite well.

    Of course, they are entirely disposable. Karl Marx was one such lap dog that served the orders purposes. Communism is a form of our own Catholic totalitarian rule. The communist lands have well facilitated the good slaughter of the heretic Christian infidels (the Non-Catholics). In other words the communist / totalitarian worlds facilitate the continuation of the great Catholic Inquisition so necessary to the cultivation of one world Catholicism.

    Wars and the Jesuits

    Countless are the wars arranged for the resurrection of the Jesuit Holy Roman Empire. For Isis for Horus and for seb the trinity. For the greater glory of the Jesuit Vatican and the Jesuit General the Black Pope the true ruler of the world.

    WWI - Split heretic protestant Ireland from the rest of Britain. Lead to the further concentration of ownership of the United States and Britain. Begin the inquisitions of Europe anew.

    WWII - Finalize the acquisition of Japan. Extermination of the unconvertible heretic gypsy and Jew populations of Europe. Consolidate the takeover of the United states with post war taxation the the formation of the CIA. Establish Mao for the inquisitions of China and consolidation of power through the triads and the secret services. The Chinese are now owned by the Jesuit order. Religious faith is dead to be reborn as the Jesuit Catholicism in the future. Strengthen the grip of Stalin the Jesuit puppet and the subjugation and control of the Soviet Territories. The Russian people are now owned by the Jesuit Brotherhood.

    Korea - Begin the Jesuit Orders more formal use of the United States as an instrument of inquisitions.

    Vietnam - Eliminated Indigent and heretical Buddhist populations via the United States. The the purge of the Cambodian indigenous heretics followed with the US population conditioned to want nothing more to do with South East Asia..

    Bosnia - Kill protestant and Muslim populations, increase U.N. Presence and

    authority in the world community.

    Gulf War - Begin the formal cultivation of the "Terrorist" and anti-American image.

    IRAQ - Kill the heretic populations. Cultivate anti-American attitudes around the world and cultivate an army of Muslims for an invasion of the U.S. and thereby slaughtering a population that might otherwise resist

    Spanish Civil war - 1936 lead by Cardinal Pedro Segura led the Islamic army in slaughtering unfaithful Roman Catholic men, women and children without mercy.

    Mexican Civil war - 1914 - 1945 - Killed 1 million Mexican heretics

    2nd French Revolution - 1848

    Russian Revolution - 1917 - 1922 - Followed by inquisition / purges of the heretics

    The Mexican "War of Reform" 1858 - 1861

    The American "Civil War" 1861 - 1865

    The German-Austrian War 1866

    The End of the Japanese Shogunate 1868

    The Franco-Prussian War 1870 - 1871

    The Dreyfus Affair 1895 - 1906

    Terrorism and the Jesuits

    Oh the power of the fabrications! Like the Cold War, Terrorism is designed to consolidate power while slaughtering heretics while training a new crop of butchers for the next round of the Jesuit inquisitions. The known abuses in Iraq are only the tip of the iceberg. Many abuses of women and children are well underway. Soldiers are being psychologically brutalized by being told to randomly kill women and children civilians.

    The goal of course is to further and further infuriate the Moslem youth and further and further promote a negative image of the United States around the world. Al-Qaida is nothing more than a CIA run operation of the noble Jesuit Brotherhood. Osama Bin Ladin merely a lap dog of the great Jesuit Order doing as instructed.

    The involvement of the "Terrorist" in events like 9/11 is only for show, a cover story to motivate the sheep in the United States and Britain. Of course, the individuals who apply to join the ranks of groups like Al-Qaida believe they work for a noble cause with a real enemy. But the only real enemy of the world is the heretic unfaithful to the holy work of the Jesuit Controlled Black Pope and his Vatican. The Moslem is as much a heretic and will just as much come to be owned and destroyed under the Jesuit ideals.

    Secret Service and the Jesuits

    The brotherhood of Jesus, the Jesuit Society is from inception and by design a covert army of spies and assassins. The Jesuits marvelous success has come in no small part from it's own organization. The Jesuits have applied this "Need to Know" and "Above Top Secret" hierarchical design to the establishment of security services around the world. The good Jesuit Brothers have gaining inside access either through the fabricated "Religious" pretext or through controlling influences within secret societies. The Jesuit victory has come in part from it's high level ownership of the CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, Mosad, KGB/FSB and many other national security organizations. All these organizations are patterned for their success after the Jesuit order itself!

    One of the most notable examples was the Jesuit Nazi SS from whose ranks came many of the early CIA members with good skills in torture and mind manipulation. With the solidification of "Need to Know" privacy in the CIA and with the gradual removal of over site authority and accountability the CIA today stands untouchable and in near full control of the United States. Events such as the JFK assassination and 9/11 demonstrate the agencies facility at perpetrating and managing the backlashes as they occur. In conjunction with the control held over the FBI and the NSA and the Information media future events will continue to occur as planned. The work of FEMA in prepare underground shelters for the privileged and concentration camps for the heretics is equally commendable.

    The Secret Services have also managed properties to serve the brotherhood. Such properties include the drug trade and it's equally profitable drug war. Sex slavery is now a more profitable enterprise than drugs and with it the profits from selective law enforcement. All such activities serve to assist the brotherhood in managing the training and dependency of law enforcement services and training from the national level. This facilitates putting distance between the Law Enforcement personnel and the "Citizen".

    Just as the Jesuits are not subject to the authority of the Vatican neither are the Secret Services subject to the authority of the country in this they are positioned. With the CIA for example the "Above Top Secret" , "Need to Know" and "Plausible Deniability" rationales put the CIA above and independent of the President and the Congress.

    Puppets and the Jesuits

    The Brotherhood has gained systematic control of the United States over the last 150 years. Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Nixon, Carter, Clinton and the Bushes have all been the orders useful lap dogs. With the wealth of the Federal Reserve, Stalin was successfully raised to power. The "Communist" purch of the Russian Orthodox was very successful. Hitler was another such pawn who served the order well. Pol Pot, Mao, many others.

    The collective death toll of heretics via "Communism or other Jesuit facilitators:

    USSR: 20 million deaths

    China: 65 million deaths

    Vietnam: 1 million deaths

    North Korea: 2 million deaths

    Cambodia: 2 million deaths

    Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths

    Afghanistan: 1.5 million deathsAftrica: 1.7 million deaths

    Latin America: .25 million deaths

    Mexico: 1 million deaths

    Cold War and the Jesuits

    The cold war served the order in many wonderful ways. At the end of the 2nd world war China and Russia where only slightly more advanced than they would have been in the 1800's! The Russia heretical orthodox had been enduring the brotherhoods inquisition under the lap dog Stalin. China was just beginning the cleansing and reforming inquisition of the Buddhist / Taoist heretics via lap dog Mao. Neither country was capable of opposing the United States. For the purges to go unopposed the people of the United States needed to believe that it could not interfere in the internal politics of these countries without a global nuclear war resulting. With this pretext and the brotherhoods control of the media (including the new media of television) this was not difficult to do. Providing the nuclear technology to the Soviets was a key initial tactic and at the appropriate time the Chinese where provided the technology as well. This made them viable threats to the public and the established heretical elements in the military but in reality both countries were well under Jesuit control via their Secret Services.

    The cold war provided additional revenue through the "military / industrial" complex owned by the Jesuit Brotherhood. It was a time of intense misdirection against the infidel protestants. The Korean war and Vietnam war allowed the the Americans to slaughter the heretic Buddhists and indigenous populations under the guise of "fighting communism". The American people where lead to believe they where helping oppose communism. when in reality they where simple slaughtering infidels for the Jesuit order and to it's great satisfaction!

    With the establishment of the CIA by the lap dog Truman gradual deepening of control over American was being finalized. The CIA where initially staffed from Nazi SS mind and body inquisitors trained and cultivated during the 3rd Reich by the Jesuit order. Black is white and white is black is a motto of the high Jesuit Brotherhood. What the people are told is far from what is really happening.

    Promotion of equality, animal rights and the environment helped to facilitate an expanded influence of the top down government against the individual states and the heretic population during this period.

    Social protests against the Vietnam War helped to create the needed split between the population and the government. It was in this split that the Jesuit servant Nixon could initiate the end of the Gold Standard. Later with Carter the clear independent authority of the CIA could be justified.

    9/11 and the Jesuits

    9/11 is one of the Jesuit Brotherhoods latest achievements! The demolition of the towers was a carefully planned event used for multiple purposes:

    1. To solidly establish the fabricated "Terrorist" phase just as the fabricated "Cold War" had been established previously with Korea and Berlin.

    2. To further concentrate the central government in the United States via the "Patriot Act" and the Office of Homeland security.

    3. Via the Iraq aggressions, turn the world towards the Brotherhood controlled United Nations and strongly cultivate an anti-American / anti-British view.

    4. To further dilute the number of US troops in the continental United States by driving them off shore for events like Afghanistan and Iraq.

    5. To cultivate and train the heretic Muslim youth as a future military force to be used against the United States.

    6. To justify the FEMA construction of concentration camps within the United States for the coming inquisition of the heretic nation.

    7. To see the United States as a bully yet vulnerable.

    Central Government and the Jesuits

    Key in early plans for the New World Order of the Jesuit Vatican army was the conquest of the heretic Protestant America. Essential for this to occur was the great US Civil War. In the post civil war confusion and desperation lay the opportunity for establishing the US Central Government. This was accomplished by the forced introduction of the 14th Amendment. This amendment to the US Constitution reversed the entitlement of the citizen. No longer was an individual a citizen of their state which was in reality an independent country and then a member of the United States. After the 14th amendment the individual was a member of the United States and living in a state within it. With this change of membership came the means of centralized control. Under the early republic model the "United States" as an organization owned nothing and had no entitlements. It was granted by the states necessary funds, manpower and other resources only upon approval by the states. The Central Government which came into existence resulted in a powerful facility for central control and extortion necessary to the great goals of the Jesuit order. With the change of authority came a strong and independent Federal military, a higher authority over state activities via the Supreme Court and the establishment of central government "services" used to maximize control and obligation of the states.

    The Central Government once established pursued it's role of subjugating the state authority and the population at large. The Bureau of Land Management and the National Forest Service and Park Service began taking land of the States as a ploy to limit the dispersion of the population.

    The Central Government was also used to support the patent system. Patents rarely serve the interest o f the inventor.

    Controlling Population, Education, Media and the Jesuit Order

    Success of the Jesuit Masters required great influence in all aspects of the heretics life. The heretic must be managed physically, emotionally and psychologically. Fortunately most human beings are little more than sheep. They need the strong hand of the good Shepard to protect and guide the flock towards the light. The wolves (heretics) are ever at the door and the sheep can in weakness be mislead. The heretics can in some cases be brought to their senses by force and by redirection. It is with these Interests that the great Jesuit Order has labored for so long.

    Yet another great achievement are the ways being taken to accomplish this. Control of the individual requires control of the sources of information and the ways in which information is presented to them. Control of education is one such method used by the Jesuit Order. With a high degree of influence in the educational system and the material published for it you gain control of what is taught and what is forbidden. By setting standards for what is "knowledge" you further that control. This has facilitated directing the academics attention away from the Jesuit perpetration and on irrelevance and fantasy created by the Jesuit Order.

    With control of the News Media you further this task. Fabricated Academics when combined with the news media have served the brotherhood remarkably well! No greater example exists than that of the Einstein fabrication. Einstein came about as an effort to take the publics attention from Nikola Tesla and the legitimate practice of science and engineering. Using Einstein fabricated physics a complete misdirection of scientific training could be achieved. The real science in the advanced forms has been available only to a limited few. Einstein is was one of the orders finest lap dogs and a good example of the use of Masonic Jewish Zionist in service of the great Jesuit cause.

    A recent example may also help to make this strategy clear. A school teacher asked her students to find the bad and the good that came out of Nazi Germany. The media where instructed to criticize the teacher under the pretext of her wishing to make light of the slaughter of the Jews. (inquisition :-> ) By attacking her In this way teachers in general are put into fear lest they loose their positions or standing teaching what is not on the official agenda. Fear of acting independently enforce in teachers the need to stick to the books and not to teach or encourage the students to think independently. What is printed in the text books the Jesuit order naturally controls.

    The film industry is almost entirely controlled by the Illustrious Jesuit Brotherhood. By the standard ploy and for the heretics consumption the media is presented as being in Jewish control. A number of Jewish Lap Dogs serve this purpose.

    Slowly the film industry is presenting the good Catholic and the bad heretic. For example the recent film "The Body" portrays a kind and gentle Jesuit priest is attacked by the Jews. Such portraits of the good priest and the good Catholic (Bells of St. Mary's) are subtle but effective. The protestant and general heretics are increasingly represented in film as they truly are, the degraded and un-chosen, the trailer trash, the criminal element, the undesirable. Of course any hint of exposure would result in a temporary change of presentation to pacify the heretic mind until the New World Order is fully established.

    In film, conspiracies are made light of as being simply constructed, easily detected and easily overcome. This continually enforces the idea of conspiracy posing no real threat or being simply a ridiculous idea to being with. Validating and invalidating is an effective tactic. "If such things as conspiracies exist don't worry they are harmless and short lived" this is the idea being conveyed.

    Film has also hinted at the divine plan of the Jesuits. Darth Vader of Star Wars is the Black Pope. Fahrenheit 451, Logan's Run, 1984, Start Trek the Borg, Sleeper, etc..

    Righteous Jesuit Assassinations

    Many are those who have dared to stand against the great Jesuit General and the Great Jesuit cause. But, where are they now? What have they achieved except their own ruination and that of their own lands? How can the unworthy heretic think they can oppose the great Jesuit Order and Organization? The Jesuit brotherhood will destroy the heretics and the indigenous peoples and their wrong beliefs taking from them everything and leaving them stunned, shocked and dismayed. Most heretics will not live past the coming inquisitions nor do they deserve to.

    All successful revolutionary activity is started from the top by leadership. Therefore potential leaders must be assassinated as soon as there is the slightest indication of their potential to undermine the Jesuit strategy.

    Righteous Jesuit Assassinations

    Pope Clement XIV - Suppressed the Jesuit order in 1773 and was assassinated.

    JFK - Dared to resist the authority of the Jesuit General and was assassinated.

    Abraham Lincoln - Resisted the Jesuits after the Civil War and was assassinated.

    Benito Pablo Juarez - Purged Mexico of the Jesuit influence and was assassinated.

    Malcolm X - Assassinated for efforts to root out the Masonic influence over the Black Muslims.

    Louis T. McFadden - Assassinated for promoting the end of the Federal Reserve.

    Che Guevara - Assassinated for resisting the Jesuit subjugation of South America.

    General Lafayette, 1799 Aide to Washington Romanism: A Menace to the Nation

    "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country - the United States of America - are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe."

    George Washington - Freed the United States from Jesuit control King George III of England. Ended paper money by establishing gold and silver coin which lead the United States out of debt.

    Henry Ford - "It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

    President John Adams - "Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers, and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on Earth and in Hell it is this Society of Loyola's."

    Some Jesuit Heroes

    The order's illustrious found Ignatius Loyola is documented in the history of the faith. Without this heroes great vision, brilliance and divine calling nothing would have been achieved. The Catholic church would be merely one of the voices representing Jesus rather than the only source of religion speaking to all the peoples of the world for all eternity. This was proven to the Vatican itself after Pope Clement XIV disbanded to Order. The Vatican itself saw the great decline in the interest of the people and of course the lack of revenues that resulted.

    Cardinal Spellman - Facilitated the JFK assasination for the Jesuit Brotherhood.

    Joseph P. Kennedy - Facilitated the United States great depression for the Jesuits.

    Prescott Bush - Facilitated the funding of Hitler for the Jesuit cause.

    Captain Edward J. Smith - Captain of the Titanic and Jesuit Priest.

    J. Edgar Hoover - Director of the United States FBI

    Colonell House - Jesuit Priest and puppeteer of Woodrow Wilson.

    Fidel Castro - Jesuit trained inquisitionist in control of Cuba

    General Porfirio Diaz - Reversed the heretical treason of Benito Juarez and restored the great Jesuit repression of Mexico 1876-1911. In 1914 the 2nd cleansing of Mexico was arranged by the Jesuit General while the world was focused on WWI. The cleansing lasted 30 years and killed more than a million Mexican heretics.

    Emperor Meiji - Ruled Japan for the Jesuit Order seeing to it's ingraining in the society. The Jesuits had already destroyed the Samurai

    James Buchanan - A staunch opponent of the brotherhood until he was poisoned by the Jesuit brothers. 38 of his colleagues died but Buchanan lived long enough to ignite the American Civil war.

    President Bill Clinton - Graduate of Jesuit Georgetown University. Among other achievement Clinton took the nuclear launch keys away from naval commanders. This renders the United States incapable of a sea based retaliatory strike.

    Black Pope and the Jesuit Order

    Under General Kolvenbach impressive leadership the twin towers of the world trade center where successfully destroyed in the 9/11 fabrication! The "Terrorist" fabrication has successful momentum. The day of the slaughter of the heretical United States, Canada and Australia is gracefully approaching. The growth of the heretical Moslem armies will facilitate the slaughter of the East Indian Infidels. The Hindu and Moslem populations will be purged from the earth. The orders control of the despotic Muslim leadership around the world (via the Jesuit controlled Islamic Masonic Order) guarantees an invading army to support the destruction of the North Americans.

    The nuclear Weapons are planted in the appropriate places to facilitate the destruction of the "Free Speech", "Free Press", and "Freedom of Belief" heretical countries.

    If this has stimulated you interest for further research into the history of the Jesuit Order and other things relating to the Society of Jesus' strategies and plans for the New World Order, go to www.jesuitlove.org

    Greg Szymanski

  4. #94


    It would appear that Freemasonry and the Jesuit Society are both fundamentally Jewish institutions in terms of their origin and nature. In my last post on this thread, I provided you with sufficient evidence that this is the case with the Jesuits; now I shall do the same with Freemasonry:

    In 1855, the renowned Rabbi Isaac Wise wrote: "Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end."
    The Jewish Tribune newspaper, in 1927, in an editorial, stated: "Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?"
    In Richardson’s Monitor of Freemasonry (p. 64), this symbol is used to illustrate the Royal Arch Degree. Masonic literature is replete with examples of the Jewish Star of David and other Cabalistic tokens, symbols, emblems, and signs.
    Ray Novosel, writing from Australia in 2004, states: "Zionist world leaders, men in influential positions with the various Masonic organizations everywhere, have worked ‘hand in glove’ for a universal world revolution, which will bring in the One World Church and a One World Government. Many Masonic Lodges are exclusively Jewish, as are the controlling B’nai B’rith Lodges—the mother of the infamous and very dangerous Anti-Defamation League (ADL)."
    Albert Pike maintained that, "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion." Pike also asserted that the true meanings of the mysterious and arcane symbols of Freemasonry are found in the occult philosophy of the Jewish Cabala, that Freemasonry owes all its secrets to the Cabala, and that Freemasonry is a religion based on the Cabala.

    Albert Pike confirmed all of this himself. Pike responded in 1861 to a Mason who tried to claim the Scottish Rite was somehow Christian. Pike said that if the Scottish Rite "had a Christian basis, how did it chance that most of those who had possession of it in this country from 1763 to 1800 were Hebrews?" Source: http://www.etext.org/Politics/LaRouche/pikefall.txt

  5. #95


    (NOTE: For those who don't know, 'Jesuit-trained' means that you attended a Jesuit school and the 'Knights of Malta' are a Vatican military order known as the 'militia of the Pope')

    1) The Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt, whose father was a Jesuit professor, and who was trained at Jesuit schools since he was 7. He graduated from a Jesuit university (Ingolstadt University) and went on to become a Jesuit professor of Roman Catholic Cannon Law at that Jesuit university. He was reconciled with the Roman Catholic Church on his deathbed.

    2) The Bilderberg Group was founded by Joseph Retinger, a well-trained Jesuit priest. This was revealed by MI6 whistleblower John Coleman, in his book "Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300". The co-founder, Prince Bernhard, was a Knight of Malta.

    3) The CIA was founded by William Donovan, a Knight of Malta who had been awarded the highest award in the Roman Catholic Church. The first director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, was a Knight of Malta whose nephew, Avery Dulles, was a prominent Jesuit priest. CIA directors William Colby, William Casey, John McCone, Allen Dulles, George Tenet, and Leon Panetta have all been either Knights of Malta or Jesuit-trained.

    4) The FBI was founded by Charles J. Bonaparte, a Knight of Malta who served on the board of trustees for the Catholic University of America. FBI directors Louis Freeh and Thomas Pickard are devoutly Roman Catholic and Louis Freeh is an alleged member of Opus Dei.

    5) Both the King of Spain (Jesuit-trained Juan Carlos I) and the Queen of England are Knights (Or Dames -- in the Queen's case) of Malta. Juan Carlos I, who was educated at a Jesuit school, has shaken hands with the Black Pope (Peter Hans Kolvenbach) himself.

    6) The Nazi regime was controlled by the Jesuits. Hitler came from a Roman Catholic family and praised the Jesuits in Mein Kampf. Hitler was brought to power by Franz von Papen, a Knight of Malta. Himmler (Head of Hitler's SS) was a Knight of Malta. Goebbels (Head of Hitler's Propaganda Ministry) was trained at a Jesuit college. Gehlen (Hitler's Intelligence Chief) was a Knight of Malta. Hitler's allies were almost exclusively Roman Catholic. They included Franco, who had many Opus Dei members in his government and who kissed the Pope's hand, and Mussolini, a Knight of Malta who was advised by a Jesuit priest. Another of his allies, Tiso, was a Roman Catholic Priest. Hitler's financiers (Abs and Thyssen) were Knights of Malta.

    7) Fidel Castro, the Communist Dictator of Cuba, is an undercover Jesuit. He attended three Jesuit schools and went on to graduate from a Jesuit 'preparatory' university (Where his brother, Raul, also attended). From here, he went to law school. After graduating from law school, he joined the Christian Democrat Party, which was actually a Roman Catholic party that was founded under Pope Pius in the 1920s. Cuba is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic now, and Roman Catholics are allowed to join the 'atheist' Communist party. Alberto Rivera, the former Jesuit priest who came public (now dead), said that Castro is a 4th degree, professed Jesuit.

    8) Communism was created by the Jesuits. Karl Marx was trained by Jesuits for nearly 30 years at the British Museum. Vladmir Lenin was trained by Jesuits in Geneva, Switzerland. Joseph Stalin was educated by Jesuit monks at Tiflis Seminary in Georgia. Mao Se Tung was Jesuit-trained and put into power by a Jesuit priest (Tielhard de Chardin).

    9) The man at the center of the plot to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt was John J. Raskob, a Knight of Malta. Prescott Bush (Jesuit-trained at Stonyhurst College) was also involved. The Rothschilds, who are listed

    10) The fascist movements in Italy were Vatican operations. The Grandmaster of the P2 Masonic Lodge that took over Italy and backed Mussolini was Licio Gelli, a Knight of Malta. X-Mas, the Italian fascist terror group, was led by Prince Borghese, a Knight of Malta.

    11) The Jesuits control the US Military. The head of the Defense Department, Robert Gates, was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University, as was his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld. Peter Pace, the former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University. The current Chair and Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs are both Roman Catholic. David Petraeus and George W. Casey, Jr., the generals who commanded US forces in Iraq, were both Jesuit-trained.

    12) At the center of the Iran-Contra scandal were Ronald Reagan, George H.W Bush, William J. Casey, Robert Gates, Oliver North, and Alexander Haig. All of them, with the exception of Robert Gates (who himself was Jesuit-trained) were Knights of Malta. Casey and Haig were Jesuit-trained, as well, and Haig's brother, Francis, was a Jesuit priest.

    13) The Rothschild Family are listed in the Jewish Encyclopedia as "Guardians of the Papal Treasure", meaning that they are Vatican financial agents.

    14) Jim Jones of the Jonestown "Infame" was a Jesuit. There are photographs showing him wearing the Jesuit clerical collar and many credible sources have named him as a Jesuit. Reformation.org, for example, describes him as a 'well trained Jesuit'.

    15) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a Jesuit operation. The first director was Tom Ridge, a devoutly Roman Catholic Knight of Columbus. The real power behind the DHS was John C. Gannon, the head of it's intelligence unit. Gannon was Jesuit-trained at the College of the Holy Cross and is a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. The deputy director of the DHS from 2005-2007 was Michael P. Jackson, who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University. Bush's first pick for the second DHS director was a Roman Catholic man. In the end, he chose Michael Chertoff, who is married to a Jesuit professor (Meryl Chertoff). Under Chertoff, the head of the DHS' immigration was Emilio T. Gonzalez, a Knight of Malta. The new DHS director (Under Obama) is Janet Napolitano, who was Jesuit-trained at Santa Clara University.

    16) The PATRIOT Act was written by Viet Dinh, a Roman Catholic professor at Georgetown University, the Jesuit University of Washington DC.

    17) The current head of the CIA was Jesuit-trained at Santa Clara University. The current head of the DOD was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University. The current head of the DHS was Jesuit-trained at Santa Clara University. The current head of the ATF was Jesuit-trained at Boston College High School.

    18) Blackwater (Changing it's name to 'Xe') was founded by Erik Prince, a devout Roman Catholic. One of it's executives (until recently), Joseph E. Schmitz, is a Knight of Malta. Author Jeremy Scahill linked the Knights of Malta directly to Blackwater.

    19) Paul Volcker, William McDonough, E. Gerald Corrigan, and other top Federal Reserve officials have been Jesuit-trained. The Federal Reserve is controlled by the Rothschilds (Vatican banking agents) and was founded in 1913 after the three men who opposed it were 'erased' when the Titanic sunk.

    20) The Jesuits sunk the Titanic. A Jesuit priest, Francis Browne, was aboard the ship. He took photographs of everyone aboard. The stop before it's sinking, he received a message from his Jesuit superior that stated "GET OFF THAT SHIP -- PROVINCIAL". When it sunk, the three men who were the biggest forces against the Federal Reserve and WWI died with it.


    I'm not saying Zionists aren't involved -- they are. I'm saying that I feel that the Jesuits are the head of the snake.

  6. #96



    "23 Aug 2006 ... After causing the Civil War, and Lincoln needing money, he refused the 24-35% interest demands of the Rothschilds, and orders the US to ..."

    2. THE CIVIL WAR and the Role of the Illuminati

    "The Civil War was planned in London by Rothschild who wanted two American democracies, each burdened with debt. Four years before the war (1857) Rothschild ..."

    3. Timeline of the Rothschild family

    "However something that did not go well for the Rothschilds this year was the .... less than two months before the end of the American Civil War. ..... 1917: As a result of Germany's offer of peace the Rothschild war machine .... the Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund both sides. ..."

    4. The Rothschild Dynasty

    "Jackson claimed that if only the American people understood how these .... that what Rothschild actually did with the $3000000 was "more businesslike," from ..... The 'official' date for the start of the Civil War is given as April 12, ..."

    5. Rothschild History

    "did maurice and noemie rothschild have any childern ..... to try to obtain loans to support the ongoing American civil war. ... President Lincoln asks the Tsar for help in the Civil War and the Tsar sent .... This is all in preparation for the Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund ..."

    6. The Truth Seeker - The History of the House of Rothschild Part I

    "Before her death she would state, “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none. ... to try to obtain loans to support the ongoing American civil war. ... President Lincoln asks the Tsar for help in the Civil War and the Tsar sent ... Rothschild visits Palestine and subsequently supplies the funds to found the ..."

    7. The Palestinian Rothschilds - Haaretz - Israel News

    "Today "al-Qattan" resonates among Palestinians as "Rothschild" did in the Jewish settlements ... When civil war broke out in Lebanon in 1975, al-Qattan's parents fled to Kuwait. .... American - Get it... there is no "Palestinian" identity ... 01:50 Olmert suspected of accepting illicit funds from U.S. businessman ..."

    8. mhp: The House of Rothschild

    "His American agent was the Boston firm of Beebe, Morgan and Company, headed by Junius ... Not only did President Jackson promptly withdraw government funds .... "When the Civil War came on, George Peabody and Company were appointed the ..."

    9. 911:Rothschild history - Wikicompany

    "Before her death she would state, “If my sons did not want wars, ... Rothschilds to try to obtain loans to support the ongoing American civil war. ... President Lincoln asks the Tsar for help in the Civil War and the Tsar .... the Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund both sides. ..."


    10. Sherman Skolnick's Report

    "In Chicago, a bank formed at the time of the American Civil War was called First ... For a hundred and fifty years the Rothschilds have controlled the Chicago ... siphoned off a secret federal agency 50 million dollar fund used to keep Bill .... [So you did not know the Rockefellers founded and run this University? ..."

    11. whisleblower - Censored Knowledge

    "Baron Alphonse did so, sending the message to Nathaniel de Rothschild at New Court who .... His daughter, in turn, used some of that Rothschild money to fund the expedition .... When the elite’s concocted American Civil War broke out, ..."

    12. Eustace Mullins On Rothschild Warmongering

    "Not only did President Jackson promptly withdraw government funds .... After operating as the American representative of the London firm from 1864-1871 as ... "When the Civil War came on, George Peabody and Company were appointed the ..."

    13. Sherman Skolnick's Report

    "To those who know a lot about the bloody conflict, called the Civil War in the North and the ... Secretly involved in the Rothschild speculations to profit from high prices, .... In August, 1995, we did a taped TV Show, partly on- location, ... send $5.00 [U.S. funds] plus a stamped, self-addressed BUSINESS SIZED ..."

    14. savethemales.ca - Rothschilds Conduct "Red Symphony"

    "He successfully kept the area for the Bolsheviks during the Civil War. ... Rakovsky says he was personally involved in the transfer of funds in Stockholm. (251-252) ... World War One was supposed to end the way the Second World War did . ..."

    15. Amazon.com: The House of Rothschild: Volume 2: The World's Banker ...

    "The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance by Ron Chernow ... for his vast diamond and gold mines in South Africa, Rothschild funds backed them. ... in Europe in which the House of Rothschild did not play some role. ..... How do you rate the civil war armies? 77, 1 hour ago ..."

    16. The History of The House of Rothschild

    "President Lincoln asks the Tsar for help in the Civil War and the Tsar sent .... Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund both sides. ..... Mayer Rothschild did to the British economy 180 years before, in 1812. .... 2004: Two years into an investigation of AIPAC's (The American Israel ..."

    17. Gentile Folly: the Rothschilds

    "Since the Crimean War and the American Civil War, the London Rothschilds were ...... the people who held over £400000000 foreign short-term funds on loan in .... Now what did the Rothschilds want? Their desires may be estimated fairly ..."

    18. Murder by Injection

    "28 Nov 1999 ... Rothschilds to back him . Rockefeller realized early in the game that ... Note that this editor did ... the American public to accept the "fact" that the Rockefellers ... Rockefeller also was a war profiteer during the Civil War ..... funds and political influence . The success of the I.G. Farben ..."

    19. Law Blog - WSJ.com : Law Blog Lawyer of the Day: Fox Rothschild's ...

    "Robert Goldman, a partner at Fox Rothschild in Bucks County, Penn., assisted the ... Asia International Investment Funds · Europe International Investment Funds ... American regiment, the 12th Corps D’Afrique, during the 1863 Civil War ..."

    20. Digg - Criminal Rothschilds

    "11 Oct 2008 ... New Hampshire Fires First Shot Of Civil Warthumb ... gus100, on 10/11/2008, -2/+ 36There was some info I did not know in this video. ... try to obtain loans to support the ongoing American civil war. as these large banks were heavily under ... He then went on to fund the Bolsheviks against the Tsar. ..."

  7. #97


    Baltasar Gracián

  8. #98

    Default Tupper Saussy Rulers Of Evil

    'Rulers of Evil' - Divide & Conquer:The Jesuit Way

    American history is intimately entangled with occult politics.

    The secret science of Masonic, Roman and Babylonian symbology figures
    prominently. The semiotics of cabalistic signs as well as Sumerian iconography also points to a subliminal influence which has been virtually ignored by mainstream historians.

    Tupper Saussy's "Rulers of Evil" is a well-honed and highly readable account of the hidden history of America.

    In great detail, the author circumscribes the influence of the Roman
    Catholic Church and its Jesuit cadres in promoting the governance of the Church Militant and the US Federal Government -- both of which he equates with the proscribed rulership by those bearing the Mark of Cain.

    Well-versed in the nuances of Jesuitic and specious reasoning, Tupper
    Saussy maintains that American history has been dominated by the subrosa machinations of the Jesuits.

    Furthermore, he contends that their behind the scenes manipulations have resulted in the government we deserve.

    For instance, Saussy points out that the result of the Dred Scott decision, which was supposed to abolish slavery, actually did the opposite.

    "First slavery was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment(1865),"Saussy writes. "Then the Fourteenth Amendment (1868) created a new national citizenship. Unlike State citizenship, which was denied to Negroes, national citizenship was available to anyone as long as they subjected themselves to the jurisdiction of the United States -- that is to the Federal Government, whose seat is the District of Columbia, 'Rome.'"

    "What is so remarkably jesuitic about the scheme that proceeded out of Roger Taney's opinion [Taney was US Supreme Court Chief Justice who wrote it] is that slavery was sustained by the very amendment that supposedly abolished it. Amendment Thirteen provides for the abolition of 'involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.'"

    Saussy contends that, "In our time the federally regulated communications media, with their continually exciting celebration of violence and drug-use, have subtly but vigorously induced youthful audiences to play on the minefield of complementary criminal statutes. The fruit of this collaboration is a burgeoning national prison population of men and women enslaved constitutionally. American slavery has become a permanent institution."

    In describing the origins of the Society of Jesus founded by Ignatius Loyola, Saussy delves into the organization's militaristic nature, its extreme oath of obedience (which he reproduces in the book from a Library of Congress document), and the cabalistic significance of their rituals and methodology.

    Jesuit casuistry, writes Saussy, is known as "the process of applying moral principles falsely in deciding the rights or wrongs of a case -- the word 'casuistry' comes from 'cases.' WWWebster [the online dictionary] equates casuistry with rationalization, 'to cause something to seem reasonable; to provide plausible but untrue reasons for conduct.'

    (In early 1999, President Clinton's biographer, David Maraniss, could be seen remarking on talkshows that the President owed his formidable skills as a criminal defendant to 'his training in casuistry at Georgetown University')."

    Georgetown, of course, is the preeminent Jesuit school,still administered by the Society of Jesus and the foremost educator of US "policymakers," "lawmakers," and federal bureaucrats.

    "The great Jesuit casuist Antonio Escobar pardoned evildoers as long as it was committed in pursuit of a lofty goal," continues Saussy. "Purity of intention, he declared in 1627, may justify actions which are contrary to moral code and to human laws."

    Thus, Jesuit "logic" remains the foundation for rationalizing morally
    repugnant and ethically questionable behavior in today's society.

    "Hermann Busenbaum ratified Escobar with his own famous maxim, "Cum finis est licitus, etiam media sunt licita." If the end is legal, the means are legal. Escobar and Busenbaum boil down to the essential doctrine of terrorism: The ends justify the means."

    State terrorism, of course, is not excluded from this dictum.

    During the American Revolution, the Superior General of Jesuitism(also called the Black Pope) was Lorenzo Ricci -- pronounced "Richey". Saussey credits him with translating the most celebrated treatise on war ever published, Joseph Marie Amiot's "SunTzu" usually called "The Art of War."

    The French edition of Sun Tzu's "Thirteen Articles Concerning Military Art" was published by Amiot in 1772. Since Amiot was a Jesuit priest under obedienceto General Ricci, Saussy maintains that Ricci is "the author of Amiot's Sun Tzu based on a remark by Malachi Martin that a book written by a Jesuit due to the obedience factor can be presumed 'in essence to be the work of his Superior General.'"

    Saussy also maintains that Lorenzo Ricci was responsible for setting the stage for the American Revolution by using the draconian Stamp Act to manipulate the colonists into fomenting the American Revolution as well as the establishment of the Republic.

    His speculation goes far afield, however, in ascribing a sinister
    motivation to the founding of America itself. For instance, his conjecture that Ricci came to the United States to instigate the signing of the Declaration of Independence has no basis in fact Tupper admits as much. It might have been the Wonderman of Europe for all we know -- who also was purported to have "died" a "philosophical" death in Europe, then come toAmerica to finish his "work."

    In addition, Saussy's exclusive emphasis on these negative aspects is an ipso facto denial of an intrinsically American optimism and idealism, which has survived despite any machinations of the Jesuits.

    In fact, the author's exclusive reliance on canonical scripture and his neglect of the origins of spiritual warfare are the primary stumbling blocks in his final analysis -- though his grasp of historical facts must be commended.

    For instance, he points out that the first American flag hoisted by
    George Washington himself on January 2, 1776 was the flag of the notorious East India Company, the prime opium trafficking agency of the British Crown.

    Consisting of thirteen alternating red and white stripes with the double cross or Union Jack in the upper left, this flag has an occult significance which has been rarely described. Saussy also does an impressive cabalistic interpretation of the US Great Seal.

    Saussy leaves readers with much to ponder. His conclusions may or may
    not be correct due to his literalist interpretation of scripture, but "Rulers of Evil" remains an important historical work for the understanding of current events.

    Without knowing the history of Roman religion and Babylonian
    priestcraft with its pantheon of gods and goddesses, as well as the
    subsequent Catholic religion with its idolatry of Jesus, it's impossible to gauge the significance of contemporary government, secular authority and the spiritual warfare of modern life.

    "Rulers of Evil" is a rare book about understanding American history in context. Its ability to decipher the meaning of occult power struggles and translate them into living guidelines is impressive.

    Finally the author's description of the world view of "Condemnation" vs. "Reconciliation" is an enlightened analysis of the significance of
    temporal power and spiritual wisdom.

    Tupper Saussy's insights are worth reading again and again.

  9. #99


    The Jesuit Order are a MILITARY organization, not a religious Order. Their chief is a General of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power, power in its most despotic exercise, absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuit ism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."
    Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)

  10. #100

  11. #101


    Nicholas van Hoogstraten

    Illuminati Businessman and a not a very nice character who obviously has bought, intimidated and murdered himself out of trouble. He is very likely from the Black Nobility bloodlines and is one of the main forces if not the main force behind Mugabe and the largest land owner In Zimbabwe. He is probably a admirer of that flammer Cecil Rhodes who started the round table

    He was born Nicholas Marcel Hoogstraten in Shoreham-by-Sea, the working-class son of a shipping agent. His mother was of French and English heritage, his father was of Dutch and German heritage. He says he was educated at a local Jesuit school, but is known to have attended Blessed Robert Southwell Catholic School in Goring-by-Sea, now known as Chatsmore Catholic High School. He left school in 1962 and joined the merchant navy for a year.






  12. #102


    Restoration of Jesuits and supremecy of Illuminati
    Upon the Jesuit victory over the Papacy and the restoration of the order by the Papal letter "Solicitudine Omnium Ecclesiarum" on August 14, 1814, a new order of power was established, with the Illuminati in an important position.

    The Jesuit Superior General was now the most powerful position in the world, followed by his substantial apparatus including other Jesuits, Jesuit sponsored banks, businesses, military manufacturers.
    The Roman Pontiff was next most senior, reporting to the officials of the Jesuit Superior General and then the Illuminati families. The old Monarch families that had previously supported the Roman Pontiff were reduced to less importance than the Holy See.
    Finally, the Holy See (Sedes Sacrorum) known as the SS, became a crucial legal instrument used by the Jesuits to establish a global legal framework protecting both the Roman Cult first and then the Jesuits as "technically" a subsidiary order from all possible legal prosecution.


  13. #103



    you need to do some research on the link given and see the connections.

    Since 1774 he was a Freemason in the Zinnendorf system and member of the Gotha Lodge Zum Rautenkranz; in 1775 was appointed Grand Master of the Landesloge of Germany (Zinnendorf system). In 1783 Ernest became a member of the Bavarian Illuminati under the name of Quintus Severus and/or Timoleon, and in 1784 he was created Supervisor of Abessinien (a name for Upper Saxony). In 1787, he granted Adam Weishaupt, the founder of this secret society, asylum in Gotha. As a freemason he was buried wrapped in a white cloth on the park island.

    * Saxe-Gotha passed to the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, which had to cede Saxe-Saalfeld to Saxe-Meiningen. The territories constituted the newly created Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
    * Saxe-Altenburg was given to the Duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen, who in turn passed his own domain to Saxe-Meiningen and again assumed the title of a Duke of Saxe-Altenburg.


    Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (German: Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg) was a duchy ruled by the Ernestine branch of the House of Wettin in today's Thuringia, Germany.

    Both Wettin and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha were changed to Windsor in 1917.


    Adolf Freiherr Knigge introduced Weishaupt to several nobles including Duke Ernest II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (1745–1804) who was sympathetic to the Jesuit cause and promised to sent the Illuminati plans of Weishaupt to Vicar General Stanislaus Czerniewicz in exile in Russia. However, it was his Jesuit successor Gabriel Lenkiewicz (1785-1798) who recognized the value of the work of Weishaupt and promptly had it promulgated as the new official model and structure of the Jesuits in 1785.

    Three of the most famous families and recipients of the favour of the Jesuits for their assistance are the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the Rothschilds and the Lafayettes.

    The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was rewarded with the crown of England and remain the primary leading family of the Illuminati and steadfastly loyal to the Jesuits.

    The Jesuit Order are a MILITARY organization, not a religious Order. Their chief is a General of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power, power in its most despotic exercise, absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuit ism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."
    Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)

    Weishaupt coined the motto of the Illuminati to be "the ends justifies the means". Each isolated cell of initiates reported to a superior, whom they did not know thus eliminating the chance of all Jesuits in a particular region being found and killed.

    The Illuminati secret cell model of Weishaupt is credited with saving many hundreds of Jesuits throughout Europe and was used to extreme effect in the planning of the French Revolution some years later. He is the first to conceive of the "perfect terrorist cell" model, since used by many political-military factions to this day.
    Under the safety and care of Duke Ernest II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, Weishaupt lived in Gotha and continued to write including A Complete History of the Persecutions of the Illuminati in Bavaria (1785), A Picture of Illuminism (1786), An Apology for the Illuminati (1786), and An Improved System of Illuminism (1787).

    The primary mission of the Illuminati under Weishaupt was to establish a New World Order through the use of science, technology and business, while abolishing all monarchical governments and the Vatican on account of their support of the destruction of the Jesuits.

  14. #104


    Cult Of Mithras
    In 1540AD the Society of Jesus (Societas Iesu) was confirmed by Pope Paul III under the founding superior-generalship of Ignatius Loyola, a former militarist, with the express Papal commission to foster theological and classical science universities under the Roman Catholic Church, to convert people to be obedient to the dictate of the Pope.

    It was a “Church Militant” reformation of the Roman Army’s Cult of Mithra-Seth that was also instituted as the Knights Templar from whom the Freemasons were subsequently formed owing to the Knights Templar stealing the Secrets of the Temple of Jerusalem in the same manner as the architect Hiram Abiff and his labourers had done at the time of their employ by King Solomon in the building of the Temple of Jerusalem.

    The name of the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius Loyola, is itself an immediate evidence.

    Loyal to the Satanic Gene

    Pope Paul III confirmed the order through the bull Regimini militantis ecclesiae on September 27, 1540, which translates as: to the Government of the Church Militant. Loyola’s title was Father General of the Church Militant.

    Like the Knights Templar and the Roman Army before them – they were a military order under the Pope’s direct rule. They were to “convert” non-Catholics, and convert they did.


    The University of Ingolstadt was founded in 1472, by Louis the Rich, Duke of Bavaria, and academically attended to by the Jesuits.


    (It goes without mentioning the significance of the present Pope Benedict XVI inaugurated on the 116th birthday anniversary of Adolph Hitler.)


  15. #105


    The cross of Saint Florian, used by firefighters is often confused with the Maltese cross; although it may have eight or more points, it also has large curved arcs between the points.

    The Maltese cross

    originally from the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem (the Knight Hospitalers) who used the Christian cross as a badge on their shields was adopted by the St. John Ambulance Brigade of today and also the Fire Service due to their object of service. It became known as the Maltese Cross because the Knights were given premission to settle in Malta and it is now the emblem of that country in the Mediterranean sea.

    The eight points of the Maltese cross symbolise the eight beatitudes of Christ's Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5.3-10): The poor in spirit, They who mourn, They who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, The meek, The peacemakers, They who hunger and thirst for righteousness, The pure in heart, The merciful.

    The Maltese Cross is also interpreted as a symbol of the eight chivalric virtues: Observation, Tact, Resource, Dexterity, Sympathy, Perseverance, Discrimination, Explicitness.

    Another theory considers the eight points of the Maltese Cross a symbol for the eight langues of the Order of Malta: Provence, Auvergne, France, Aragon, Italy, Germany, England, Castilia

    What is known as the Maltese Cross was originally the symbol of Amalfi, a small Italian republic of the 11th century.


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