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Thread: Faster Than The Speed of Light?

  1. #1

    Default Faster Than The Speed of Light?

    Speedy Particles Put Einstein to the Test

    An experiment purporting to show that subatomic particles can travel faster than light has scientists' heads spinning. If confirmed, it would undermine key pillars of modern physics.

    At a presentation in Switzerland, scientists said Friday they had recorded ghostlike particles, known as neutrinos, traveling a tiny bit faster than light—an apparent breach of the cosmic speed limit set down by Albert Einstein more than a century ago.

    The result could turn out to be an embarrassing miscalculation by scientists—or portend a leap into a science fiction territory where particles theoretically travel backward in time. While a confirmation of the finding wouldn't mean anything has changed about the universe, scientists' understanding of how it works would be thrown into disarray.

    "It would be the biggest physics discovery in a century because we'd have to completely revise everything from subatomic physics to what we know about how the universe evolved," said Neil Turok, director of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario, Canada.

    Like many physicists mulling the development, Dr. Turok was skeptical. He said neutrinos reaching the Earth from a supernova explosion have been observed to be traveling at the speed of light, which doesn't agree with the latest finding. Other scientists questioned the setup of the experiment and whether statistical errors might have affected the conclusion.

    There also were questions about whether the researchers properly accounted for small glitches that could have had an unwanted effect—such as the rotation of the Earth, or the location of the moon and its role in altering the shape of the Earth's crust when the experiment was being conducted.

    Even the scientists who conducted the neutrino experiment were wary about questioning one of Einstein's most powerful legacies. They spent six months verifying and reverifying the data, and called on physicists the world over to confirm—or refute—their finding through independent experiments.....[Read on]

    also reporting this news:

    Strange Particles May Travel Faster than Light, Breaking Laws of Physics http://news.yahoo.com/strange-partic...192010201.html

    Particles found to break speed of light http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/...78L4FH20110922

    Neutrinos clocked moving at faster-than-light speed http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44629271.../#.Tn3_Auy4p8c

    Strange Particles May Travel Faster Than Light http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/...er-than-light/

    Physicists cautious about reports of faster-than-light neutrinos http://www.therecord.com/news/local/...ight-neutrinos

    Scientists discover something faster than speed of light? http://www.chicagotribune.com/video/...7383.htmlstory

  2. #2


    Darkness is already faster than light...so?

    Me: Why does these Europeans try to complicate things?
    Me 2: Cause most European scientist aren't capable of metaphysical thought.
    Me: O yea, thankx Me 2
    Me 2: No problem.

    Last edited by joe@itagain; 09-24-2011 at 01:38 PM.

  3. #3
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    known about this for along time.. fuck mainstream science.

    Electric universe theory.. ( check my i am dillusional thread or other posts i have made about this) or check tesla's work.

  4. #4
    Terry Cloth Rudolph Joint Sky Blue Bally Kid's Avatar
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    When I'm writing in my room

    It's like a child that's fighting in the womb

    - KP -

  5. #5
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    happened in 2007..
    even tho.. tesla knew this a long time ago

    you dont need pics..

    just an understanding of the electric universe theory.. (which i have known held more weight than anything mainstream science adheres too)

    just waiting for humankinds understanding of what it calls 'evolution' to be brought up to date

  6. #6
    I Already Won Dirty Knowledge's Avatar
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    fuck a science

  7. #7
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    --Death of Philip Taylor Kramer

    Philip Taylor Kramer (July 12, 1952 – February 12, 1995) started his career in rock music as the bass player to the reformed psychedelic group, Iron Buttery. Although Iron Butterfly’s most popular hit, “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida”, was made before his joining, Philip Taylor Kramer recorded two albums with Iron Buttery in the mid seventies, Scorching Beauty and Sun and Steel. After lackluster sales, Kramer left the group in 1977 and concentrated on furthering his education.

    Kramer completed his aerospace engineering degree and his genuis was reflected in his straight “A’s” in school. His first career following school was with Northrup working on the MX missile guidance system as a Department of Defense contractor. He eventually moved into the computer industry, working on facial recognition and communications programs. Immediately prior to his disappearance in 1995, he reportedly developed a mathematical formula for transmissions at a “faster than light” speed. This formula was an ongoing effort by his family to discredit Albert Einstein’s theories.

    On 12 February 1995, Kramer drove to the Los Angeles airport to pick up a business colleague who never showed up. After waiting almost an hour for this colleague, Kramer drove away and commenced to make some unusual phone calls. He called his wife and long time friend (and Iron Butterfly drummer) Ron Bushy, stating “I’ll see you on the other side”. He then called the police where he stated, “I’m going to kill myself.” Philip Taylor Kramer never returned home that day and his disappearance lasted for over 4 years.

    On 29 May 1999, hikers discovered a wrecked 1993 Ford Aerostar at the bottom of a Malibu, CA ravine. Skeletal remains in the vehicle were later identified through dental records as that of Philip Taylor Kramer. Despite law enforcement ruling this as a probable suicide, family and friends of Philip Taylor Kramer discount this theory. Kramer’s spouse stated he husband “would never, for any reason or under any circumstances, allow himself to completely abandon the family he loves more than life itself.”

    If Philip Taylor Kramer did in fact commit suicide, he successfully withheld these thoughts from his friends and family. So the question remains. Did Philip Taylor Kramer kill himself or was he silenced for his monumental discovery that would have discredited the life work of many influential people?

  8. #8


    Not so fast...

    Once Again, Physicists Debunk Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos

    Neutrinos not faster than light

    The OPERA team made headlines after they suggested neutrinos traveled 0.002% faster than light, thus violating Einstein's theory of special relativity. The OPERA results were debunked months ago, however. So instead of the nail in the coffin of faster-than-light neutrinos, the new suite of results is more like the sod planted atop their grave.

    The OPERA team had timed neutrinos fired through Earth from the European particle physics laboratory, CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland, and found that they made the 730-kilometer trip to Gran Sasso 60 nanosecond faster than they would traveling at light speed. But in February, the OPERA team also discovered that a loose fiber optic cable had introduced a delay in their timing system that explained the effect. A month later, researchers working with the ICARUS particle detector, also housed in Gran Sasso, measured the speed of neutrinos fired from CERN and found that they travel at light speed, as predicted. By that point, most physicists deemed faster-than-light neutrinos really most sincerely dead. Some OPERA team members thought the whole episode had besmirched the collaboration's reputation, and in March, two of the team's elected leaders lost a vote of no confidence and tendered their resignations.

    I am not going to claim that Science Mag or Nature are the ultimate authority on this. But it seems there is a lot of contention as to whether neutrinos truly do travel faster than light.

  9. #9
    The ABBOTT
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    School me on this. If they do travel faster, what does that mean. Explain to me in a elementary sense.

  10. #10


    Do you want to hear a fun fact: Sometimes light doesn't travel at the speed of light. Spun out huh

  11. #11
    The ABBOTT
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    Is there such thing as speed of darkness?

  12. #12


    I don't know. In fact, I'm not 100% that dark matter and dark energy even exist. It's really just a theory. They haven't actually identified or proven the particles exist. It's just a theory they came up with to make formulas and calculations work.

    If you research, you'll find lots of physicists arguing both sides. Some say dark matter and dark energy are bullshit. Other physicists argue it's the best theory until someone comes up with a competing theory.

    Even the official NASA website admits: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstu...rk-matter.html
    In many ways, scientists know more about what dark matter is not, though they do have a few ideas about what it could be.

    Dark matter may not be made up of the matter we are familiar with at all. The matter that makes up dark matter could different. It may be filled with particles predicted by theory but that scientists have yet to observe.
    Critics say that astronomers and physicists just fabricated theories about Dark Matter and Dark Energy to fill the void for something they don't understand, and waste millions of dollars doing research to try to find particles that don't even exist.

    Here is an alternative theory: Dark matter may be an illusion caused by the quantum vacuum https://phys.org/news/2011-08-dark-i...um-vacuum.html

    One of the biggest unsolved problems in astrophysics is that galaxies and galaxy clusters rotate faster than expected, given the amount of existing baryonic (normal) matter. The fast orbits require a larger central mass than the nearby stars, dust, and other baryonic objects can provide, leading scientists to propose that every galaxy resides in a halo of (as yet undetectable) dark matter made of non-baryonic particles. As one of many scientists who have become somewhat skeptical of dark matter, CERN physicist Dragan Slavkov Hajdukovic has proposed that the illusion of dark matter may be caused by the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum.

    “The key message of my paper is that dark matter may not exist and that phenomena attributed to dark matter may be explained by the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum,” Hajdukovic told PhysOrg.com. “The future experiments and observations will reveal if my results are only (surprising) numerical coincidences or an embryo of a new scientific revolution.”
    To try to break this down in laymen's terms, astrophysicists observing far away galaxies say they spin faster than the amount of mass can justify. So there must be some kind of invisible mass or "dark matter" effecting the rest of the mass in the galaxies. It's their best theory to explain what they otherwise cannot explain.

    Dragan Hajdukovic is suggesting it is gravitational polarization of a quantum vacuum. What the fuck is that?

    Well, it has to do with the theory of gravity. Traditionally, we know that large masses draw toward each other. For example, the large mass of the sun causes the planets in our solar system to orbit around it. Gravity.

    What Dragan is saying is that there is matter and antimatter and that they can have negative gravitational force, meaning there's instead of masses pulling toward each other, they repel. Like magnets with polar sides.

    His ideas (like those in the previous paper) rest on the key hypothesis that matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive, which is due to the fact that particles and antiparticles have gravitational charge of opposite sign. (Though like matter, antimatter is gravitationally attractive with itself.) Currently, it is not known whether matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive, although a few experiments (most notably, the AEGIS experiment at CERN) are testing related concepts.
    “Concerning gravity, mainstream physics assumes that there is only one gravitational charge (identified with the inertial mass) while I have assumed that, as in the case of electromagnetic interactions, there are two gravitational charges: positive gravitational charge for matter and negative gravitational charge for antimatter,” Hajdukovic explained.

  13. #13
    The ABBOTT
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    Cool, thanks for the info. I do actually think some people want an answer for everything. So they theorize any possibility. Some things may never be understood, we have to learn to live it.


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