anyone played this yet?

Starhawk [PS3] [2012]

Developer(s) LightBox Interactive SCE Santa Monica Studio
Publisher(s) Sony Computer Entertainment
Composer(s) Christopher Lennertz
Platform(s) PlayStation 3
Release date May 8, 2012
Rated T for Teen


Starhawk takes place in a future where humans have begun colonizing other planets - the game is set in a distant colony called the Frontier, which was home to a massive battle after an event known as the Rush. The Rush took place when all of the rift energy miners, commonly referred to as Rifters, were mining for valuable rift energy. The rift energy was incredibly powerful, however, and transformed the miners into mutants known as Outcasts. The Outcasts are extremely protective of the rift energy, and kill any who attempt to harvest it.
The hero of the game is Emmett Graves, a man who was running a rift mine on the Frontier alongside his brother. But as is unfortunate and common on the Frontier, the farm was attacked by an Outcast war party. The rig exploded and both Emmett and his brother became infected with rift energy, which partially corrupted their bodies and to some degree turned them into the mutants known as the Outcasts. The brothers' technical engineer, Sydney Cutter, who was on a drop ship up witnessing these events, made a racial slur against the Outcast warband, calling them "mangy creatures". In the developer diary he was also heard to say, "It is a shame I tell ya," in reference to the events.
Emmett asked Sydney if he could modify any of the equipment he had lying around to save him. Sydney was able to modify some of his equipment and he created a regulator to suppress Outcast tendencies and embedded it into Emmett's spine. Emmett was impressed by Sydney's technical and surgical ability but was also left in a lot of pain and cursed with the mark of the outcast warrior, just like the ones that had attacked his family run business on the distant planet in the frontier during the Rush. Emmett didn't really see the irony in this and decided to abandon trying to fix his rift farm and instead decided to become a hired gun, like a gun slinger. "Anyone that comes out here either has a plan, or a problem. I came back with both," he was heard to say in the developer diary.
The brothers go to White Sands, a distant colony on the moon of Dust, which was quite distant from their distant planet on the Frontier