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Thread: How are u a devine being?

  1. #31

    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    Quote Originally Posted by LHX

    drop some feedback

    at least let me know if it is coherent

    thats one of the things that i get most confused about

    i dont know if people disagree with me when they dont respond
    whether i am just talking nonsense

    I'll give it a shot. I disagree with you to some extent . But, I am not sure what you believe. I can only rely upon the foundations of the holy books (if you believe in one).

    If the devil is God's partner (or employee) or servant who serves the necessary function of testing Man's ethical beliefs or in turn, testing them to see if they are worthy of Heaven, then why all of the incriminating verses in the scriptures about how evil the Devil is? One can argue that God made it that way so that simple human beings can easily delineate between right and wrong. But wouldn't that be intentionally misinforming? If so, would that not be a little mischevious for a hypothetical high and all mighty god?

    There is a school of thought that says, God is in control and he is using the Devil as a neccesary function of a Human's life (yin-yang or kharma). But I still wouldn't understand the whole hell fire, evil angel language in the bible.

    Your thoughts?
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  2. #32
    the wucorp lurker Alcryt's Avatar
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    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    Quote Originally Posted by pale kris
    I am divine because when I look in the mirrior I see this:


  3. #33
    healthy merking LHX's Avatar
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    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayatollah Prolific
    I'll give it a shot. I disagree with you to some extent . But, I am not sure what you believe. I can only rely upon the foundations of the holy books (if you believe in one).

    If the devil is God's partner (or employee) or servant who serves the necessary function of testing Man's ethical beliefs or in turn, testing them to see if they are worthy of Heaven, then why all of the incriminating verses in the scriptures about how evil the Devil is? One can argue that God made it that way so that simple human beings can easily delineate between right and wrong. But wouldn't that be intentionally misinforming? If so, would that not be a little mischevious for a hypothetical high and all mighty god?

    There is a school of thought that says, God is in control and he is using the Devil as a neccesary function of a Human's life (yin-yang or kharma). But I still wouldn't understand the whole hell fire, evil angel language in the bible.

    Your thoughts?

    i was actually talking about the '5 stages of the lie' thread when i was looking for some feedback

    you bring up some interesting points here

    it seems that most holy books play on sensitivities that we have discovered in man
    an avoidance of pain
    an aversion to pleasure

    holy books play on taking advantage of a fear of death

    if you take a look in the 'are you afraid of dying' thread
    somebody mentioned how a lot of eastern systems of thought do not look at death with the same fear and panic that gets played in a lot of other belief systems

    even tho there is an 'evil' element in taoism
    it does not have horns and a pitchfork and a bad attitude
    rather - it is simply something which is there to make you better

    it is much the same in how we approach everything over here
    when two people play chess - does you opponent suddenly become evil?
    of course not
    but this is something that has been put into us as a way of scaring us into learning and following rules

    instead - a game of chess can be looked at as the game itself being the enemy
    and the two players simply engage in a process of discovering how best to navigate the system

    needless to say - the competitive 'fire' that is bred in option #1 produces much more competitive chess players in a shorter time
    it prolly isnt too good for their nerves

    the learning process is painful
    'evil' is only as 'bad' as you are going to allow it to be
    all the points have been made

  4. #34
    A Muslim
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    Default Re: How are u a devine being?


    I regret making this shit, lol yo princerai how comes u told me 2 come back 2 ktl bro? nothing but confused kids here, u'd swear this was gen chat.

    Somebody answer/ask a question or please can a mod shut this crap down. Peace 2 those who posted or tried 2 post some normal stuff

  5. #35
    healthy merking LHX's Avatar
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    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    Quote Originally Posted by Masta-Mind

    I regret making this shit, lol yo princerai how comes u told me 2 come back 2 ktl bro? nothing but confused kids here, u'd swear this was gen chat.

    Somebody answer/ask a question or please can a mod shut this crap down. Peace 2 those who posted or tried 2 post some normal stuff

    and this is one of the threads that took a turn for the better
    all the points have been made

  6. #36

    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    "'evil' is only as 'bad' as you are going to allow it to be"

    I don't know if I can agree with this train of thought. "evil" is something that can not be explained in a rational way, however, one can feel it, just as they can with love. I feel evil, although I am not what one would call a tradionally religious person.

    It is evident from your response that you do not believe in the scriptures. But if this is the case, I have to approach this subject on a more scientific and philisophical level. If you do not believe in evil, then what would be the purpose of ethics? Self-preservation? If it's self-preservation, then why do we mourn our loved ones? It is not because we merely hope it doesn't happen to us. In that case we would be shocked and scared rather then shed tears.

    Incidentally, your lie thread has a similiar vibe to this thread.

    Lie = An evolved method learned by human beings alone.

    I respectfully disagree. Instead, I would say the following

    Lie = deceit, a reoccurring method used by man and animals alike.

    Examples of lies: Camoflauge on insects and fish. Or more specifically, an animal who masks his true form to gain an advantage. A Grizzle who stands up. Grizzles do so to mask their true size and intimidate their enemies. It isn't done so as a fighting technique. Last but not least, there are fish that will hide the fact that they are male, to slip within a females mating nest (which is heavily guarded by an alpha male). Hence, he lies to get through the guards.
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    crossed out viciously with countless pen lines
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  7. #37
    healthy merking LHX's Avatar
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    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    so you would say that all lies - at their root - are based on the need for survival and nothing more than survival?
    all the points have been made

  8. #38

    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    yup... But I should add that is Man expects to be above animal, he should not lie.
    Walking in Stealth, I kept my eyes to myself
    Evading looks from crooked crooks eyeing my wealth
    Besides, I only had but some Nickles and Dimes
    And a Folded News Clip with a depressing headline
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    crossed out viciously with countless pen lines
    --Ayatollah Prolific
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  9. #39
    healthy merking LHX's Avatar
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    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayatollah Prolific
    yup... But I should add that is Man expects to be above animal, he should not lie.
    i am trying to see this

    i really cant agree
    all the points have been made

  10. #40

    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    WE are Divine Beings because our Being is Divine.

    To Be is better than to exist.

    Allah has no form other than the forms that He takes.

    The Perfect Multiple Unity.

    He is in all things.

    We only manifest that divinity some of the time, because it is usually filtered through the egos.

    But We are still Divine because we have a spark of That Divinity which is the Buddha Nature.

    A Paramarthasattya is "Allah in person"(how the Nation of Islam refers to Master Farad Muhammad).

    From the Gnostic Glosary


    (Sanskrit) Para, “absolute, supreme.” Parama, “that which knows, or the consciousness.” Artha, “that which is known.” Sattya, “existence, Truth.” In synthesis, “The supreme knowledge of all that exists: TRUTH.”

    1) A being of very high development; an inhabitant of the Absolute.

    2) The ultimate truth, as opposed to conventional truth (samvriti-sattya) or relative truth of the manifested world.

    Any Bodhisattva who creates the Soul, totally annhilates the ego, incarnates the Christ(such as Yeshua) and then reaches the Perfection of the Absolute(AIN), is said to be "Allah in person" or a Paramarthasattya.

  11. #41
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    Quote Originally Posted by Masta-Mind

    I regret making this shit, lol yo princerai how comes u told me 2 come back 2 ktl bro? nothing but confused kids here, u'd swear this was gen chat.

    Somebody answer/ask a question or please can a mod shut this crap down. Peace 2 those who posted or tried 2 post some normal stuff
    Look at it this way, dude. If you're asking a bunch of people why they call themselves "divine beings" without them even realising why they do so, or what it means, you can't really expect a decent explanation. I knew from the get-go that you wouldn't get a half decent direct answer to your question. To find the answer to your question you'd probably have to find out which books, songs, websites etc, told these "divine beings" that they are "divine beings", and figure out what made them believe it.

  12. #42

    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    Quote Originally Posted by LHX
    i am trying to see this

    i really cant agree
    OK... but why?
    Walking in Stealth, I kept my eyes to myself
    Evading looks from crooked crooks eyeing my wealth
    Besides, I only had but some Nickles and Dimes
    And a Folded News Clip with a depressing headline
    Entitled Hip Hop is Lost in Dead Times
    crossed out viciously with countless pen lines
    --Ayatollah Prolific
    I never sleep, yet I yearn greatly to dream
    Beware the demon creeps, my fragile senses must be keen

  13. #43
    Prince Rai

    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    Quote Originally Posted by Masta-Mind

    I regret making this shit, lol yo princerai how comes u told me 2 come back 2 ktl bro? nothing but confused kids here, u'd swear this was gen chat.

    Somebody answer/ask a question or please can a mod shut this crap down. Peace 2 those who posted or tried 2 post some normal stuff
    patience brother, as soon as the enluightened come the story turns positive..

    good building going on at the moment.

  14. #44
    Prince Rai

    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayatollah Prolific
    That's deceptively simple, but very profound.

    There is a Sura about the beginning of man from the Quran which basically goes like this:

    Allah created Adam and asked all Angels to prostate (bow down) to his new creation in Adam. All angels did so, except for Lucifer (Devil). He told god, "I who was made of fire will not bow down to someone who is made of Dirt." Then the story continues similiar to the Judeo-Christin Exodus story of how the devil tricked Adam and Eve. God created the Earth and so on.

    Simply stated: God exiled the devil because of the devils belief in his own personal devinity. In a sense, the devils egotism ruined him and was not favored by God. In a way, by God making us from dirt it seems to symbolize our humble beginning and simple nature. But god made the dirt something by his power in to a human. Therefore, to answer the thread question.

    We are devine only because a devine being created us. But rather then worshipping our selves for this divinity, we should worship the deity that infused us with this divinity.

    Of course... this explanation will only hold weight if one is monotheistic.
    that has been nicely put down!

    this is true, we are part of divinity but it is the fact that God always will be above us, that only he can be ultimately divine.

    but LHX also suggested before that.... we are part of divine thus we are divine... this has been simply put , but what truth i see in this is that, we are divine in the sense that if we follow Allah's rules.. we become part of him and do not lose the "way" first sura!

  15. #45
    Prince Rai

    Default Re: How are u a devine being?

    Quote Originally Posted by LHX
    the devil is gods refining tool

    he is the water that washes against the stone until it is polished enough to fit through the passage

    without the devil - all creation is absolutely meaningless

    (everything may be meaningless in general
    the devil allows meaning from certain perspectives)

    there is the fact that everything is divine
    as it is intrinsically a part of the most highs creation
    if we agree that we are part of the universe... then this belief is equal to that we are also divine... in the sense as i have explained in the post before..

    as for your anology of the devil.

    i absolutel;y understand...

    its part of the notion that... with evil we have good..

    the devil suits God in the sense that.. when the devil tests man... what do we do?? do we truly loyally follow Allah or the devil?

    and who created the devil?


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