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Thread: Jesus = Lucifer

  1. #46
    Digital @fterLife INF's Avatar
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    downloading these vids to peep.ill be back in the morning.

  2. #47
    ...born of a future war Face of the Golden Falcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE W View Post
    there's a huge difference in rewording a sentence or phrase and erroneous exegesis of scripture.

    you have 3 newspapers that report on one event and use different words to describe that event. you read all 3 and see that they are worded differently. does that mean the story they are reporting on didnt happen?

    again there is historical evidence out there on the existence of the early christian churches in paul's time so christianity is not a new....religion. the bible was indeed written by the hand of man but all of its words were inspired by the holy spirit.

    yet again, the fallen angel lucifer was not a devil before his insurrection. he was beloved angel. he became the enemy of when he chose to oppose God's rulership.

    christian = of christ or follower of christ or one who has fellowship with christ.
    christ = son of God.

    so with this understanding it wouldnt really make sense for Jesus Christ to call himself a christian. he would be calling himself one who has fellowship with himself...

    what jesus didnt want were religious people keeping people from gaining fellowship with God by leading them astray with wrong doctrine which is why he constantly put the pharisees on blast.

    jesus wasnt about being powerful or being the greatest but you seem to be. the fallen angel was about power too, and so was adam and eve when they disobeyed God and took fruit from the forbidden tree of life. they didnt want to submit to the true power, they wanted to become the power. it is this very desire that does harm to the world.

    i have already documented how jesus did not seek to become equal to God but humbled himself in taking on sinful flesh and being put to death on the cross. when it was over God gave Jesus the power and made his name higher than any name.

    Jesus is the only name other than God the father who true christians worship. we dont worship moses, or mary, or peter, or elijah, or john the baptist.

    the story of Jesus is about God seeking fellowship with man by sacrificing His son for the forgiveness of our sin.

    i honestly though the video were a bunch bollucks as far as the guy's exegesis of scripture.
    So at the end of the day you worship the name of Jesus, which is not even the correct name of the man, who himself reiterated the Torah which says you shall serve no other EL but YAHWEH. And you BELIEVE you are saved because Gad sacrificed his only son (whom he knew he was going to raise so it really isn't a sacrifice anyway) for your wrongdoings, when Yashu'a said "Ye shall KNOW the truth (direct mystical experience) and the TRUTH shall set you free." And this is called being a true christian?

    Req Em Ab

  3. #48
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D.projectile View Post
    is this gonna benefit anyone?

    did you learn anything from this ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ol' Dirty Trixˣ View Post
    do you all believe in supernatural beings?

    what is a super natural being ..... make a new thread out of your answer

    Quote Originally Posted by THE W View Post
    more intellectual irresponsibility by those who dont like christianity.

    fair enough if you think the bible and the concept of God is bullshit but please dont bastardize the scripture to make it say things it doesnt say.

    what did he add that wasn't already in the scripture ?

    Quote Originally Posted by THE W View Post
    ....seriously, get out.

    lucifer is not the name for the fallen angel but an attribute. the fallen angel or "lucifer" was a very high ranking angel in heaven until he decided to overthrow God to become greater than He. God stripped him and threw him down to the earth to dwell there until the appointed time for eternal punishment.

    where in the bible is this written about lucifer ?

    thanks for the vids SC - he pointed out some things that i didn't recognize before - i got something out of these.

  4. #49


    [QUOTE=SUNNY WINTERS;2254209]did you learn anything from this ?

    i confess my comment was needless

  5. #50
    ISRAELITE THE W's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Face of the Golden Falcon View Post
    So at the end of the day you worship the name of Jesus, which is not even the correct name of the man,
    i dont think any of the names for the characters in the bible are correct but i fail to see how this is relevant. if someone makes a movie based on a true story and accurately depicts a real life event but changes the names of the characters, does this mean the real life events didnt happen?

    again, you would have to explain to me how this is relevant.

    who himself reiterated the Torah which says you shall serve no other EL but YAHWEH
    i suggest you read john chapter 8 and read thoroughly. if you truly serve God you will honor his son the way God wants him to honored.

    And you BELIEVE you are saved because Gad sacrificed his only son (whom he knew he was going to raise so it really isn't a sacrifice anyway) for your wrongdoings,
    if you read the torah than you know that receiving forgiveness from God required the sacrifice of a pure lamb. Jesus stood as the final sacrifice for the sins of all people, hence one of his monikers being "the lamb of God". the work of atonement of man back to the creator God was finished in jesus' sacrifice. he was the blood sacrifice for all blood sacrifices.

    read john chapter 14

    when Yashu'a said "Ye shall KNOW the truth (direct mystical experience) and the TRUTH shall set you free." And this is called being a true christian?
    again, read john chapter 8 and read it thoroughly. it contains the verse you just quoted and its not talking about a mystical experience.

    ye shall know the truth..the truth of what? this question is answered in john 8. i dare you to actually read it.
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  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    what did he add that wasn't already in the scripture ?
    the person in the first set of videos didnt add nor subtract, he distorted. i have already explained how he distorted.

    where in the bible is this written about lucifer ?
    isaiah chapter 14
    Christianity = White Supremacy

  7. #52
    The ABBOTT
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    i think a better thread title would be jesus and lucifer = the sun

  8. #53
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE W View Post
    the person in the first set of videos didnt add nor subtract, he distorted. i have already explained how he distorted.

    isaiah chapter 14
    i went through the thread and didn't see where you pointed out what the voice in the video distorted concerning the bible -

    but it's ok

    he pointed out the differences in the different versions of the bible concerning the names of lucifer, satan, and jesus.

    he also pointed out where they changed Gods (plural) to God ( singular )

    he sounded humble and didn't seem like his intentions was to distort scripture or make himself seem right in what he was saying - from what i got, he simply pointed out the changes and explained why he believed it was changed and who it was changed by -

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHETTO GOD View Post
    i think a better thread title would be jesus and lucifer = the sun

    as it is above

    it's the same shit down here

    we have one son

    we have one jordan

    there is always a one who rises among us who is a direct connection to our source of life -

    our sun is our connection to the source of everything in existence

    make a new thread and tell us of the correlation

  10. #55
    Cymatic Woe Trumpet V4D3R's Avatar
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    horus = rising sun = jesus
    seth = descending sun = lucifer

    this thread showed me how im not in balance like how I have been in the past. thanks

  11. #56
    ISRAELITE THE W's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    i went through the thread and didn't see where you pointed out what the voice in the video distorted concerning the bible -

    but it's ok
    i explained it in post #9 on the first page. if you need further explanation i can do that.

    he pointed out the differences in the different versions of the bible concerning the names of lucifer, satan, and jesus.

    he also pointed out where they changed Gods (plural) to God ( singular )

    he sounded humble and didn't seem like his intentions was to distort scripture or make himself seem right in what he was saying - from what i got, he simply pointed out the changes and explained why he believed it was changed and who it was changed by -
    i dont believe he was being arrogant either. he was simply in error in his exegesis of the scriptures.
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  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by V4D3R View Post
    horus = rising sun = jesus
    seth = descending sun = lucifer

    this thread showed me how im not in balance like how I have been in the past. thanks

    it becomes clearer when we look closely at the differences between what the sex organs crave for, and what the brain craves for - most couldn't even speak on what the brain craves for - we all know mostly what the sex organs, stomach, and heart want.

    the kingdom of god is in you
    god is in you

    we were told this all of our lives, yet we looked outside of ourselves

    religion was originally here to inspire and enforce self discipline ....

    many fear tactics were used later to keep people in line....the fear caused humans to get out of hand -

  13. #58
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE W View Post
    ....seriously, get out.

    lucifer is not the name for the fallen angel but an attribute. the fallen angel or "lucifer" was a very high ranking angel in heaven until he decided to overthrow God to become greater than He. God stripped him and threw him down to the earth to dwell there until the appointed time for eternal punishment.

    Jesus being called the morning star has nothing to do with the fallen angel. maybe you could say Jesus is "A lucifer" meaning "a morning star" or "one who shines". though the fallen angel was stripped of that title when he was thrown down. he was then given the name satan, which means "the opposer".

    what im discussing has absolutely nothing to do with what people want to believe and everything to do with rebuking someone for a gross and despicable misinterpretation of scriptural text.

    we may all see it differently due to our experiences in life -

    ¶ The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,
    and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat,
    and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together;
    and a little child shall lead them.
    Isaiah 11:6

    King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
    I Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

    Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
    I, Yeshua, have sent my Angel to testify these things among you before the assemblies. I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Root and The Offspring of David, and his Companion, and The Bright Morning Star.”

    New International Version (©1984)
    And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

    King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
    And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

    i see this jesus who is mentioned to come in the end times as one who brings justice to the 2 nations -

  14. #59
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    this Alan Watts joint is good

  15. #60
    Cymatic Woe Trumpet V4D3R's Avatar
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    what two nations?
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