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Thread: talk to your food before you eat it

  1. #31
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    I guess this would be a good way to have a romantic dinner by yourself.

  2. #32
    Non Ignorant Math Team
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    sometimes words arent enough to describe how much i love my food


  3. #33
    ISRAELITE THE W's Avatar
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    the fruits and veggies you eat have been severed from the vine. they're as dead as any meat product. this theory would only apply to fruit/veggies you talked to while they were still on the vine.

    im sure if you talked nice to a chicken before slaughtering it you'd get better quality meats products.
    Christianity = White Supremacy

  4. #34
    No Father to my stench
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    Quote Originally Posted by DANNY WINTERS View Post
    done and done.

    step 2?
    mah higher chakras self wanna answer that question but since you are part of the "wutangcorp know the ledge sarchastic asshole" squad eye feel as though eye would be wasting mah fuckin time answering your question

    if you really serious then consume only water for a 3 day period and take a cee salt bath every one of those 3 days holla back youngin....woot woot

  5. #35
    No Father to my stench
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE W View Post
    the fruits and veggies you eat have been severed from the vine. they're as dead as any meat product. this theory would only apply to fruit/veggies you talked to while they were still on the vine.

    im sure if you talked nice to a chicken before slaughtering it you'd get better quality meats products.
    they are alive....eye used to work in food preparation and when the greens would come in looking all dead and shit all we would have to do is soak em in water and within 30 minutes they would get their green color back

    the fruits got they ceeds in it and with all they enzymes intact

    even nuts and seeds can be sprouted....

    but the meat is dead and there is no way to bring it back to life

    hence the term RAW LIVING FOODS

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by KERZO View Post
    knowcheeze/rat king sole likes to sweet talk a cucumber before inserting it into his anus.
    please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself

  7. #37
    No Father to my stench
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    plants were humans original teachers and you weed head shroomin motherfuckas know this shit

    eye started studying and identifying wild growing herbs last summer talking to them and shit and eye tossed some goldenrod in mah salad and that night this angel or God or whatever she was took me so high into the spirit realm...higher than eye ever been....more high than weed smoke or sex or music.....

    like eye said...you sarchastic know it all eurocentric assholes are really missing out

  8. #38
    Non Ignorant Math Team
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    so to sum up this thread.

    an idiot who runs shitty "experiments" without using the scientific method or control experiments can come up with nonsensical pseudo-scientific results which can convince others to talk to vegetables.

    that is amazing.


  9. #39



  10. #40
    No Father to my stench
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    Plants Have Feelings, Too

    An excerpt from The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart:

    "Cleve Backster.... a lie detector expert during the Second World War.... was among the first to propose that plants are affected by human intention.... His notoriety (came) from a series of experiments that purported to demonstrate that living organisms read and respond to a person's thoughts.....

    In order to elicit the equivalent of alarm in a plant, Backster knew he needed somehow to threaten its well-being.... It was obvious to him that he needed to pose an immediate and genuine threat: he would get a match and burn the electroded leaf. At the very moment he had that thought, the recording pen swung to the top of the polygraph chart and nearly jumped off. He had not burned the plant; he had only thought about doing so. According to his polygraph, the plant had perceived the though as a direct threat and registered extreme alarm. He ran to his secretary's desk in a neighboring office for some matches. When he returned, the plant was still registering alarm on the polygraph. He lit a match and flickered it under one of the leaves. The pen continued on its wild, zigzag course. Backster then returned the matches to his secretary's desk. The tracing calmed down and began to flatline....

    This plant, it seemed, had read his thoughts.... This could have occurred only if the plant possessed some sort of sophisticated extrasensory perception. The plant somehow must be attuned to its environment, able to receive far more than pure sensory information from water or light.

    Backster modified his polygraph equipment to amplify electrical signals so that they would be highly sensitive to the slightest electrical change in the plants. He and his partner, Bob Henson, set about replicating the initial experiment. Backster spent the next year and a half frequently monitoring the reactions of the other plants in the office to their environment. They discovered a number of characteristics. The plants grew attuned to the comings and going of their main caretaker.....

    Most intriguing of all, there seemed to be a continuous two-way flow of information between the plants and other living things in their environment. One day, when Backster boiled his kettle to make coffee... poured the residue down the sink, he noticed that the plants registered an intense reaction.

    The decided to take some sample from the drain and examine them under a microscope, which showed a jungle of bacteria.... When threatened by the boiling water, had the bacteria emitted a type of Mayday signal before they died, which had been picked up by the plants?

    Backster, who knew he would be ridiculed if he presented finding like these to the scientific community, enlisted an impressive array of chemists, biologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and physicists to help him design and airtight experiment.

    .... He tried to think of the one act that would stir up the most profound reaction, something that would evoke the equivalent in the plants of dumbfounded horror. It became clear that the only way to get unequivocal results was to commit the equivalent of mass genocide.... Brine shrimp were already destined for the slaughterhouse. Only the most ardent antivivisectionist could object.

    Backster and Henson rigged up a gadget that would randomly select one of six possible moments when a small cup containing the brine shrimp would invert and tip its contents into a pot of continuously boiling water. The randomizer was placed in the far room in his suite of six offices, with three plants attached to polygraph equipment in three separate rooms at the other end of the laboratory. His fourth polygraph machine, attached to a fixed valve resistor to ensure that there was no sudden surge of voltage from the equipment, acted as the control.

    Microcomputers had yet to be invented, as Backster set up his lab in the late 1960s. To perform the task, Backster created an innovative mechanical program, which operated on a time-delay switch, to set off each event in the automation process. After flipping the switch, Backster and Henson would leave the lab, so they and their thoughts would not influence the results. He had to eliminate the possibility that the plants might be more attuned to him and his colleague than a minor murder of brine shrimp down the hallway.

    Backster and Henson tried their test numerous times. The results were unambiguous: the polygraphs of the electroded plants spiked a significant number of times just at the point when the brine shrimp hit the boiling water. Years after he made this discovery--and after he became a great fan of Star Wars--he would think of this moment as one in which his plants picked up a major disturbance in the Force, and he had discovered a means of measuring it. If plants could regisgter the death of an organism three doors away, it must mean that all life-forms were exquisitely in tune with each other. Living things must be registering and passing telepathic information back and forth at every moment, particularly at moments of threat or death.

    Backster published the results of his experiment in several respected journals of psychic research and gave a modest presentation before the Parapsychology Association during its tenth annual meeting. Parapsychologists recognized Backster's contribution and replicated it in a number of independent laboratories, notably that of Alexander Dubrov, a Russian doctor of botany and plant physiology. It was even glorified in a best-selling book, The Secret Life of Plants.

    ...Backster carried on with his research... eventually amassing file drawers full of studies of what he referred to as "primary perception." A variety of plants that had been hooked up to his polygraph equipment showed evidence of a reaction to human emotional highs and lows, especially threats and other forms of negative intention--as did paramecia, mold cultures, eggs and...yogurt. Backster even demonstrated that bodily fluids such as blood and semen samples taken from himself and his colleagues registered reactions mirroring the emotional state of their hosts; the blood cells of a young lab assistant reacted intensely the moment he opened a Playboy centerfold and caught sight of Bo Derek in the nude.

    These reactions were not dependent on distance; any living system attached to a polygraph reacted similarly to his thoughts, whether he was in the room or miles away. Like pets, these systems had become attuned to their "owner." These organisms were not simply registering his thoughts; they were communicating telepathically with all the living things in their environment.

    ...Even though his laboratory experiments were now entirely automated, when he left the office, the plants would remain attuned to him, no matter how far away he went. If Backster and his partner were at a bar a block away during an experiment, he would discover that the plants were responding not to the brine shrimp, but to the rising and falling animation of their conversations. It got so difficult to isolate reactions to specific events that eventually he had to design experiments that would be carried out by strangers in another lab.

    ...Ingo Swann had come to visit him at his lab in October 1971. Swann wanted to repeat Backster's initial experiment with his Dracaena. As expected, the plant's polygraph began to spike when Swann imagined burning the plant with a match. He tried it again, and the plant reacted wildly, then stopped.

    'What does that mean?' Swann asked.

    Backster shrugged. 'You tell me.'

    The thought that occurred to Swann was so bizarre that he was not sure whether to say it aloud. 'Do you mean,' he said, 'that it has learned that I'm not serious about really burning its leaf? So that it now knows it need not be alarmed?'

    'You said it, I didn't' Backster replied. 'Try another kind of harmful thought.'

    Swann thought of putting acid in the plant's pot. The needle on the polygraph again began to zigzag wildly. Eventually, the plant appeared to understand that Swann was not serious. The polygraph tracing flatlined. Swann, a plant lover who was already convinced that plants were sentient, was nevertheless shocked at the thought that plants could learn to differentiate between true and artificial human intent."

  11. #41
    Non Ignorant Math Team
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    Quote Originally Posted by knowcheeze View Post
    In order to elicit the equivalent of alarm in a plant, Backster knew he needed somehow to threaten its well-being.... It was obvious to him that he needed to pose an immediate and genuine threat: he would get a match and burn the electroded leaf. At the very moment he had that thought, the recording pen swung to the top of the polygraph chart and nearly jumped off. He had not burned the plant; he had only thought about doing so. According to his polygraph, the plant had perceived the though as a direct threat and registered extreme alarm. He ran to his secretary's desk in a neighboring office for some matches. When he returned, the plant was still registering alarm on the polygraph. He lit a match and flickered it under one of the leaves. The pen continued on its wild, zigzag course. Backster then returned the matches to his secretary's desk. The tracing calmed down and began to flatline....

    This plant, it seemed, had read his thoughts.... This could have occurred only if the plant possessed some sort of sophisticated extrasensory perception. The plant somehow must be attuned to its environment, able to receive far more than pure sensory information from water or light.
    did backster use a control experiment? if not then hes not following the scientific method which means his experiment is flawed.

    also why is he jumping straight to the conclusion that the plant knew that backster was going to harm it. I heard that backster watered the plant before he did this "experiment". would a more reasonable explanation not be that the water went up the stem and through the plant this water made the lie detectoe go haywire.

    also how much confirmation bias does backster have.

    Backster modified his polygraph equipment to amplify electrical signals so that they would be highly sensitive to the slightest electrical change in the plants. He and his partner, Bob Henson, set about replicating the initial experiment. Backster spent the next year and a half frequently monitoring the reactions of the other plants in the office to their environment. They discovered a number of characteristics. The plants grew attuned to the comings and going of their main caretaker.....
    again lack of control experiments means all the results are worthless. the article is vague about how the plants grew attuned to their caretaker. accurate details are needed to back up their claim

    Most intriguing of all, there seemed to be a continuous two-way flow of information between the plants and other living things in their environment. One day, when Backster boiled his kettle to make coffee... poured the residue down the sink, he noticed that the plants registered an intense reaction.

    The decided to take some sample from the drain and examine them under a microscope, which showed a jungle of bacteria.... When threatened by the boiling water, had the bacteria emitted a type of Mayday signal before they died, which had been picked up by the plants?
    the polygraph measures electric conductivity. water in plants can effect electric conducivity so could the boiling kettle not send steam which condenses on the plant and goes into the stoma on the leaves. then they would travel into the plant and change the water concentration which would effect the electric conductivity.

    this is a more reasonable conclusion than backsters one which uses too many assumptions and would be in violation of occam's razor.

    also no control experiments were used again which makes the whole "experiment" useless.

    Backster, who knew he would be ridiculed if he presented finding like these to the scientific community, enlisted an impressive array of chemists, biologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and physicists to help him design and airtight experiment.

    .... He tried to think of the one act that would stir up the most profound reaction, something that would evoke the equivalent in the plants of dumbfounded horror. It became clear that the only way to get unequivocal results was to commit the equivalent of mass genocide.... Brine shrimp were already destined for the slaughterhouse. Only the most ardent antivivisectionist could object.

    Backster and Henson rigged up a gadget that would randomly select one of six possible moments when a small cup containing the brine shrimp would invert and tip its contents into a pot of continuously boiling water. The randomizer was placed in the far room in his suite of six offices, with three plants attached to polygraph equipment in three separate rooms at the other end of the laboratory. His fourth polygraph machine, attached to a fixed valve resistor to ensure that there was no sudden surge of voltage from the equipment, acted as the control.

    Microcomputers had yet to be invented, as Backster set up his lab in the late 1960s. To perform the task, Backster created an innovative mechanical program, which operated on a time-delay switch, to set off each event in the automation process. After flipping the switch, Backster and Henson would leave the lab, so they and their thoughts would not influence the results. He had to eliminate the possibility that the plants might be more attuned to him and his colleague than a minor murder of brine shrimp down the hallway.

    Backster and Henson tried their test numerous times. The results were unambiguous: the polygraphs of the electroded plants spiked a significant number of times just at the point when the brine shrimp hit the boiling water. Years after he made this discovery--and after he became a great fan of Star Wars--he would think of this moment as one in which his plants picked up a major disturbance in the Force, and he had discovered a means of measuring it. If plants could regisgter the death of an organism three doors away, it must mean that all life-forms were exquisitely in tune with each other. Living things must be registering and passing telepathic information back and forth at every moment, particularly at moments of threat or death.
    again no control experiments.

    violation of occam's razor instead of naming more plausible conclusions he comes up with a far fetched on using a sci-fi movie as his influence.

    Backster published the results of his experiment in several respected journals of psychic research and gave a modest presentation before the Parapsychology Association during its tenth annual meeting. Parapsychologists recognized Backster's contribution and replicated it in a number of independent laboratories, notably that of Alexander Dubrov, a Russian doctor of botany and plant physiology. It was even glorified in a best-selling book, The Secret Life of Plants.

    ...Backster carried on with his research... eventually amassing file drawers full of studies of what he referred to as "primary perception." A variety of plants that had been hooked up to his polygraph equipment showed evidence of a reaction to human emotional highs and lows, especially threats and other forms of negative intention--as did paramecia, mold cultures, eggs and...yogurt. Backster even demonstrated that bodily fluids such as blood and semen samples taken from himself and his colleagues registered reactions mirroring the emotional state of their hosts; the blood cells of a young lab assistant reacted intensely the moment he opened a Playboy centerfold and caught sight of Bo Derek in the nude.

    These reactions were not dependent on distance; any living system attached to a polygraph reacted similarly to his thoughts, whether he was in the room or miles away. Like pets, these systems had become attuned to their "owner." These organisms were not simply registering his thoughts; they were communicating telepathically with all the living things in their environment.
    the article doesnt name these "respected" journals. funny because ive heard other sources make fun of these journals.

    that man alexander dubrov believes in pseudoscientific bullshit such as dowsing. so thats not a good person to be associated with.

    "the secret life of plants" has been dismissed by the scientific comunity as pseudoscience.

    again the article seems to skim through the conclusions without showing graphs and tables to support them. it would be better for the article to go more in depth about these conclusions.

    ...Even though his laboratory experiments were now entirely automated, when he left the office, the plants would remain attuned to him, no matter how far away he went. If Backster and his partner were at a bar a block away during an experiment, he would discover that the plants were responding not to the brine shrimp, but to the rising and falling animation of their conversations. It got so difficult to isolate reactions to specific events that eventually he had to design experiments that would be carried out by strangers in another lab.
    again just vaguely skimming through the conclusions.

    ...Ingo Swann had come to visit him at his lab in October 1971. Swann wanted to repeat Backster's initial experiment with his Dracaena. As expected, the plant's polygraph began to spike when Swann imagined burning the plant with a match. He tried it again, and the plant reacted wildly, then stopped.

    'What does that mean?' Swann asked.

    Backster shrugged. 'You tell me.'

    The thought that occurred to Swann was so bizarre that he was not sure whether to say it aloud. 'Do you mean,' he said, 'that it has learned that I'm not serious about really burning its leaf? So that it now knows it need not be alarmed?'

    'You said it, I didn't' Backster replied. 'Try another kind of harmful thought.'

    Swann thought of putting acid in the plant's pot. The needle on the polygraph again began to zigzag wildly. Eventually, the plant appeared to understand that Swann was not serious. The polygraph tracing flatlined. Swann, a plant lover who was already convinced that plants were sentient, was nevertheless shocked at the thought that plants could learn to differentiate between true and artificial human intent."
    again no control experiment was used.

    it isnt even a proper experiment and how do you know swanson and backster didnt just make this up.

    theres so many flaws in this theory.

    why no control experiments.

    why do they jump immediately to rash conclusions when more simple ones will do.

    how come their conclusions and findings conflict with and contradict most science.

    why do they make the conclusion that a plant experiences fear in the same manner as humans.

    how do u know backster isnt lying.

    i could go on forever.

    primary perception is pseudoscientific bullshit


  12. #42
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    jesus that books a complete rip off http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/096...F8&me=&seller=

    my guess is that backster made up a lot of shit for the money


  13. #43
    No Father to my stench
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    "i could go on forever."

    yes we all know you can go on forever using big words and saying a whole bunch of nothing oh sex slave of da big headed scientist trying to make up for the fact that you are spiritually inadaquate...your spirit body gotta tiny penis so you purchase big intellectual automobiles to make up for it...LOL

    ""the secret life of plants" has been dismissed by the scientific comunity as pseudoscience."

    lets be more specific Mr. sex slave...it has been dismissed by the EUROCENTRIC scientific community...personally eye TRY to mainly go by FIRST HAND scientific findings...in other words science expurrrrriments eye have witnessed personally...not sum second, third, forth, fifth (etc) hand parroting of shit that you and your kind do...you are a scientific hack...

    your eurocentric scientific community dismisses the statement "HIV is not the cause of AIDS" and they use this psuedo-science to murder people all over the planet...cee thats the problem with you eurocentric scientists....you use your psuedoscience to inflict misery on humans, animals, plants, rocks and whatever else....and its quite sickening...the good news is enlightened people have ceen the results of trusting you eurocentric scientists and we not believing your shit anymore...we cee whats the result of trusting you and we not widdit...your rule of the planet earth ended in 1914....deal with it...in the meantime keep on parroting your college teachers and continue to be UNORIGINAL....you might get applause from people who have sexual fantasies about Knowcheeze sticking produce in his asshole but to the civilized world you are a joke!!!!!


  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by knowcheeze View Post
    yes we all know you can go on forever using big words and saying a whole bunch of nothing oh sex slave of da big headed scientist trying to make up for the fact that you are spiritually inadaquate...your spirit body gotta tiny penis so you purchase big intellectual automobiles to make up for it...LOL
    i dont believe in mind-body dualism and i wasnt using big words.

    lets be more specific Mr. sex slave...it has been dismissed by the EUROCENTRIC
    correction not eurocentric but worldwide
    scientific community...personally eye TRY to mainly go by FIRST HAND scientific findings...in other words science expurrrrriments eye have witnessed personally...not sum second, third, forth, fifth (etc) hand parroting of shit that you and your kind do
    you havent witnessed backsters "experiments" which were carried out in the 60s and i doubt you tried the experiments urself using a polygraph so u didnt witness the plant experiments personally
    ...you are a scientific hack...
    im a scientific hack because i believe experiments should include control experiments?

    your eurocentric
    scientific community dismisses the statement "HIV is not the cause of AIDS"
    yes HIV is the cause of AIDS would u like to show otherwise a
    nd they use this psuedo-science to murder people all over the planet...
    show how this is pseudoscience and that the belief that HIV causes AIDS can murder people
    cee thats the problem with you eurocentric
    scientists....you use your psuedoscience to inflict misery on humans, animals,
    show and prove
    plants, rocks
    these things dont feel misery
    and whatever else....and its quite sickening...the good news is enlightened people
    do u mean people who talk to vegetables and talk to wild herbs
    have ceen the results of trusting you eurocentric
    scientists and we not believing your shit anymore...we cee whats the result of trusting you and we not widdit
    what is the result of trusting professional scientists
    ...your rule of the planet earth ended in 1914....deal with it...
    the scientific community never ruled the world
    in the meantime keep on parroting your college teachers and continue to be UNORIGINAL....
    i never learnt about backster from my teachers and im still in high school im not in college/university and being original doesnt mean ur any more correct. i thought we were dealing with truth not originality
    you might get applause from people who have sexual fantasies about Knowcheeze sticking produce in his asshole
    they probably think im sad for explaining to you how talking to plants is a ludicrous idea
    but to the civilized world you are a joke!!!!!
    no im not
    why did u say peace


  15. #45
    Vik Slick hectis's Avatar
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    So if someone sweet talks their fruits, and veggies the veggies, and fruits will accept that you pretended to love them just so they be happy when you ate them? What about when you cook them, do you have to sweet talk them than too?


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