Genocidal wolfpack warlords on horsebacks
German shepherds shrouded in obscenities
Led off course in reflections of inhumanities
Putrefied corrosions decompose mentalities
Famished palettes drenched with atrocities
Unholy vigor amalgamate immoral vitalities
Protagonists of earth-shattering depravities
Philanthropists of peccadillos and iniquities
Perverted desires mired in pyres of hell fires
Torsions of seminal fluid infuse perversions
Rapacious massacre hunger rids starvation
Voracious mandibles, serpentine insatiable
Cain merciless impudence inflames disdain
Dreadful deeds force-feed errant stampedes
Adjourn morals, ethical altered to criminals
Sown seeds creation of infinite detestations
Fixation need to slay transcends temptation
Unhallowed psychosis led senses to gallows
Irrational cavalries bask in rancid revelries
Despised militias relish view of demise eyes
In fervent glee militants deride and torment
Legions of doom feverishly savage heathens
Auschwitz snipers in stupor of orgasm bliss
Austere domineer intent made crystal clear
Catastrophe at hand, objectives of damned
In revivals praised Bibles then raised rifles
Karabiner scopes locked on brawny minors
Killing calls howl from Flak gun tower walls
Unfettered temper of settlers scarlet letters
Raged unbridled malice provokes mindless
Mouths of meth, into a storm wind of death
Hell on earth rebirths natal dearth of mirth
Inhuman carnages lead to skeletal villages
Arctic acute autumn breeze weather strips
Frozen smiles cracked by frigid soil erosion
Cold sweat wails ice-up thawed fingernails
Frost-covered tears whisper sub-zero fears
Mobs of frail and flawed facades shed sobs
Coat shells sheer shadows of former selves
Chests with vacated hearts clasp life vests
Cajoled fragile wills console withered souls
Ardent shoulders turned callous disorders
Forlorn torture converse of solemn futures
Holy land devotions sink to ungodly hands
Pristine prayers litter tainted Alps glaciers
Hollow cries disguised by pale plasma dyes
Splintered tears pour in hopeless frontiers
Upright with mounted doom in their sights
Bemoaned blight engraved in basalt stone
Benign sitting ducks on angry land mines
Daytime nightmares demolish cloud nines
Primeval wasted years boil in defiled vomit
Nomadics divided by panels of seagull shit
Mutations evolve to prominent destruction
Scald memories of self-mutilated fantasies
Purged families, eradication of humanities
Darkest hours, devour devotions of powers
Imminent dread fed until mind-set is dead
Hearts sightless by darkness of emptiness
Exasperating screams not heard but seen
Slight droned whines murmur war crimes
Blackened fates destined for burial wakes
Dire distress deformed by glances of scorn
Critical gazes stare thru cavernous pupils
Drip-dry weeps from dispirited wintry eyes
Emaciated tremulously thighs conjugated
Limbs shudder in suspense of shell shock
Vaporized sorrow clouds stretch for blocks
Cursed repression imprisoned in obsidian
Demoralizing mocks of ceaseless salvation
Split-seconds fissure eyesight of liberation
Silken rope dangled throats empty of hope
Vermin in veils preach miserable sermons
Inhumane, shamed downpour of acid rain
Valkyrie conspirators slain, veins drained
Blood-soaked fields, scuffle-shields peeled
Septic-tank infections deface complexions
Gashed abdomens, gonad secreted semen
Stacks of maimed brains in wane terrains
Ill wills accumulate dust while blood spills
Endocrine glands scarred by glass shards
Collarbones’ clavicles mangled via scalpel
Tongues wild pig-tied in ethnical genocide
Herniated discs scale up concaved spines
Undead raised from clay crawl-space lime
Mesh twisted buried beneath rotting flesh
Wounds size of vaults soaked in table salt
Decayed anals bathed in burgundy spray
Sleet covered roads grimly probe earlobes
Snow mounds on crushed backs overflow
Freight trains convey restrained in chain
Incurable baptized in incineration flames
Flamethrowers scorch till solars boil over
Seared human bone pillars pap smeared
Comatose fingers grasp while lungs gasp
Dismembered abate in torture chambers
Dengue fever impair hollow blood vessels
Glacial silts impaled thru swollen nasals
Eternal dull pain swells bloated ventrals
Drone gilded saws perforate pubic bones
Vaginas shred from solar plexus to anus
Chalked sketches of shredded carcasses
Skull orifices drip with zoonotic diseases
Head - toe integument epidemics spread
Blemished remains etched to wall panes
Sauteed cuticles dissolve shallow graves
Charred loins conjoin with gutted groins
Grilled slabs of meat sheared and milled
Larynx strangled, inner carotid mangled
Blood slows, preparation for decapitation
Esophagus gashed from jaw-line to skull
Hewed sinew, slash tendons and muscle
Facial tissue liquefied in Versa blenders
Heart-shaped contusions burn in ember
Embalmed joints lubricated with napalm
Wood chipper nick livers not hard liquor
Iris bothered by vision of utter slaughter
Eyelids blind spot as sclera is bloodshot
Declawed nails madly rake with scrapes
John Does’ bestowed with broken torsos
Eclipsed veins, nauseous burgundy rain
Gutted entrails swaddle desolated plains
Thin extremities distorted mound of skin
Internal organs splayed to spinal canals
Ruin spleens excrementitiously obscene
Waste bin rotted feces plague intestines
Flea market meals for ravening maggots
Sick forts acupunctured with pitchforks
Spirits spread open wide and cast aside
Hepatitis B infirmed put to death rashly
Faint segregated, abolition of enervated
Torches gas saturated then set ablazed
Cremation of captives emit gamma rays
Ashes garnish soil in guiltless harmony
Eternal conflagration inferno is destiny
Flamed platoons inhale funeral plumes
Hellholes fire-lake bake, souls dissipate
Crimson ink calligraphy done spitefully
Eyes disembodied only to limit realities
Blades of Germany towed thru arteries
Jagged crimes pierce bones and spines
Stern-hewn blood gushes from wounds
Brood of corn, skewered rapes stillborn
Animals in captivity, shepherd violently
Sliced extremities liberated from agony
Acres of tag-less toes plug incinerators
Cowered torsos slumber in gun powder
Maimed remains rest in pools of stains
Masses of shrieks thru airless crevices
Famished birds land and heads vanish
Vast enmities plead for death inflexibly
Degenerate misery mind torn tragedies
Slew of pipe dreams reduced to residue
Ovens bellow for crematory combustion
Makeshift cremations raze generations
Eviscerated corpses condense to ashes
Mummified stride high tides of cyanide
Blood-stained blankets encase caskets
Unspoken foothill catacombs burdened
Staph tombstones with ashen epitaphs
Ageless sepulchers grieve burial places
Systematic state-sponsored persecution
Administration of the FINAL SOLUTION