Callous savage stomps earth enshrouded in darkness
Bad blood Schwarzenegger predator covered in mud
Murderous obsessed, El Diablo Cazador de Hombres
Hideous ogre monster from barren Russian regions
Sasquatch grew up in wasteland of Ural Mountains
Solitary carnivore polar bearing arctic sediment core
Beast of grayish wolves’ voracious, canid subspecies
Manacled animal smeared with bloodline of jackals
Deep root of all vile, sadistic child designed to defile
Squared-circle Antichrist desecrating biblical visuals
Cultus diabolus, Lucifer spawn embraced by corpses
Hell born scorn righteous torn with deformed horns
Hateful will spill hostile-harvested ills in battlefields
Vehement bloodthirsty fury blinded ardent hostility
Spine chilling brutal brutality protracted insurgency
Unbeaten heathen prisoned in purgatory dungeons
Lurking from bleak beneath haunting arcane peaks
Odious ancient Titan turning cosmic rays to venom
Garbled goblin hideously morphing into Leviathan
Animalistic biddings, brute mask of sanity slipping
Soft-spoken assassin code embedded deep within
Mentality rewired to unleash buried primal desires
Unbridled violence without consent of conscience
Unrestrained malice recoils till it reaches cyst boils
Wrath of cleansing fire aspired by flames of pyres
Savage storms of exorbitant rage deluge carnage
Violent reprisal brutal rituals of homicidal vandals
Unholy vigor fearless in gruesome face of danger
Poisoned heart pumps poisonous komodo toxins
Quenched ravenous thirst satiated after paralysis
Prudence gone insane from insatiable vehemence
Spite takes flight deep in clutches of frozen pipes
Eyes despise, uncivilized instincts from within rise
Craved combat, fanatical desire to tear and hack
Satyr of hedonistic kind, unrefined peace of mind
Untamed satisfaction in infliction of sadistic pain
Sublime psyche spins in fervor of murder's design
Mustard gas pupils’ sulfides shards of intact glass
Gollum mutation took oath of errant desecration
Vilification masterpieces being pagan devastation
Sicken tectonic illusions crack earth till faults open
Staining planet with visions of murder and aversion
Barbaric images of grisly bloodshed swathe canvas
Oppressive venomous psychosis makes soul noxious
Pterodactyl raptorous rapacious voyages in clinches
Blackened falcon talons sliver fibrous from tendons
Infernal fire-blowing nostrils smolder arctic glacials
Medusa stone cold snake eyes is a devise of demise
Parental discretion advised soon as grief cries derive
Samhain grim particle beamed plagues quarantined
Darkened black holes with ire radiate with arson fire
Volcanic outpour roars from war-scarred coated fists
Air strikes like meteor showers hit with comet power
Impales until blood spills to camouflage battleshields
Skill-and-will to kill solars of galactic magnetic fields
Like asteroid Baptistina what’s touched is destroyed
Boa constrictor reptilian style smothers contenders
Sheer undiluted savagery, enmity with merciless glee
Executioner moniker keenly esteemed by guillotines
Deathrow inmate marches upon enemies with hate
Imminent dread of Moses blight after Mount Horeb
End initiations, seismic tremors of molten eruptions
Spectral ship of doom underneath soiled full moons
Perverse punishment, menstrual cyclic demolishment
Demonic grip can’t withstand dawning of apocalypse
Shit stain and maim, cut off oxygen supply to brains
Foes with headless torsos slumped like scarecrows
Sacrificial offerings mangled like zoo animal maulings