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Thread: RIP to the Jacka

  1. #31
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    I know that sounds crazy but actually I'm glad I didn't move out when I had my full time job because if I had, I would've ended up moving back with my parents especially since I lost my job. It's really sad that most jobs aren't stable and the people in power at the jobs don't give a shit about the employees. It's always been that way. My dad lost his job like that and he was a good worker. Every job he's had, he's done his job and it still didn't mean shit to his supervisor. Same thing with my mom. My mom lost her last job because she got sick and had breast cancer. She was offered a part time job at her last job but she didn't want it.

    The Hound, when you get a chance, check out White Man's Burden movie with John Travolta and Harry Belafonte. It's about blacks and whites being switched meaning blacks having all the money and power and whites being poor. John played a poor working man who lost his job at a factory I think and Harry was the owner of the business that John worked at. Harry was rich and had a lot of money. John kidnapped him and demanded to have his job back. Kelly Lynch who was Patrick Swayze's woman in Road House was John's wife. She's hot.

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    The TV dinners I like is macaroni and cheese with fish and rice with chicken and broccoli. I also like Stouffer's microwaved spaghetti.
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I also like the food U-God talked about. He said he can cook spaghetti and fried chicken and i would like to taste it to see if he's a good cook. I like spaghetti and fried chicken.

  2. #32
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    Zooruka, why shouldn't I see a psychiatrist? That's the only way I'm gonna get help and find out why I can't keep a job. I need to see one anyway because I got some paperwork for him or her to fill out so I can give it to social services so they can approve me for temporary cash until I can find a job. If i get diagnosed for having a learning disability, I may not be able to work anymore and i'll have to get government money like SSDI. I'm not getting any unemployment money since I was denied for getting fired from my last job.

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    The TV dinners I like is macaroni and cheese with fish and rice with chicken and broccoli. I also like Stouffer's microwaved spaghetti.
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I also like the food U-God talked about. He said he can cook spaghetti and fried chicken and i would like to taste it to see if he's a good cook. I like spaghetti and fried chicken.

  3. #33
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I've never heard his music but I bet he got killed because he was in the hood and he shouldn't have been there. Rappers that got money need to move outta the hood and go to the suburbs. Don't go back to the hood to visit your friends and family because blacks in the hood aren't happy for you. It's really sad that he's dead at 37 and he was a year younger than me. It's sad that so many rappers think for them to keep it real, they gotta hang out in the hood with their ignorant friends and live in the hood because if they don't do that, they won't be considered real. That's a dumb ass mentality to have. It's about survival and being able to live for a long time because it's not cool to die at a young age and a lot of black men are dying young over dumb shit. When does the madness ever end in black neighborhoods?
    SAMBO...can u just wish the man a peaceful rest and shut the fuck up..jesus christ

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    Zooruka, why shouldn't I see a psychiatrist?
    Charles, If you are not the ultimate secondary and what you write on Wu tang corp about your life/situation is true. If you go to a psychiatrist and start telling them all that stuff, they will completely "destroy" you.

    Charles, Their job is not to diagnose learning disabilities/ why you can't keep a job, thier job is to disgnose and treat so called psychiatric problems. ( Which BTW they have a funny habit of always finding)

    I would stay away if you don't want anymore problems in your life.

  5. #35
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    CJ, I would be willing to bet that 9 years is the longest anybody on this forum has had a single job. Sounds like you are lazy and you just want free money. Or your mommy and daddy put you up to this.

  6. #36
    Veteran Member GhettoGnom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I know that sounds crazy but actually I'm glad I didn't move out when I had my full time job because if I had, I would've ended up moving back with my parents especially since I lost my job. It's really sad that most jobs aren't stable and the people in power at the jobs don't give a shit about the employees. It's always been that way. My dad lost his job like that and he was a good worker. Every job he's had, he's done his job and it still didn't mean shit to his supervisor. Same thing with my mom. My mom lost her last job because she got sick and had breast cancer. She was offered a part time job at her last job but she didn't want it.

    The Hound, when you get a chance, check out White Man's Burden movie with John Travolta and Harry Belafonte. It's about blacks and whites being switched meaning blacks having all the money and power and whites being poor. John played a poor working man who lost his job at a factory I think and Harry was the owner of the business that John worked at. Harry was rich and had a lot of money. John kidnapped him and demanded to have his job back. Kelly Lynch who was Patrick Swayze's woman in Road House was John's wife. She's hot.
    You're still staying completely off topic and not answering my question

    Quote Originally Posted by GhettoGnom View Post
    I don't judge you, CJ, but how is this different than you judging The Jacka for living in the hood? Yeah he could've moved out of there, but what do you know about his reasons for staying? What do you know about his life that gives you the right to call him ignorant for being shot, and then get mad when others sit in judgement on you for living with your parents with no job when you're 38 years old?

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones
    I didn't like it because of the beats.

  7. #37
    Prince of the Non Ignorant weirdos
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    Rest In Peace to Jacka ten years ago today.


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