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Thread: X-Men Age of Apocalypse

  1. #31


    Awful cold-open to the movie, looking like a Syfy original movie

    No imagination, no creativity, cowardly attempts to shy away from the crazier elements of the lore when shit like star wars/harry potter/lord of the rings/etc traffic in equally ridiculous ideas and make billions of dollars

    anybody that grew up reading the comic books or watching that old, poorly animated cartoon with comedy voice acting knows this is a bastardization of the material

    how's captain america outshining x-men :/

    deadpool makes more money than any x-men movie :/

    Singer gtfoh

    idiotic and repetitive plotting

    disregard for their own continuity - mystique was stryker at the end of the last movie, and wtf professor x never looked for wolverine in 10 years? apocalypse's cult disappears from the movie after he's resurrected

    characters just there to use their powers and not given any personality or motivation (psylocke and angel in this movie, bishop, warpath, blink, and sunspot in the last movie--they're lucky to even get a line of dialogue or their name mentioned) let alone the shitting on the comic lore.

    why is mystique leading the x-men? mutant and proud but the overpaid, overrated j.law can't be bothered to wear blue makeup for more than like 10 minutes of the movie lol

    Why couldn't apocalypse have his skyscraper sized celestial spaceship crushing buildings in manhattan and causing blackouts? motherfucker was smaller than his horseman lol he only gets big in the astral plane? the character was more like the shadow king than apocalypse...maybe they should've just done that story

    x-men's universe is as broad, complex, cool and fascinating as the rest of marvel put together...disney can make a talking tree and a racoon with a gun pop but fox and singer are scared to do anything other than magneto lifting girders and xavier looking serious with his fingers at his temple

    boring, bullshit...the climax is them fighting in rocks...all apocalypse did was shoot the world's nukes into space and goad magneto into destroying auschwitz and the sydney opera house and a bridge...whatever....

    psylocke was looking super sexy though...the one costume that's pretty much comic accurate is the ninja one piece thong. shame she was giving nothing to do and literally just walks away from the movie without comment. That, quicksilver and fassbender's acting are about the only thing worth mentioning about the movie.

    my girlfriend loves this series though... even the wolverine movies...i had to stifle all of my grievances because i didn't want to be 'that guy'

    (it's hard posting long rants without coli emojis)
    Last edited by Dr. Simon Hurt; 06-01-2016 at 04:59 PM.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Simon Hurt View Post
    Awful cold-open to the movie, looking like a Syfy original movie

    No imagination, no creativity, cowardly attempts to shy away from the crazier elements of the lore when shit like star wars/harry potter/lord of the rings/etc traffic in equally ridiculous ideas and make billions of dollars

    anybody that grew up reading the comic books or watching that old, poorly animated cartoon with comedy voice acting knows this is a bastardization of the material

    how's captain america outshining x-men :/

    deadpool makes more money than any x-men movie :/

    Singer gtfoh

    idiotic and repetitive plotting

    disregard for their own continuity - mystique was stryker at the end of the last movie, and wtf professor x never looked for wolverine in 10 years? apocalypse's cult disappears from the movie after he's resurrected

    characters just there to use their powers and not given any personality or motivation (psylocke and angel in this movie, bishop, warpath, blink, and sunspot in the last movie--they're lucky to even get a line of dialogue or their name mentioned) let alone the shitting on the comic lore.

    why is mystique leading the x-men? mutant and proud but the overpaid, overrated j.law can't be bothered to wear blue makeup for more than like 10 minutes of the movie lol

    Why couldn't apocalypse have his skyscraper sized celestial spaceship crushing buildings in manhattan and causing blackouts? motherfucker was smaller than his horseman lol he only gets big in the astral plane? the character was more like the shadow king than apocalypse...maybe they should've just done that story

    x-men's universe is as broad, complex, cool and fascinating as the rest of marvel put together...disney can make a talking tree and a racoon with a gun pop but fox and singer are scared to do anything other than magneto lifting girders and xavier looking serious with his fingers at his temple

    boring, bullshit...the climax is them fighting in rocks...all apocalypse did was shoot the world's nukes into space and goad magneto into destroying auschwitz and the sydney opera house and a bridge...whatever....

    psylocke was looking super sexy though...the one costume that's pretty much comic accurate is the ninja one piece thong. shame she was giving nothing to do and literally just walks away from the movie without comment. That, quicksilver and fassbender's acting are about the only thing worth mentioning about the movie.

    my girlfriend loves this series though... even the wolverine movies...i had to stifle all of my grievances because i didn't want to be 'that guy'

    (it's hard posting long rants without coli emojis)

    Ouch! Blunt and funny review.

  3. #33


    so I heard this billboard poster qualifies as promoting 'violence against women'... jesus I think I'll rather just stick to the movie itself. gonna watch it sometime soon

  4. #34
    Wu Vatican Rame's Avatar
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    Haha she started it.

    De mijne is 4x duurder!

  5. #35
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Towers View Post

    so I heard this billboard poster qualifies as promoting 'violence against women'... jesus I think I'll rather just stick to the movie itself. gonna watch it sometime soon
    lol people have lost their damn minds.

    My thoughts on this film, first of all I felt it was too long. It took far too long to get going and by the time anything kicks off your sick of it.
    Kinda sick of Mystique being the central character and leader of the x-men, lol get the fuck out. Theres been 6 X-men movies and so far Cyclops has sucked balls in whichever ones he has been in. Again 6 X-men movies and no sign of fucking Gambit. How many times are we gonna see Wolverine with amnesia? Still seeing Wolverine for that brief moment brought the movie back to life for about 3 minutes. Magneto was basically a side character, Fassbender is the best actor he should have taken a more central role instead of J-Law.

    Apocalypse can fuck anyone up but only gives Mystique a choke hold and Xavier a haircut, he literally shreds people at the beginning but when it comes to the big battle at the end he doesn't really do much.

    This movie felt forced, theres a big bad guy we must all unite to beat him. Thats pretty much it. I liked the jibe about the 3rd movie being the worst in a trilogy, this was the 3rd in this trilogy and its the worst.

  6. #36
    Are U aware I ban @ will? MASTER PAI MEI's Avatar
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    I agree...movie was ok...The Quicksilver and Fassbender are the only good spots.

    I like the part when he's running in and taking everyone out while eating pizza etc...

  7. #37
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    Wtf was the point of the DOFP ending with Mystique playing Stryker?? You would think she would try to help him & get him free or share some sorta dialogue with Stryker when he captures the mutants. I read a interview with Singer about why this came about, why Logan is STILL captured & forced into Weapon X....his response?? "Inevitable he joins Weapon X.." THEN WHY MAKE THAT FUCKING DOFP ENDING??

    Why is that the Beast jet/copter can SO EASILY get close to Magneto while he is pulling all metal around him ? Shouldn't it have been stripped the minute they get close?

    Your telling me from 3600 BC to 1973 AD not a single PERSON realized mutants were among us & tried to expose them? Thats bullshit

  8. #38
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    After Magneto flings Wolverine into the river, it looks like William Stryker is fishing Logan out of the water to capture him and set in motion the Weapon X experiments, but a glance towards the camera reveals that Stryker is in fact Mystique in disguise.

    The yellow eyes have always been used to reveal Mystique's abilities in the past, but what if someone else captured Wolverine and we were just led to believe that he was being left in safe hands at the end of X-Men: Days of Future Past?

    While there are no shortage of shape-shifters and psychics in the X-Universe who are capable of such a feat, this would have been a cheap shot and had this been intended from the start, there would have been some kind of reveal or payoff before Wolverine's eventual reappearance in X-Men: Apocalypse. OK, so yes, it was definitely Mystique who rescued Wolverine, but what if she deliberately handed Logan over to the real Stryker for her own selfish purposes? There's a chance that she could have impersonated Stryker to gain access to the Weapon X base, where she could then make a trade of sorts.

    Mystique is primarily a villain in the comics and this was upheld for the majority of her onscreen appearances prior to X-Men: Days of Future Past, so she certainly has a history of betraying those closest to her.

    However, this explanation doesn't fit with Jennifer Lawrence's interpretation of the character, and one would imagine that Mystique and Stryker would be on better terms if this were true, yet the military commander still imprisoned her along with the rest of the team in X-Men: Apocalypse. OK, so Mystique is still one of the good guys, but then in that case, how did Wolverine's rescue fail so spectacularly?

    In an Empire podcast recorded after the release of X-Men: Days of Future Past, screenwriter Simon Kinberg revealed that they had considered a number of potential characters who could have rescued Logan, but in the end, they had already...

    "...set this thing up where Mystique is masquerading as a military character, saving mutants from going into some sort of experimental program in Saigon early on, so there’s a really nice symmetry there at the end.”

    While fans may be reassured to discover that Mystique was definitely acting in Wolverine's best interests, the question of how he ended up in the hands of Weapon X still remains. Did Logan encounter Stryker again at a later date after his rescue, or did Mystique somehow mess up and accidentally leave Wolverine in the clutches of the Weapon X program, despite her best efforts to the contrary? The truth is, it's impossible to know how Wolverine wound up in the Weapon X program at this stage, unless the Blu-Ray release of X-Men: Apocalypse contains some deleted scenes that shed further light on this conundrum.

    As things stand right now though, it appears that the ambiguous fate of Wolverine between the two films was down more to bad writing than anything Mystique did. Hopefully, more will be revealed in Wolverine 3, as we already know that the Weapon X program will still have a future impact in the X-Universe thanks to the post-credits scene in X-Men: Apocalypse.

    The continuity of the X-Universe may be a colossal headf**k when you try to break it down, but at least X-Men: Days of Future Past wipes away the memory of films like X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Regardless of what reality you're from, that can only be a good thing.

  9. #39
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    wanted to watch this, but thanks to steve, i will stick to the comics and original cartoons.

    i loved apocalypse in the og cartoons, i hate they have diverted from their original storylines. i want to see the comics/cartoons made as live action,

    fucking the cartoons are more in depth/intracut than the movies.

  10. #40
    El Don of this shit TAURO's Avatar
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    I enjoyed the movie for what it was but ultimately Bryan Singer needs to leave the property and a fresh reboot is in order. The continuity is an absolute mess and it all needs to be simplified once again. Singer's X-Men is a relic of the past, we've moved on from those early 00 flicks and their all black leather suits. Today's hero's can wear a bit of colour and still be taken seriously.

    I say start again with the original line up of Angel, Beast, Jean Grey, Ice Man and Cyclops. Then add/remove characters in the sequels. A back to basics approach is what's needed and this time with more accurate costumes.

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  11. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by TAURO View Post
    I say start again with the original line up of Angel, Beast, Jean Grey, Ice Man and Cyclops.

    that team is too whitebread and doesn't have enough wimmenz

    some mixture of these squads (with nightcrawler and kitty pryde thrown in) would be ideal, imo

    but i tend to not like most pre or post-claremont (1974-91) x-men stuff so fuck my opinion

    one of the only thing fuckboi singer's movies did right was starting off with the x-men already established. origins are usually dull and unncessary

  12. #42
    El Don of this shit TAURO's Avatar
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    "I pledge allegiance to the hip hop"
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  13. #43


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