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Thread: #KarmicRetribution at its finest

  1. #1

    Default #KarmicRetribution at its finest

    It could have gone way worse for this driver. Most people know that leaving their vehicle in a handicap spot can not only lead to hefty tickets and possibly even getting towed, it also tends to bring out anger in most people who are used to doing the right thing.

    This guy would have probably preferred just receiving the ticket instead of the surprise someone left on his misplaced SUV. This guy would probably rather just get points on his license then this humiliating scene he caused by parking in the wrong spot. This guy landed himself what looks like a lifetime supply of blue post-it notes, and an inevitable trip to traffic school.

    Despite the embarrassment, this guy’s car could have faced some much worse consequences. He’s lucky the person just got done stopping at an Office Depot, and that his vehicle wasn’t damaged in any capacity. Though his ego definitely was as you watch the man try to bring his vehicle back to a drivable state. You can imagine it’s probably hard to see through a bunch of sticky notes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The anger over disabled spots is fucking absurd, you would think people that park in them have literally tipped some one in a wheelchair over or something.
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

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  3. #3
    Terry Cloth Rudolph Joint Sky Blue Bally Kid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
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    lol his attempts to remove the stickers. Were they super glued on or something?

    When I'm writing in my room

    It's like a child that's fighting in the womb

    - KP -


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