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Thread: Election thread

  1. #1456
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    B-dolo being a LOLBERTARIAN is about as believable as a senile man who gropes children and can't finish his sentences getting the most votes in a presidential election ever.
    Nope, did not vote any Dem or Rep for state or federal office. I don't support Biden, but your guys man crush on Trump is unbecoming. Do you wish you were him or with him?

  2. #1457
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    Did you mean “your guy’s” or “your guys’”?

    Lol It’s always Trump this Trump that with you people.

    With me it’s about what the left has let fester and what the media Is covering Up and the blatant corruption.

    Everyone’s focused on Trump but that’s not my focus at all.

  3. #1458
    The ABBOTT
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    Just trying to add counter perspective here. I have no problen admitting Biden/Dems are corrupt. But if you think Republicans and in particular Trump aren't corrupt you are ignorant and need to go outside of your safe spaces once in awhile.

    Trump called the two officials in Detroit who are certifying the. election. That is election interference, it's something new everyday with him and his party. All I see here is trashing of the left, both sides need be included.

  4. #1459
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    Just trying to add counter perspective here. I have no problen admitting Biden/Dems are corrupt. But if you think Republicans and in particular Trump aren't corrupt you are ignorant and need to go outside of your safe spaces once in awhile.

    Trump called the two officials in Detroit who are certifying the. election. That is election interference, it's something new everyday with him and his party. All I see here is trashing of the left, both sides need be included.
    When the republicans ignore antifa’s existence, back BLM riots and harassment, call for insecure mail in voting, suppress a story of Hunter Biden, Push critical race theory, make deals with Marxists, Push cancel culture, push the green new deal, push anti 2A BS, sell out the American working class etc. I’ll get on Them more.

    And personally, the progressive left remind me of nazis or some variance of authoritarian civilian soldiers. Completely void of any ability to show empathy. If you’ve don’t any real study up on national socialism to understand it, the similarities are there. In policy and mentality. They are their own special brand of that type of authoritarian extremism.
    Last edited by Dooch; 11-20-2020 at 06:55 AM.

  5. #1460


    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    What's the big deal?

    Did Kamala Harris or Joe Biden do a single fucking press conference the last year? LOL

  6. #1461


    Lol Steve Bannon is on fire this morning!

    Ned Stabler is a scumbag. Sue me!
    Dana's IQ is room temp, baby
    Hold the line and man up!
    We're at war!
    Frank Mir doesn't need Fox
    Take the pacifier out
    Get outta your duck feet pajamas!
    You don't need Fox. Get a book and read a book!
    You're all dead!!!

    Pandemic.warroom.org 10am to 12pm and 5pm to 7pm everyday. Best show and podcast on the internet right now. It really feels like a fucking war room. No wonder Trump had to fire Bannon. He gets too savage on 'em. Frankly, Trump probably should have kept this guy around instead of letting RINO frauds sabotage his administration.

    ^Ned Staebler owned by Steve Bannon lol

  7. #1462


    DATA: Trump Won 95% Of Bellwether Counties, Making Biden Win Statistically Improbable

    In a video posted to Twitter on Thursday, Trump 2020 Campaign Senior Advisor for Strategy Steve Cortes took a deep dive into the 2020 election data regarding President Donald Trump’s overwhelmingly dominant performance in the United States’ bellwether counties, adding to the statistical improbability of a Joe Biden electoral victory.
    “Out of 3,000 counties in this country, there are 19 that have a perfect track record since 1980 of voting for the successful presidential candidate,” Cortes noted. “Donald Trump, on November 3, won 18 out of these 19 counties. Could these bellwether counties really have gotten it wrong all at the same time?”

    The corporate media has largely been unable to explain Trump’s dominant performance in bellwether counties, offering up only vague references to “more racially diverse populations” in response to the counties’ sharp contrast with a purported Biden victory.

    “Let’s look at these individual counties,” Cortes continued, and took a look at Vigo County, Indiana, which has only failed to vote for the projected winner once in over 100 years.

    Cortes noted that in 2008, “Obama won this swing county in Indiana by 16 percent. This election, Donald Trump almost exactly flipped that even by the number. He won it by 15 percent.”

    Valencia County, New Mexico, has held a perfect track record in presidential elections since 1952.

    “It’s a majority Hispanic county, working-class place,” Cortes said. “In 2008, Obama won it by 8 percent. Again, like Vigo County, it flipped it almost exactly. In 2020, Donald trump won it by 10 percent.”

    Cortes added that while the bellwether data does not conclusively prove Trump won, when viewed in its totality alongside “the growing statistical evidence that points to the utter improbability of the Biden win, what emerges is really just two scenarios: either Biden had literally a perfect political storm on November 3 – highly unlikely – or there was massive and systemic cheating. And I believe the evidence grows toward the latter.”

    Cortes concluded by noting one other data point: Republicans won 27 out of 27 tossup house races in 2020, meaning a Biden win in the presidential election would stand out as such as a statistical anomaly that it would willingly suspend disbelief.

    demoKKKrats know the election was stolen. I heard fake news media and members of Biden's fraud team and they are growing more and more hostile and unwilling to do anything to prove the election was legitimate. They're trying to prevent any court case from actually being heard, essentially calling thousands of sworn witnesses to election violations all liars, refuse to allow validation of ballots, and are threatening violence and getting more threatening with their rhetoric. Obama the affirmative action clown is out there telling navy seals to dig Trump out. So far POLITICALLY appointed local judges, appointed by demoKKKrats, are showing why they were picked. To serve the party, not the letter of the law.

    I remember cornering a possum in my father's screened in porch with a shovel. The thing hissed at me and showed its fangs. That's how demoKKKrats and their fake news propagandists are behaving now. Not like people who genuinely believe they won the election fair and square, or people with any desire to prove it. They can't wait to destroy the ballots and the evidence.

    Joe Biden even admitted he had the largest voter fraud organization in US history. Why won't you take Joe Biden for his word? Are you calling him a liar? He didn't misspeak. It's what psychologists call a Freudian slip.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 11-20-2020 at 05:54 PM.

  8. #1463
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    Apparently, Trump is having a meeting with MI's lawyers regarding overturning votes in Wayne County.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  9. #1464
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    They will likely get away with it, but the stain will be there forever.

  10. #1465


    War Room is On! https://pandemic.warroom.org/

    So far, in exposing all this election fraud, Kemp and Rattensburger in Georgia look more corrupt than anyone. And they're Republicans!

    These election software companies are all scrubbing their websites, social media, closing offices, hiring lawyers, and scurrying off like rats and erasing their identities. Look how guilty people act.

    100 Dominion Voting Systems Employees on LinkedIn Have Deleted Their Profiles After The Election https://dailytruthreport.com/100-dom...-the-election/

    Smartmatic Denies Transfer of Technology to Dominion Voting Systems — Articles Scrubbed from Website — But Internet Archive Never Lies

    In December 2007 Smartmatic announced the sale of their Sequoia Voting Systems to Dominion Voting Systems.
    Smartmatic published a press release announcing their sale Sequoia voting systems as shown in screenshot below.

    UPDATE: This Seems Important – Dominion REFUSED to Testify Before PA House Committee Today — Lawyered Up Instead https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/202...yered-instead/

    Now get this. You probably heard that Dominion was supposed to testify today but last night they hired lawyers and bailed. So I researched to see which law firm they hired.

    Perkins Coie

    So I did some research on this law firm which is protecting and covering up for the corrupt election company we already PROVED WITH IRREFUTABLE DATA WAS CHANGING VOTES!!!!

    So who is Perkins Coie? Light your blunt cuz this shit is crazy.

    For one, they represent KAMALA HARRIS! I shit you not.
    Kamala Harris Picks Perkins Coie as Firm Ramps Up Work for....[paywall]

    You high yet? It gets better.


    Perkins Coie Law Firm Paid for Junk Steele Dossier https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...on-jim-jordan/

    Which leads me to my next point which you probably figured out by now...

    The Law Firm is basically run by Hillary Clinton!

    Wood: The lawsuit I filed was against the secretary of state and other appropriate defendants. And it stems out of a March 2020 consent settlement that the secretary of state entered into in litigation with the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party was represented by Perkins Coie you might also call Perkins Coie the Hillary Clinton Law Firm. But that consent agreement made substantive changes in the absentee voting rules. You can’t do that.

    And I haven't even finished my research. I think someone should write an article about Perkins Coie. A corrupt law firm involved in sabotaging all our elections. Dossiers, election software, Hillary and Kamala connections.

    I even found information that Kamala Harris's husband may have worked for Perkins Coie at one time, but I haven't confirmed it.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 11-20-2020 at 06:45 PM.

  11. #1466


    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    They will likely get away with it, but the stain will be there forever.
    I'm normally a pessimist. But the cat's already outta tha bag, brother. The evidence of election fraud is irrefutable.

    They chant over again and over again like zombies "there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence"

    But what we all have seen is more evidence of massive election fraud in just two weeks than we saw of Trump Russia collusion in 4 years!!!!

    And I'm not just talking about a couple dead people voting with absentee ballots, or a few people voting twice, or some people harvesting ballots, or a few dumbass clerks forgetting to upload 3,000 fucking ballots into the system.

    I'm talking about mass scale election fraud via election tabulation software, and mass scale manufacturing of fraudulent ballots!

    You and I see the obvious. CNN and MSNBC and a large scale, cooperative, organized plot to cover it all up with corporate propaganda media companies, big tech censorship companies, and all these fake fact checking operations the demoKKKrat party started.

    When it comes to funding? The demoKKKrats have endless amounts of it. Remember when I told you in another thread that Qaddafi was the richest man in the entire world? With over $200 billion in wealth?

    Where the fuck do you think that massive fortune went? To the people of libya? Hillary Clinton and Obama were behind that. It went into demoKKKrat and Globalist coffers. Massive amounts of gold. Call me a conspiracy theorist? Give me an alternative explanation what happened to it. Go ahead. Research the entire fucking internet. Go to snopes, LOL.

    DemoKKKrats already stole massive amounts of money and gold. They have way more funding than the GOP could dream of. All demoKKKrats care about now is power and control.

    They're not just lying to you about the election. They're lying to you about COVID-19. They lied to you about all the riots. They lied to you about Hunter Biden's laptop and covered it up. They lied to you about Biden extorting Ukraine. And they aren't just doing all these things in the USA. They have their tentacles in over half the European countries and all over the world.

    Look what's going on in Australia? Travelers have basically been imprisoned in their hotel rooms. Not even allowed to leave. All because what? 36 people died nationwide in Australia? They're using COVID-19 as cover to exercise a globalist lockdown all around the world. They act uniformly. These nations are not behaving or acting like independent nation states. They all have central banks inside their countries who control their currencies and the central banks are all owned by just a handful of people.

    Will they get away with it? Only for so long. We at least know now our elections are fraudulent. We don't have to pretend like people who voted for Biden won or people who voted for Trump won. Our election systems are rigged and they were able to control us for so long by tricking us into believing we were actually picking the representatives. Now the blindfold has been removed from all our eyes.

    Look how rapidly they have implemented mass scale censorship and propaganda.

    I just saw a U.S. Senator, Hawaii DemoKKKrat Senator Mazie Hirono, say that conservatives have never been censored on Twitter during a Senate hearing. A bold faced fucking lie. This bitch should work for the Communist Chinese Party. Guess what she said? "there's no evidence." LOL

    That's the favorite lie demoKKKrats repeat over again and over again. "There's no evidence." It's like a chant. It reminds me when they kept repeating and chanting "peaceful protests" and "Mostly peaceful." They are fucking programmed, man. It's like when the delirious fucks tried to convince themselves the Post Office was out of money while it has $13 billion in the bank and is on pace to have a record year for revenues. They are DETACHED from reality. But see. THEY KNOW THIS. They know the post office has plenty of money. It was part of the election steal. They had to create a narrative of chaos, to justify ballot counting for up to two weeks after the election, pretending the post office was late delivering the ballots when really they were going to be back filling manufactured ballots to catch up with the rigging in the election tabulation software. The steal was two part. First, hack the election tabulation which feeds to the major corporate media companies so that they can use media to control who they want to win, then back in the ballots at 5AM which a large dump into the tabulation data then use algorithms to maintain Biden's lead from that point on, as I have proven in previous posts.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 11-20-2020 at 07:09 PM.

  12. #1467
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    I'm normally a pessimist. But the cat's already outta tha bag, brother. The evidence of election fraud is irrefutable.

    They chant over again and over again like zombies "there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence, there's no evidence"

    But what we all have seen is more evidence of massive election fraud in just two weeks than we saw of Trump Russia collusion in 4 years!!!!

    And I'm not just talking about a couple dead people voting with absentee ballots, or a few people voting twice, or some people harvesting ballots, or a few dumbass clerks forgetting to upload 3,000 fucking ballots into the system.

    I'm talking about mass scale election fraud via election tabulation software, and mass scale manufacturing of fraudulent ballots!

    You and I see the obvious. CNN and MSNBC and a large scale, cooperative, organized plot to cover it all up with corporate propaganda media companies, big tech censorship companies, and all these fake fact checking operations the demoKKKrat party started.

    When it comes to funding? The demoKKKrats have endless amounts of it. Remember when I told you in another thread that Qaddafi was the richest man in the entire world? With over $200 billion in wealth?

    Where the fuck do you think that massive fortune went? To the people of libya? Hillary Clinton and Obama were behind that. It went into demoKKKrat and Globalist coffers. Massive amounts of gold. Call me a conspiracy theorist? Give me an alternative explanation what happened to it. Go ahead. Research the entire fucking internet. Go to snopes, LOL.

    DemoKKKrats already stole massive amounts of money and gold. They have way more funding than the GOP could dream of. All demoKKKrats care about now is power and control.

    They're not just lying to you about the election. They're lying to you about COVID-19. They lied to you about all the riots. They lied to you about Hunter Biden's laptop and covered it up. They lied to you about Biden extorting Ukraine. And they aren't just doing all these things in the USA. They have their tentacles in over half the European countries and all over the world.

    Look what's going on in Australia? Travelers have basically been imprisoned in their hotel rooms. Not even allowed to leave. All because what? 36 people died nationwide in Australia? They're using COVID-19 as cover to exercise a globalist lockdown all around the world. They act uniformly. These nations are not behaving or acting like independent nation states. They all have central banks inside their countries who control their currencies and the central banks are all owned by just a handful of people.

    Will they get away with it? Only for so long. We at least know now our elections are fraudulent. We don't have to pretend like people who voted for Biden won or people who voted for Trump won. Our election systems are rigged and they were able to control us for so long by tricking us into believing we were actually picking the representatives. Now the blindfold has been removed from all our eyes.

    Look how rapidly they have implemented mass scale censorship and propaganda.

    I just saw a U.S. Senator, Hawaii DemoKKKrat Senator Mazie Hirono, say that conservatives have never been censored on Twitter during a Senate hearing. A bold faced fucking lie. This bitch should work for the Communist Chinese Party. Guess what she said? "there's no evidence." LOL

    That's the favorite lie demoKKKrats repeat over again and over again. "There's no evidence." It's like a chant. It reminds me when they kept repeating and chanting "peaceful protests" and "Mostly peaceful." They are fucking programmed, man. It's like when the delirious fucks tried to convince themselves the Post Office was out of money while it has $13 billion in the bank and is on pace to have a record year for revenues. They are DETACHED from reality. But see. THEY KNOW THIS. They know the post office has plenty of money. It was part of the election steal. They had to create a narrative of chaos, to justify ballot counting for up to two weeks after the election, pretending the post office was late delivering the ballots when really they were going to be back filling manufactured ballots to catch up with the rigging in the election tabulation software. The steal was two part. First, hack the election tabulation which feeds to the major corporate media companies so that they can use media to control who they want to win, then back in the ballots at 5AM which a large dump into the tabulation data then use algorithms to maintain Biden's lead from that point on, as I have proven in previous posts.
    I think regardless of whether Trump stays or goes, the Dems are royally fucked. Extreme corruption.

    In due time.
    Last edited by Dooch; 11-20-2020 at 08:11 PM.

  13. #1468


    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    SCOTUS justices were reassigned circuit courts Effective November 20, 2020, ordered pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42.

    MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh
    WI - Amy Coney Barrett
    PA - Samuel A. Alito
    GA - Clarence Thomas




  14. #1469


    Trump won the election. We all know it. There's an abundance of evidence. Don't let fake ass fucker fuck face fake news faggot fucks tell you otherwise. They haven't proved and validated a single fucking ballot yet. They're bitch fraud bastards bend the back ass fucks.


    Joe Biden You're a Scumbag


  15. #1470
    The ABBOTT
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    Trumps legal team is a joke.
    They have been introducing so called evidence that shows irregularities that could allege mass voter fraud in deep blue liberal areas where turnout is higher than the number of registered voters. But, they're using data from townships in Minnesota to make allegations about voter turnout in Michigan because the person that found it doesn't know that MI = Michigan. Minnesota is a state that allows same day registration, so the turnout can be higher than the registered voter counts going into the election. Also, these are red areas in Minnesota, so if they were successful in proving any fraud with this evidence, then it would imply that they were in the wrongdoing.

    This smoking gun data was found by a self-proclaimed elections expert Russ Ramsland. How exactly does an election expert not know that MN = Minnesota and MI = Michigan? Because he is a failed con-man, the same as these other crooks that sell cooked up statistics to push their phony conspiracy theories. He sells tickets to his talks about "exposing election fraud."


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