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Thread: Election thread

  1. #211
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    I love reading a great build. Very well in depth and intelligent. You guys are good.

    I have to vote this Tuesday. I am still deciding who to vote for. Trump is out of the question!

  2. #212
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    white people have this thing in their brain where they can't say white people are doing something wrong. I don't see why the focus is the immigrant who busted their ass to get a job from Disney and not the Disney Company that has 0 loyalty to white privilege if it doesn't make them money.

    All of these incidents of illegal workers are 100% on the companies that hire them, not the illegals. If I'm in Mexico, someone says I can make 6x what I'm make here cutting grass in the US, i'm going to the US. I'm not waiting 13 years at the embassy either and I'm going in particular because I know that typically white companies will look the other way and give me the job.

    Americans take jobs oversees all the time and nobody complains. People have to be mindful to the fact that it's no longer 'low skilled' work that illegal immigrants are being offered, but very high skilled work because the kids outside of this country are busting their ass to be the best in IT, finance, medicine etc.

    But it's never the companies that draw these people in, it's the people that got the job. And why? because it's 'your job'. You don't have shit, you're a resource, that's why it's called human resources, and once you're depleted or obsolete you're done. I like how immigrants 'take' jobs and white people 'get' jobs.

    And they think that companies just trolled the ghetto making niggas CEOS become of affirmative action or fly over India throwing flight tickets out of airplanes. The idea of competing isn't even an option
    Last edited by TSA; 03-05-2016 at 01:24 PM.

  3. #213
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    It's even to the point that the every job creator on the republican ticket has hired illegal workers, but they're all telling poor white people they're going to build walls and issue id cards and the fools are eating it up because it allows them to call someone else the problem once again. If Donald Trump hires 20 illegal workers and get you rid of 20 and keep Donald Trump he'll bring 20 more in.

  4. #214
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    I don't care what black americans like, it makes no sense to complain about companies hiring foreign workers by attacking foreign workers. if you were given a chance to do what you're doing now in the UK for 6x more pay you'll take it.

    Why can't we say it's the companies that need to be checked? Why witchhunt the 'illegal workers' when they're completely replaceable with even less legal workers in the eyes of these completely white american born often republican business owners.

    and lol at that Disney guy. I saw that bitchboy on youtube crying like a hoe cause he lost a job lol. My dad trained his supervisor before quitting his job... let alone replacement, and this is standard practice for a lot of black people in the working world. Still, what's the point of blaming the countless underskilled blood relative white employees that replace and oversee more qualified and experienced people every day when it's the company that's creating the issue?

    Does it make sense to listen to politicians talk about building walls so 'da mezzicans won't get in' and chasing this and that immigrant if those specific individuals saying that stuff have hired more illegal mexicans than we've ever met?

    We've been hearing this shit from Mccain, Romney, Trump, Bush, and all the clowns they beat in the primaries and EVERY ONE OF THEM has employed illegal workers. If these people didn't actively seek illegal immigrant work, the incentive for staying in mexico or coming the the US legal would vanish for most.

    I'm also very aware than most non black and non white people that get jobs are assumed to not be america so I'm not checking for that weeping bitch as disney that think the immigrant squeezed him out and threw him in the trash and not disney.
    Last edited by TSA; 03-05-2016 at 04:42 PM.

  5. #215
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    This lady I know rant and rants about immigrants and has a clearly illegal mexican mow her grass every week. Her able bodied teenaged sons do nothing. In fact the concept of mowing your own grass is very alien in texas. But all of these people will complain till they true blue about illegals. The illegals are just supplying a demand.

  6. #216
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    no dude, I just saw the word Disney and took it to that weeping hoe nigga on facebook's chest. I don't even care if it's in context. Fuck that nigga

  7. #217
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    nah, the US is cool and white ppl are ok. they just like to blame everyone but themselves for everything

    Rapper Willie D to Donald Trump: You've gone too far

    Willie D — famous as part of the Geto Boys, one of the Dirty South's most influential rap acts — is no stranger to accusations of being outrageous. In 1990, the group's first major-label album made national news, caught up in the Tipper Gore-led movement to protect minors from albums their parents wouldn't approve. Before Geffen Records decided the Geto Boys' self-titled album was too hot to distribute, it planned a warning sticker that described the record as "violent, sexist, racist and indecent."

    But even for Willie D, there are limits: It's one thing to be shocking, to "keep your brand out there" in a rap song; it's another thing entirely to do it in a presidential campaign. On Facebook, he recently published an open letter to Donald Trump.

    Here's an edited version.

    FIRST OFF, congratulations on your commanding lead as the Republican frontrunner in the national polls for the race for President of the United States. I heard you even got a plurality 24 percent share of the vote in a recent poll. Impressive — very impressive. I'd also like to recognize your business acumen. It's made you a very wealthy man. We are a nation divided, but if there's one thing all Americans can agree on is our appetite for a good ol' rags-to-riches – okay, riches-to-riches — success story. At any rate you've done well for yourself, Donny boy.


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    Rick Brennan of Histrionix. Big Idea: By creating video games, kids learn to write and code Rice adjunct professor Robert Flatt took up photography after he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 12 years ago. Currently, heΥs shooting Black-crowned and Yellow-crowned Night Herons living in the oaks along West Boulevard near Rice University. Post-divorce chaos, spiked with bird motifs Mattresses are shown in the Mattress Firm display in NRG Center during the houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Thursday, March 3, 2016, in Houston. Mattress stores' new frontier: the Rodeo House of Cards returns to Netflix on Friday, March 4th. Science and the binge-watching blahs Dennis Abrams, author of "The Play's the Thing." The man with the Shakespeare tattoos
    You know, when you made those comments about Mexican immigrants being criminals and rapists, my first thought was, "Dude is a clown." I understand you need something to separate yourself from the pack, and you exercise your little diatribes occasionally to keep your brand out there, but come on, man. You're a billionaire businessman with access to hidden information. There's got to be at least a molecule of brain matter beneath that fluffy disco rug on top of your head to warn you that even if you are stupid enough to feel that way, that's not something you should say if you're trying to convince people that you want their vote for president of the United States.

    But I get it. Thrashing Mexicans during an election cycle historically has helped to bring in tons of conservative votes. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book.

    And it's not just Mexicans you attack. In your most recent ignoramus remarks, you said John McCain wasn't a war hero. You reasoned that had he not been captured, he would have been a hero, and you likened soldiers who didn't get captured to winners. So is it the new position of the GOP that POWs are losers? Our soldiers who return home maimed and in body bags, are they also losers?

    I'm not a fan of John McCain's politics, and I once authored an anti-war song. But I've always been honest with myself enough to give credit where credit is due. That man battled and was beaten and tortured for almost six years because he fought for you to have the liberty to say whatever you want. To use that freedom to disparage any veteran's service is a disgrace. If you can't appreciate the sacrifices our military men and women make, you are not fit to be their commander in chief.

    Your sound bites may be appealing to the few holdout nutcase conservatives who wish like hell they could turn back the clock and enjoy the inequitable privileges of their grandpas, but they will alienate the larger portion who represent the cultural change that's going on in America. Each time you open your mouth, I keep thinking: This guy has to be working for the Democrats because he's clearly hurting the Republican Party's chance of reclaiming the White House.

    In any event, I think you owe every hard-working Mexican immigrant in America an apology, and another apology to their kids because the kids also have to deal with the shame and indignity of being profiled.

    Additionally, you owe Captain John McCain an apology. You owe the families of POWs an apology; and you owe every single veteran that's ever been trapped behind enemy lines an apology.

    Enjoy your stay at the top because it won't be long.

  8. #218


    this is the worst election since 2012

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    white people have this thing in their brain where they can't say white people are doing something wrong. I don't see why the focus is the immigrant who busted their ass to get a job from Disney and not the Disney Company that has 0 loyalty to white privilege if it doesn't make them money.
    This is the most inaccurate statement you have made. "White people" are constantly on other white people in this country.

    "White people" are the only people in the US that 90 percent of them don't automatically vote for one party based solely on their skin color or ethnicity.

    you get into that habit of generaliZing which is the same thing you protest about when concerning "whites" and "mezzicans".

    I'm not going to say politics and politicians are at an all time low because we always romanticize the past.

    If you read contemporary articles in newspapers on everyday issues from any era of any country, it's really the same old song and dance.

    The panic over Trump and his "authoritarianism" (please, they're all authority figures), is so far fetched it's laughable.

    This isn't the Weimar Republic of 1920's Germany, just like 2008 America was not the crumbling Czarist monarchy of 1917 Russia.

    This is a highly stable form of government, probably the most stable in the world if not thee most.

    This is just classic Mudslinging.

    Of course the Dems are gonna play the racial card. It's hot as fuck right now it's the "trump" card for them.

    All they have to do is say a republican is a bigot and boom, votes. It works they are going in use it.

    So the republicans are gonna use theirs which is to appeal to working class. Mainly whites but other ethnicities to, but right is that's not realistic but it's a populace that can win elections because it makes up large portions of important swing states like Ohio, Illinois, Pennsyvania, Florida, etc.

    Non-whites have always underestimated the differences between the "white" population of this country.

    I'm not sure why it's not a difficult concept to grasp.

  10. #220
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    It's always white people leading the moral crusade campaigns too if anything white people are the easiest to divide once you throw in buzzwords like equality and morality
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  11. #221
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    If Obama were to behave like Trump, or have any semblance of his life story, you will quickly realize how limited self assessment is in the US white community. All groups have their temperaments and tastes but white people are the majority, and if they're not holding up everyone suffers.

    Also the idea that white people's diversity is under-examined isn't a serious assertion at all.


    White people lead white people's moral crusades and don't believe it's just their own because of buzzwords (and they like buzzwords a lot). Historically, the American revolution was a white person's moral crusade. It did nothing for anyone else, but the fact that it's spoken about as everyone's revolution is an example of the monolithic narrative we're all dealing with. If you have a candidate that blatantly uses racist to invoke support of the majority against various minorities it's irresponsible for the majority to keep it going. But we have a majority that's firmly convinced their own causes are everyone's causes even if their own cause is accusing non-white people who get jobs of stealing 'their jobs'. Most of the resentment towards mexicans isn't from checking who's legal and who isn't, it's from seeing large numbers of mexicans at blue collar work sites. Their status as citizens isn't known to the person making accusations but there's something, in that persons mind, illegitimate and suspicious about seeing a large number of non-white people doing just about anything.

    That guys a fag, he'll get another job. The fact that he went to congress after getting fired is entitlement personified. In his testimony it's self he made the fact that his replacement was foreign the central issue. It sucks he lost his job, he'll get another one and it sucks that he started crying when he said 'being turned over to a foreign worker' not the part where Disney comes in the room and threatens him and his coworkers. Not Disney extorting them.

  12. #222
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    If you don't believe me, I'm reading the comments on IT workers video and the comments under the black guy who Lowes replaced with a white guy to accommodate a racist customers video. Or the video where the white supervisor was humiliating and abusing black workers at a cotton factory. Go to any video where a black person is saying his workplace did something wrong. Hell go to a video of a black guy getting shot in his house for getting into his car and going to work by the police. The tone of anything negative happening to a black person, from white people is immediate invalidation, and the workplace is the tip of the iceberg.

  13. #223
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    D TRUMP is the complete exception to the rule.

    Howard Dean got booted for doing a Rick Flair wooooo!!

    I'm personally surprised Trump has gotten this far, but when voters are highly skeptical of politicians and insiders, as they are now, populist outside candidates like Trump become extremely popular.

    It's a phase. It's happened before. The turn of the century and the Great Depression saw rises in populist candidacy.

    It'll be interesting how far he goes.

  14. #224
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  15. #225
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