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Thread: Election thread

  1. #46
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeybarz View Post
    this is a losing battle for conservatives. the generations are going to keep getting more and more liberal, it's just the way of things. America will be unrecognizable in 20-30 years. lots of things have changed, for better or worse. Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states. Columbus Day is being replaced with Indigenous Peoples Day. The Millennials surpassed the Baby Boomers this year as the majority generation.....and NWA is about to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame lol

    The republican party needs to be a new thing entirely. The strategy of rich white people getting poor white people to obsess about everyone but white people isn't going to hold weight anymore, and has already spiraled out of control for them.

    If the republican party was actually about conservatism, self reliance, self improvement, business, 'the american dream', social mobility, and small government it would win the vote for blacks, hispanics, millennials, women, asians, etc etc. Oddly enough the only people in America that agree with democratic values are a margin of liberals that are usually white.

    But they're not, and never will be because it has been permanently branded as white people's wall of lamentations. For example, millennials are having a hard time starting businesses because of student loan debt. At the same time they seem very consistently interested in self reliance and entrepreneurship. The republicans could have swooped in and collected, but they're still talking about 'socialism' like any of us grew up in the cold war where public schools was branded as the death of America for that to matter.

    Most families in America are republican, but the people controlling the party are too inept to make anything out of this. Democrats are sitting back and collecting unclaimed citizens by simply not insulting them or blaming them for the country's problems despite the fact that only a margin of white communities are majority ok with things like gay marriage, abortion, atheism, and other major liberal causes.

  2. #47
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    The democrats are getting constituents based solely on, "Well, he didn't say this"

    DONALD TRUMP: 'My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars'
    Business Insider-3 hours ago

    and the republicans are getting constituents based on fury (i can't even call it anger because at this point it has blocked rational assessment. About Obama. They made Obama unbeatable because they themselves were too emotional and racist to realize attacking the president of the harvard law review on stupidity, incomptence, the USSR, and citizenship wasn't going to work. In their own respective coon bubble these are real 'issues' and as it doesn't work they get madder and more fanatical with their decision making. This is why the republican primaries have been hijacked by people who's lack of tact soothes anger by emulating anger as opposed to people with a shot of winning. especially when the people making you angry (everyone but white males) are the majority of the country.

  3. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    it really shits me that people don't realise that there's a generation AFTER Gen Y and they think all of us Gen Y had life with iPhones and high speed internet.
    anybody born in 1980 to the present is considered a Millennial; however, they differentiate between "older Millennials" (born in 1980 to mid-1990s) and "younger Millennials" (born in the late 1990s to present).

    also, if college were ever free in America, I'd go right back college and get a degree in the most useless field I can think of, most likely Art History. I'm milking that cow

  4. #49
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Then it needs to. For black people it helps check anyone that's characterizing themselves to take advantage of a particular situation at the expense of everyone else in the group.

    This is full blooded cooning. This was created because republicans wanted to use stupidity to court angry white people into voting for them. When billionaires get on a stage and start saying dumb shit to create an impression that they're just like poor white people, it's cooning.

    Chris Christie was sounding reasonable pre-election, but now it's election season and everyone's racing the be the loudest more unreasonable person possible at the republican end.
    Last edited by TSA; 10-27-2015 at 12:19 PM.

  5. #50
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    ^You're going to vote for either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, aren't you? Listen, either way (Democrat or Republican), based on the choices that are available, America is...
    Last edited by IrOnMaN; 10-27-2015 at 01:11 PM.

  6. #51
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Of all options Bernie makes the most sense, but I feel like Hilary will get the ticket. I'm super disinterested this year, and idk if the fact that I get my news from the internet makes to worst but it just seems like a big shit show.

  7. #52

    Default Colbert Calls Out Trump For Fretting Carson's Rise In The Polls

  8. #53


    again, this is a losing battle for Republicans. after losing the 2012 election, I realized where things were going to be headed. less Baby Boomers, more Millennials and minorities. not a good combination if you're a conservative. combine that with 99% of the media working AGAINST you, followed by losing the women, Jew, black, Muslim, gay, Hispanic, Indian, and Asian votes....it just doesn't look good. ironically, Muslims were pretty Republican pre-9/11. they jumped ship very quickly to the Democrat side after 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq

  9. #54
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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  10. #55
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    I haven't been following the US elections, but is there any chance of either Carson or Trump actually winning? Would be hilarious if they did, I am just surprised that the Republicans cannot produce a sane candidate.

  11. #56


    ^^it's pretty bad for the republicans this time around haha

    hanzo on another note ... I just heard this news ... can you believe the results of the Turkish elections? I'm perplexed. all pointed toward the governing AKP losing a lot of votes, now they seem to be heading for a landslide victory? could some part of it have been rigged?

    Erdogan is bad new for Turkey imo, it's hurting the country now and it's gonna hurt them even more in the long run. I was hoping for a change for the better for Turkey but I guess the people have spoken & are happy with a corruptible power hungry leader who purposely broke the treaty with the Kurds so people would rally behind him against a common enemy. this guy just capitalized off the fear of his own people smh

    my opinion of Erdogan has nothing to do with Islam btw

    would be interested in your view

  12. #57
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    Bob Dole should have given it another go.

  13. #58

    Default #MindBlown

  14. #59
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rev Jones View Post
    ^^it's pretty bad for the republicans this time around haha

    hanzo on another note ... I just heard this news ... can you believe the results of the Turkish elections? I'm perplexed. all pointed toward the governing AKP losing a lot of votes, now they seem to be heading for a landslide victory? could some part of it have been rigged?

    Erdogan is bad new for Turkey imo, it's hurting the country now and it's gonna hurt them even more in the long run. I was hoping for a change for the better for Turkey but I guess the people have spoken & are happy with a corruptible power hungry leader who purposely broke the treaty with the Kurds so people would rally behind him against a common enemy. this guy just capitalized off the fear of his own people smh

    my opinion of Erdogan has nothing to do with Islam btw

    would be interested in your view
    Well yeah all the signs were that it would be the same result as before but they destroyed everyone, getting the highest vote ever. Its not easy to rig the vote in Turkey, its a fair result. I can't say I am surprised, they did everything to win. Everyday on TV it was all about Erdogan and his party. Mind you Erdogan is President so by constitution he has to stay neutral but he still rallied on behalf of his party. Its a shit result, but just proves that religion is the top ideology and just wins over secularism, nationalism and everything else. For the first time there are more Kurdish nationalists than Turkish nationalists in parliament because the far right in Turkey was useless in this run and the pro-AKP media which is like 90% of the media destroyed the nationalists. The AKP propaganda machine is incredibly powerful, not just state TV but private channels owned by pro-Erdogan businessmen. The government overtook countless private TV channels in the past 15 years and sold them off to friendly businessman. So theres no need to rig the election they have the tools to win outright all the time.

    Between the election in June and today over 400 people died in Turkey, mostly soldiers, but there were two huge terror attacks as well the largest in Turkish history. Like you said he used fear to win back the vote from conservative Kurds and he used the coffins of dead soldiers to win back the nationalist vote. Now they have super control and will change the constitution and turn it into a presidential system meaning Erdogan will have the means to stay in power for another decade. The AKP are like the Republican party, same retarded ideology the difference between Turkey and America is that there are far more red states in Turkey. Like I am from the Turkish equivalent of Texas. God comes first, i know that AKP followers go from village to village telling people if they vote for the opposition they will force girls to wear mini-skirts and drink alcohol, and that if Erdogan loses they will celebrations in Tel Aviv instead of Gaza. People buy that shit up and this is the result.

  15. #60


    well...I guess Turkey is still the most liberal Muslim country in the world, though not by much. not sure what would come close to it...Indonesia? Bosnia? Kosovo?


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