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Thread: Election thread

  1. #121
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    How? Compared to President Bush and how the country is doing now, President Obama is doing a great job.

    When I went to the polls in 2008 and 2012, I used a combination of intellect and common sense. Obama was and still is the best man for the job regardless of race.
    yeah country's doing great but he's still pretty lame. I don't like his foreign policy but at this rate i've realized no american will ever have a different foreign agenda than what's at hand. They were instrumental in making sure the president of Nigeria is a member of Boko Haram because the british and us have a very naive and idiotic view on the islamic world and islam.

    Obama is the best president the country has had since Eisenhower. Johnson is up there too. A lot of ppl will say Kennedy is somewhere in there but I think that's just baby boomers tooting their own horn. I actually expected Obama to be better. I grade him a B-
    Last edited by TSA; 12-31-2015 at 03:54 AM.

  2. #122

    Default Clinton says she supports GMOs

    The darling of the Democratic Party, Hillary Rodham Clinton, says she supports genetically modified food, making her no different from most other American politicians from both major political parties.

    In a recent speech before the world's largest biotechnology meeting in San Diego, Clinton -- who commands speaking fees of about $225,000 per speech -- was enthusiastic in her support for the use of GMOs in farming and agriculture in general. She also spoke positively of using taxpayer-funded federal financial subsidies as payoffs to American companies, to keep them from relocating outside the United States.

    According to the Guardian Liberty Voice:

    She also declared her desire to get industry representatives around a table to have an "intensive discussion" about "how the federal government could help biotechs with insurance against [financial] risk."

    That's code for getting taxpayers to foot the bill for any bad investments biotech companies would make, just like the TARP bailout and the bailout of American car manufacturers.

    Anti-GMO forces have their work cut out for them, with potential presidential contenders vowing support for the biotechs who make them and for the growth of the industry overall; last year, the industry grew globally by 11 percent, raking in revenues of $262 billion.

    'Let's change the language so we can fool the people

    Clinton paid lip service to what she termed the "Frankensteinish" characterizations of GMOs by those opposed to them by not attempting to argue against the many warnings that anti-GMO advocates have issued. Rather, she hinted that negative perceptions of genetically modified foods and agriculture could be addressed with more government and industry propaganda, as reported by GuardianLV:

    [S]he suggested that the negative perceptions of GMO agriculture could be fought if a more positive spin were promoted. Clinton suggested to the thousands of industry people in the room that "'drought resistant' sounds like something you'd want" instead of "genetically modified."

    Always the politician, Clinton was in essence suggesting that the GMO biotech industry borrow a page from scientific pushers of globalcooling/globalwarming/climatechange and just change the language of the debate, in an effort to fool people.

    Clinton went on to say that she supports "[GMO] seeds and products that have a proven track record." In particular, she acknowledged the type of drought-resistant seeds that she touted during her tenure as U.S. Secretary of State. During her speech, which took place at the San Diego Convention Center, some Americans who know the truth about GMOs' "track record" protested outside; they noted that at least 26 countries have banned GMOs from their agricultural production and food marketplaces.

    GuardianLV summarized the main complaints of GMO critics:

    Critics point to a number of issues against the use of GMOs in agriculture, starting with the warning that genetic engineering interrupts a food plant's genetic code, thus possibly creating toxins, allergenic agents or altering the nutritional value of the food produced. Another warning is that pollens from GMO plants are inevitably released into the atmosphere, thus pollinating non-GMO plants and forever altering the latter's more pristine genetic codes.

    Stumping for campaign cash?

    The news site also cited critics' concerns that GMOs actually kill other organisms; for instance, the report said, corn that has been genetically modified to manufacture its own Bt toxin insecticide has been found to be responsible for destroying monarch butterfly larvae. And there have been similar effects on other animal and plant species.

    But there is more to the argument than this. Mega-biotech and agricultural corporations like Monsanto have obtained a near-monopoly on seed production and farming in general, as evidenced by the worldwide decline of small, community-oriented farms. Power is becoming more centrally located in just a few corporations which own patents for seeds; that in turn dictates terms to any farmer using them and makes farmers dependent on a predatory, corporate-run system. Critics of this arrangement have noted that it has gotten so bad that there is an epidemic of farmers in India committing suicide (270,000 between 1995 and 2012, the GuardianLV reports) because of the deepening cycle of debt from having to buy GMO seeds and chemicals that keep rising in price.

    If you were wondering whether Hillary Clinton was going to run for president, this speech and her stance on GMOs should have solved that question for you; she was obviously stumping for the biotech lobby's campaign cash.

  3. #123
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    Yeah but you're not the one who has to live in a war zone. You're safe behind a desk, guarded by security daily, your husband was the President, millions in the bank, mansions, running for President, etc. Life can't get any better.

  4. #124
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    ^I find it rather interesting that Sanders would tell a white man to "shut up" but when those to blacklivesmatters chicks took over his rally, Sanders put his head down and said nothing.

    People don't realize the reason why Sanders made that decision. If Sanders would've told those two chicks to "shut up" in a very authoritative zone, blacks and the media would've thought Sanders was a racist (Sanders doesn't care about black lives). So, Sanders, put his head down and said nothing because it was politically correct and he didn't wanted to be labeled as a racist.

  5. #125
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    That's why people like Trump. It might sound stupid but it's a fact. And the black lives matter movement may have started off genuine but it's turned into black racists getting together and talking shit to white people or anyone in authority.

    Trump truly is not afraid to insult someone or be unpopular.

    Sanders is a politician who needs the black vote so he ain't gonna say shit. He will attack the trump supporter because it makes him look better.

  6. #126


    talk is cheap

    dude's gonna make Mexico pay for that wall. okay buddy

    at least he's gonna cut the head of ISIS quickly

    haha I love these ads. they always bring the comedy

  7. #127

    Default Jackson exposed Trump lies

  8. #128
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    --- Samuel L. Jackson: ‘I really wanted’ San Bernardino killers to be white


  9. #129

    Default Clinton: Private Email Expressing Surprise @State Dpt Employee's Use of Private Email

    the irony...acts like she the Queen B...fukin hypocrite! she admits to doing something illegal and calls out others for doing it. what an idiot and so are her supporters

    According to newly released emails from the controversial personal email account Hillary Clinton used while Secretary of State, Clinton raised an eyebrow at a State Department employee’s use of a personal email account.

    So, Hillary Clinton has caught a lot of (deserved) shit for her use of a secret email server that operated outside of transparency law oversight and was subject to zero scrutiny. This allowed her to select what was eligible for review by the public, and, if she chose to, unilaterally delete the rest.

    In this email—which we’re able to read only because a judge said she had to show it—Clinton says she’s “surprised” that a State Department employee used a personal email account to send his overview of Libyan politics. The joke is that Clinton was doing the exact same thing. The “I was surprised” email itself comes from Clinton’s personal email account.
    Last edited by IronSheik; 01-08-2016 at 01:14 PM.

  10. #130

    Default Jeb’s Super PAC Just Released the Best Worst Attack Ad

    Jeb Bush’s super PAC, Right to Rise, has outspent every single one of its competitors with nearly $50 million going to ads—a fact that’s particularly depressing when you consider the ad you see above.

    Now, this ad’s clear intent of eliciting groans on Twitter aside, the bigger issue is the fact that boots, as far as I am aware, can neither flip nor flop. Boots can turn. Boots can stumble. Boots can reverse. Boots can fall apart and impede you from fulfilling the senatorial duties for which you were elected. But they cannot flip.

  11. #131
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    Rapper Willie D of Geto Boys wrote a long letter to Donald Trump dissing him on his Facebook page hahahahahahahahahahahaha. He said Donald needs to apologize to the Hispanics that he's talking about sending back to their countries because they're in America illegal. Donald don't realize that if he sends Hispanics back to their countries that a lot of his hotels are gonna go outta business because blacks aren't gonna take those jobs LOL. I'm not voting anymore because politicans are a joke and they aren't gonna help blacks get jobs and housing. Blacks need to stop voting because it's a waste of time and they know that white politicans don't care about them. Willie D dissed white politicans on Geto Boys Point Of No Return song when he said J Edgar Hoover, I wish you wasn't dead so I can put a bullet in your muthafucking head. God damn faggot LOL. Muthafucking drag queen LOL. I know you put the hit on Martin Luther King, Fred Hampton, Malcolm and the others. You redneck punk muthafucka LOL. Bob Dole, keep your muthafucking mouth shut before a nigga beat your old ass up hahahahahahahahahahaha. Jumping on the rap bandwagon ain't helping it. You need to be concerned about the muthafucking deficit LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    The TV dinners I like is macaroni and cheese with fish and rice with chicken and broccoli. I also like Stouffer's microwaved spaghetti.
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I also like the food U-God talked about. He said he can cook spaghetti and fried chicken and i would like to taste it to see if he's a good cook. I like spaghetti and fried chicken.

  12. #132

    Default Comedians posing as Trump supporters heckle The Donald and fool the news media

    hahaha...this is boring!

    Guerrilla comedy duo The Good Liars went to a Trump rally in New Hampshire yesterday with one mission—to heckle America's potential future president. Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler, dressed as supporters, yelled out that Trump was boring and should tell some jokes. As you can imagine, The Donald was not a fan of their tomfoolery, and promptly had them booted from the premises.

    All of the major news outlets picked up the story and reported it as legit, such as in this Vine from CNN Politics, so it looks like they got pranked, too. What a bunch of suckers!

  13. #133
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    ^Entertaining but pointless. At this moment, we all should be concern. Trump isn't going down in the poles. Carson and that HP CEO chick are in the single digits. The Democrats are not any better.

    I wish there was a way Obama could do a third term. How exactly is Obama weak? It takes great strength to be the President.

  14. #134

    Default Trump Says He Will Force Apple to Manufacture in the US Even Though That Makes Absolu

    smh: someone needs to explain to Donnie how the government works...dumbass!

    @ which point Apple would completely move overseas (they already bend the tax laws by hoarding $35 billion overseas)

    Let's be honest the only people who are supporting Trump have at best a high school education and have never left the country or possibly their state. So trying to explain why his nonsense statements won't work is pointless. This mans popularity is based on fear and anger, both of which are symptoms of ignorance.

    GOP candidate and angry sweet potato Donald Trump claims he’ll be able to change Apple’s entire manufacturing system if he is elected president. I’ll give Trump this: He’s great at shouting impossible nonsense.

    Trump’s remarks on outsourcing at Liberty University today were especially bizarre and unanchored to reality.

    First, in the span of a few sentences, he insisted that he’d impose a 35 percent tax on businesses producing goods overseas while claiming to support free trade. At the end of his rambling, decidedly non-MLK-themed speech, he said this:

    “We’re going to get Apple to build their damn computers in this country instead of other countries.”

    An all-American Apple sure sounds nice—it would create jobs, it would help ensure that the factory workers have decent working conditions. It’s also an empty applause line. The US president does not have the power to ban a company from outsourcing, nor does the president have the power to completely overhaul the global economy.

    Sure, Trump could advocate for legislation designed to prevent outsourcing. But he would have to champion laws that would fundamentally alter free trade to make it financially advantageous for Apple to upend its manufacturing and supply chain.

    Apple outsources because it maximizes profit, but that is not the only reason. Asia’s electronics supply chains are much larger than what the US has to offer. Not only would Trump have to come up with a way to penalize Apple for outsourcing so harshly that it’d make sense to change its manufacturing model—he’d also have to help US manufacturing catch up to China so that Apple could feasibly begin production here.

    The weirdest part about all of this isn’t that Trump is making outlandish promises. That’s routine for the Trump campaign. The weird thing is that Trump is selling himself as a capitalist icon, yet here he is making speeches that suggest he will take a steaming piss on free trade.

  15. #135


    Trump And Dumber movie trailer (can't embed) http://deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws/cu...edia/1.2551898


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