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Thread: Project Illogic - the artist, the legend : Q & A session

  1. #1

    Default Project Illogic - the artist, the legend : Q & A session

    project illogic how did you know hiphop chose you as its savior?
    Last edited by Rev Jones; 12-28-2015 at 06:01 PM.

  2. #2


    project are you still on your meds ? @ one stage you were posting normal ?

  3. #3

    Default News for my music group

    as yall are probabley aware of right now i have been on music break for about 2 months now. before that, i averaged over 40 hours a week for 16 months straight it was time for the break and i needed one. i am going to start a new song sometime today and more than likley i will finish it in a timeley fashion and it will be good like always.

    through my social circle i met a chick thats a rapper. she claims that shes in the past done like a cds worth of songs but all of it has been lost to time. she only rapped for me briefley but i believe that with my assistance she can be great and shes thinking about joining the group. im gonna tell you the same thing i told her. the more average people i can get on board with me and help them be successfull, well thats a demonstration of my superiority in my book. but i will only help someone for free once but everybody charges everybody for everything in this game why should i be the acception theres gotta be some incentive to work on others work instead of mine.

    my close friend who chose the rapper name "Just-Ice" is also joining the group. he has never made a rap song before but he did purchase a microphone. i set him up with almost all the software he needs last night, and im gonna teach him my own unique personal system of creating music that i created and with my assistance i believe he can be great. thats all the news for new, get ready for a new song soon.

    i needed the break but in this game 2 months feels like a lifetime and im more than ready to get back into it at this point ;P

  4. #4


    now all i gotta do i stop fucking writing and start working on music fuck ive been writing straight since last night. i hope you enjoy my posts because im a writer as much as im a rapper. writing is one of my top things to do by far. if only i had someone who could keep up with me but nobody seems to have this ability all the way. its atually more efficent for me to type than it is to speak too. i can type a million words a second as fast as i can think without looking at the keyboard once please ive been a writer for like 18 fucking years longer than ive been rappin which i started at 15 which was 3 years later. im gettin old fuck i turn 31 soon alot of homies dont even make it this far thats why im ok with whatever in the end but i will always keep fighting though. plus i got 2 young cousins with lifespans half of what is normal and they will keep suffering till the day they die more than we can imagine. with all that shit do you think i give a fuck, i think not.......im still planning on having to murder maybe someday if i have to im just enjoying peace for as long as i can living life to the fullest fuck yall people you cant even touch me fuck. well i hope that i dont have to murder i would like to avoid that but nowdays theres a one and 3 chance a persons gonna get cancer and when the time is right thats how i plan to go so theres a good chance i will eventually murder myself.

    and if not then perhaps my eventual emphazima will force me to end it, who knows because the future is unknown. even though things continue to get better shit happens and nothing lasts forever. perhaps there was atleast an ounce of wisdom in the siths rule of two, they never grow old! the good die young is what ive heard before and i believe that its very true sometimes. i have little fear, but life is scarier to me than death afterall i believe i was chosen by god. smoke em while you got em and the bigger they are the harder they fall fuck the world peace ;P

  5. #5


    im a zen master and the god damn japanese were zen and most of them commited suiced before capture, they fought ruthlessley till the end no matter what, they had kamakazis, and they refused to surrender even after america dropped a nuclear bomb. they had to nuke those japs twice to get them to surrender im glad we won the war but god damn do i respect them. i may not be hard core in the same ways as the japanese but we share zen in common and im not afraid to die or fight to the death ive proved im like this plenty of times in plenty of ways theres nobody that dosen't think im a gangsta anymore, atleast anybody thats known the modern me. there are alot of different variations of gangsta though and im always trying to invent new ways of being gangsta but for me its more gangsta to be clean, nerdy and good yet still be gangsta, than it is to be the bad kind of gangsta my way is more challenging but has seemed to pay off. my style is all my own its new and for me my life is just beginning cuz the old me died along time ago and shits really starting to get into place i most likley already survived the worst of it but that dosen't mean im not prepared for anything

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshow Bob View Post
    Guaranteed this guy has a hamper filled with dirty blowy dragon shirts, that his mother keeps yelling at him to wash

    my parents and i rarley talk or see eachother and its been like this for the longest time. once in a bluemoon i might call one of them up but thats the only time we talk they never call me or anything i guess we all moved on from what i was like growing up with them. they claim they love me and i think deep down they do idk like what would we talk about anyways idk we just dont talk like that i guess it is what it is i dont care.

  7. #7


    i thought hip hop chose me as its savior when i heard the song lollipop by lil wayne for the first time. ive waited a long time to release this story but im gonna wait a little longer to release it. without explanation, what im saying will make zero sense. the implications of other things ive said will make complete sense when i release this too. if i hadn't been writing none stop for over 12 hours straight with an unreleased post thats close to 20 pages long, then perhaps i would feel like telling that story now but your just going to have to wait a lil bit longer i chose to wait long to release this one but i feel its getting close to the time where it would be right to do so. im at the point where its harder now for me to write shit effectivley anymore and now at this point i cant seem to stop myself from rambeling im not trying to do that and im making more and more mistakes this will be my last note for the night. thank you for creating a post for me i mean im getting mixed messages but i feel that overall this can be good

    but to be the savior of hip hop damn thats a tough role to fill but if i were to be able to do it i would give it my best fucking shot peace

  8. #8


    this is another mod created post i believe and all but the last posts are native to this thread unless i posted all this shit to this thread without my knowledge. but thats just what the mods do hear like they changed my name to project clazeral for the longest time and i never said a word except maybe once i might have asked them to change my name back or something. eventually somebody changed it to project trillogic which i thinks cool enough i like it i mean its back to projectillogic the trill just makes it unique.

    my analogy is that its like they have taking off your hat and then putting it back on crooked again. say nothing and you pass the fucking test thats the way i view it anyways. like i said before, i have mixed feelings on this but i hope its respect and if its not im always in the end gonna win no matter or atleast thats the way i feel about it.
    Last edited by project tillogic; 12-30-2015 at 05:33 AM.

  9. #9


    i guess when i look at it again it dosen't seem like my posts are crazy like i thought they might have appeared in this context so now the theory that i have somehow been framed falls into the realm of another stupid fucking conspiracy theory which likes i try to avoid to come up with thats why i dont fuck with conspiracy theries much anymore because that type of thinking can be dangerous when you try to apply it to things that it shouldn't be applied too.

  10. #10
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    This is you on meds?

  11. #11


    trillogic's delivering the goods in this thread I must say

  12. #12


    technicley if i pay off the first temple i can get a lone for a second one..........

  13. #13


    here is something i had started planning and wanted to do when i created it but i wanted to leave somebody stranded in the middle of nowhere covered in glitter and a naken negro baby doll handcuffed to them wearing a red fucking bandanna i actually came up with that crazy pllan lol

  14. #14


    when i was popular here back before i started working full time on my cd and before everyone moved and move on, my skinny black kid friend used to say someting to everyoneone we met and he called it the "poem" tell them the "poem"

    i wrote it myself and it goes like this:

    little baby negro likes to steal
    little baby negro work in the field
    little baby negre smo-o-ke crack
    litte baby negro fuck you in the ass


  15. #15


    and theres gonna be a little baby negro baby doll that really smokes crack. as its taking a big ass hit sparks and shit fly out and shit on the commercials and it will rise up into the air and shit lol i didn't spend much time developing little baby negro theme music or a poam same fucking difference.


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