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Thread: Best Christian Rap Music

  1. #16


    This the rawest christian rap i seen since Keno Camp!

    Christian Rap - King Littles - "In the Trenches" Music Video(@ChristianRapz)

    Daily Cross 'ft' Replica

    Drew Allen - I Love It ft. FLO

    A-Smoove verse on "Me and My Old School" Beat

  2. #17
    Wu Vatican Rame's Avatar
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    This always reminds me of the day I walked into a record store and saw nothing familiar. I had no clue.

    De mijne is 4x duurder!

  3. #18


    The Last Supper Nova {BINARY STAR - OFFICIAL VIDEO}

    I hold mics in my palm Rock Goliath with every PSALM Proverbial tongue SONGS OF SOLOMON Belong in a book of WISDOM SIRACH-ness ISAIAH Thomas guarding my points and Prophets/profits Balling for sport Think Jordan in Carolina Recording my rare assignment When I'm bored with JEREMIAH I try again EZEKIEL what if DANIEL Lion den? I'm like, no way HOSEA when i find a pen Oh well farewell JOEL peep the syllable, Famous Amos people OBADIAH individual Flow take you deeper than JONAH, It's so abysmal In lieu still get this signal Ferrigno MICAH poems on Microphones, for you to consume It's hard to stay tuned Some people be knowing NAHUM HABAKKUK ZEPHANIAH HAGGAI ZECHARIAH Let's take it back to the top shout out to MALACHI These old testaments from Decompoze and Zhaoski the Prodigy The words out of me harmony prophecy And shout out to all the ones who never doubted me Eyes once blind, now i see how it gotta be

    God Made A Way Out Of No Way

    The King's Kid - He'll Make A Way ft Bishop_HIlliard,The Cathedral Choir & Firejaws

    NF - NO NAME

    Wrath & Grace Radio "Cyphers" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VniOT-BjN-g

    KamBINO - Free'dem - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTSC6euSm0w
    Last edited by Sense-A; 02-10-2018 at 11:09 AM.

  4. #19
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    We do it for the people.

  5. #20


    close enough.

  6. #21


    I see the devil got food for thought on that nihilist tip. Every civilization in the history of mankind conceptualized and recognized GOD. Since man is not capable of understanding GOD, civilizations came up with different perceptions, theories, explanations, or "creation myths" as Carl Sagan cynically states it. You don't have to link me to satanic music. I can tune into any uncle tom black radio station on FM radio and listen to satan's message.

    The video you link quotes Carl Sagan. But he was not an atheist.

    To Robert Pope, of Windsor, Ontario, Oct. 2, 1996

    “I am not an atheist. An atheist is someone who has compelling evidence that there is no Judeo-Christian-Islamic God. I am not that wise, but neither do I consider there to be anything approaching adequate evidence for such a god. Why are you in such a hurry to make up your mind? Why not simply wait until there is compelling evidence?” [It’s a bit puzzling that Sagan specifies the Abrahamic faiths in his definition of an atheist.]

    "Sagan became agitated after reading a new book by the legendary skeptic Martin Gardner, whom Sagan had admired since the early 1950s. It suggested that perhaps there was a singular God ruling the universe and some potential for life after death. In November 1996, Sagan wrote to Gardner: “[T]he only reason for this position that I can find is that it feels good….How could you of all people advocate a position because it’s emotionally satisfying, rather than demand rigorous standards of evidence even if they lead to a position that is emotionally distasteful?” Gardner responded: “I not only think there are no proofs of God or an afterlife, I think you have all the best arguments. Indeed, I’ve never read anything in any of your books with which I would disagree. Where we differ is over whether the leap of faith can be justified in spite of a total lack of evidence…” SOURCE: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.6b23ac0860b0

    Furthermore, Carl Sagan has offered some of the most interesting evidence as to the very possibility of God!

    For example, take his classic explanation of the possibility of a 4th Dimension:

    Carl Sagan explains himself that to a being living in the 2 dimensional world, a 3rd dimension creature appears as a god. And a 2D dimensional creature can only theorize about the concept of a third dimension. Perhaps 2D beings would create religions that attempt to explain the possibility of a 3D god and a 3D universe. If the 3rd dimensional being (a god to the 2D being) descends into the 2D realm, the 2D creature can only see a cross section of the 3D being. It would appear as a miracle, or a phenomena to the 2D creature. Now imagine a 4th dimension. We can only theorize about it but not prove it. To 3D beings such as us, a 4D being would seem like a God. Just as the 3D being could observe and watch the 2D being without the 2D being knowing, it is very possible that 4D beings could watch and observe us without us 3D beings ever knowing.

    Carl Sagan's discussion of the possibility of a 4th Dimension lends credence to the very possibility of God in a very scientific way! If Carl Sagan could theorize and even have faith that a 4th Dimension is possible, then I understand why he refused to be called an atheist and refused to rule out the possibility of God. He wants substantial proof. But remember, the 2D being has no substantial proof of a third dimension or third dimensional entities. They know only length and width, not depth.

    I personally think that Christian Rap is some of the freshest hip hop music out. Hip hop needs to evolve and get back to having a message. The two most inspirational things to music are love and God. The rappers trying to revive thuggery are just unconvincing. Rapping about being hustlers or how many "hoes" you snagged is also childish nonsense to me. Sorry, but the rappers pretending to be thugs in 2018 just seem fake to me. I've always liked conscious hip hop music dating back to albums such as Common's "One Day It'll All Make Sense" or Brand Nubian - Foundation, BlackStar - Mos Def and Kweli Are, Cross Movement - House of Representatives, Jeru tha Damaja, De La Soul, Deniro Farrar, O.C., Jurassic 5, NY Oil, Killah Priest, Planet Asia, Pharcyde, Pharoahe Monche, Ras Kass, Binary Star, Poor Righteous Teachers, Saukrates, Shabaam Sahdeeq, Rasco, Sir Menelik, Kool Keith, Hieroglyphics, Masta Ace, Wordsworth, etc. The new conscious hip hop is faith based spiritually inspired music. And I'm not talking that black man is god bullshit which is basically satanism.

    When Wu Tang morons say "black man is god" this is what they are really saying:

    “...and he must, as a satanist, knowing this, realizing what his human potential is, eventually, and here is one of the essential points of satanism, attain his own godhead in accordance with his own potential. Therefore, each man, each woman is a god, or goddess in satanism.” —Anton LaVey (1930-1997), Church of Satan

    You are not your own god. You are a being with free will to choose to do right or wrong. Good or evil. You can be a devil pawn or soldier for God. You cannot have two gods or multiple gods.

    I can still enjoy Wu Tang and skip over all the Poppa Wu nonsense.

    I'll post some more Christian rap later. Remember that Christianity is not mainstream. People want to act or pretend they are being cool and counter culture by mocking Christianity. Christianity has been persecuted for over 2,000 years. It's underground like good hip hop still is. Christians are being slaughtered in regions of Africa and the Middle East still to this day. Christians were slaughtered in places Obama and sHillary Clinton said they had "liberated" such as Libya which Obama also called a "shitstorm" but none of the crybaby frauds in the media pooped their pants about Obama calling a mostly non-white country a shitstorm. When rebels and ISIS were slaughtering Christians in Syria, Obama and John Kerry took the rebels' side!!! When Hillary Clinton's emails leaked, one of her emails talked about how she wanted to wage a secret, covert war in Syria while she was president. Of course she was going to take those rebels' side. Democrats pretend like they want to ban guns to keep us safe, but Obama was running guns to drug cartels, to terrorist rebels in Libya, and shipping guns to Syrian rebels (many of whom joined ISIS) in Syria. So Obama and Democrats will use my tax dollars to buy and provide fully automatic weapons to foreign terrorists, but say I shouldn't be allowed to have one that I purchase with my own money with a background check, not with stolen tax dollars. They are all frauds and they are satanic. Abortion is a satanic practice. Basically, You cannot be a Democrat and at the same time falsely claim to be a Christian. Yet millions of black Christians, as well as "progressive" self loathing white liberals who go to church attempt to do just that. King Herod also believed in abortion. Joseph and Mary fled to Bethlehem and then to Egypt to escape institutionalized abortion that modern day satanic Democrats support. Jesus was nearly aborted by King Herod. Democrats would certainly abort an unexplained, immaculately conceived baby today if they had the chance.

    Not only is Hollywood and the media you are exposed to on a daily basis full of satanic imagery and subversive messages, but Christianity itself has been largely co-opted by satanism.

    Check out Pastor Jim Staley and how much research he has done to discuss and prove how co-opted Christianity has become by paganism and satanism:

    It goes beyond the imagery he describes. Many Christian churches have been compromised and politicized. Social justice warrior groups who are merely foot soldiers for the satanic Democrat party have seized upon tithes and offers and disguised themselves as churches to avoid the regulations of PAC's and to more easily obtain the 501(c)3 status. I could go James O'Keefe on a few local churches and record the pastors preaching Democrat satanic politics from the pulpit.

    The more the corporate conglomerate fake news media cartel hates Trump, the more I like him. They hate having a president who opposes abortion and says In God We Trust during a state of the union address. Read:

    Luke 13:28 "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out."

    Weeping and Gnashing of teeth. Try not to laugh. This is real!:

    Gnash them teeth. ABC gnash your teeth. CBS gnash your teeth. CBS gnash your teeth. MSNBC gnash your teeth. CNN gnash your teeth. NPR gnash your teeth. NY Times gnash your teeth. Washington Post gnash your teeth. EU gnash your teeth. UN gnash your teeth. AP gnash your teeth. Reuters gnash your teeth.

    I'm actively debating an atheist on another website so I'm on this subject right now. When I say debate I don't mean I'm out here trying to convert people or even attack people's atheism. I really don't care if you are atheist. What I'm debating is the mockery and condescending bigotry expressed towards Christians. Being atheist doesn't mean you are intelligent of have suddenly become wise. Being Christian doesn't mean you are not an intellectual. Put your secular atheism in a text and I'll pick it apart, point out all the contradictions, and mock you. There's more evidence that Jesus was a real human being that walked the Earth than there is, say, that global warming didn't begin occurring until the beginning of the industrial revolution in 1760 and that paying higher taxes to Democrat know nothing frauds will solve it. Now THAT is a leap of faith!

    Or look at it this way. Most of the "atheists" out there who mock Christianity are the same people who believe that your sexual identity is defined by how you feel inside, not by your scientific human anatomical sexual organ or your XX or XY chromosomes. These are the people who only claim to pretend to care about science when it comes to discussing religion. But at the opportunity to let men into the little girls' bathroom, suddenly science doesn't matter and emotionally consoling perverts is more important. Obama's legacy: Letting men into the girls bathroom, sodomite gay marriage, an arab spring of terrorists such as ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood IslamoFascists, racial discord and anti-white racism, record debt and interest owed to the 1% he pretended to be against, and persecution of Christians (forcing Christian priests to sign gay sodomite marriage licenses or for Christians to bake cakes for queers which has since been ruled a violation of the 1st amendment). And Hillary Clinton's ties to the occult are not a secret. A sHillary Clinton presidency would have been further persecution, covert wars, and erosion of civil liberties and rights.

    Notice I said "most." There are plenty of very reasonable atheists (how I would classify Carl Sagan but perhaps say agnostic instead) who don't subscribe to the nonsense that is modern day liberal democrat progressive neo-marxism, which I single out as the largest collective opposition and persecutor of Christianity worldwide. Even radical jihadist IslamoFascists take a back seat and are largely a reduced threat without the backing of the liberal democrat progressive neo-marxist organized crime syndicate.

    Last edited by Sense-A; 02-19-2018 at 11:03 AM.

  7. #22



    I love this one, R.I.P. Woo! Here's a dedication to him by his brother which is amazing too


    Btw, how do I embed a video when posting?

  8. #23

  9. #24
    Prince of the Non Ignorant weirdos
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    Cuban Link formerly of Terror Squad has converted to Christianity, so I guess we can expect some Christian hip hop from him soon as well.. I wonder if he will officially squash his beef with Fat Joe then since he is now born again. I met him over at Big Punisher's wall here in Bronx, New York a few years ago and I asked him if there is any chance of him and Fat Joe squashing their beef and he told me if Fat Joe blows himself live on M.T.V., he will squash the beef with him.

  10. #25


    Last edited by Satan; 02-27-2018 at 04:21 PM.

  11. #26


    Peace to the gods, I've mentioned before on this site that Satanism is similar 5% nation

  12. #27


    Bishop Bullwinkle Hell To Da Naw

    Alchemist samples Christian/Gospel records but I definitely wouldn't consider these to be Christian/Gospel albums per se:

    Alchemist - The Good Book Vol.1 - Joyful Noise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ5ifM1SUSM

    Alchemist - The Good Book Vol.2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIRY4G5nVXc

    Wu-Tang Affiliate launches Christian Hip-Hop Label - https://rapzilla.com/2017-03-wu-tang...hip-hop-label/

  13. #28
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    lol this thread.. that moment you realise your own culture and history was whitewashed.. and you start being christian.. but its cool..the ones who converted your ancestors to Christianity were so kind and good to your peoples

  14. #29


    Soul Controller,

    You probably don't deserve a serious reply for such a lazy response but I'm bored so here we go.

    First of all, the general consensus (cited by Washington Post and CNN in addition to other sources) is that a total of 2,977 people were killed in New York City, Washington, DC and outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Add to that the 19 hijackers. That adds up to 2,996. Whoever generated your meme on memecreator needs to practice their addition or identify these two extra deaths.

    Second of all, the vast majority (estimated 95%) of native American Indians died from diseases. The typical, unintelligent, brainwashed DemoKKKrat narrative is that white settlers purposely infected Native American Indians or somehow implanted germs into blankets and then handed them to Indians in some diabolical plot to commit genocide against an entire people by using biological warfare. That's rubbish. At the time, germ theory did not even exist. *EDIT* Modern germ theory is credited to Louis Pasteur, from whose name we get the modern term pasteurization. He began studying germs in the fermentation process in the 1850's, long after the small pox epidemic. We should also consider the origin of Small Pox, which was given to the Europeans by black Africans between the fifth and seventh centuries and was frequently epidemic during the Middle Ages. Noteworthy is that a Christian white man developed the first vaccine to prevent Small Pox and saved countless millions of people worldwide from that point on. The Native American Indians unintentionally gave the European settlers diseases as well, such as syphilis. The initial syphilis epidemic is thought to have killed upwards of a few million Euopeans as it made its rounds (Source http://www.todayifoundout.com/index....eans-diseases/ ). Native Americans also gave European settlers tobacco which has killed more than 20 million Americans since 1964 and is estimated to kill an additional 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 years of age (Sources https://www.surgeongeneral.gov/libra...act-sheet.html and https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_sta...acts/index.htm ). Therefore, the exchange of blankets and tobacco was far more deadly to the settlers than it was to the Native American Indians.

    Third of all, it was DemoKKKrats, particularly DemoKKKrat Andrew Jackson, who marched the Native American Indians on the Trail of Tears. DemoKrat Andrew Jackson was not a practicing Christian during his presidency. He did, however, embrace Christianity many years later and long after his presidency - perhaps in an attempt to seek forgiveness for his great sins as leader of the DemoKrat party which many ignorant black Americans support today. There is no question though, that up until the beginning of the 20th century, the U.S. government was quite cruel towards the Native American Indians. That isn't to say that Native American Indians were kind towards the settlers either. They were primitive compared to the Incas and Mayans in Central and South America. Native American Indians supposedly warred among their competing, nomadic tribes and savaged used methods such as scalping. The Comanche Indians are one of the most notorious tribes, said to have nearly exterminated the Apache Indian tribe and known for tactics such as butchering babies and roasting enemies alive.

    "S C Gwynne, author of Empire Of The Summer Moon about the rise and fall of the Comanche, says simply: ‘No tribe in the history of the Spanish, French, Mexican, Texan, and American occupations of this land had ever caused so much havoc and death. None was even a close second.’ All the men were killed, and any men who were captured alive were tortured; the captive women were gang raped. Babies were invariably killed. Settlers in Texas were utterly terrified of the Comanche, who would travel almost a thousand miles to slaughter a single white family. The historian T R Fehrenbach, author of Comanche: The History Of A People, tells of a raid on an early settler family called the Parkers, who with other families had set up a stockade known as Fort Parker. In 1836, 100 mounted Comanche warriors appeared outside the fort’s walls, one of them waving a white flag to trick the Parkers.‘Benjamin Parker went outside the gate to parley with the Comanche,’ he says. ‘The people inside the fort saw the riders suddenly surround him and drive their lances into him. Then with loud whoops, mounted warriors dashed for the gate. Silas Parker was cut down before he could bar their entry; horsemen poured inside the walls.’ Survivors described the slaughter: ‘The two Frosts, father and son, died in front of the women; Elder John Parker, his wife ‘Granny’ and others tried to flee. The warriors scattered and rode them down. ‘John Parker was pinned to the ground, he was scalped and his genitals ripped off. Then he was killed. Granny Parker was stripped and fixed to the earth with a lance driven through her flesh. Several warriors raped her while she screamed. ‘Silas Parker’s wife Lucy fled through the gate with her four small children. But the Comanche overtook them near the river. They threw her and the four children over their horses to take them as captives.’ So intimidating was Comanche cruelty, almost all raids by Indians were blamed on them. Texans, Mexicans and other Indians living in the region all developed a particular dread of the full moon — still known as a ‘Comanche Moon’ in Texas — because that was when the Comanche came for cattle, horses and captives. They were infamous for their inventive tortures, and women were usually in charge of the torture process. The Comanche roasted captive American and Mexican soldiers to death over open fires. Others were castrated and scalped while alive. The most agonising Comanche tortures included burying captives up to the chin and cutting off their eyelids so their eyes were seared by the burning sun before they starved to death. ’"

    Perhaps the Comanche are an extreme example, but Native American Indians were by no means "noble" savages. Typical of racist DemoKrat revisionists of history who gain power by peddling white guilt to gullible American voters, they like to demonize white people and gloss over the atrocities of every other non-white people throughout history.

    Fourth of all, there is no group of people in the world who have provided more charity and aid to people outside their own race and ethnicity that American white Christians. If you disagree, you are welcome to provide evidence of a more charitable people who have had a greater impact providing charity and aid to millions outside of their own race and ethnicity. Fifth of all, slavery was standard practice throughout world history dating back thousands of years. The Transatlantic slave trade era of the Americas lasted less than 200 years. Importation of slaves was made illegal in 1807 which was 54 years before the Civil War began. In contrast, the Arabic slave trade dates back thousands of years. "Over 28 Million Africans have been enslaved in the Muslim world during the past 14 centuries While much has been written concerning the Transatlantic slave trade, surprisingly little attention has been given to the Islamic slave trade across the Sahara, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean." (Source http://originalpeople.org/the-arab-m...-untold-story/ )

    Rather than condemn Muslims, many dumb black DemoKKKrats, such as members of the Wu-Tang Clan, convert to Islam and take part in the worship of a murderous, pedophile prophet named Mohammed who married a six year old girl named Aisha. If marrying six year olds is your thing, then perhaps the religion suits you. At least Lord Superb waits until they are 12 (Source Ghostface’s “Ghostwriter” Does Bid For Sex With 12-Year-Old?? https://ipowerrichmond.com/287471/gh...ear-old-video/ ).

    You'll have to do more than post lazy, reckless, inaccurate, incorrect memes to get more responses out of me. Stop crapping in my threads unless you have something relevant to the topic to contribute. If my perception of you is at all accurate, you never intended to be taken seriously in the first place. However, the common misconception among dumb, ignorant social justice DemoKrat fraudsters is that evil white people planted smallpox in blankets and gave them to Indians in a sophisticated and diabolical plot to commit mass genocide using biological warfare. It is absolutely false and actually a racist lie used to promote irrational hatred against white Americans. This prevalent lie is something I address when confronted with.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 11-11-2018 at 11:03 AM.

  15. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    When Wu Tang morons say "black man is god" this is what they are really saying:

    “...and he must, as a satanist, knowing this, realizing what his human potential is, eventually, and here is one of the essential points of satanism, attain his own godhead in accordance with his own potential. Therefore, each man, each woman is a god, or goddess in satanism.” —Anton LaVey (1930-1997), Church of Satan
    There is nothing wrong with this & it is true


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