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Thread: this time finished lyrics for my up and coming song ""hands in the air"

  1. #1

    Default this time finished lyrics for my up and coming song ""hands in the air"

    done goliath sent a beat and i wrote these lyrics for the beat i even recorded it but don said it sounded amature and after that ive just been writing its gonna take alot of work before i can start recording cuz i havn'et practiced in so god damn long i only practice a little now i having felt like doing that ive just been writing songs i got this one completley done another one 80 or 90 percent done/ and one that needs a lot of work but it spans 4 pages already i wrote all three of those songs but have hardly practiced my voice at all/im waiting for them to finally perscribe my adderall for me again there doing it the 25th once i get that adderall there will be a big change and me and i will pump out songs like super man thats how it works but now im just writing on the weekends and shit but im close to having 3 complete songs ready to record 2 of them have beats already. heres the lyrics

    This is Projectillogic and Don the guliath we rock clubs like a riot were no longer quiet were aware

    Hands in the air I don’t really care I like standing up but I sit in a chair
    I like laughing gas that puts me up in the air fancy close are all I will wear
    Dancing so fun enlightenment so rare I’m advancing in the club I need an affair
    I’m laughing at the thugs I’m not even scared I’m rapping on drugs we don’t even care were prepared

    Beware of the drugs they do in day care they smuggle in there hair and bring it to there lair
    You better be aware when war was declared on the borg we remove all their fancy hardware we don’t like your health care were so fucking young we will never be diluted my body’s so polluted we drop rhymes and tunage/ where high with the music /my mind is the truest nobody compares

    Look for a flair in the sky don’t be scared I’m alive I will never die and I’m standing right there
    I’m hooked on the drugs just look I have the lungs I’m so rare so the haters better always be aware
    I’m always on the run I bust slugs with my gun I have the longer toung it’s cloudy in the club i need some fresh air I’m fronting donald trump just give him some love Hillarys dumb and she’s scared
    Last edited by project tillogic; 11-15-2016 at 05:43 AM.

  2. #2


    “Where the Jedi courted power, the Sith lusted after it; where the Jedi believed they knew the truth, the Sith possessed it. Owned by the dark side, they ultimately became their knowledge.” -Darth Plagous

  3. #3


    im controlled by the dark side but i live in the light side

  4. #4


    “To understand the dark side you must suffer through hardship and struggle.”
    ~Darth Bane


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