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Thread: Have you awoken?

  1. #1

    Default Have you awoken?

  2. #2
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    Blacks that follow Islam aren't awoken
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

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  3. #3
    Cymatic Woe Trumpet V4D3R's Avatar
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    The force awakens the last jedi...
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    Blacks that follow Islam aren't awoken
    What made you say that?
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  5. #5


    ironman, no mention of the racist original post?

  6. #6
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    The Arab slave trade
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    The Arab slave trade
    You can say the same thing about Christianity.
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  8. #8
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    No shit you can which is why rejecting Christianity for Islam is fucking stupid
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  9. #9


    I hear you. Just i feel like theres some spiritual treasure buried within christianity. Christian science for example founded by miss baker eddy. With a few of them it seems like their 'words are life" theyve spoken words n dudes have had limbs etc healed permanently but i dunno

    *they being christian scientists n practitioners

  10. #10


    Its interesting how certain christians who claim to be born again speak of no longer being in an ongoing war with their biological urges and how its effortless when it comes to doing away with sexual pining
    As a young sunni muslim in 2007 i remember being on fire with my desires roasting me. At times i could feel my nut trying to bust itself
    Sorry to get graphic. One time it was like these invisible entities were trying to bust my nut for me. It was unhealthy all round. N i never thought i would ever fiend so bad to blaze my juice inside that cuban chick from Dexter. Thats when i knew shit was gettin wild. I would spill my seed after long battles n feel bad make gusl and pray asr but the point im making is these 'brothers' wouldnt have a solution to this ongoing battle u have with this particular 'devil': lust. To me 'jin' wouldnt enter u if u are looking after your diet and deep breathin etc.
    Im intrigued by these so called born again christians i just have this repulsion at the same time to these people professin jesus is lord

  11. #11
    God Beside Me Guarded By Martyrs's Avatar
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    "Some Black People...."

    Stopped reading afrer that

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by D.projectile View Post
    Its interesting how certain christians who claim to be born again speak of no longer being in an ongoing war with their biological urges and how its effortless when it comes to doing away with sexual pining
    As a young sunni muslim in 2007 i remember being on fire with my desires roasting me. At times i could feel my nut trying to bust itself
    Sorry to get graphic. One time it was like these invisible entities were trying to bust my nut for me. It was unhealthy all round. N i never thought i would ever fiend so bad to blaze my juice inside that cuban chick from Dexter. Thats when i knew shit was gettin wild. I would spill my seed after long battles n feel bad make gusl and pray asr but the point im making is these 'brothers' wouldnt have a solution to this ongoing battle u have with this particular 'devil': lust. To me 'jin' wouldnt enter u if u are looking after your diet and deep breathin etc.
    Im intrigued by these so called born again christians i just have this repulsion at the same time to these people professin jesus is lord

    I totally understand. What Christians don't realize is that WE ARE HUMAN! No one is perfect.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  13. #13


    Alot of christians dont speak on how u get to a stage where you are transformed and put on the 'new man'

    Yeah we are human , but at least there are christians n books within the bible that address the problem of sickness etc rather than calling it God's will or God's punishment or "you will have a perfect life in heaven but for now you suffer"

    As for sunnis. Their book doesnt seem to address hope for the sick, poor and down on out while still on this place called earth. Its all about the afterlike and I think its like the book is addressing a child. "Be good and you get a gold star and a lollipop"

    The old testament is rather messed up too
    Last edited by Baby Face Nelson; 03-13-2017 at 04:18 PM.

  14. #14
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny Winters View Post
    First off i like your user name. It's original!

    It's easier to be used as a slave when you don't know you're a slave.
    Knowing that you are on a world wide plantation but still having to follow the rules will eventually make you sick if you are not fighting to make it go away.

  15. #15


    I'm a Christian and I am definitely awakened you can read about it in my thread called "proof that I'm enlightened" that thread is a book basically all about it. I have been awakened through zen and I pretty much sit and meditate all day every day when I'm not working on music and let me tell you its one hell of a life. I am at a level where nothing really matters to me besides my music and I barely ever keep a thought in my head it's total bliss too. I am always happy and am the happiest person in the world even though I haven't had a girlfriend in years and all my friends moved away and I spend most of my time alone and don't get out much. I'm like a samari when it comes to zen and music I've dedicated my life to it and im really doing big things with it and that's the focus of my life now. It's been a hard path to follow all these years but being successful with it is such a great feeling and it's such a rush to me nothing else even matters. I keep a clear mind all the time and that and the magnificent Heights of making great music really go hand and hand it's like nothing else matters and there is nothing else there's nothing else that I really want or need everything else seems artificial. My rap career completes me and my zen mind craves nothing else zen and being legendary go hand in hand it's the ultimate experience nothing compares to it and im at a point now that I've forgotten what life was like when I was not yet awakened and don't know what else there could be anymore. Compared to what I became and what I am now 10 or 15 years ago I wasn't even conscious compared to what I am now and I've forgotten what it was like to be that way to be unenlightened. I've forgotten what it is like to be a normal person and I've forgotten what it was like to live a life of drama my mind is always clear I've forgotten what it was like before the transformation. You know how they say the average man thinks about sex every 10 seconds well I hardly think about sex at all ever it's because zen has awakened me to an existence where I'm just naturally happy all the time all the negative thoughts I use to have left me a long long time ago so now I feel so alive and free. It's all just in the mind with enough meditation you can free yourself from worldly thinking and open up the realm of heavenly thinking it's possible to be happy alone in a cave somewhere it's all in the mind and when you clear your mind like I have then there's basically nothing left just pure bliss.

    As far as Christianity is concerned I hate the Catholic Church and what they did with jesus religion and I question the Bible and I don't read it or go to church and I stopped going to church after I got confirmed into the Lutheran church because I hated going and Christianity dosent really appeal that much to me I've always been way more into zen and found it just made much more sense to me but that's just fine cuz I went through 12 years of Sunday school and the Lutheran church teaches that all you need to go to heaven is to believe in jesus and ask for forgiveness and I made a deal with jesus that I would try to get it right and if in the end I didn’t that he would forgive me and tell me the truth. Zen and Christianity are basically the same thing cuz I've studied both but I used zen to become pure and awakened because with zen anything else is just illusion.

    To be honest I probably wouldn't even believe in jesus if I hadn't met him in real life but he came to me in a miraculous way and I am truly blessed. Probably about 12 years ago some friends and I were waiting at a cemetery for an ounce of weed. It was almost dark with the faintest amount of light. It was fall and the ground was covered with leaves. There was a tomb of rocks with a statue of jesus standing on top of it with his arms reaching towards the sky.One of the dudes and I walked up to the statue and he put a cigarette up to jesus mouth. That gave me the bright idea to put my pot pipe up to his mouth and the moment the pipe touched his lip there was a big fucking BOOM and lightning struck behind him as if it was right in the cemetery and lit him up fucking blue. The wind picked up like a tornado and the air became completely saturated with leaves and the wind picked up and got so powerful that we had to run sideways back to the car. As we look back lightning as if it was in the cemetery lit jesus up blue again and again and again. The only friend that I was in contact with says thinking about it gives him goosebumps to this day. It was a truly perfound miracle and the whole scene could have been straight out of a movie it was so elaborate. It all happened the moment my pipe touched his lip jesus decided to appear to me and for that I am truly blessed. I talk about the incident in a bunch of my songs and basically tell everyone I meet. Jesus is fucking real people jesus is fucking real!
    Last edited by project tillogic; 03-17-2017 at 04:35 AM.


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