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Thread: Quote

  1. #1

    Default Quote

    "In order for the higher state of consciousness ('Christ'), to be evoked, the sins are stripped from the current consciousness.

    The 'death' experience is actually representative of shedding ones baggage - the 'sin' (wrong-mindedness) which incorporates body ownership, grandeur and animalistic prowess.

    When the physical body actually perishes, you'll witness exactly the same. The 'drug' experience actually is mind death.

    The difference is, having already attuned to it, you can now shape your day to day living and live by the way. It's an underlying force that's always been part of you, always there and will always be. For you, it was clothed in a specific hallucination to convey itself.

    Don't rely upon the vision. Rely upon the force which evokes it. "

  2. #2
    Cymatic Woe Trumpet V4D3R's Avatar
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