Imagine that moment sitting in the doctor's office, your doctor knowing you're a smoker, and being told you've got lung cancer. Could there be any situation that would make you feel more ashamed and foolish and pathetic? And then telling your friends and family.

A woman I used to work with died of lung cancer just after her 40th birthday a few years ago. She was a heavy smoker. I never heard her once acknowledge that smoking was the cause of her cancer. Actually I heard her blaming her boyfriend's daughter for kicking her in the chest. I went to her 40th which was a sad affair where she was withering away and looked terrible. I thought about what it might be like for her being the focus of that event and knowing she'd brought it on herself by forking out thousands of dollars every year to poison herself. What a nightmare.

Of course there were plenty of brain dead fuckan idiots sparking up durries all night at the party, without a second thought. She did actually quit tho, when she found out she had cancer. Tho her boyfriend kept smoking. In her presence too.