Quote Originally Posted by JaSchu View Post
In the US there exist more than one hundred different definitions of "terrorism", almost each institution has their own. The classification of PKK as "terrorists" is outdated to say the least. The organization has changed radically since the early 2000s. Öcalan reversed his Marxist-Leninist ideology in prison and is in favor of "democratic confederalism" now. They don't even aim to create their own nation state. In fact, they are opposing the nationalist narrative. They are pretty alone with this amongst the other (capitalistic) nation states. In the Middle East, the left Kurdish movement is the only possible option for builing a society based on social, religious and cultural equality. The "imperialist" states try not to anger Turkey too much because of the refugee crisis deal, Turkey's NATO membership, and the EU membership still in the talks. Of course, as I already mentioned, there are a lot of contradictions to solve. Especially in the war situation the Kurdish movement is engaged. And - one more thing - you have Free Syrian Army groups engaged with the YPG/J that still embrace the social discourse of the Syrian Revolution. Turkey's "FSA" gangs are just islamist and fascist thugs that are killing each other over loot in Afrin nowadays.
Please spare me the bullshit on the PKK. The PKK kidnap, torture and murder people. They kill Kurds who don't agree with them, they threaten local villagers who don't help them, its a mafia like death cult who are puppets of states who want to get one over on Turkey nothing more. They are not feminists or LGBT supporting either. These people just paint this rosy picture so westerners can cosy up to them. They don't want an independent state anymore because they cant win and they never could.

This isn't a case of 'oh look whose running Turkey he a dictator so whoever opposes him must be good'. The shit the PKK do is inexcusable doesn't matter who running Turkey.