How it hurts sort of see yes like I still look but no let's I let's go over here no sort of lost let's not oh it would be like watch out heads up how many like what would you like do you think no no joke it would stay but like what would you feel yes a 100 too much yes through yes just here home sitting down yes my name here let's like go travel yes anywhere yea I got to buy stuff ok where let's drink a cup liking it fresh not feeling the cold one right now let's hold hands no but like why would I bring it up yes like what would the weather be like I ve been there somewhere anywhere a car all around but it will fly out only to be in that place let's walk a bicycle seated not sweating as yes fast normal speed yes cruising as like over yes even rocky pebbly floors anywhere nice corners stop do we kick it yes random do we listen music what would we listen to I guess it's very yes do we have access to phones or if there are batteries anything around depending on the place for some reason I'm hearing swing yea I'm like yes I do like a lot of stuff nothing much here talking speaking of I yes I go but how it yes I to only like when a cloud is over a moon or star and you see yes like who to choose this me some a fool me t al how yes I love I love to write like all here what what to yes I choose next a night like yes love the cold how yes I I love beanies makes me be like yea I stare at night wonder what stars they might they might feel staring looking wonder if like planets which I have probably seen sometimes like how they speak my thoughts they came out but if not like I need to really go out real crazy city this city of San Bernardino I trip on everything around trees sounds yea I do not go out much I would say all this crazy yes so many cars really had fun with this one just I got to go writing is cool loving to have fun yes it is very fun