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Thread: T r a d e w a r

  1. #1
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Default T r a d e w a r

    I keep seeing people posting about how Canada did something to the US? What's going on? I do know that Trump isn't fuccing with our useless allies which I'm down with

  2. #2


    Just Trudy is taking countermeasures after Trump had taken protective measures for steel etc. Trump's trying to lower the import of steel etc to protect American companies who produce the same items. So protectionism is the word of the day. Trump's end game (for now) will be to protect the American car industry. So what you see happening now with steel will happen all over again with measures to seriously slow down the import of foreign cars on the American market.

    There was a G7 summit. After the summit Just Trudy gave a press conference saying Canada was gonna take counter measures after Trump's protectionist measures.

    Trump was angry claiming 'Trudy didn't saying anything about this DURING the summit, he's a COWARD!'

    Trump retracted his approval of the G7 summit's agreement, which is bad press for the G7 and makes it look like the summit achieved nothing.

    Trump is gonna focus on the summit with North Korea now. He hopes to make headway there, hoping to be the first American president who can lay claim to broker peace between the Koreas (and the US), which would give him a place in the history books.

  3. #3
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    If that place also includes Dennis Rodman, I'm cool with it. Because we're not going to start acting like Dennis Rodman didn't start this shit.
    US car makers have to start looking at other markets. They're firmly convinced the only places you can sell cars are the US Canada and Japan. I don't think protectionism is going to help them but Canada can eat a dick as well.

    the g7 is completely pointless

  4. #4



    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    Thanks for your hate hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

  5. #5
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post
    Just Trudy is taking countermeasures after Trump had taken protective measures for steel etc. Trump's trying to lower the import of steel etc to protect American companies who produce the same items. So protectionism is the word of the day. Trump's end game (for now) will be to protect the American car industry. So what you see happening now with steel will happen all over again with measures to seriously slow down the import of foreign cars on the American market.
    Problem with the American car industry is that they make shite cars. Mercedes, BMW and the Volkswagen group are so far ahead of their competition even a few excess taxes won't effect them. Plus they all got huge factories in the States.

    Trump thinks international trade is like your normal business routine where you can out-muscle your opponent simply because you have more money. That doesn't work in international trade especially if your taking on the EU, China and Canada. Pretty much all your key trade partners. Its a silly move. I think though the rest of the world is just gonna hold out and wait for the next US elections cause it seems impossibly to reasonably deal with Trump.

  6. #6


    if trump wins the next one again, i wonder how pathetic all the ugly fem bots and girly men with thick brim glasses will act

  7. #7


    will tsa grow a third nostril?

  8. #8


    Well if he does get a second term, I'm investing heavily in BIG SOY and high risk Israeli tech stocks. Elon Musk will probably being running around on steel legs by then.

    soul controller might even be potty trained

  9. #9
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Lol 🐝-rock, did you just say 'fembot'? LOL that's literally Incel slang? You black pill or red pill?

  10. #10


    i wouldn't be surprised if tsa transistions into a woman with shoulder pads and starts hitting on me even more than now

  11. #11
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HANZO View Post
    Problem with the American car industry is that they make shite cars. Mercedes, BMW and the Volkswagen group are so far ahead of their competition even a few excess taxes won't effect them. Plus they all got huge factories in the States.

    Trump thinks international trade is like your normal business routine where you can out-muscle your opponent simply because you have more money. That doesn't work in international trade especially if your taking on the EU, China and Canada. Pretty much all your key trade partners. Its a silly move. I think though the rest of the world is just gonna hold out and wait for the next US elections cause it seems impossibly to reasonably deal with Trump.
    The democrats are desperate to find 'their own trump' because they're very, very dumb people. The republican party has been fielding pimps, incels, cowboys, and self declared pedophile advocates. 'the next elections' won't fare better.

    I think Europe is going to have to get real about it's relationship with the US which is literally only based on ethnicity. Asia is more important to America than Europe economically and the middle east more important politically. Whether it's a bernie type democrat or another trump (that later is the new norm on the right), there's going to be a prolonged shift towards isolationism coupled with the fact that America looks where the money's at and it isn't Europe.

  12. #12


    I can't recall the last time I actually bought a product made in EuRIP outside of maybe cheese or butter.

  13. #13
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    I honestly wonder if europe lies about it's numbers like Jay-Z. Who the fuck is buying their shit and what are they making? How is Denmark that rich and nigga, nobody has anything from Denmark? The only country I actually see stuff from is Germany.

    Are that many people buying Lambos and fucking gucci kilts for Italy to be one of the 'richest countries in the world'? What does France make on a consumer level? Cologne? Or do they just license their shitty language when someone American wants to make some expensive shit? Finland? What do they sell? Fish?

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    I honestly wonder if europe lies about it's numbers like Jay-Z. Who the fuck is buying their shit and what are they making? How is Denmark that rich and nigga, nobody has anything from Denmark? The only country I actually see stuff from is Germany.

    Are that many people buying Lambos and fucking gucci kilts for Italy to be one of the 'richest countries in the world'? What does France make on a consumer level? Cologne? Or do they just license their shitty language when someone American wants to make some expensive shit? Finland? What do they sell? Fish?
    I think Italy has a high deficit. not rich at all. same for my place. the state deficit is alarmingly high. but so is the US state deficit. I don't mean this as a dig.

    Germany is richer because a lot of people get paid shit wages so the Germany based companies can flourish and keep the economy going. South Germany is pretty loaded (Bavaria etc), they can keep spending money. Germany RUNS Europe, I'm sure politically and financially its doing itself a lot of favors in politicking the EU Raekwon style.

    My (very hypothetical) money is on Asia, not the US or Europe.
    Last edited by Rev Jones; 06-17-2018 at 10:16 PM.

  15. #15
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Yeah I also think the economy is in Asia. If there's a crash in Europe I think it'll be 'the end'. Not end of the world or end of europe being wealthy the end but 'you'll never get back to this level of wealth' the end, like with the current situation on oil prices and how they'll never go back to 120+ a barrel. I think the standard of living in Russia is probably supposed to be the european norm but Russians are too stupid to figure out how to lie about numbers. Nor do I think they're 'allowed'.

    The US has a bastardly high deficit but as long as people keep trading in the US dollar, all global trade enriches the US. That's ending as well. We also sustain our economy on pumping out trillion dollar military contracts, getting into a pointless war and dumping million dollar bombs on empty mountains. We're not reaching the point that that's going to be less and less possible as there's nowhere left to fight at that's diplomatically isolated. This stupid shit they keep saying about Iran is hilarious because it'll be the literal end of the United states if we try that stupidity.


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