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Thread: illegal immigration

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    Default illegal immigration

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  4. #4
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    HONK! HONK! Bangin' TSA's wife at the TA (tits & ass) truck stop.

  5. #5


    Build the fucking wall!!!

    You want to come to America? Do it legally.

    Over half of immigrant households are on welfare. I have my own kids to take care of. So fuck off and go get welfare from your own country.

    "In 2012, 51 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) reported that they used at least one welfare program during the year, compared to 30 percent of native households. Welfare in this study includes Medicaid and cash, food, and housing programs." https://cis.org/Report/Welfare-Use-I...ive-Households

    DemoKKKrats have been separating black men from their children for the last 50 fucking years. They pimped welfare and child support and alimony and free housing to black mothers. Since then, the black family has been destroyed. 70% of black children are growing up in single parent households.

    DemoKKKrats love children so much? Yeah, especially black children, heh?

    CDC: 35% of aborted babies are black http://www.lifenews.com/2016/05/11/b...of-population/

    DemoKKKrats love black children so much that, despite blacks only being 13% of the population, they are 35% of abortions. You never wondered why racist DemoKKKrats purposely put abortion clinics in black communities?

    "We'll have these niggers voting DemoKrat for the next 200 years" - DemoKKKrat President Lyndon Johnson

    You trying to prove him right?

    Black Pastor: 69 Times More Black People Die From Abortion Than Homicide http://www.lifenews.com/2016/06/29/b...than-homicide/

    Thank your DemoKrat politician for all the black babies they murdered. And if you are a black man enslaved to child support because your black woman left you because some fat black woman at DSS was talking in her ear about all the child support and welfare she could get if she kicked you out of the house, well thank your DemoKKKRat politician for that too.

    DemoKKKrats don't give a damn about the children. And most of the illegal invaders crossing the border aren't women holding babies. They're drug dealers and pedophiles and pimps.

    Leave the border wide open? How about you leave your front door open?

    How much did DemoKKKrats pay Logic for this propagandist video? He's a tool.

  6. #6

  7. #7


    "You also must love the foreigner, since you were a foreigner in the land of Egypt." ❤✌ 🕊 🌟 ✝

  8. #8

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Veritas Lux View Post
    "You also must love the foreigner, since you were a foreigner in the land of Egypt." ❤✌ 🕊 🌟 ✝
    Yeah. You forgot to mention Jews were SLAVES in Egypt. They were not milking the Egyptians for over $1,500 per month in welfare benefits from a system they never paid into. How much have illegal aliens paid into our Treasury via taxation over the course of their lives? Nothing. No one is against legal immigration. DemoKKKrats love to REGULATE everything. Why won't you regulate immigration? We know why. It's because you are RACISTS and are trying to socially engineer a majority electorate. Over 70% of Hispanics vote for socialism. It's why their native countries are shitholes despite being rich in resources and raw materials. DemoKKKrats can't convince individualist, independent, hard working Christian white Americans to vote for them, so they've resorted to trying to import voters. The RINO's and big tech assholes just want cheap labor. The elitist white pseudo-liberals in California just want cheap maids and someone to mow their lawn because they are lazy, elitist, drug addicted sloth.

    The devil quotes scripture too. Misquoting the Bible and leaving out context to fit your selfish, corrupt agenda is devilish.

    MS-13 Member & Previously Deported Child Rapist Caught Crossing Border https://www.breitbart.com/border/201...-texas-border/

    I am a father. I have children. I prefer child rapists not be sneaking across our border. That's why I want immigrants screened at legal ports of entry. I also don't want creepy old men who used to support segregation, like Joe Biden, allowed to go into the girls bathrooms and sniff my daughter's hair.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 07-18-2019 at 07:33 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    Yeah. You forgot to mention Jews were SLAVES in Egypt. They were not milking the Egyptians for over $1,500 per month in welfare benefits from a system they never paid into. How much have illegal aliens paid into our Treasury via taxation over the course of their lives? Nothing. No one is against legal immigration. DemoKKKrats love to REGULATE everything. Why won't you regulate immigration? We know why. It's because you are RACISTS and are trying to socially engineer a majority electorate. Over 70% of Hispanics vote for socialism. It's why their native countries are shitholes despite being rich in resources and raw materials. DemoKKKrats can't convince individualist, independent, hard working Christian white Americans to vote for them, so they've resorted to trying to import voters. The RINO's and big tech assholes just want cheap labor. The elitist white pseudo-liberals in California just want cheap maids and someone to mow their lawn because they are lazy, elitist, drug addicted sloth.

    The devil quotes scripture too. Misquoting the Bible and leaving out context to fit your selfish, corrupt agenda is devilish.

    MS-13 Member & Previously Deported Child Rapist Caught Crossing Border https://www.breitbart.com/border/201...-texas-border/

    I am a father. I have children. I prefer child rapists not be sneaking across our border. That's why I want immigrants screened at legal ports of entry. I also don't want creepy old men who used to support segregation, like Joe Biden, allowed to go into the girls bathrooms and sniff my daughter's hair.
    I agree with you regarding our situation on immigration. The media is twisting this in response to Trump being President. They want to keep the border safe but at what cost? The events that are currently ongoing at the Mexican border is tragic. Children separated from their parents, women being raped on the journey to America, and families being forced to leave home country because of the gang's control of people's lives. Life is hard for the people coming here! I can't imagine what they're enduring nor can I relate to them. The thought of their trauma and mental health is something the people should consider when bad mouthing them.

    As you've stated, they're people who take advantage of America's system because they know it too well. These aren't the people who I'm referring to. I'm for people coming to the US on merit. The truth is that people'll do what they have to do in order to survive, even if that means breaking the law.
    Last edited by IrOnMaN; 07-28-2019 at 11:22 AM.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  11. #11


    I'm all for legal immigration. I think it is great. It is ILLEGAL immigration I am against. Most people seem to not want to understand and distinguish the difference and instead scream.

    People need to fight revolutions and fix their own countries. That requires a huge energy and a huge movement and courage and sacrifice. Americans did it. We rebelled against the strongest empire in the entire world, the British empire. Lots of white men, you know, the kind who demoKKKRats hate, died for America's independence taking on the largest empire and no one in the world thought they would win!

    And then white Republican Christians tried to stop slavery. I'm not talking about 1864. I'm talking about 1807! White Republican Christians banned the importation of slaves way back then! Damn near 60 years of politicking, argument, debate, grappling over political power, the demoKKKrats STILL would not give up their slaves. 60 years of that bullshit and you get a Civil War.

    If demoKKKrats won't stop holding black people down in welfare poverty, and won't stop murdering babies in the womb, then we will have another Civil War. Maybe after 50 years of fruitless bickering because demokKKRats want to keep pretending that they have some moral superiority when they've murdered over 70 million babies since Roe vs Wade and have corralled 90% of the black community on to welfare plantation. Straight up unkle tommery. food stamps, section 8 ghetto passes, tawana brawley hoaxes, all the fraud and bullshit. Jussie Smollett hoaxes. Some real bullshit.

    Anyone who opposes them is racist. It doesn't even matter if you're white. Candace Owens is supposedly a "white supremacist." The good Christian man Benjamin Carson they even try to demonize him. They call a Jewish man like Ben Shapiro a "Nazi." It's crazy. You get a label on you. A Scarlett Letter for questioning CNN and MSNBC programming.

    The whole time they're trying to lecture me why I should have to pay more taxes. Everything from climate change to welfare to paying for other people's tuition and any other bullshit lie they can come up with. And they've been trying to take away my 2nd amendment right my entire life. Anything they can use as justification. Never mind all the mass shooters were on prescribed psychotic drugs. That part is left out.

    It's amazing how many people haven't been red pilled yet. They're still licking Hillary Clinton's cobweb cunt. Totally brainwashed. Trump's a Russian Spy. Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper with the inside scoops! Get my politics from Jimmy Kimmel potheads. I need to get my politics from A lesbian soccer player or a dumb rapper or Katie Perry? No thanks. Jay-Z and Beyonce are shilling for Hillary Clinton after she called a former KKK leader her mentor. Who are the real unkle toms?

    I remember when Mike Tyson was accused of rape by that crazy woman. Donald Trump was one of the only guys in America, white or black, to give Mike Tyson the benefit of the doubt. That's what you call racism? Donald Trump doing that didn't help him or his brand or anything. He just did it because he probably knows as well as anyone how women try to play you for your money or flex you with their power like the power of an allegation.

    Racism? pfft. People in America don't even know what racism is in 2019. Least racist place on the planet. Prove me wrong. Any kind of tribal mind state or overemphasis on skin melanin is just a sign of someone ignorant and focused on the wrong things.

    When white people immigrate to a country it is called "colonialism" or "apartheid" or "conquest" but when "caravans" or entire armies of people numbered in the thousands of non-whites invade a predominantly white nation, and do so illegally by trying to sneak in instead of the very generous legal methods this mostly white nation provides and offers, then it's called "asylum" or "multiculturalism" or "refugee humanitarianism" or some other propagandist term. So first, stop calling the same thing two different things depending on the color of the people doing it. Welcome all whites into your predominantly non-white nations with the same kind of lawlessness and invasion. Call it "asylum" or "multiculturalism." Oh? No? Double standard? Yeah. I know. The double standards are the problem.

  12. #12

  13. #13
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    I support illegal immigration

  14. #14
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    that's cause your wife is an illegal alien. deport her


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