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Thread: Biden is the obvious choice for assisted living

  1. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    Shutdown DC and Hold the Line organizers have big plans leading up to election day and the day after.


    They really want to force their Color Revolution at any cost. I think they are on a suicide mission.
    There will be a breaking point with antifa.

    Aside from assets being worth more under Trump the number one reason I want to see him win is to investigate and cripple antifa.

    The denial of the Dems is what motivated me to get my ass up and actually vote because I didn’t last time.

    The weak attempts of people trying to show me how “corrupt” Trump is are laughable at this point compared to what this democrat ruling class has done.

    America gotta nip this left wing bullshit in the bud. I think we will even if people don’t want to admit they vote for Trump, or even if they don’t really want to but feel forced to.

  2. #422
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    There will be a breaking point with the left in general. They love to deflect any sort of blame and place everything solely on their little Antifa Marxist foot soldiers. Never forget the millions of Liberal normies who took to the streets and engaged in complete anarchy those first 2 weeks after March 25th. Antifa simply kept the ball in play for several months after. The same people who were losing their minds over a couple Boomer anti-lockdown measure protests at state capitol buildings, showed up about 1 month later with 10x the numbers and attacked those buildings and small businesses. Forcing 23 major cities and 111 total to board up from billions in looting and property damage. All in the name of a Fetanyl eating ex-rapper, ex-pornstar, career criminal from hell.

    If anyone on the right attempted to do a fraction of what they did this summer, the Military would've orbital striked them with a weaponized satellite or rolled out tanks into the streets like it was Aleppo. These idiots are still out walking around pretending its perfectly normal for entire downtown business districts to have plywood over every window and graffiti slogans everywhere.

    All bets are off the table if they try another national freakout after Nov. 3rd. Insurrection Act will be signed, Martial Law declared, plus every Monster Energy sippin' 30 yr old boomer will have one in the chamber.
    Yea most definitely.

  3. #423
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post

    HAHA just came across this. Wow they are BIG MAD. They really are on a suicide mission.
    Lol right. It’s shit like this that will completely sink the party.

    Then it’s going to get to a point where people don’t want to be associated with the left. It’s going to be the New “racist”.

  4. #424
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    Even if Joe Biden wins, I don't think he ever becomes the real president.

    Biden gets removed, and you get a Kamala/Pelosi presidency. Kamala and Pelosi are two corrupt bitches from San FranSicko.
    We can't have this.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    LOL "mostly quiet". The guy has been making public statements on and offline including his tranny wife, plus adding his 2 cents to every situation for the last 4 years. He's like a bitter ex-girlfriend that won't leave Trump or US politics alone. All because he was completely ethered by 45 in 2016.

    He should honestly just pack it up and move to Nigeria and become their nerdy Messiah after they drag Buhari through the streets.
    I don't get it. She's tall and in shape. Since when did that become unladylike?

    You should be aware that Trump lied about Obama not being a US citizen in order to gain attention/political points from the Republican party. Due to overwhelming from hardcore racists, the Obama admin posted his birth certificate which states that the man was born in Hawaii! In the Summer of 2016, Trump stated that Obama IS a US citizen.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  5. #425


    Trump's Twitter account got hacked (again), by a Dutch ethical hacker. Apparently, and this is not a joke, the password was 'maga2020!'


  6. #426
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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  7. #427


    Average Annual Growth in Median Household Income Inflation Adjusted
    Obama/Biden -0.27%
    Trump/Pence 3.30%


    You should vote Trump based on that statistic alone. Isn't that what counts?

  8. #428


    Quote Originally Posted by sense-a View Post
    that is a lot of fake news back there! https://www.bitchute.com/video/40ev9pzicyt8/


  9. #429


    Hunter Biden is a rich multi-millionaire.

    Is it because he's intelligent and a great businessman?

    Or is it because his father is a corrupt politician who launders money to his son in corrupt transactions and deals with foreign leaders and foreign companies?

    Why do DemoKKKrat supporters pretend their political party isn't drastically and absurdly corrupt?

  10. #430
    The ABBOTT
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    Didn't Trump's son scam a kids cancer charity? Most of these politician's son's/daughter's are fuck ups, its hard to keep all of it straight.

  11. #431


    Didn't Trump's son scam a kids cancer charity?
    Did they enrich family members via a government office position?

    Did they violate 501(c)3 regulations? Prove it.

    Face it. Joe Biden is corrupt. Why are you trying to justify it? He's either corrupt or he isn't. Is Joe Biden corrupt? Answer the question. His crackhead son made millions of dollars for phony consulting services. Are you denying this? Why are you a liar?

  12. #432


    I don't think the Trumps ever scammed any charity. Maybe you pay a foreign spy to write a fictional dossier saying he did.

    However, the Clinton Haiti Charity and Clinton Foundation charity were the biggest scam fake charities of all time in world history.

    And Joe Biden? His tax returns prove he doesn't give any meaningful amount to charity. He's a cheapskate fraud. What a bitch. Biden milks government for 43 fucking years and doesn't give shit to charity.

  13. #433
    The ABBOTT
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    What is with the right wing and emails? Their always pushing an email conspiracy. Pick a new scheme already. Use a page out of the dem playbook, at least they diversify their scams.

    Why would Hunter Biden leave 3 laptops to repaired 1000s of miles where he lives. Then never pick them up? Then the guy who owns the shop gives them to FBI, but they have never confirmed this. So his next step is to give them to Rudy G. Good luck with that one.

  14. #434
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    Also these right wing attack ads are so bad in my state. We have a candidate running for state senate that is running as a dem, pretty much in name only. He is retired chief of fire department and avid hunter/fisher. They run these atrack ads how he is going to take our guns and supports 3rd term abortion, and supports green new deal that will make gas 13 dollars a gallon. How stupid are some people that they will buy this.

  15. #435
    The ABBOTT
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    What leftists Hollywood schill is the worst? There is a small number who seem informed. But most seem to be out of touch with middle america/working class. I actually didn't mind Sam Elliot and Dwayne Rock Johnson supporting Biden. But their is a long list of entertainers who think they are some sort of enlightened political scholars. Stay in your lane.


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