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Thread: Biden is the obvious choice for assisted living

  1. #1
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    Default Biden is the obvious choice for assisted living

    After watching the Democratic Presidential Debate last night, I'm starting to wonder the level of fear people have for Trump. Bloomberg is the latest candidate to join the presidential campaign and he's already second in the poles. Perhaps he's the flavor of the month just as Sanders is the flavor of the month.

    Now, Pete Buttigieg is a sharp guy. He's the only candidate who can answer a question straight without dancing around. He's good.
    Some people won't vote for a man who's homosexual like Christians, Muslims, Catholics, etc.. He did great in NH and IA so we'll see.

    I can't see Sanders as a President. Why? He tends to state socialist ideology without any explanation how the government will pay for it all. Trump will destroy him and break him. The same thing goes for Warren and Buttigieg. Trump is a powerhouse and his based is crazy. Sanders and Warren won't stand a chance. Hell, Clinton struggled with Trump.

    Bloomberg is another Trump but just collected and clam. I don't believe he's sorry for the crap he did in the past (racism, sexism, and red lining). The man is running for President. Of course he's going to lie about being sorry and he's going to create special programs for blacks and women (the selling point).

    The only candidate who has a winning chance is Biden and here's why. Biden is more experienced with the White House and Congress. He's collected, level headed, sharp, smart, he doesn't state unrealist ideas like Warren and Sanders.

    Picture Sanders negotiating with leaders such as Putin, President of China, the leaders of the Middle east, etc. Add the press into the mix, Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg would fold under that kind of pressure. Trump has folded several times under pressure and he's the damn President. Bloomberg and Biden seem as if they can handle themselves pretty good.

    Biden is the obvious choice here.
    Last edited by IrOnMaN; 02-20-2020 at 10:53 AM.
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  2. #2
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    I think there is way to much focus on black voters. As if white, Hispanic and Asian voters somehow don’t count.

    It’s weird this disingenuous and forced pandering to black America that’s going on right now.

    They’re no more important or vital than any other group in the country.
    Last edited by Dooch; 02-20-2020 at 11:10 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    I think there is way to much focus on black voters. As if white, Hispanic and Asian voters somehow don’t count.

    It’s weird this ingenuous and forced pandering toward black America that’s going on right now.

    They’re no more important or vital than any other group in the country.
    I have to agree with you. All this talk of money for slavery (this won't fly for obvious reasons), special programs, free college, black crime is getting not only annoying but silly. They just want the votes so they'll say anything and people'll believe it. I'm not falling for it. I see how some people are switching to Trump because he's straight forward with no filter.
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    I have to agree with you. All this talk of money for slavery (this won't fly for obvious reasons), special programs, free college, black crime is getting not only annoying but silly. They just want the votes so they'll say anything and people'll believe it. I'm not falling for it. I see how some people are switching to Trump because he's straight forward with no filter.
    People vote for Trump because the alternative is worse. Because Obama was completely full of shit. He didn’t even have the balls to regulate the shadow banking system. Probably Bernie is the only one that might try.

    So instead he penalized people who can’t afford healthcare (working class)hitting working single moms especially hard.

    That’s why they lost. Black votes are already accounted for on one side.

    Maybe they feel like they are losing them? I don’t know. Doesn’t seem like they are although a black
    Conservative has to keep his views private because he’d probably face backlash from the left.

    Id personally like to see some regulation on Wall Street with shadow banking because it’s corrupt and they really did nothing to punish anyone after the subprime recession and they’re going to do it again.

    But Trump isn’t going to do that and I wouldn’t expect him to.

    But at the very least he isn’t going to purposely erode your individual rights. It’s the lesser of two evils it’s usually always is.

  5. #5
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    If Biden gets picked, the Democrats will lose again. He's like a blander, shittier version of Obama or Hillary.

    Sanders is the only one with a big enough personality to possibly beat Trump, and actually has a USP. Biden and Trump are more of the same, which old people will always go for but between them Trump wins.

    Sanders could easily cut military spending by a small percentage besides more taxes for big business and fund the stuff he wants to do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    If Biden gets picked, the Democrats will lose again. He's like a blander, shittier version of Obama or Hillary.

    Sanders is the only one with a big enough personality to possibly beat Trump, and actually has a USP. Biden and Trump are more of the same, which old people will always go for but between them Trump wins.

    Sanders could easily cut military spending by a small percentage besides more taxes for big business and fund the stuff he wants to do.
    You’re not an American why do you care? You got your own problems.

    “Old people” didn’t get Trump elected. Lol.

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    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    I care about the world generally. Countries don't exist in a vacuum, as much as some want them to.

    My aunt voted for Trump, and she's old. I'm sure a significant amount of his voters are older. I mean voters just in general are weighted more towards the older gens.

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    i thought bloomburg was the the only one with a legitimate shot, but from what i hear, he bombed at the debate yesterday. you know he was a legit threat because of the way everyone went after him. each individual candidate would rather lose the presidency than see Bloomburg win.

    i used to like Biden, but that guy is a fucking creep. he's on some art vandelay-type creepy shit.

    i was mixed on corey booker, but when you're banging rosairo dawson, you put your run for presidency to the back burner, and that's what he did.

    the only democrat i like is Tulsi Gabbard, and she is polling last. she is polling last because she is the least liberal so they don't like her, but a centrist is what is needed.

  9. #9


    Cory has sex with women? Good one. lol

  10. #10


    the craziest voters seem to be bernie fans. the unhinged radicals who hate white people(which can include hating themselves), especially older white males.

  11. #11
    420 the Hedgehog JASPER's Avatar
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    I'd put my money on Trump. 4 more years of entertainment.
    "I hate them and I wish death among them!" - Mahatma Gandhi

  12. #12

  13. #13
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    By the looks of it Sanders will be the one who runs against Trump & thats probably why the news about the Russians helping him out have surfaced all of a sudden. The Dems themselves don't want him to win which is probably why he will win & run for President.

  14. #14


    Joe Biden? AHAHHahhahah www.joebiden.info

    Extortionist Joe "If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money" Federal crime violation of Title 18 Chapter 41 Section 878 illegal threats and extortion of foreign officials.

    Hair sniffing blow in your 10 year old daughter's ear and fondle her breast gaffing hair plug fake teeth Joe Biden.

    World's dumbest criminal Confesses to Federal crimes in recorded video with CFR. Then the DNC plays cover up by trying to impeach Trump for the crime Joe Biden bragging about committing in recorded video.

    Many Black people are dumb to keep shilling for the demoKKKrat Party. It's black history month and blacks seem to not know shit about the racist past of the political party they keep voting for.

    White people aren't voting for Joe the Schmoe. Although many whites are so brainwashed by Frauds on CNN that they hate Trump so much that they will vote for a communist over Trump.

    Remember, your boy Don Lemon goes home and gets ass raped by a white supremacist every night. Let that resonate.

    Most blacks I know are southern black baptist Christians. Remember, I live in the South about 3 hours from where Outkast grew up. Black Southern Christian Baptists down here don't believe in homosexuality. They don't believe in transgender bullshit. Many are angry that white demoKKKrats have aborted over 15,000,000 black babies. They don't like illegal aliens taking their jobs. They don't like white liberals who live in gated communities and send their kids to private schools because they don't want their rich white liberal kids going to schools with blacks.

    What I see is a white demoKKKrat party establishment that pays off AL Sharpton and other race hustlers to corral blacks into the demoKKKrat plantation. They pay AL Sharpton and Jesse Jackson a lot of money for this. And they try to use dumb athletes and dumb celebrities to appeal to black Americans or young Americans in general.

    What is funny is that the hip hop community loved Donald Trump before Trump ever went public with politics. Now we're supposed to believe Trump is some kind of Racist Fascist Russian Reincarnation of Hitler. LOL. And because of this I'm supposed to give up my 2nd amendment rights....LOL.

    DemoKKKrat gun control laws hurt the black community the most.

    My prediction? Trump will win the largest percentage of the black vote of any Republican presidential candidate in over 50 years. Lots of my black friends turned Republican because of Trump. I see lots of black people on facebook supporting Trump now that would have never voted Republican 5 years ago.

    Joe Biden is a bitch. Fuck him. These weak demoKKKrats can't even hold their own against Elizabeth Warren in a debate. Trump would annihilate them in a debate moderated fairly.

    I'm not hatin' on anyone who disagrees with me. If you hate Trump then go ahead. You're not hurting my feelings.

    Last edited by Sense-A; 02-22-2020 at 10:56 AM.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by HANZO View Post
    By the looks of it Sanders will be the one who runs against Trump & thats probably why the news about the Russians helping him out have surfaced all of a sudden. The Dems themselves don't want him to win which is probably why he will win & run for President.
    LOL Yeah now they playing that WUSHUN COOWOOSHUN bullshit on Bernie Sanders. The demoKKKrat elitists in power must be laughing how many Americans fall for Russian collusion conspiracy theories.

    You see how they falsely imprisoned Roger Stone? Communicating with Julian Assange through middlemen is not illegal. Publishing leaks is not illegal. NY Times and CNN do it all the time. Heck, NY TImes and CNN were communicating with Julian Assange too. Why they not arrested? Roger Stone is innocent of any real crime. Joking about stealing someone's dog is witness tampering? Bullshit! The person wasn't even a witness. A witness to what? NOTHING!

    Remember our homeboy Martin Shkreli got the book thrown at him for joking about a reward for a lock of Hillary's hair?


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