Joe Biden today said if he were president he would require all Americans wear masks OUTSIDE. Over my dead body. What a bitch. I almost beat some guy up today picking my daughter up from school. I asked him if he's so scared of the virus why he's loitering at my daughter's school spreading his germs? He got scared and wouldn't say anything back. I put my daughter in the car, flicked him off, and left.

And I'll tell you another thing. No one's making me put masks on my kids. Not happening. I'm not suffocating my children over your stupid fucking phobias. The virus doesn't even kill kids. Fuckers.

Biden and Kamala today looked like they cut a black bra in half and stuck each side of the bra to their faces. They looked like two big boobs. Fucking morons. And why was Joe Biden wearing a mask while riding a bike? See, this shit isn't even making sense anymore. Do demoKKKRats think the virus is just floating around in the outdoors? And I thought the masks only protected others, not yourself? So who is going to get splashed with "droplets" while you're riding a bike outside? The shit ain't about a virus. It is about you being an obedient, sheepish little muzzled bitch.

And fuck all the Republicans telling me to put masks on too. Y'all are bitches too.