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Thread: Biden is the obvious choice for assisted living

  1. #466
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    I was opposed to Bush, didn't vote for either Bush or Kerry, supported Ron Paul instead of Obama or McCain,
    But I'm mostly Constitutionalist limited enumerated powers limited government and low taxation and believe in balancing a budget. I want to pay government the least amount of money possible and be able to buy ammo and a rifle at the hardware store.

    As soon as Republicans put up another McCain or Romney then I'm shrugging off both parties again.

    The demoKKKRats got nothing to offer a person like me. I don't want your welfare or all your make believe free stuff or your high taxes or race wars or foreign wars or bullshit government benevolence.
    Vote and support the Libertarian party then. These are all Libertarian policies/principles.

  2. #467
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post

    What has Trump ACTUALLY done, policy wise, that deserves the irrational hatred, riots, sky screaming, tantrums, phony impeachments, propaganda, lies, slander, etc.? Name a piece of legislation Trump signed that made you so mad and explain why. Anything? Or is all your rage against Trump just programmed propagandist controlled emotional hate fed to you by CNN?
    Banning bump stocks, raising tobacco requirement age to 21, banned flavored e-cigarettes, increase tariffs, bailout to farmers due to increase in tariffs,seized private property along border to build wall, banning travel to Muslim countries.

    All of the listed are government overreach. I understand that if Biden or any other Dem in were in office that list would probably be ten time longer. Trump said he would get rid of the deficit, but it has gone up. Tax cuts for the rich might be good in the short term, but if you don't cut spending how are you supposed to lessen the deficit?

  3. #468
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    I voted absentee. I didn't vote for a president/vice president but I did concentrated on local government as it will impact me more. I can't wait until this election bs blows over along with COVID-19.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  4. #469


    IrOnMaN......I always look forward to your what have you been watching lately posts.

  5. #470
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    Those Biden supporters are always so angry.

  6. #471


    techno viking trump version

  7. #472


    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    Banning bump stocks, raising tobacco requirement age to 21, banned flavored e-cigarettes, increase tariffs, bailout to farmers due to increase in tariffs,seized private property along border to build wall, banning travel to Muslim countries.

    All of the listed are government overreach. I understand that if Biden or any other Dem in were in office that list would probably be ten time longer. Trump said he would get rid of the deficit, but it has gone up. Tax cuts for the rich might be good in the short term, but if you don't cut spending how are you supposed to lessen the deficit?
    That's the best you can come up with? That justifies the phony russia collusion hoax? the impeachment hoax? the sky screaming?

    I get it. 19 year olds are mad they can't buy cigarettes. Some dorks now gotta hustle their E-cigs. So terrible. Eminent domain takes place every time someone widens a road in your local town. Seriously? LOL The same Islamic terrorist nations Obama had already put on a watch list? It wasn't a Muslim ban. He banned all travel coming from those countries, regardless of religion or demographic. Bump stocks were always garbage. There's better ways to make my rifles automatic.

    So really you got nothing. Not to mention some of them are COMPLETELY moot. You make ridiculous assumptions, like assuming Hillary or Biden wouldn't have banned AT LEAST bump stocks, or ignoring the net effect of temporary tarriffs if they lead to better trade deals in the long run, or providing no evidence that the USDA budget as a whole has actually increased by any abnormal amount. For example, increased subsidies to farmers is offset by less spending on food stamps, or totally ignoring what would happen to the economy and cost of food if you did NOT subsidize agriculture and farms. DemoKKKrats are always so short sighted and ignore the opportunity cost or the cost of the alternatives or try to argue points that are moot since demoKKKRats would have done the same thing or worse.

    So there really aren't any rational arguments or rational criticism that justifies the hysterical hatred of Trump. It's just CNN programmed hateful screeds. Someone to project your hatred at. A figure head to take out your frustration on brought to you by CNN and MSNBC and ABC and NY Times and Hollywood.

    Meanwhile look at all the good. www.magapill.com Lowest taxes i ever paid, record high household median income, less people on food stamps, averaging a point higher per year GDP growth, better trade deals such as USMCA adding $60 billion plus to GDP. Stronger military, booming economy, capital investment, government revenue growth.

    He takes out ISIS like spraying cockroached. He bombs AL Baghdadi and Soleimani and demoKKKRats cry as if they lost their best friends.

    The only thing I can really fault him for is the debt exploding. But it didn't happen until Nancy Pelosi and demoKKKRats took over the House. Up to January 2019, Trump and Republicans were only increasing the national debt at HALF the pace Obama and Biden did. Then both parties raided the Treasury for the COVID bailout.

    Also, Trump doesn't get into policy details. But then again, Neither does Biden.

    But if you're trying to convince me that things would be rosier with a Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, your case didn't even come remotely close to convincing me.

  8. #473
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    I hope Trump wins the riots after the election will be amazing
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  9. #474


    I Think My Dog's a Democrat Bryan Lewis Official Video

  10. #475


    MAGA Hulk RUNS WILD On Haters At Beverly Hills FREEDOM Rally

  11. #476


    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    I hope Trump wins the riots after the election will be amazing
    livestreams well into 2022 for sure

  12. #477


    So there's literally pictures of Hunter Biden with an underage girl circulating on the internet..

    Why is Hunter Biden sexually inappropriate with little girls? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/202...e-biden-lying/

    Why isn't he arrested? Indecent exposure of the genitals to a minor is illegal in all 50 states.

    Why isn't Hunter Biden in handcuffs right now?

    If you play football and toss your dog, the feds come for you. If you're in pictures with underage children with your dick hanging out, the media covers it up and police leave you alone?

    What kind of shit is this? Are powerful rich demoKKKrats just above the law?
    Last edited by Sense-A; 10-28-2020 at 10:35 PM.

  13. #478
    The ABBOTT
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    At this point. I don't really care anymore. More than likely Trump will be gone in a week. But if he is a golf cheat he deserves it. If there is any one else here who golfs, cheaters are literally the worst of the worse of society.

    Is there someone else their who is anti establishment we can rally around at this point. I have seen that some books had Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson with the 5th best odds to win 2024 election. The POTUS in our lifetime will become a reality show competition at some point.

  14. #479


    Haha I love that story.

  15. #480
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    I’m a hardcore golfer and everyone cheats a little whether you take a gimme that is borderline or you fluff it up in the rough. If you’re not in a tournament it’s what it is.

    As far as Trump losing, I don’t see it personally. A lot of people are just afraid to say they like him and are appalled by BLM. If you’re whitesyou’re a racist if you’re black you’re a sellout. Nobody wants “those” people anywhere near them.

    People who didn’t vote in 16 who normally do, like myself, will be voting Trump. MOst is them anyway.

    It’s really simple for voters. The EconomY. Trump scores the highest in favorability in that category.

    The Dems lockdowns, the Dems support of BLM, the Dems silence in antifa and riots, the Dems demonization if police, the Dems pact with radical leftists, the msm suppression of the Hunter Biden ongoing scandal, critical race theory, voting authenticity questions.

    You name it, all that stuff in 6 months time in an election year.

    Our man ironman didn’t vote for a prez in a major Battle ground state. A historic black vote for Dems.

    I’m voting trump and republican for the first time in another swing state.

    Another black vote from Nebraska doesn’t look like he’s voting Biden.

    I’ve never actually met anyone who supports Biden. The only I know of are my Much older Boomers or they’re radical left types who still hate him or gay. And it’s more we hate republicans than anything, those types will be that way forever.
    Last edited by Dooch; 10-29-2020 at 05:51 AM.


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