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Thread: Biden is the obvious choice for assisted living

  1. #121
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    8 year old shot and killed in Akron. You just come to expect it every week now.

    No one says shit.

  2. #122
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    Adding Harris to the ticket fuels the fire. I won't vote for Joe because he clearly made a bad decision and he knows it.
    Last edited by IrOnMaN; 08-16-2020 at 11:52 PM.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  3. #123
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    A week or two ago two one year old twins were shot in Canton. One died.

  4. #124


    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    8 year old shot and killed in Akron. You just come to expect it every week now.

    No one says shit.

    it's been a shit year so far, more so for the US unfortunately

    I'm beginning to wonder if things will get better soon(ish). doesn't look like changes are coming soon, sadly

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post

    it's been a shit year so far, more so for the US unfortunately

    I'm beginning to wonder if things will get better soon(ish). doesn't look like changes are coming soon, sadly
    This isn’t about change in government or police reform or even the insane Marxist movement that is taking place n radical left cities.

    Child murders like these are almost exclusively black on black. They’ve got serious issues that stem from themselves and nobody else that only they can correct.

    But you’ll very rarely get someone to admit that. It’s the ugliest truth about them.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    What sort of simulation are we living in where a 5 yr old white kid riding a bike on his dad's lawn gets shot point-blank in the FACE by a millennial 'black neighbor guy', and the MSM stays silent for days then runs offense for the killer? and uses Marxist Summer Of Love societal pressure to force the parents to give statements that "it wasn't a racial thing".

    I'm trying to picture what it's like to hold your 5 yr old son in your arms as half his brain and skull matter are coated on the pavement and dripping like the run-off of a DQ soft serve nozzle.
    It’s been a real outing of the privileged and the racist and they all almost all live within the Democratic Party and on the left. And I’m in no means limiting that to just whites people. The privilege and racism of black liberals is just as bad If not worse.

    Sick, renal people.

  7. #127


    Beijing Biden is a demented senile pedo extortionist bitch.

    But I still don't get why Trump does the orange tan thing. It reminds me of Jersey Shore.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 08-19-2020 at 10:15 PM.

  8. #128


    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    Beijing Biden is a demented senile pedo extortionist bitch.
    Yeah..... Joe Biden is like that creepy uncle/grandparent you see on family occasions lol

  9. #129
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    This is depressing. One idea I keep coming back to - stop trying to simplify shit. Why do you think every situation can be boiled down to one problem.

    You're fooling yourselves into thinking you understand the complexities of life and modern society because you're passionate about a few right wing talking points.

    I can't think of one situation in my life when there wasn't more than one reason for something. Do you all just not want to analyze anything more deeply than these grotesque surface level stories and numbers?

    You just pick the narrative you like and run with it.

  10. #130



    CNN resurfaces Biden remarks calling for a border fence


    CNN has unearthed 2006 remarks from former Vice President Joe Biden warning about drugs coming into the country from Mexico and defending the construction of a barrier at the southern border. In the video, which is from a speech Biden gave to a South Carolina rotary club, then-Sen. Biden defends his vote for the Secure Fence Act, which authorized the construction of 700 miles of fencing between the U.S. and Mexico.
    Does that make Joe Biden a racist? Why, according to the same standards applied to Trump, YES.

    Or are border walls only racist when Trump wants them?

    DemoKKKrats who voted for 2006 Border Security Fence:
    Dianne Feisteine
    Barbara Boxer
    Ted Kennedy
    Harry Reid
    Hillary Clinton
    Chuck Schumer
    Barack Obama
    Robert Byrd <---Hillary Clinton's KKK mentor
    Nancy Pelosi

    All the ridiculous reasons demoKKKRats come up with to tell you Trump is racist are silly. All your favorite demoKKKrats voted for 700 miles of border wall. Trump wasn't the first one who wanted to build a border security wall. Hillary, Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer were all doing it back in 2006. Trump just wanted to build a few miles more.

  11. #131


    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    This is depressing. One idea I keep coming back to - stop trying to simplify shit. Why do you think every situation can be boiled down to one problem.

    You're fooling yourselves into thinking you understand the complexities of life and modern society because you're passionate about a few right wing talking points.

    I can't think of one situation in my life when there wasn't more than one reason for something. Do you all just not want to analyze anything more deeply than these grotesque surface level stories and numbers?

    You just pick the narrative you like and run with it.

    I know we have different political opinions. I'm cool with that.

    But the riots aren't a myth. White people are being pulled out of their cars and beaten. DemoKKKRat city and state leaders refuse to enforce the law against marxist rioters. Police are ordered to not engage.

    A 5 year old white boy really was shot in the head by a 25 year old black man. DemoKKKrats didn't care. The fact that they won't even report it should make you raise an eyebrow.

    Black Lives Matter and Antifa have murdered over 30 people. Has CNN or MSNBC reported any of it? Of course not. They are merely PR arms of the demoKKKrat party itself.

    What angle are we not looking at? What did we over simplify?

    I know you don't like politics so you don't have to get dragged into this.

    Me leaning Republican isn't me merely beating my chest and rooting for a football team. These things can be measured, objectively.

    Trump Record vs. Obama Record

    Average Annual Real GDP Growth
    Obama 1.57% <---Failure
    Trump 2.48%

    Average Monthly U-3 Unemployment Rate
    Obama 7.422% <-Failure
    Trump 4.740%

    Average Annual Median Household Income Inflation Adjusted 2018 dollars
    Obama $57,738 <---Failure
    Trump $63,024 <---Highest ever

    Average Number People on Food Stamps Per Year
    Obama 43,674,492 <---Failure, highest ever, Food Stamp President
    Trump 39,598,289

    Average Monthly Cost Gallon Fuel Unleaded
    Obama $2.97 per gallon
    Trump $2.49 per gallon

    U.S. Casualties Iraq and Afghanistan Average Per Year
    Obama 258 <---War monger, got whooped in Afghanistan
    Trump 31 <---Finally ending wars

    Average Monthly Total Non-Farm Jobs
    Obama 136,279,000
    Trump 147,860,000 <--higher than Obama even during Global Pandemic

    Average Annual Federal Tax Receipts Inflation Adjusted
    Obama $2,910 Billion <----FAIL
    Trump $3,526 Billion <----Half Trillion more, even with tax cuts

    Trump is a better president by EVERY measure. His record is superior to Obama's and Biden's by every logical objective measure. No emotions are required. No cultism is necessary. Just look at every way we objectively measure performance. Establish your criteria and then measure.

  12. #132
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    ^ It's not really you (this time). Yeah, It's horrible what's happening of course.

    Yeah I don't want to get far into it, because it's depressing as shit. Bob and Dooch are making a lot of racial assumptions that are at the very least to a large extent economic, social, environmental etc.

    You can view history as a series of extremely complicated dominoes rolling over, since every action/reaction is purely a physical event in objective terms.

    Whichever social class you're born into, you're statistically extremely likely to die in, regardless of race or anything else. Some people can move up (or down), but most people stay where they are.

    You have a perfect storm of fake news, social media, idiots, psychopaths and phony politicians. This shit was always going to happen and you should have seen it coming.

    These are kind of scattered thoughts, but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say. It's nothing political one way or the other.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    ^ It's not really you (this time). Yeah, It's horrible what's happening of course.

    Yeah I don't want to get far into it, because it's depressing as shit. Bob and Dooch are making a lot of racial assumptions that are at the very least to a large extent economic, social, environmental etc.

    You can view history as a series of extremely complicated dominoes rolling over, since every action/reaction is purely a physical event in objective terms.

    Whichever social class you're born into, you're statistically extremely likely to die in, regardless of race or anything else. Some people can move up (or down), but most people stay where they are.

    You have a perfect storm of fake news, social media, idiots, psychopaths and phony politicians. This shit was always going to happen and you should have seen it coming.

    These are kind of scattered thoughts, but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say. It's nothing political one way or the other.
    Yea we get it you’re a cynic.

  14. #134
    Shaolin Master
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    Sha dynasty is a big downer. I can imagine him being the before version in a prozac commercial.

  15. #135


    Evil Corporation Google working for DemoKKKrat Party again.

    Joe Biden's mysteriously disappearing "Dislikes" on YouTube

    During Joe Biden's presidential nomination acceptance speech Thursday night, both his personal YouTube page and the Democratic Party's YouTube page saw strong, negative reactions from live audiences. In fact, "Dislikes" outnumbered "Likes," in real time.

    Yet both pages' "Dislikes" mysteriously dropped in the hours after the Democratic National Convention (DNC) had concluded. The changing statistics led some on social media to wonder if the Google-owned YouTube platform was protecting Biden.


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