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Thread: Dave Chappelle: ‘F–k everybody in Staten Island except Wu-Tang Clan’

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Artsdradamus View Post
    stop that nonsense. everyone knows christina aguilera is from Pittsburgh. she used to sing the national anthem all the time at penguin games when she was a little kid.

    Shes from mariners harbor (“From the hill to the harbor” - rza - duck season, he lived there 96-97 himself) originally. Thats where she was born.

    The other names only lived there briefly.

    Im from staten island. Its rep of being a racist conservative borough are exagerrated imo. Its the last place in nyc where the neighborhoods are atill segregated with that “this is my neighborhood” vibe. Does black vs white happen? Yup. But more often than not its white vs white, black vs black, italian vs italian...

    Deck himself calls it straight how it is in the showtime doc when he said even in projects africans vs jamaicans vs hatians vs african americana vs peurto ricans etc

    Thats just how it is. Chapelle makes it seem like cause staten island cops killed that guy, all staten isoand supports them when in any italian neighborhood ya liable to get spit on if your a cop.

    So i dont take outsiders opinions on it seriously so fuck dave chapelle too. Its the land of say whatever you can to piss off whoever ya fighting with. Seen it 100s of times.

  2. #17


    Peace ForensikZ

    I had a feeling that what Dave Chappelle said about Staten Island was Bs? I was gonna write something similar to you but since I’m not from there, I felt I couldn’t speak on it.

    I always though SI would be a cool borough, because there’s a lot of different races?

  3. #18


    I worked plenty of construction sites to see for myself blacks going at it with Jamaicans, puerto ricans vs other hispanics, etc.

    I worked with one the Jamaican crews cuz they got a lot of work done and the construction site was always cutting dead weight. Best to get in with a good crew and keep your job.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by zooruka View Post
    Peace ForensikZ

    I had a feeling that what Dave Chappelle said about Staten Island was Bs? I was gonna write something similar to you but since I’m not from there, I felt I couldn’t speak on it.

    I always though SI would be a cool borough, because there’s a lot of different races?
    staten island is probably the least diverse borough with the most white people. Because of neighborhood beef the white people on staten island get this sweeping classification as racist, not realizing SI like deck said is the land of fight anybody over anything. Your more likely to fight ya beighbor over parking than have a racist shodown. Its not like that really anywhere else in nj/nyc area. So when people say “staten island is likr alabama” or some shit imo they just talking nonsense cause staten islands would fight rednecks too and call them the same names they call everyone else. Its still a fisticuffs borough.

    plus in jersey white staten islanders are basically seen as the lowest class of white people cause were loud and obnoxious but we do it cause its funny for most part. Peep the viseo os staten islanders cursing off the woman in the food store for not wearing a mask for covid... this is SI to the t. It is the land before time but wutang def changed it from true racism to a “fight anybody, fuck everybody” vibe.

    for example of what i mean. I was 4 at a little league game where parents who see each other every week started cursing each other off because “you wont let my kid play cuz hes italian. You only let the jewish kids play” or some shit visca versa. Every name in the book was called. I dont think anyone there was actually racist against jews or italians its just a very wild borough for that type of behavior.

    But yes. Its not as white as people think as the ferry rides show.
    Last edited by ForensikZ; 06-30-2020 at 10:57 AM.

  5. #20
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    the way these people yelled at a fellow italian is the way staten island treats anybody. But the media makes huge deals over any black vs white squabble.


  6. #21


    The word diversity is way overused now that it's become a joke anyway. It tends to be used by racists that hate whites. Diversity means to them less than one white person in sight.

  7. #22
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Everything's racist if you pay attention to social media. Social media is dominated by young people, most of whom don't have the experience or humility to put anything into perspective.

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by ForensikZ View Post
    Peep the viseo os staten islanders cursing off the woman in the food store for not wearing a mask for covid... this is SI to the t.
    So Staten Island is a bunch of karen bitch face mask nazis? Sounds like a bunch of conformed obedient sheep to me. Fuck your mask. I'm not wearing one. Cover your own ugly face up and inhale your bad breath.

    Masks are just obedience drills. Enslavement of the mind. Teaching a dog to do tricks.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    So Staten Island is a bunch of karen bitch face mask nazis? Sounds like a bunch of conformed obedient sheep to me. Fuck your mask. I'm not wearing one. Cover your own ugly face up and inhale your bad breath.

    Masks are just obedience drills. Enslavement of the mind. Teaching a dog to do tricks.
    breh people been wearing masks for sars and bird flew for decades. You sound like you watxu alex jones ans thino covid is from 5g towers...that was a hell of a hot take lmao. The masks really struck a chord lmao

    not that the mask was the point of why i posted that. How they were yelling at that girl is how they yell at everyone; if that woman was black, it would be headlined “racist staten islanders strike again”. Thats just how people talk there.

    the trope of corny white people and “karens” dont exist on staten island Btw
    Last edited by ForensikZ; 06-30-2020 at 08:26 PM.

  10. #25


    I don't care if you wear masks if you choose to. DemoKKKrat politicians trying to force people to wear them sounds like some bogus, fascist shit to me. Why not tell Jews to put on a gold star on their sleeves too?

    Fuck the mandates. The corona virus is what? 0.1 microns in diameter? the most dense cotton masks are 20 microns, or 200x the size of the virus? Most cotton masks have pores closer to 200 microns in diameter, meaning that the pores through your mask are up to 2000x the size of the virus. Do you put up chain link fences to keep out mosquitoes?

    Alex Jones is a fuckin warrior. THink of it like this. Galileo was called a heretic for claiming that the sun was the center of the galaxy.

    Galileo is accused of heresy

    Socrates was put to death for refusing to acknowledge the state's false gods (Biden, feminism, global warming, gun confiscation, make believe genders)

    On a day in 399 BC the philosopher Socrates stood before a jury of 500 of his fellow Athenians accused of "refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state" and of "corrupting the youth." If found guilty; his penalty could be death. The trial took place in the heart of the city, the jurors seated on wooden benches surrounded by a crowd of spectators. Socrates' accusers (three Athenian citizens) were allotted three hours to present their case, after which, the philosopher would have three hours to defend himself.

    Socrates was 70 years old and familiar to most Athenians. His anti-democratic (anti-mob rule) views had turned many in the city against him. Two of his students, Alcibiades and Critias, had twice briefly overthrown the democratic government (mob rule) of the city, instituting a reign of terror in which thousands of citizens were deprived of their property and either banished from the city or executed.

    After hearing the arguments of both Socrates and his accusers, the jury was asked to vote on his guilt. Under Athenian law the jurors did not deliberate the point. Instead, each juror registered his judgment by placing a small disk into an urn marked either "guilty" or "not guilty." Socrates was found guilty by a vote of 280 to 220.

    The jurors were next asked to determine Socrates' penalty. His accusers argued for the death penalty. Socrates was given the opportunity to suggest his own punishment and could probably have avoided death by recommending exile. Instead, the philosopher initially offered the sarcastic recommendation that he be rewarded for his actions. When pressed for a realistic punishment, he proposed that he be fined a modest sum of money. Faced with the two choices, the jury selected death for Socrates.
    Some of the smartest, most prescient, forward seeing people of their times were executed or banished as heretics or "conspiracy theorists." Everything Alex Jones says sounds crazy until it becomes true 5 years later.

    The real "conspiracy theorists" are the frauds pushing make believe hoax Russian collusion conspiracy theories and pro-war propaganda to try to get the USA into endless wars.

    Like I said. Forcing you to wear masks is not about safety. They'll pack you like sardines in a subway car or send sick infected people into your grandpa's senior citizen home to kill him. It's about obedience and practicing orders and mandates against the citizenry.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 06-30-2020 at 08:48 PM.

  11. #26
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    ^ You're a conspiracy theorist. Alex Jones has the same business model as evangelical preachers. He's selling you a belief system, regardless of whether a few details happen to be true.

    Global warming has been proven for years, guns are the dumbest thing ever to let citizens have, feminism seems to have went nuts, but I think if you're a feminist you must be against gender, which is interesting. I also have to consider, that I might just not understand that area of life very well. Peoples greatest fears are of what they can't understand. The world is constantly changing, so generations will continue to be at odds with each other. I mean historically this is true, so why be so arrogant that you have all the answers, or that your opinion is all that exists.

    Masks seem to have some effect, based on areas that did and didn't use them. It was really the easiest measure governments could get people to do, even though it's nowhere near as effective a precaution as staying home, and washing your hands often when outside.

  12. #27


    I went to a comedy club tonight with an open mind to hear some comedy jokes.

    Shit was wack up and down.

    Some of the comedians seemed man I spoke out the crowd.

    I was only trying to help them out while their set was trippin.

    People don't know how to do comedy anymore. You have to be willing to engage the crowd and offend people.

    DemoKKKrats are pussies and too scared to offend people with jokes. I hate the politically correct era. It is a disease. And the demoKKKrat nazis made us wear masks. i hauled out of there.

  13. #28


    Sense-A why do you keep calling the Democrats “Demokkkrat”? When Trump is the one hold pseudo clan rallies?


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