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Thread: Full video of Rayshard Brooks shooting

  1. #31
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    Yea you should be done with it because you’re full of shit.

    “White supremicist” this and “white supremicist” that.

    I get it we’re all “white supremicist” to you.

    That’s all you’ve ever had. You’ve never taken one iota of Responsibility for Anything you’ve ever done if your goddamn life.

    Non stop you’re the victim shit. You can never be wrong.

    I get it. Psychopath. Just happen to be a black one.

    I’m not down with any of you nutjobs. Not you’re white supremacy, not your black power racist bullshit, not your white radical liberal bullshit not your feminist Marxist bullshit.

    I’ve met hundreds of dudes like you. All the same. It’s never your fault.
    one more thing.
    i have never taken responsibility for a damn thing in my life?
    you know who it sounds like?
    klan boys who like to say blacks are lazy and wont pull themselves up by their bootstraps. LMAO
    meanwhile i'm living a life you would only dream about, because i worked my ass off for it, at my age, i've never been to jail, don't have debt, no baby mamas, no kids i abandoned, while yall freaking out about a pandemic, ive been living comfortably financially..

    dude..stop playing yourself, you do not know me, i took plenty responsibility for my life, THATS WHY IM NOT AN ENVIOUS BITCH WHO HATES OTHER PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR ETHNICITES to compensate for failure. thats the issue with guys like you. you hate is misguided, so heres advice, take responsibility for YOURSELF, make your own moves and maybe you won't be so bitter at black people for the misgivings in your life. GET REAL

  2. #32
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    Are you serious right now? How am I racist against anyone? This doesn't make sense. You're upset because I'm not on your side.

    I said that I can understand why people are marching/protesting. Noticed the word "understand". This makes me hate whites?

    I don't take responsibility of what? Crime? I have a clean record. No drug use, etc. In your mind, that can't be right because you are one sided.

    BTW, I've never pointed the finger at whites. You made that up because I'm not on your side.
    because that's what guys like him do , reverse psychology bs.
    i take solace in the fact that there are tons of white people who aren't like him though. for most part, especially this year and all thats going on, a lot of white folks i know have been understanding and VERY VERY SUPPORTING OF THE CAUSE.

    don't let these types change your perspective on whites as a whole, trust me, they are a minority on this matter

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    listen to me dooch. for someone who thinks he is better than blacks, it's comical that you are so threatened. why are you threatened by black people?
    contrary to what you believe, we ain't worried about you. we just want to live a life where people like you with the old boomer jim crow mentality can fall back.

    you have met hundreds of dudes like me? lmfao
    from my observation of you, your only interaction with blacks is only virtual. you keep showing traits of someone who clearly has never had more than a 5 minute convo with a black person in real time. again, like i said before, tone def, your idea of blackness is based on alt right memes and fox media caricatures. The thought of a decent well educated black person probably is a foreign concept to you.

    i'm waiting for the "i have tons of black friends" comment.

    dude you sound text book alt right 4chan white supremacist. you know what i wont do though? i wont flat out call you a racist till you actually do some racist shit to hurt a person of color.

    you know? the same thing you did and yet mock certain demographics for doing it "THAS RACIST, YOU RACIST..EMA GAD, HE CHALLENGED MY DIM VIEWS, HE RACIST"

    Again, all your responses are text book, i see them all the time from the facebook klan boomers. what else you got?
    I’m talking about you individually.

    You judge me more than I’ll ever judge you.

    Your cliches are so played out.

    This is what I’m saying.

    What you’re accusing me of (which I don’t do) is exactly what you do.

    It’s hilarious.

    I’m not a boomer lol.

    Everything you just typed reiterates what I’ve said about you... the individual.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    Are you serious right now? How am I racist against anyone? This doesn't make sense. You're upset because I'm not on your side.

    I said that I can understand why people are marching/protesting. Noticed the word "understand". This makes me hate whites?

    I don't take responsibility of what? Crime? I have a clean record. No drug use, etc. In your mind, that can't be right because you are one sided.

    BTW, I've never pointed the finger at whites. You made that up because I'm not on your side.
    That was a comment made toward graveyard.

    Both of you use “whites” as an excuse way too much.

    Both of you have bigoted attitudes at times.

    Yes blacks can be bigoted it’s ok. Lol.

    It’s not reverse psychology, it’s just you’re no different.

    You’re not special.

    There’s no big agenda against you. We don’t think of you as much as you think we do.

    Shifter is a lunatic I’ve seen him dissolve into a psycho.

    I don’t care who you agree with I’m just telling an uncomfortable truth

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    because that's what guys like him do , reverse psychology bs.
    i take solace in the fact that there are tons of white people who aren't like him though. for most part, especially this year and all thats going on, a lot of white folks i know have been understanding and VERY VERY SUPPORTING OF THE CAUSE.

    don't let these types change your perspective on whites as a whole, trust me, they are a minority on this matter
    Lol No youRe just frustrated won’t kiss your ass And be one of the “good ones”.

    All I said was black people are just as bigoted and racist as anyone else. They’re not immune to it.

    But you can’t accept that.

    I never denied any group of people could be fucked up.

    You jumped to just about ever conclusion you could and now according to you I’m a white supremicist.

    It’s so weak. Baseless. And I couldn’t be one anyway. Lol. Nor do I want to.

    You have no idea how white people identify themselves. You THINK it’s “white” or “whiteness” but that shit ain’t the truth. At least not with my people.
    But ya, I’m the crazy one. I’m the bigot. Lol
    Last edited by Dooch; 07-11-2020 at 12:59 PM.

  6. #36
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    I know dudes like you dooch. Your crush got fucked by a black man in high school and you haven’t let it go since . Brah, move on. That hate is only gonna kill you early like so many like you out there who worry about mundane bullshit like someone’s ethnicity and stereotypes.

    know what cracks me up the most about guys like you? Imagine being a white man in America with all the perks afforded to him, all the rights and great head start to make a good life for himself , imagine being a white man in a country where opportunity can take you places at an instant and spending your life being prejudiced and afraid of a group of people who only make up 13% of the population of this country. That’s some embarrassing cowardice right there . And it’s dudes like you who become killer cops , living their whole lives bitter that Karen sucked some bbc in the bathroom in high school and you wanted a picket fence life with her lol.

    brah, your projecting is so comical, there’s nothing original about your approach since we started this argument , it’s actually quite sad, i thought you more intelligent than that to actually have real discourse but i stand corrected , you are no different from the idiotic white supremacist types with the IQ of a pea.

    once again, stop fearing black people, if i was part of the dominant class in this country, the last thing I’d be is some hater ass prejudice little pee pee guy. I’d be out here enjoying the fortunate perks i have and making more outta myself . Dooch, you can be more, and guess what? Its not black people’s fault whatever it is that has you creaming your asshole. I’ll give you your own advice. Take responsibility for yourself and stop blaming black people for everything ok?
    Last edited by RADIOACTIVE MAN; 07-11-2020 at 02:03 PM.

  7. #37
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Oh and for the record , yes i use “whites” to describe your ethnicity . Isn’t that what you are in America? What would you rather i called you? A cracker? You would love that wouldn’t you? So you can yell “eh ma gawd , Thad racis , you’re racist “

    sorry buddy, you are misguided . Ain’t no racist bone on me but you know what i am? A realist, i call it for what it is. Irony is , i spent a whole week defending the white lady who pulled a gun on those obnoxious sisters and considered it justified because they clearly were agitating her and she and her husband did not deserve to be charged?

    see how that works? It’s called being rational logical and fair, not being racist.

    you don’t see me here blaming white people at every turn when it’s not justified , can you say the same? Lmao

  8. #38
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    I’ll also have you know that even in that george Floyd Case, i am very very of the stance that the 2 rookie cops should not be charged and should be left alone as they were following orders. Last i checked, they were white but i’m racist lmao

    thats where we differ buddy, if i were to walk outside right now and saw a random white DUde being attacked by a mob of brothas without cause , you best believe I’d step in and shut it down, that’s how i met one of my best buddies jf who is still one of the closest homies i have to this day, if you want, I’ll link you to his fb and you can ask him for yourself, see i don’t go brushing a whole gang of people under one broad stroke. I call situations for what they are, that’s where we differ, you watch a few gangster movies, watch some fox propaganda and memes and suddenly, your mind is fine tune to find fault with everything blacks do

    but i am the racist lmao

  9. #39

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    Dude you constantly stereotype lol.

    I’m not saying your the black grand wizard of all black power racists, your just a run of the mill bigot.

    It’s in you. Own it.

    You come off as immature. Like your perpetually 17.

  11. #41
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    You can have the last word dooch. I’ve said my peace. I have things to do.

    piece of friendly advice , please do try to meet and have discourse with more black people. You may just be shocked at how wrong your pre conceived notions are .
    we ain’t that much different. Everyone’s trying to live and make it home alive to their loved ones, i hope one day you will understand why that is paramount for black folks, especially with the history and continued behavior of certain groups in this country.

  12. #42
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    You’re an arrogant son of a bitch no doubt about that.

    And you need a greater understanding of “white people” than I do “black people” and I’ll go to the grave with that one. This conversations reinforces that.

    But you can do what you like with that piece of internet advice.

    I don’t need a lecture. I’m far from thee problem or a problem.

    And I never really said you were.

    So go do your thing and I’m going to do mine.

    I’m not in anyone’s way of them livinG how they want.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    and How do you know the kid was shot by a black person? theres still a reward out for the shooter. it could be anyone of any race. Don't play into the okie doke some of these cats on here are dragging you into. if you can't read between the lines on what and who they are, i feel for you.
    That's the thing. I don't know the race of the shooter. The reason why I'm upset is because some members of BLM tried to downplay this girl's death. One member stated that her death was a "separate issue" and "let's focus on blacks being killed by whites". People don't like the mayor because she questioned BLM.

    There was a protest near my sub-division because a man (who was shooting over the 4th of July weekend) shot at a cop, missed, and the cop shot back killing him in the process. BLM stated that the cop didn't have to kill him EVEN THOUGH THE MAN SHOT AT OFFICERS!

    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    because that's what guys like him do , reverse psychology bs.
    i take solace in the fact that there are tons of white people who aren't like him though. for most part, especially this year and all thats going on, a lot of white folks i know have been understanding and VERY VERY SUPPORTING OF THE CAUSE.

    don't let these types change your perspective on whites as a whole, trust me, they are a minority on this matter

    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    That was a comment made toward graveyard.

    You’re not special.
    Ok. I understand.

    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post

    once again, stop fearing black people,

    Take responsibility for yourself and stop blaming black people for everything ok?
    I thought the election of Obama would've changed this but no. Trump has changed things.

    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    I’ll also have you know that even in that george Floyd Case, i am very very of the stance that the 2 rookie cops should not be charged and should be left alone as they were following orders. Last i checked, they were white but i’m racist lmao
    Good. What's your opinion on the Mr. Brooks shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post

    You come off as immature. Like your perpetually 17.
    Why do you say this?
    Last edited by IrOnMaN; 07-11-2020 at 03:29 PM.
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  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post

    Why do you say this?
    Because of how he perceives “white people”. It’s not a very nuanced view of a very diverse group of people.

    Maybe we’re not there yet, but that’s a conversation that we will eventually have to have if we want to be real about understanding and respecting eachother and moving forward.

    100% I have a better understanding for the black community than most blacks do if the white community as a whole.

    That’s why I challenge some of these stereotypes and generalizations that get hurled at us.

    Like I said, it’s not the time for that conversation but it’s also not one that you can ignore.

    It’s coming.

    Shifter hurled a whole lotta garbage at me and “white people” in general.

    When he said “what should I call you then cracker?”, that’s when it was painfully obvious he doesn’t know enough.

    It’s ok. Minnesota is a different region, he might just not know.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    its ironic that most of the agitators who were arrested in Minnesota who also were burning buildings were white dudes who were not affiliated with BLM

    but sure..blame it all on the black people....

    it couldn't be white supremacists using the protests as cover to start unrest and claim "SeE It'S The BlAcKs, thats why we hate niggers". It's funny how these things happen and people are always quick to point the finger at one demographic, some of us dealt with similar situations with the george floyd thing when buses where showing up in our state from outta town transporting kkk and nazi's to start some shit here. what the media ain't telling yall is the real reason why shit got real

    INFACT, A LOT OF BLACK FOLKS were stopping these people from, destroying property but yea, its the blacks, they are the savages who always burn and loot.

    the point here is, for all of you, including you iron-man is to step back , stop pointing fingers before you know who the players are before assuming shit. everyone whop burned the police station that was arrested in MN were white, All the agitators, including the people using tank trucks to destroy shit were white supremacists

    BUT NOO, iTs tHe bLaCKs


    sometimes man..
    White supremacists aren't involved in any of the rioting, looting and destroying cities. It's white marxists and black people who got riled up by these antifa faggots. These whites you speak of are part of the BLM movement. White surpremacists are just sitting back and laughing at these retards playing themselfs.
    "I hate them and I wish death among them!" - Mahatma Gandhi


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