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Thread: Privileged sports players boycott games over fake systemic racism

  1. #1
    Shaolin Master
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    Default Privileged sports players boycott games over fake systemic racism

  2. #2
    Don't grab my jacket dunn Hollow Dartz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Collector View Post
    Lol I was waiting for Wu-Corp's #1 White Supremacist to comment on this.
    Only a few years ago Hip Hop purists may have felt superior listening to hard core while their less enlightened companions snacked on commercial rap. As Shaolin research began to point out the overwhelming benefits of raw production, true hip hop enthusiasts started turning back to traditional styles. Wu-Tang in particular, has been shown to myriad beneficial effects, from warding off ignorance and poverty to reducing the risk of incarceration and death.

  3. #3
    Shaolin Master
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    I'm honored to have wu corp's top black supremacist show up. Any criminals you want to show support for while you're here, racist?

  4. #4


    LOL @ your make believe white supremacy. Where are all these boogie man white nationalist supremacists you're so scared of?

    Yet all the supremacy and racism we see in America in 2020 are racist blacks.

    Montrezl Harrell slinging racist slurs against a white player and going unpunished

    Black supremacist messages on the basketball court.

    Nick Cannon racist slurs against Jews and whites, calling them mutated "savages." Didn't even apologize

    Black Lives Matter Marxists and their pAnti-Fascist suckups threatening diners and forcing them to raise black supremacist fists under threat and duress

    DeSean Jackson hating Jews and going unpunished.

    Why are black people so racist? They have an inferiority complex against people they perceive as supreme.

    The people who ACTUALLY believe in white supremacy are the racist blacks, which explains their hateful inferiority complex against people they perceive as being better than they are (supreme).

    They wouldn't be hateful against white people if they actually thought white people were lesser than they are.

    Learn some psychology and you'd understand the psychosis of all your racist black dumb jocks and black marxists.

    I guess it sucks to try to learn about your own history only to find out that all the black slaves were captured and sold by black Africans. You realize your greatest enemies are your own kind, and you really really wanted to scapegoat someone else.

    Black billionaires and black millionaires who dribble inflated cow hide for a living pretending to be oppressed victims? LOL HAhahahhahaha

    Now be a good black dumbass marxist and go attack a white police officer of the law with a blade so that your dumb black friends can cry racism when you catch a bullet.

  5. #5
    Don't grab my jacket dunn Hollow Dartz's Avatar
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    Black Supremacist? Nah, there’s no such thing. Supporting a criminal? That’s not the point here. Is that justification for shooting someone 7 times in the back? 2-3 times? Ok, but 7? Meanwhile we continue to see white folk in similar situations who walk away unscathed. Not to mention there’s a white dude gunning down folks during protest.

    Where are the white nationalist supremacist I’m talking about? I can tell you’re clearly just ignoring this fact or you just are out the loop. I can name people like Richard Spencer, Steve Bannon, Groups like the proud boys, alt-right..etc But ok.

    You’re not seeing racism from blacks, you’re seeing a response to racism in America. Let’s see “Bitch ass White Boy” isn’t a racist term I don’t know White you White supremacist are trying to hard to cling on to that one. I’m sure you say “black guy” “Asian guy” all the time to describe folks. Black supremacist messages on the basketball court? Lol I have no more to say. To say that black lives matter isn’t black supremacy. Haha this has to be a joke. I’m reading your comments and you’re a racists if you didn’t know it by now. The funniest thing is that you listen to a group like Wu Tang Clan.
    I won’t even continue with you at this point, have a great day. You can continue with your recycled racists responses.

  6. #6


    No such thing as a black supremacist? So when Louis Farrakhan is calling Jews termites or when Nick Cannon is calling white people mutant savages, it is because they believe Jews or whites to be their equals? Stop kidding yourself. There are racists among all races. When Wu-Tang is calling white people white devils, there is an element of racial hatred. They stopped seeing people as individuals and they stopped judging people by the content of their characters instead of race.

    Trying to brawl with police officers means you get shot. Disobeying commands and reaching into your car and having a huge blade means you get shot. Doesn't matter where the bullet hits. And it's all on video. We all see Jacob punching police in video. It's not merely hearsay. It's funny all you police haters wanted bodycams. Now we have body cams and video footage and you don't want to acknowledge what we all actually see in the video footage.

    New footage shows Jacob Blake brawling with cops before being shot as two white Wisconsin officers

    When you are brawling with police and then run to get something out of your car, what are police supposed to do? Assume you took a break from fighting to go fetch your driver's license? The fucker had a huge knife. It wasn't a little swiss army knife. A big blade you use to butcher deer with. But I'm sure he was just fighting off police to go get his registration, right? Pothead? In the words of Ghostface; "C'mon Son"

    Jacob Blake had a knife in his car when he was shot by police, DOJ says

    The discovery of the weapon, found on the driver’s side floorboard of Blake’s SUV
    Now if Jacob Blake turned around and gutted the police officers open with the big knife, I'm sure all your dumb jock black basketball players would be boycotting, right? NO! They wouldn't give a shit if another black thug killed a white police officer.

    Every day those officers kiss their wives and kiss their children goodbye and go out the front door and deal with the lowest scum of society and hope they come back alive to see their wives and children. Criminal suspects acting like fucking morons when they could just catch a traffic ticket and get their day in court doesn't receive sympathy from me.

    Only 14 unarmed blacks were fatally shot by police in 2019. In an entire fucking year. The black lives matters marxists have killed TWICE that many in just 3 months. Think about that. More than 14 blacks are killed by other blacks in a single weekend in any demoKKKrat city in this country. You're mis-allocating your anger and energy.

    Your marxist black supremacists got more people killed in 3 months than the total number of unarmed blacks fatally shot in an entire fucking year.

    That's not counting the 1,000+ police officers injured during your mob riots in just 3 months, and the $8+ billion in destruction to private and public property, much of which insurance does not actually cover because riots are not in most insurance policies.

    I have had police come to my house. I put my arms up and the first thing I say is "Officer, I have a firearm on me. Please disarm me so that we can talk about why you are here. The safety is on." They get nervous. I get nervous. No sudden moves. It's happened to me more than once. Learn how to behave during a police interaction and you won't get shot. They are just as nervous as you are.

    Way more white people are fatally shot by police. Hell, a 5 year old white boy was shot in the head by a 25 year old black man and your dumb jock basketball players didn't give a shit or say anything. And none of them ever give a damn when a white person is shot by police, which happens far more often. They are obviously racist. And they didn't give a fuck about Hong Kong being overthrown by their Communist Chinese overlords. Because Lebron James is more worried about the revenue. What happens to a Hong Kong resident if they don't stand for the Chinese Communist anthem or if they defile the Communist Chinese flag? They disappear. They don't get coddled like these spoiled NBA bitches.

    Richard Spencer, the white supremacist, just endorsed Joe Biden for president! LOL. He did it on his own twitter page. Richard Spencer and Black Lives Matter are going to vote for the same presidential candidate - Joe Biden! HAHAHHAHhah Black Lives Matter and your boogie man white supremacists are united! https://twitter.com/RichardBSpencer/...rc=twsrc%5Etfw

    Steve Bannon is not a white supremacist. Now you're just getting emotional and going hyperbole on us.

    Alt Right? LOL that's just a catch phrase demoKKKrats used to try to discredit conservative websites when it is actually the corporate conglomerate fake news media cartel networks spreading all the lies. And where are these alt-right boogie men now? While BLM has murdered 28 people in the last 3 months, where is all the carnage and destruction and murder by these boogie man white supremacists? It only exists in your imagination. Anyone who supports Trump gets lumped in with your fantasy land alt-right gang. They're causing so much trouble that Jussie Smollett and Bubba Wallace have to fake hate crime hoaxes.

    What i described in my previous post is overt racism coming from BLM and black Americans. You don't get to call your racist actions and words a "response."

    If I go out and murder a bunch of innocent black people in "RESPONSE" to a black man murdering Cannon Hinnant, I don't get to use an excuse such as "I was only responding wah wah." Civilized people enact justice via a justice system. A court system. Rights to attorneys. Review of evidence. Juries of your peers. Presumption of innocence. Common law. Do they teach this in your broken inner city shithole democrat government schools? I doubt it. No mock trials? No history lessons on the system of common law? Just grab pitch forks and burn down buildings?

    To single out a particular race's lives as mattering in exclusion to all other races means you don't really want to live in a post-racial society. Yes. It is racist and it is black supremacy. Stop it with the double standards. You'd scream at the sky and put your pink pussy hat on if white people were writing White Lives Matter on streets and basketball courts and public spaces.

    Why don't these rich black NBA players take a trip to Africa and demand reparations for all the fortunes black Africans made capturing them into slavery and selling them at port? Nah. They won't do that. See. It's not even about slavery. It's just about hatred of white people.

    In the grand scheme of things, I don't really give a shit about the NBA, whether they play their games, or about their bitchfits or how much Lebron James loves Communist China. So I'm not going to interfere. Have at it. Dribble the inflated cow hide. Jump, bounce, shoot, loot Footlocker. Steal all the Nikes you want.

  7. #7
    Don't grab my jacket dunn Hollow Dartz's Avatar
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    So name calling is black supremacy? Lol Stop it. Once again you’re reaching to defend your racist views. Wu-Tang called people devils in terms of their nature, you don’t understand 5% terminology so I won’t get into deep over that.

    Trying to brawl with police officers means you get shot? That’s false, and there’s numerous videos of white dudes who brawled with cops and only got the taser. You’re telling me you should be killed over a fight? Once again you prove my point. And like I stated in my original comment (which you conveniently skipped), let’s say he DID have a knife. Shoot him 7 times? I can see 2-3, but not 7 times in the back. That’s overkill. Luckily this guy isn’t dead. I know you White supremacists will justify anything though.

    Here you go with the black on black crime argument. That’s not a thing, there’s white on white crime, Asian on Asian crime, Indian on Indian crime. You guys like to use this argument to justify your racist behaviors. It’s called proximity killing. If I’m black and live in an all white neighborhood I’m most likely going to do a crime against a white person. Please stop with the black on black crime argument to justify this act. And yeah I know how to behave during police interactions, there’s plenty of videos of blacks “behaving” (notice the terms you use) and they still get treated like shit. There’s a reason there’s people that are “nervous”. I can show you a few videos if you’d like.

    This guy complied with police lol. I’m sure you have some excuse on hand for this though.

    You’re right, way more white men are killed by cops and way more white men KILL police. I wonder why they take their anger out on the black man? That’s for another discussion though. The reason there was no outrage over the boy getting killed is because his killer was immediately caught. We didn’t have to wait to see or hear about the incident weeks later and then demand something happen. I’m sure a racist like you wouldn’t understand that though.

    Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, lol this is too easy I don’t even know why I’m bothering with you. So what if he endorsed Biden! Biden don’t give a shit about black people too! I like how you assume since I’m black I’m automatically a democrat supporter. You’re just showing your true ignorance all over. Back to Richard Spencer:

    Black Lives Matter has murdered who?! First of all I don’t care for black lives matter let’s get that straight. Second, you’re spreading more lies. Lies lies lies. In fact there have been white people who are agents sabotaging the protests in various cities, this is well documented.

    You still don’t understand the message of black lives matter. They’re not saying black people are more important than any other race. You don’t say all lives matter in response to blue lives matter do you? You don’t. Just anything black bothers you, yet you’re listening to Wu tang and AR-AB lol.

    Why do the NBA players have to go back to Africa when they were born here? Brought here by the white supremacist? Lol you’re a full blown racist. You can try to sugarcoat it behind your false logic but it is what it is. And you have a shit enough about the NBA to make this a topic. L.

    Last edited by Hollow Dartz; 09-03-2020 at 02:48 PM.

  8. #8


    Last edited by brock; 09-03-2020 at 11:14 PM.

  9. #9


    Have you ever tried debating a white person without resorting to calling people racists? You do realize that, technically, I am a minority according to the U.S. Census guidelines? On my paternal side I am a descendant of Choctaw Indians. You do realize that my children are mixed? On my mother's side, my grandparents barely escaped Poland and Serbia before Nazis and Communists ravaged through the countries. Me being called racist doesn't surprise me when we live in a day and age when spoiled white demoKKKrats are calling black police officers or calling Candace Owens white supremacists merely for having different political views or merely for being a black man in a police uniform. You don't have a winning argument, which is why you're just going to call anyone who disagrees with you a racist. Same thing with the dumb basketball players, half of whom still think the Earth is flat.

    I'm not denying that police brutality exists. What I'm saying is that if you are against police brutality, then just protest police brutality! Don't pretend that only black people have ever been brutalized by police.

    Spend 30 minutes looking up the data and statistics. That's all. FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

    According to the 2018 FBI crime statistics, 2,925 blacks were murdered in 2018. 2,600 of them were murdered by fellow blacks. Only 151 were killed by non-Hispanic whites. Only 5% of black murder victims are murdered by whites. 89% of black murder victims are killed by blacks.

    You are correct in respect that people of a particular race are most likely to be killed by someone of their own race. But what you overlook is the much higher rate it occurs in black communities. Ratios. Percentages. Per 100,000 people. Data shows 1,905 non-Hispanic whites were murdered in 2018. Roughly 1,740 of them were killed by non-Hispanic whites. About 91% of non-Hispanic whites are killed by non-Hispanic whites, but it happens much less than blacks killing blacks and at a much lower rate since whites have a much larger population in America. Despite there being a whopping 153,287,857 more non-Hispanic whites than blacks in America, blacks are more likely to die in homicides and it is at the hands of other blacks 89% of the time.
    15.5% of white and Hispanic murder victims were killed by blacks. This is triple the proportion for which non-Hispanic whites killed blacks.

    Blacks committed 52% of homicides between 1980 and 2008, despite composing just 13% of the population. Across the same timeframe, whites committed 45% of homicides while composing 77% of the population, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

    Heather Mac Donald writes in her book The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe that in Chicago, IL, blacks committed 76 percent of all homicides, despite composing 35 percent of the city’s population. Blacks also accounted for 78 percent of all juvenile arrests. Whites, who compose 28 percent of the city’s population, committed 4 percent of its homicides and 3.5 percent of its juvenile arrests. Hispanics, who compose 30 percent of the city’s population, committed 19 percent of its homicides and 18 percent of its juvenile arrests. (Another eye-opening fact from Mac Donald’s research is that only 26 percent of murder cases were solved in Chicago.) When blacks kill blacks, the black community wants to use a "no snitch" policy. They won't even assist investigators into bringing justice to their communities. So the people who chant "no justice no peace" don't actually help the justice system deliver justice because they refuse to snitch, refuse to provide witness testimony, and refuse to assist investigations. So they don't really want justice.

    In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites (excluding homicide), and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence (excluding homicide) against blacks,” writes the Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald, citing federal Bureau of Justice Statistics data. “Blacks, in other words, committed 85 percent of the non-homicide interracial crimes of violence between blacks and whites, even though they are less than 13 percent of the population.

    Murders per 100,000 by race:
    Whites killed by blacks- 9.83
    Blacks killed by whites- 0.77
    Whites killed by whites- 10.22
    Blacks killed by blacks- 53.96
    (Source: 2013 FBI Crime Report, Expanded Homicide Data, Table 6)

    Blacks only make up 13.4% of the population but make up 45% of murder victims, for which 89% were murdered by other blacks. A racist who hates blacks would simply defund police departments, stop policing black neighborhoods, abort black babies in addition to the over 13 million black babies already aborted since Roe v. Wade, and let blacks continue to murder blacks. Basically, a racist who hates blacks would vote democrat to continue to cull the black population, impoverish blacks into welfare programs, and break up the black family. Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist white democrat eugenicist named Margaret Sanger, afterall.

    Study: 60 Percent of Black Females Are Sexually Abused Before They Turn 18 https://www.bet.com/news/national/20...y-abused.html#! quoting a study conducted by another black organization https://www.blackwomensblueprint.org/ Obviously, the destruction of the nuclear family in black communities and the absence of a black father puts young black girls at extreme risk, not to mention black boys who grow up and are far more likely to commit crime than non-black young men who are far more likely to grow up in nuclear family households or have fathers present in their lives. 77% of black children grow up in single parent homes. To ignore the effect of this is an attempt to scapegoat white people instead of acknowledge fundamental problems inside the black community.

    One-Parent Students Leave School Earlier "In 2009, young adults who spent time living in single-parent families had completed 1.32 fewer years of schooling than their peers from two-parent families, according to a paper published last week in the academic journal Education Next. The college completion rate also was 26 percentage points lower for 24-year-olds who lived in single-parent homes as teens." https://www.educationnext.org/one-pa...chool-earlier/

    Effects of Fatherless Families on Crime Rates "the absence of the father is the single most important cause of poverty. The same is true for crime. Of all adolescents, those in intact married families are the least likely to commit delinquent acts. Children of single-parent homes are more likely to be abused, have emotional problems, engage in questionable behavior, struggle academically, and become delinquent. Problems with children from fatherless families can continue into adulthood. These children are three times more likely to end up in jail by the time they reach age 30 than are children raised in intact families, and have the highest rates of incarceration in the United States." http://marripedia.org/effects_of_fat...on_crime_rates (citations at website)

    But you and so many other black Americans don't want to acknowledge these problems or solve them. You just want to scapegoat white people.

    You know why Jacob Blake's victim had to call the white police officers to come rescue her from a violent black man who broke into her house and sexually assaulted her in front of her black children? Because weak, lowlife black men such as these dumb NBA players don't protect black women and don't protect black children. White police officers have to come rescue a black woman. You keep making excuses and whining why Jacob Blake got shot for acting like a fool, but you never once mentioned the black woman whose house he broke into and sexually assaulted. Why? Because you don't give a fucking shit about black women or black children. I'm mostly white and I care about black women and black children more than you do. Think about that.

    When George Floyd breaks into a pregnant black woman's house and threatens to kill her, where are all the big tough black men? Not protecting her. You see, you don't even know her name either. And the corporate media doesn't tell us her name. Why? Because black women's lives and black children's lives don't matter to racist dumb black men who only care about black strippers and hustling drugs to their pothead friends. Why didn't all these big tough guy black men protect that black pregnant woman and take care of this George Floyd fucker themselves? They don't believe in justice. They took the side of the black man who threatened to kill a pregnant black woman. Why do weak demoKKKrat black men not protect black women and black children? White police officers have to come and protect them. Then you bitch when the white police officers put the dumb black thug down for threatening to kill a pregnant black woman. The white police officers care more about the black lives of black women and black children more than these dumb black demoKKKrats do. And that's just the sad truth about it.

    Am I racist for pointing all these things out? Of course not. It needs to be said. Black leaders have said it and they get called nasty racist names by angry black men using the names that white demoKKKrats used to call black slaves before Republicans abolished slavery. And there's plenty to say about the problems in the white community. I'm not giving white people any kind of free pass. But I don't have to talk about the problems in the white community as much because those problems are aired out by the corporate conglomerate fake news media cartel every single day. But if it's Joe Biden promoting segregated busing, you're just going look the other way, anyways. When Hillary Clinton tells a black audience on a radio show she carries hot sauce in her purse, and you're too in the bag for your white demoKKKrat masters to realize you were just insulted, then is anything I say here going to change your mind? The data? The statistics? The reality?

    You don't have to cherry pick some videos of black people facing police brutality. I can counter each video with white people getting shot or beaten in police confrontations. Heck, it happens to white people at a much higher rate based on the number of actual interactions with police.

    Police Officers killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. To suggest you are protesting police brutality by saying black lives matter, you are racially dismissing the many more whites who are victims of fatal police shootings. That's quite racist of you. Why not just protest against police brutality. Period.

    Why am I listening to Wu-Tang and AR-AB? Because I am not a racist. I like lots of music by black musicians across a diverse spectrum of music genres. You should try it. Open your mind to other cultures instead of being an isolated black nationalist.

    I'm not really intimidated by a bunch of people who pretend to be victims all the time. You see. I'm a victor. Lots of bad things have happened in my life. I don't go through the day feeling sorry for myself, or trying to blame all my bad choices in life on other people.

    You don't like police? How about all you big tough black guys who don't protect black women and black children go join the police force and show us how it is done. But see, that's already been done. The police departments in Minneapolis or Chicago or Baltimore are actually MANAGED by black chiefs of police. Yet you still want to blame white people. Why didn't black people who took over the management of these police departments fix the problems if you claim police are the problem? Because you're still out there defending thugs like George Floyd or Jacob Blake who attacked black women.

  10. #10


    Number of Unarmed Blacks Killed By Police in 2019 = 14
    Number of People Killed by Democrat “Peaceful” Protester Riots in 2020 = 32
    Number of Police Officers Injured By Rioters in 2020 = 1,000+ per DOJ
    Private & Public Property Damage and Other Costs According to Reports: $8+ billion

    The Names Of People Murdered By Democrat "Peaceful Protester" Riots
    1. David Dorn
    2. Barry Perkins III
    3. David McAtee
    4. Dorian Murrell
    5. Italia Kelly
    6. Marquis M. Tousant
    7. Calvin L. Horton Jr
    8. James Scurlock
    9. Victor Cazares
    10. Patrick Underwood
    11. Jorge Gomez
    12. Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr.
    13. Tyler Gerth
    14. Secoriea Turner <----8 year old black girl. Her life doesn't matter to demoKKKrats.
    15. Summer Taylor
    16. Robert Forbes
    17. Jessica Doty Whitaker
    18. Chris Beaty
    19. Javar Harrell
    20. Jose Gutierrez
    21. John Tiggs
    22. Marvin Francois
    23. Antonio Mays Jr.
    24. Garrett Foster
    25. Anthony Huber - convicted felon
    26. Joseph “Jojo” Rosenbaum - Convicted pedophile rapist
    27. Not yet named: 29-year-old Chicago man was shot and killed in what was ruled a homicide and attributed to “outside agitators” during the riots, according to the Chicago Sun Times.
    28. Not yet named: Unidentified male in his 20s was shot and killed by the owner of a gun store in Philadelphia while trying to loot his store.
    29. Not yet named: Philadelphia man tried to blow up an ATM to loot it and was killed, according to a CBS Philadelphia affiliate.
    30. Not yet named: Detroit man was shot and killed during protests, and police are searching for a woman identified as a person of interest.
    31. Aaron J. Danielson
    32. Michael Forest Reinoehl

    White Police Officers Murdered By Black Lives Matter
    1. Lorne Ahrens
    2. Michael Krol
    3. Michael Smith
    4. Patrick Zamarripa
    5. Brent Thompson
    6. Johnathan Shoop

  11. #11


    Alarming Details Surface About Jacob Blake, Kenosha Incident


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