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Thread: Tyranny

  1. #16
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    I like that Shadynasty, Hanzo, HAL and maybe 2 or 3 other ppl can actually incorporate reality into their viewpoints and give perspective. Dotch and SEER just blatter on about nothing. It's cool to have an opposing viewpoint but it's disappointing that it can't be presented beyond emoting incoherent hysteria about how people are doing things that you wouldn't do.

    Like, what if nobody was a tranny lol? What would that actually do for your life? Who cares? How do you care after your 20s about something as juvenile as 'that person isn't wearing the clothes I need them to wear' etc. boi bussy is literally nobody's business unless they want boi bussy (which is cool too)

  2. #17
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post
    it will definitely be interesting to see how technology influences employment. I read 5 or 6 books 2 years ago on AI and how it will affect employment. this does not make me an expert at all but you do get a feel of what jobs might become jeopardized. it's definitely not going to get any easier for people who have no specific higher education

    a lot more societal upheaval is coming our way to people becoming unemployed and feeling underused / useless. a guaranteed low basic income (but can a state budget that?) and new venues of entertainment and hobbies for the unemployed might take the unease away but there is a lot to be said for re-schooling people who are open to that option, at various ages

    there will always be people who WANT to 'opt out' of society (no job wanted). I don't have a problem with these people or their view at all but I honestly do not know whether the government should support them. they should probably be prepared to really lower their life quality in other areas if they don't want to work since you can't live on air alone. how much do you need to be happy / satisfied?
    I'm a big fan of opting out as a part of how we organize labor because I would much rather the people that want to work being the ones I deal with at work and as a customer. Not only could we pull it off, but it would give massive leverage to the people that want to work. Wages are supressed because that's the name of the game but a workforce culture where ppl have to work to that people will think they're useful or valuable loads everywhere with people that don't actually want to work. I'm sure this is more than depressing for them but a burden on everyone else on the front end.

    On automation, there's a study that found that automation comes from a lack of human labor rather than it beings a 'better option' than human labor. One thing about 'the tech world' is that a lot of premised on the assumptions are logical, linear thinking beings and that's been long disproven. Even when automation makes sense, employers still opt for people most of the time. We forget that a lot of people start business because they want to be successful and controlling people is a measure of success. Employee numbers are a measure of growth, and most work can already be automated and the options are well known and available but they're not being adapted as logic would have it.

    Then there's the reality that no everyone is comfortable with 'technology' or enthusiastic about it and this makes up the bulk of business owners. The two things I mentioned are cultural and can definitely change. In fact that have already started but even with government backing for automation, they're learning (in east asia) that automation is a result of not being able to find humans willing to work the job. Walmart's refusal to increase wages as opened the door for automatic check-out because it's very hard to find someone that's willing to work for minimum wage in America that isn't mentally ill, unreliable (hard to be when you don't make any money), functionally illiterate, addicted to drugs, or retain-able.

  3. #18
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    ^ An optimistic view is that an advanced AI could do things efficiently and make sure that everyone can live comfortably without needing to work. There's no guarantee of that though.

    It's not just low skilled workers at risk either, a lot of skilled jobs just end up being about pattern recognition and the fact that humans have hands and feet. You could basically already replace lawyers, doctors, etc with AI, it's just a matter of time when it becomes the cost effective thing to do. Once somebody invents something that is in any way close to being as physically versatile as a human, all the other jobs could go as well.
    Most of a doctors work is wearing a white gown. When people see that white gown the calm down, feel cared for or in safe hands, etc. I don't think you can ever automate that away. The technology to automate a dr or a lawyer is already here, but both of them sell 'vibes' as much as their stated service, so I don't really see it happening on that scale. Most developed economies traffic in vibes.

    As far as TYRANNY, I think capital has way too much leverage at this point to be 'beat' especially since they've figured out how to let chuds believe they're in on it too. For example I just laced the house with the mounted TVs which Doutch hasn't, so Douch is probably still a communist where as I now feel as if I'm a part of the capital class.

    I actually think people with money deciding to stop wasting their time with productive business is going to be a bigger blow (and currently is) than automation. People with money are finding it more fruitful and less stressful to invest in money than humans or machines. Making money go from one place to another or betting on capital trends is a way better use of 1 billion dollars than 'trying to set up and office' or 'building a factory' and other goofy things like that.

  4. #19
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    Most of a doctors work is wearing a white gown. When people see that white gown the calm down, feel cared for or in safe hands, etc. I don't think you can ever automate that away. The technology to automate a dr or a lawyer is already here, but both of them sell 'vibes' as much as their stated service, so I don't really see it happening on that scale. Most developed economies traffic in vibes.
    I agree, but it's all a matter of what you're used to. The average person didn't have access to any kind of doctor a few hundred years ago, at least not one who knew what they were doing.

    In your other post you mentioned that automation is more for filling a void than replacing humans, which is sometimes true. A lot of people have been put out of work because the technology became automated though, there's plenty of examples, I mean all online shopping is basically that.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    Nigeria is definitely pure capitalism. Hence being a hellhole, especially if you take out communal cultural facets that make it liveable. Most of the 3rd world really. That's the spirit. The most communist countries are the western ones. Having a job is for simps, but if you have to do it at least de-simp the situation. I'm definitely for getting free money from the government. I don't know why people get a hard-on thinking about other people working, or why they convinced themselves that's an 'achievement' even if it's not working towards their own ends but padding up someone else's with no equity. Peak simp.
    Hmm. I was under the impression that Nigeria's film industry was one of the largest in the world. Good employment.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    Unless governments make it illegal to automate your workforce (which is doubtful because it goes directly against capitalism) most of us will be out of a job in 20 years anyway.
    Hopefully, I won't nor most people. Job automation is an economy killer. This cannot and should not happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    It's not just low skilled workers at risk either, a lot of skilled jobs just end up being about pattern recognition and the fact that humans have hands and feet. You could basically already replace lawyers, doctors, etc with AI, it's just a matter of time when it becomes the cost effective thing to do. Once somebody invents something that is in any way close to being as physically versatile as a human, all the other jobs could go as well.
    Google is a search engine, not a well seasoned professional who spent years of training in order to provide the best medical care/legal representation to patients/clients.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    Lol what the fuck. This reads like a post from a machine learning bot. Either TSA is on Heroin or he automated his posts. Very word salad.
    TSA works for a corp. that specializes in job automation so he's well informed regarding this situation. He has a BA in Business, I believe.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  6. #21


    Advances in technology do not cause prolonged unemployment. We have over 250 years of evidence.

    SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND GOVERNMENT - Chapter 10 - Automation https://mises.org/library/10-automation

    AUTOMATION: The Retreating Catastrophe By Yale Brozen https://cdn.mises.org/Left%20and%20Right_2_3_5.pdf



    Tyranny - Tyranny, in the Greco-Roman world, an autocratic form of rule in which one individual exercised power without any legal restraint. In antiquity the word tyrant was not necessarily pejorative and signified the holder of absolute political power. In its modern usage the word tyranny is usually pejorative and connotes the illegitimate possession or use of such power. https://www.britannica.com/topic/tyranny
    For example, an illegitimate possession and use of power is FORCING people to wear masks despite all the data showing that a virus is an extremely low risk to healthy individuals below the age of 65 years old. Joe Biden wants to force everyone to wear masks nationwide because he is a tyrant who believes in the limitless, centralized power of government without constraint or restraint.

    An illegitimate possession and use of power is Obama and Biden trying to FORCE me to enter into a contract with a private insurance company. Why can't I self insure? What if I don't want to utilize hospitals? What if I want to privately insure or pool my risk outside of government mandated contracts? What if I want FREEDOM to manage my own risks? What if I assess my own risk as being low and not necessitating an insurance contract?

    Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution grants the U.S. Congress 17 specifically “enumerated” powers, along with unspecified “implied” powers considered “necessary and proper” to carry out the enumerated powers. Congress has abused the Commerce Clause to give itself many more powers it is not supposed to have. Any appointment of a Supreme Court Justice should pay close attention to the nominated candidate's position on the commerce clause. The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution further clarified that all powers not granted to Congress are reserved for the states or for the people.

    Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
    Clause 2: To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
    Clause 3: To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
    Clause 4: To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
    Clause 5: To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
    Clause 6: To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;​
    Clause 7: To establish Post Offices and post Roads;
    Clause 8: To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
    Clause 9: To constitute Tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;
    Clause 10: To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;
    Clause 11: To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
    Clause 12: To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
    Clause 13: To provide and maintain a Navy;
    Clause 14: To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
    Clause 15: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
    Clause 16: To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
    Clause 17: To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;
    Clause 18: To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
    The Federal Government really isn't supposed to be as powerful as it is. The reason people fight over Federal politics so much is because it is too powerful. You want to de-escalate the Civil War II environment? Reduce the power of Federal government and return the power back to the states and the people. If California wants to run a dictatorship, let them. We shouldn't all have to live under the tyranny of a centralized, all-powerful Federal Government that violates the limits on its powers in the Constitution.

    If you're tired of politics then reduce the powers of Federal government. If Federal Government wasn't so powerful, then people wouldn't spend so much time and energy fighting for control of that power. DemoKKKrats want an all powerful centralized government, but then bitch and moan when people are killing each other for possession of that power. We already see what demoKKKrats are willing to do for that power. They're willing to burn the whole fucking country down if they don't get the power that they enabled in the first place. It was demoKKKRats who gave the executive branch and Congress so much power. Then they throw a 4-year long tantrum when they lose it.

    I am an INDIVIDUALIST. That means I believe in the power of individuals, not governments or institutions or a mythical "greater good."

    Pseudo-Liberal DemoKKKrat Regressive Neo-Marxists are COLLECTIVISTS. They do not believe that we as individuals should hold any power. The power is placed in the hands of a mythical "greater good" which is really just an international banking cartel of a few elitists and the leaders of their corrupt organized crime syndicate - The demoKKKrat Party.

    G Edward Griffin The Collectivist Conspiracy HD

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    I work for Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. I specialize in creating the code base and algorithms that make you and Brock turn into everlasting gobb stopper bois.
    Why are Brock and I in the same boat?

    I'm not a fan of AI when I have to call a 1-800 number. I want to speak to a live person right away not a computer for 10mins. It takes 5-10 mins to go through promps (i.e press 1 for English then 1, 4, 4, 6, etc.) just to ask about you bill.
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  8. #23
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    You dudes have been having the same conversation for 15 years.

    It’s like listening to someone discuss their fantasy football team and how they’ve figured out some statistical formula to never lose.
    Last edited by Dooch; 09-20-2020 at 03:03 PM.

  9. #24


    automation isn't an excuse for you being an unemployed bum.

    Go apply to be a police officer. There's lots of vacancies. You'll have to pass a drug test so try to go a few weeks without getting stoned. We'll see how much you like demoKKKrats when they are dumping 5 gallon buckets of water on your head and calling you a pig to your face and your mayor and chief of police tell you that you have to take it like a bitch. But hey, the pension's good.

  10. #25
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Remember along time ago I was saying that I couldn't look at certain ppl's posts? This guy is one of them. I need to get checked because everyone else can, but when I look at his posts my eyes want to look away. The structure of synthax of his words are somehow stressful. Idk if stressful is the word but I literally don't want to look at anything he says. I know he hates democrats because that's a given and he capitalizes the KKK in demoKKKrats, which is easy to see as a result. But, idk. I just can't look at his posts and it doesn't help when they're long, and I take it he's mental cause he's both passionate and repetitive in a way that doesn't ever match the tone of the conversation.

    Maybe it's the fact that the posts aren't smoov'? The only other time this happens is when someone wants me to read a long post on social media where two ppl are arguing and I don't care about or know either and doubt it'll be funny. Maybe I don't want to 'take the effort' because he's 'not worth it'? Idk. I remember having this issue with Slippy the Pimp, sometimes palehorse, and that indian guy. Oh and GAVIN when he would have every sentence in a different color lol.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    Remember along time ago I was saying that I couldn't look at certain ppl's posts? This guy is one of them. I need to get checked because everyone else can, but when I look at his posts my eyes want to look away. The structure of synthax of his words are somehow stressful. Idk if stressful is the word but I literally don't want to look at anything he says. I know he hates democrats because that's a given and he capitalizes the KKK in demoKKKrats, which is easy to see as a result. But, idk. I just can't look at his posts and it doesn't help when they're long, and I take it he's mental cause he's both passionate and repetitive in a way that doesn't ever match the tone of the conversation.

    Maybe it's the fact that the posts aren't smoov'? The only other time this happens is when someone wants me to read a long post on social media where two ppl are arguing and I don't care about or know either and doubt it'll be funny. Maybe I don't want to 'take the effort' because he's 'not worth it'? Idk. I remember having this issue with Slippy the Pimp, sometimes palehorse, and that indian guy. Oh and GAVIN when he would have every sentence in a different color lol.
    You make some valid points but it’s syntax. You still struggle with spelling. Slow down. Breath.

  12. #27
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    I’ll be honest I’m not sure how I picture sense A in my head. I always mind pictured a rural Iowa type wigger hillbilly like that one dude from that movie WhiteboyZ. Anyone remember that one?

    But now I’m getting this other type of vibe like he’s that lone white dude left in some White flighted city in PA or upstate NY

    I’m totally confused.

    I’ve been getting him and b-dolo mixed up recently. It’s gotta be the single letter and dash thing.

    B-dolo I assumed was black But now he seems like some white Dude from Queens or Nassau County.

    ShaDynasty is another one. I assume he is a white British dude but to be honest he comes off as a whiny Americuck.

  13. #28
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    I’ll be honest I’m not sure how I picture sense A in my head. I always mind pictured a rural Iowa type wigger hillbilly like that one dude from that movie WhiteboyZ. Anyone remember that one?

    But now I’m getting this other type of vibe like he’s that lone white dude left in some White flighted city in PA or upstate NY

    I’m totally confused.

    I’ve been getting him and b-dolo mixed up recently. It’s gotta be the single letter and dash thing.

    B-dolo I assumed was black But now he seems like some white Dude from Queens or Nassau County.

    ShaDynasty is another one. I assume he is a white British dude but to be honest he comes off as a whiny Americuck.
    Lol. I'm black living in Omaha, Neblastya.

    That whiteboyz movie is an all time fav of mine. I got on dvd somewhere. Got the soundtrack too, ill joints by Raekwon and Big Pun on there.
    That movie really transcends race though. I knew to many black kids turning gangster/thug in the golden era of hip hop. A best friend of mine all of sudden thought he was a drug dealer. I'm thinkin, "you live in a new house and your parents are both employed by Air Force?

  14. #29
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    automation isn't an excuse for you being an unemployed bum.

    Go apply to be a police officer. There's lots of vacancies. You'll have to pass a drug test so try to go a few weeks without getting stoned. We'll see how much you like demoKKKrats when they are dumping 5 gallon buckets of water on your head and calling you a pig to your face and your mayor and chief of police tell you that you have to take it like a bitch. But hey, the pension's good.

    Transsexual/anarchist/satanist wins GOP nomination for county sheriff with F the police slogan

    Last edited by b-dolo; 09-20-2020 at 10:05 PM.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    Lol. I'm black living in Omaha, Neblastya.

    That whiteboyz movie is an all time fav of mine. I got on dvd somewhere. Got the soundtrack too, ill joints by Raekwon and Big Pun on there.
    That movie really transcends race though. I knew to many black kids turning gangster/thug in the golden era of hip hop. A best friend of mine all of sudden thought he was a drug dealer. I'm thinkin, "you live in a new house and your parents are both employed by Air Force?
    Wow, who knew?

    Two Nebraskans in one gen chat.


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