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Thread: Pennsylvania judge throws out Trump lawsuit, clearing way for Biden win - Fox News

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    Firing squads are kind of lame though. Only one person gets to use an actual live round and everyone else uses blanks.
    Give everyone a live round.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    Hillary should be dropped off in either Haiti or Bengazi with a bottle of water + roll of toilet paper and told "good luck".
    Hillary Clinton says Biden should not concede the election 'under any circumstances' https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/202...under-n1238156

    Biden should not concede. You see. Just wait a couple weeks until we're done manufacturing all the ballots and letting our smartMatic algorithm compute our predetermined totals

    FLASHBACK: “Internet Connection” Glitches Shuts Down Dominion Machines in Ontario for at Least 90 Minutes https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/202...st-90-minutes/

    Same thing happened in Venezuela too. I guess it's normal for voting machines to go offline for a couple hours, and then come back online with hundreds of thousands of votes for one candidate at an allocation ratio of 99.5%? LOL

    And then from that point on, the vote batches (tabulation) come in at exactly the same ratio for dozens of consecutive batches at a time?

    It really wouldn't surprise me if Hillary Clinton is the one behind all of this. We've already made connections between some of these voting software companies and her.

    Also, if you remember, the demoKKKrat primary was rigged in Iowa and they were using Hillary Clinton's voting software. We had early warnings. We should have known they were working on this and trying to perfect it.

    Even left wing news sites were open about this.

    App made by Clinton campaign veterans’ firm is behind Iowa caucuses debacle https://www.latimes.com/business/tec...ucus-app-snafu

    So why would left wing news media propagandists do this? The evidence was already leaked and Hillary's PR Team tells corporate media to just get out in front of the story. Put it out there and normalize it. That way the attorney generals and FBI can all pretend it is normal and not a shocking reveal.

    Why would you participate in a demoKKKrat primary election if everyone is voting via Hillary Clinton's application. If you were a contrarian demoKKKrat candidate who went after Hillary Clinton, such as Tulsi Gabbard, you wouldn't have a fucking chance. I wonder how many votes they stole from her?

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    Trust me, I would not be throwing Trump in your face if people reacted normally.

    It's the way that people react to Trump that I find astonishing and quite entertaining.

    Let's face it. There's nothing about Trump himself, or his actual policies that people hate. It's the media PROGRAMMING that makes you and others react to Trump the way you do. The corporate conglomerate fake news media makes people believe he's Hitler incarnate. From an actual policy perspective, no one on this forum can tell me how much better Hillary would have been from a policy perspective. And when it comes to propaganda, demoKKKrats by nature are more prone and vulnerable. The kind of people who gravitate to the demoKKKrat party are emotional people. That's why corporate propaganda machines attempt to appeal to your rage and frustration and hatred. Whether it is pushing a phony race war or telling you Trump is locking kids in cages. Your Orwellian two minute hate session.

    Sure, you and I are both probably far more libertarian than Trump. And yeah, Jo Jorgenson probably better represents my actual policy positions.

    Trump stood up for the pro-life movement when no other coward politician would. Trump is the most peaceful president of my lifetime (that includes Regan, HW Bush, Clinton, W Bush, Obama). Trump doesn't advance the white guilt complex that demoKKKrats do. As Dr. Savage says, he's the best at defending our borders, language and culture when globalists intend to destroy our national identity and sovereignty.

    You see, none of us were programmed to love Donald Trump. Hell, most conservatives were weary of him when he was elected in 2016. What Donald Trump did was show us who our enemies really are. Others see the way Trump is treated by the corporate conglomerate propaganda machine and the Deep State and see the man treated the same way they get treated by the establishment. Told to shut up, put their masks on, lock down and pay their taxes. The way the corporations and deep state and globalists hate Trump, that's really how much they hate you and me too. They hate us as much as they hate Trump. To me, that was eye opening. We've been talking about the Illuminati and banking cartels in Wu Tang forums dating back to the 90's. Trump made them come out from the shadows. He shined the light on these ghouls. Now they are so bold faced that they'll commit blatant election fraud and then gaslight you with their propagandist media cartel and censor you from Twitter if you even mention election fraud. Look at the stupid messages you get on google or twitter or youtube that tries to lecture you on what is disputed or not. You don't realize that you are being treated like a communist Chinese peasant? I can't watch a youtube video without some Indian migrant google employee telling me that the AP called the election? WTF? You should be as insulted as I am. You're not insulted by the Jack Dorsey's and ZuckerFace's trying to fake fact check you like a baby?

    Now I have offered a TRUCE, a PEACE TREATY to everyone to end all this. If we reduce the power of Federal government, then we wouldn't fight over it so much. The clear cut answer is to REDUCE the power of Federal government. Then you wouldn't have jackasses like Jaime Harrison blowing over $100 million in the senate race in my state just to get creamed by Lindsay Graham by double digits. We don't have Dominion software in SC coded by Eric Coomer Antifa members. Too bad for Jaime.

    demoKKKrats not only want to centralize and INCREASE the power of Federal government, they want to STEAL ELECTIONS too!

    In a sane nation with sane citizens, the people would hang the party that attempts to steal an election. Not cover for them. It's nothing short of Treason.

    Which may explain the timing of this:

    The Trump administration is aiming to bring back firing squads and electrocutions for some federal executions

    Which one do you think Obama and Biden and Hillary will choose? The firing squad or electrocution? I think I'd like Hillary to go by firing squad, Biden by electrocution, and make Obama hang.
    That’s what I try telling these programmed zombies.

    It ain’t about TRUMP.

  3. #33


    It's not.

    And this is not the last election they'll steal if they get away with it.

    They don't hate Trump. They hate YOU. Who is "they"? The pseudo-liberal demoKKKrat Regressive Neo-Marxist organized crime syndicate. The CIA spooks. The international banking cartel. the corporate propagandist media cartel. The big tech cartel.

    They want YOUR small business to be shut down while Wal-Mart and Amazon and corporate box stores remain open.

    They want YOU to put a mask on, but the politicians are caught without masks, dining, attending parties.

    They want YOU to pay taxes, but Bezos and Zuckerberg and Tim Cook pay none.

    They want YOU to depend on government for sustenance and not be able to sustain yourself or even protect yourself without government rule.

    You have a TIERED justice system. One kind of justice for DemoKKKrats. A separate justice for Republicans.

    You have a Federal bureaucracy that only behaves and acts like arms of the demoKKKrat crime syndicate, even when a Republican is president.

    That same Federal bureaucracy is staffed with 90%+ demoKKKrat employees. DemoKKKrats are the people who go and apply and get government jobs and then weaponize these government departments against you and me.

    ^ It's not even close. All those Federal Agencies are just Hillary Clinton organizations. 99.7% of the education department?!?! 97% of the Justice Department? WTF

    You want me to criticize Trump? He should have shut down half those agencies and pink slipped the rest of them and rehired.

    For fuck sakes the entire Federal government, and the entire fucking city of Washington D.C. is controlled by the demoKKKrat party.

    I'm talking about BUREAUCRATS who you do not elect. They serve 30-40 year terms! Not 2 terms like the House. Not 6 year terms like the Senate. Not 4 year terms like the President. 30 fucking years! Federal pensions and all. All of them in bed with the demoKKKrat party.

    That is why when you have a Republican president, he's sabotaged from the get go. He is put in charge of the 14 federal agencies listed above who are 90%+ staffed with demoKKKrats.

    It's like applying for a manager job, getting the job, then finding out all your employees steal.

  4. #34
    The ABBOTT
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    I see you are still trying to rationalize your undying devotion to your cult leader. Even trying to play the victim role. How about I don't like him because I have never seen a grown man whine as much as him. He is a wannabe tough guy who acts like a teenage girl when twitter hurts his feelings.

    Honestly, a lot of his policy's blow too. The guy didn't do anything to balance budgets, tried to seize my guns without due cause, implemented socialist trade policies, and seems to base most of his policies on appeasing poor whites, who benefit the most from the welfare state. Nothing about his seems like a traditional conservative. I guess if owning the lib's is your objective, he had moderate success.
    Last edited by b-dolo; 11-28-2020 at 02:22 AM.

  5. #35
    The ABBOTT
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    This is a few years old,I'm sure nothing has changed much, but I can see why you like Trump. All these Red states don't pay shit for taxes, all the burden is passed on to Blue states


    Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.
    California residents paid an average of $10,510.
    At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.
    Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.
    Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.
    Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.
    California fared a bit better than other blue states. It received 96 cents for every dollar the state sent to Washington.
    On average, states received $1.14 in federal spending for every tax dollar they sent to Washington. That’s why the federal government has a budget deficit.

  6. #36
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    B-Dolo talking to himself?

    Id rather listen to Joe stumble through a prompter.

  7. #37
    The ABBOTT
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    You need takeover all the right wing conspiracy theory news for SenseA. Its what he would have wanted.

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    Lol I got all my info from him, J-dawg.

    Guy was the greatest independent investigator of our lifetimes and pretty much is the same as you politically( if your being honest) and you never appreciated it.

    Deprogram thyself. Stop being so racist. You and ironman, it’s beat into your heads. “White man bad!”

    It’s a blinder for a lot of these black folks. Or more accurately a control mechanism.

    The Latin and Hispanic community hasn’t fallen for this, they’re trending closer toward moderation.

    The longer you stay a monolith the worse it is for you.
    Last edited by Dooch; 11-28-2020 at 07:25 PM.

  9. #39
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    I see you are still trying to rationalize your undying devotion to your cult leader. Even trying to play the victim role. How about I don't like him because I have never seen a grown man whine as much as him. He is a wannabe tough guy who acts like a teenage girl when twitter hurts his feelings.

    Honestly, a lot of his policy's blow too. The guy didn't do anything to balance budgets, tried to seize my guns without due cause, implemented socialist trade policies, and seems to base most of his policies on appeasing poor whites, who benefit the most from the welfare state. Nothing about his seems like a traditional conservative. I guess if owning the lib's is your objective, he had moderate success.

  10. #40
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    Lol I got all my info from him, J-dawg.

    Guy was the greatest independent investigator of our lifetimes and pretty much is the same as you politically( if your being honest) and you never appreciated it.

    Deprogram thyself. Stop being so racist. You and ironman, it’s beat into your heads. “White man bad!”

    It’s a blinder for a lot of these black folks. Or more accurately a control mechanism.

    I'm a racist who thinks white man bad, yet I voted for a white women who looks like an ogre. Also, Sense being a independent investigator, dude literally is just spewing shit from OAN and Gateway Pundit. Which are essentially tabloid news aimed at appeasing Cleetus and Jethro and their 6th grade education, because no one with any common sense could read that bullshit and not think its real.

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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    I'm a racist who thinks white man bad, yet I voted for a white women who looks like an ogre. Also, Sense being a independent investigator, dude literally is just spewing shit from OAN and Gateway Pundit. Which are essentially tabloid news aimed at appeasing Cleetus and Jethro and their 6th grade education, because no one with any common sense could read that bullshit and not think its real.
    “Cleetus” “jethro” “ogre” “OAN”

    There is just vehement unchecked racism that is entrenched within black America.

    Partly due to its exclusive monolithic socio-political mindset that rejects any sort of real discourse.

    I don’t even think most of them realize what they’re doing because it’s just ingrained in the culture.

    It’s bad for Americans in general.

  12. #42
    The ABBOTT
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    Unban Sense A please. That response was beyond sorry Dooch. Trying to say I'm racist? I will give you another try, give it some thought this time though.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    Unban Sense A please. That response was beyond sorry Dooch. Trying to say I'm racist? I will give you another try, give it some thought this time though.
    You definitely have some of it in you. Maybe not as bad as most. But most think it’s justified. That’s the sign of the true bigot.

    It’s not a big secret. Your people are pretty public with it.

    I’ve yet to see anyone here actually condemn BLM as the racial hate group it is. Usually it’s just blamed on “white people” like everything else but you spread it out no doubt about it. And everyone sees it.
    Last edited by Dooch; 11-29-2020 at 07:22 AM.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post

    I’ve yet to see anyone here actually condemn BLM as the racial hate group it is. Usually it’s just blamed on “white people” like everything else but you spread it out no doubt about it. And everyone sees it.
    No one blame whites and some people do not support BLM. I don't for one but I won't condemn the organization. It's the idiots from the inner cities and the dirty suburbs that made it to appear to be a hate group with the crazy protests/riots. There have been people who've been condemning the violent protests but that fell on deaf ears. The election is over so it's back to business as usually.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    No one blame whites and some people do not support BLM. I don't for one but I won't condemn the organization. It's the idiots from the inner cities and the dirty suburbs that made it to appear to be a hate group with the crazy protests/riots. There have been people who've been condemning the violent protests but that fell on deaf ears. The election is over so it's back to business as usually.
    ExActly my point. Thank you. Denial denial denial. You apparently have not listened to the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter leaders over the past 7 months. These were speeches shot live. It’s never been a benevolent organization, it’s always been what it is. And it’s allied itself with other extreme groups.

    It’s really not even a debate anymore.
    Last edited by Dooch; 11-29-2020 at 02:23 PM.


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