It's not.

And this is not the last election they'll steal if they get away with it.

They don't hate Trump. They hate YOU. Who is "they"? The pseudo-liberal demoKKKrat Regressive Neo-Marxist organized crime syndicate. The CIA spooks. The international banking cartel. the corporate propagandist media cartel. The big tech cartel.

They want YOUR small business to be shut down while Wal-Mart and Amazon and corporate box stores remain open.

They want YOU to put a mask on, but the politicians are caught without masks, dining, attending parties.

They want YOU to pay taxes, but Bezos and Zuckerberg and Tim Cook pay none.

They want YOU to depend on government for sustenance and not be able to sustain yourself or even protect yourself without government rule.

You have a TIERED justice system. One kind of justice for DemoKKKrats. A separate justice for Republicans.

You have a Federal bureaucracy that only behaves and acts like arms of the demoKKKrat crime syndicate, even when a Republican is president.

That same Federal bureaucracy is staffed with 90%+ demoKKKrat employees. DemoKKKrats are the people who go and apply and get government jobs and then weaponize these government departments against you and me.

^ It's not even close. All those Federal Agencies are just Hillary Clinton organizations. 99.7% of the education department?!?! 97% of the Justice Department? WTF

You want me to criticize Trump? He should have shut down half those agencies and pink slipped the rest of them and rehired.

For fuck sakes the entire Federal government, and the entire fucking city of Washington D.C. is controlled by the demoKKKrat party.

I'm talking about BUREAUCRATS who you do not elect. They serve 30-40 year terms! Not 2 terms like the House. Not 6 year terms like the Senate. Not 4 year terms like the President. 30 fucking years! Federal pensions and all. All of them in bed with the demoKKKrat party.

That is why when you have a Republican president, he's sabotaged from the get go. He is put in charge of the 14 federal agencies listed above who are 90%+ staffed with demoKKKrats.

It's like applying for a manager job, getting the job, then finding out all your employees steal.