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Thread: <<China WATCH>>

  1. #16
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post
    There are tensions between India and China.

    More generally speaking there are loads of territorial conflicts about border regions between China and the various, often small states surrounding China and India or close to these countries. Some of these conflicts go back centuries.

    Here's a non exhaustive overview. There are many more disputes.

    The Japanese are very self absorbed and generally racist to other cultures in that they think their way is superior (really, which culture doesn't). It is notoriously difficult for outsiders (foreigners) to really integrate themselves in Japanese society on a level of mutual and equal respect.

    Because of WWII there is still a lot of leftover tension between China and Japan. There is of course also economic powerplay.

    Here is an overview of Chinese Japanese hustory and relations


    Finally, here's an online report / newspaper article I enjoyed reading about how Westerners ('Westerners') possibly misinterpret China and its development, in tge form of debunking 3 (perceived?) myths


    There are US military bases in Japan and the Pentagon writes their foreign policy, so all that shit about Japan thinks this and that and foreigners can't that and this is a bunch of wash. It's literally a colony. I dont even know how the convo got into japan being racist, not really what I was talking about. I just said I personally don't care about all this uguruy stuff and more ppl should feel comfortable not having to pretend they care about stuff they don't care about.

    All of east asia is a China off-shoot culturally. All of the things Japan wants for it's self are also the things China wants for its self and not being a colony is allowing China to get those things at an efficiency that Japan appreciates. Once the stats for China start looking better than the stats for Japan, they will being to switch to the Chinese model, which isn't that different from the US model but puts the power we give corporations to government.

    that harvard article you posted is good and it's kinda saying what I'm trying to say
    Last edited by TSA; 07-17-2021 at 10:30 AM.

  2. #17
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    they don't need to have a major war every few years to stay buoyant.

  3. #18
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    eh, maybe, but oh well. Japan will switch. All of this is has historical pattern and precedent, and confucious influenced cultures and inclined to celebrate all of the things we think are 'totalitarian' about China. Social harmony is very important to them and China is 'perfecting' the formula. The threat from China will cause Japan to start being more China-like to compete. Japanese people also love globalization like everyone else lol. I don't even know how that came up . Westerners have a very idiotic idealistic idea of what Japan is and then go to Japan and start considering killing themselves.

    China will be worst for ppl in their immediate space than people 'further away'. China isn't Europe where it needs resources from elsewhere for basic survival. China's main concern is making sure nothing/nobody from the outside can disrupt the party from within. But all china needs is China all of this shit they're doing is to assure that resource (China) stays intact. They can get anything they want resource wise without being dramatic or violent so it will be less of a threat to other countries than the US Russia France and co.
    I agree with some of that. The CCP works by crushing the individual though, it sounds somehow like you're trying to justify that?

    What I mean is Japan don't care about their influence or reach nearly as much as China, the US etc.

    It's interesting because it's impossible to predict how this plays out. Analyzing history doesn't mean shit in terms of predicting the future. How can it when every conceivable factor is different, and so many random things have unforeseen consequences.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post
    everybody's racist

    Add the Hondurans to the list!

  5. #20
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    @Sha (can quote you cause this site is wild), no east asian culture exists without crushing the individual. That's their entire schtick. Japan love that shit, they just fused it with their corporate culture and made it their government culture by volition election after election. So the pieces are already there. At the same time, the people on the ground in these places (as proven by Japan) don't want to be our definition of individual.

    We don't even want that shit anymore cause all it does is incline people to make up fake words and argue on the internet about celebrities failing to us them. But we're stuck with it. Japan, Korea, Vietnam, China, never started. Arguing or disagreeing with the consensus in any of those cultures is the equivalent of pissing on the kitchen floor. Image a country that has a technological solution to prevent ppl from pissing on the kitchen floor like China with its social credit score (and it's not like we don't have a consumer one that also pretty shitty and odd, so i don't even see the beef there either). That country is a brighter vision of the future than the US where people are using the piss to dye their hair.

  6. #21
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    @Sha (can quote you cause this site is wild), no east asian culture exists without crushing the individual. That's their entire schtick. Japan love that shit, they just fused it with their corporate culture and made it their government culture by volition election after election. So the pieces are already there. At the same time, the people on the ground in these places (as proven by Japan) don't want to be our definition of individual.

    We don't even want that shit anymore cause all it does is incline people to make up fake words and argue on the internet about celebrities failing to us them. But we're stuck with it. Japan, Korea, Vietnam, China, never started. Arguing or disagreeing with the consensus in any of those cultures is the equivalent of pissing on the kitchen floor. Image a country that has a technological solution to prevent ppl from pissing on the kitchen floor like China with its social credit score (and it's not like we don't have a consumer one that also pretty shitty and odd, so i don't even see the beef there either). That country is a brighter vision of the future than the US where people are using the piss to dye their hair.
    I know what you're saying, but there obviously is a big difference beween Japan and China and the rest of Asia. Japan has a lot of antiquated customs that most people still follow, but they won't kill you for not going along with the status quo.

    The social credit score versus actual credit score is another false equivalence.

    Brighter vision? Lol, nobody is immigrating to China.

  7. #22


    China accused of Microsoft Exchange hack


    Prez Boom Biddy Bye Bye said so so it must be true

  8. #23
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    ^ Yeah everything China gets accused of they just flat out deny, even when the proof is right there. Wild and wacky stuff.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    ^ Yeah everything China gets accused of they just flat out deny, even when the proof is right there. Wild and wacky stuff.
    Sound like a regime I know.

  10. #25
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    Sound like a regime I know.
    It sounds like every government in history.

    But we're talking about China, who are empirically worse for human rights than most countries, and more powerful.

  11. #26
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Barcelona have told H&M they won't accept a sponsorship from them in order to not piss off China.

  12. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    no east asian culture exists without crushing the individual. That's their entire schtick. Japan love that shit

    Japanese culture is based on an honour system which goes back in their culture to the feuding clans (peace to Wu tang clan lol).

    China shouldn’t be taken as a good example or North Korea either, because if both their people where given a choice, they would overthrow their governments in a heartbeat.

    I view the CCP as illegal and illegitimate because from what I’ve heard they came to power through a coupe or by overthrowing the legitimate government of the time (I think that’s how Taiwan came to be) and why they rule with an iron fist?

    I believe if the west went to war against China it would fold like a house of cards?

  13. #28
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Idk about north korea, but the Chinese government isn't unpopular in China, or at least isn't less popular than a regular functional government. I don't believe the desire to overthrow the government there is higher than in the US (both very low). I think we decided that's what's happening and we're running w/ it. The Chinese government sucks but it's sucks like most government as opposed to sucking and also being inept which then leads to a genuine want for change. The US government also came to power by overthrowing a legitimate government of the time so it's all the same.

    in japan, honor = slaving out. The reason I think Japan will change is there was an incident where Japan wanted it's school system to look more like the US to end the decades of economic stagnation. So it stopped focusing as much on test scores and tried to make school more 'creative' and 'free'. That year their scores fell below Korea and they scrapped the whole thing. Once China starts producing better results than Japan, Japan will switch. Japan mimics what's working and learns do to it better than the ppl it's mimicking, and has always done so historically. This is the only 100 year period in history where it wasn't mimicking China. One party taking over and the things ppl believe are good about the chinese system like (alleged) technocracy and social order have more appeal to Japanese ppl than whatever the hell we think the west is doing (arguing on the internet, flexing vaccination records like a new card, filming ppl getting punched, pretending to watch cartoons so that guys pay to see your naked asshole)

  14. #29

  15. #30
    DuncanHine Monument Cakes CEITEDMOFO's Avatar
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    the chinese might hold a bigger wang than OP


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