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Thread: Project Strum Remixed ABT LP And Its Fire

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by projectstrum View Post
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7veg0a4SS4 lol this is your standard ? This embarrassing , i usually don't respond to little jealous hater's with less the 1k subs somewhere \ anywhere but dam !
    You got 40 subs in 11 yrs ,that my little friend is i sign you are wack and should just stop . You wasted ..what 150 $ on that video ?
    Pretending to be black cause you got a black friend don't make you black , Thinking your part of the wu or something "you know members ", 110 lbs wanabe g ...now thats wack and dick ridin .I subbed to help you out ,now you got 41
    You call rza and tell him this production on the last wu album was shit for me plz.
    bro i know your kinda new to the forum and everything but i wouldny take any of it to heart from people man. Theres been a million people who use wu tang as a way to springboard into rap and a lot of fans take it to heart. Whole communities of mc have been built around wu and fake wu artists. Its something people have had to deal with for a long time. Im sure youve gotten youtueb comments like that before.

    I actually play most of your version of abt over og myself and your dope man and i enjoy your albums. Especially the words from a genius. I relaly really dug that. And the wu tang forever and new t2 are dope as wrll man. Nice work. You have really come into your own as well since this thread.

    but you cant expect wu tang fans to be 100% cool with this all the time and always gon be crtique man. I make remixes myself and catch all types of hate from jaded fans. The shaka zulu guy 100% gets hate for reworking old songs and presenting them as new. Theres no right or wrong way really. But i mean you gott expect some of it and deal with a portion. Especially if ya reworking beats from the ground up as well.

    ive been following you for a while and i really dig what your doing. I dont see harm in it. But at same time there is a purist spirit to hip hop you cant deny that you could maybe understand why people wouodnt like that type of thing. I think your dope enough producer at tbis point you dont even need to sample actual wu beats. I know by now you must have a nice collection of samples and drums and all types of stuff. Ive heard you make real beats without wu sounds, and they are really good. Im a legit fan of yours at this point and i check all ya work. But at same time. When you say “yea i didny like this album at all. Heres my version” and that version takes the guy we all worships ideas; whether for good or not; fans will get aggy. I mean if we were in 2000s this place would turn against anyone doing that. We just all happen to be old men here now so it wont be as bad but itll still happen.

    ringz owns this forum and still deals with it himself. And hes been here since day 1. And he rarely says anything of the like.

    but as a 30 year wu vet; FROM STATEN ISLAND, I fuck with you. I like you. I like what your doinh. Please dont stop. Sincerely.

    and no doubt you inspired many others here to do the same type of thing with their own beats.

    no need to get personal because people talked about ya work before you were here tho bro. Not necessary. Thats something we all have to deal with if your gonna be a member of a community.im not gon tell you what to do but im just saying dont get too pressed about it.

    i guarantee if you do the same thing with say doom and doom fans youll see what i mean. I get alllll types of hate messages over doom remixes lmao. Makes me wanna make more.
    Last edited by ForensikZ; 04-16-2024 at 09:48 AM.

  2. #17


    I retract all the things i said in response to Maze as i do not mean them .I respect all feedback and opinions . I apologize to that member as that's not my style. I am simply a fan of rza's early work and am enterally embedded with that sound in my soul. I listened/studied the wu and learned how to produce to the best of my ability to keep that lost sound he made alive ( For me ) that seemed to die in the late late 90s .My goal from 15 + yrs ago is to one day have a member of the wu hear my music as i do this as a hobby out of love for them. I by no means think I'm a affiliate or trying to live off them or off there name .I make type beats and remixes .I'm a small channel that makes no money off there hard worked name. I just want them to be back on top and love and miss there sound .I am far from perfect with my sound and just do this for fun .I can get lazy and pending on what I'm listening to by them i get ideas that i pump out that might sound similar to them, plz leave feedback on my videos as they are always welcome even the haters , i don't delete anything.

    Peace to Forensikz and jae maze .Iv been down since 94 and wont stop my goal for nobody or anything .Thank you for the kind words and support , comment on my video's so i know its yo plz and give feedback when I'm being shitty .PEACE
    Last edited by projectstrum; 04-17-2024 at 01:08 AM.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by projectstrum View Post
    I retract all the things i said in response to Maze as i do not mean them .I respect all feedback and opinions . I apologize to that member as that's not my style. I am simply a fan of rza's early work and am enterally embedded with that sound in my soul. I listened/studied the wu and learned how to produce to the best of my ability to keep that lost sound he made alive ( For me ) that seemed to die in the late late 90s .My goal from 15 + yrs ago is to one day have a member of the wu hear my music as i do this as a hobby out of love for them. I by no means think I'm a affiliate or trying to live off them or off there name .I make type beats and remixes .I'm a small channel that makes no money off there hard worked name. I just want them to be back on top and love and miss there sound .I am far from perfect with my sound and just do this for fun .I can get lazy and pending on what I'm listening to by them i get ideas that i pump out that might sound similar to them, plz leave feedback on my videos as they are always welcome even the haters , i don't delete anything.

    Peace to Forensikz and jae maze .Iv been down since 94 and wont stop my goal for nobody or anything .Thank you for the kind words and support , comment on my video's so i know its yo plz and give feedback when I'm being shitty .PEACE
    i understand bro and keep at it please. In these slow times, all new stuff appreciated. And welcome to the forum. Please keep us informed on new drops when they release and i will def message you on ya channel soon. I checked the wutang forever out most recent and some of the new t2 mix snd i really liked it bro. You never know what will come from all of this.

    I believe i tried emailing you like last year as well but is what it is. Again welcome to forum happy you are here.

    have you ever tried a bandcamp or something where maybe people could download or pay for high quality mixes bro? I know ya running a channel, a few others and myself have as well, but some are so good I had to download myself so i could play innthe car and the like. Would be nice.

  4. #19
    'Section 9'
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post

    This is really fucking good. Strum should post here but he must just constantly be making Wu style beats and remixes.

    Link to the rest of the tracks: https://www.youtube.com/c/ProjectStrum/videos
    This is ILL!


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