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Thread: Russia invades Ukraine - international tensions abound - Dooch gets the kiss of death

  1. #151
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post
    Ukraine's "use" geopolitically these days - as an abstract country without inhabitants so to speak - is being a buffer nation between the EU (NATO) and Russia. A geopolitical's no man's land, that assures both the EU and Russia they are 'safe' from each other. Whether Ukraine applied for NATO or EU membership in the past is neither here nor there because membership was never going to be granted (same thing with Finland as a possible NATO member) because these countries are direct neighbors to Russia

    However now that Putin suddenly 'feels' like Ukraine has become a westward oriented nation, the scales are NOT tipping in his favor. there will be more push in Sweden, Finland an Ukraine to become EU and or NATO members (depending on the country)

    Putin would have been better off leaving things as they were or only invading the Donbas region and either consolidating the Russian minded rebel republics on Ukrainian territory or expanding those two small republics to the point where they consisted of the WHOLE Donbas region instead of just a third of it (like it was last week)

    Putin could have pulled another Crimea type invasion and maybe have gotten away with this (= the take over of the Donbas region), but now he is clearly aiming for a full on regime change for all of Ukraine - and EU and NATO really have no choice but to react, although that does not include sending NATO troops into Ukraine

    It's pretty obvious NATO provoked the situation to me. If the Ukraine is a buffer state then why would you try to get it to join your openly anti-russian military alliance? I think most ppl that are actually looking can see that unless they have a direct vested interest in one side or the other. If Mexico joined what ever incompetent Russia military union they have we would melt the president of Mexico. I just see it as two sides trying to win and think people depend on 'the news' for their worldview to a dangerous degree because 'the news' is brazenly state propaganda and bias at best. Imagine getting news about the Bloods from Crip International, then yaking about saving innocent Crips for what will probably be months online.

    There are a lot of attempts to make Ukraine/Ukrainians seem 'endearing' right now and it's really off putting because it's a useless country. Imagine existing so that 'people who matter have to kill you first before they kill each other'. Then actually being cool with that lol. I also don't like how they keep begging right now. Morale has to be in the trash can for any Ukrainian military person w/ internet. I also don't think 'buffer states' work because we're no longer in the age of Armies that walk, and we're barely in the age of armies that drive. If Russia wanted to hit Berlin they could do it in 17 seconds.

  2. #152


    But NATO as a whole DIDN'T try and recruit Ukraine. For NATO, stability in the region is more important - which only works in the way of a status quo of EU + buffer states + Russia. NATO knows Russia goes ballistic when NATO is directly at its borders.

    There is a difference between Ukraine wanting to join NATO (which Zelensky has been in favor of increasingly over the last few years) and NATO actually being open to Ukraine becoming a member state (which NATO wasn't in favor of because of Russian sensibilities)

    Problems arose IN THE PAST when George Bush Jr was pushing for Ukraine (and Georgia) to become a NATO member(s) when all of the bigger EU member states who are in NATO were totally opposed to that

    if shit hits the fan between EU/NATO and Russia it's not that urgent of a problem for the US which is leagues away from a possible war zone. btw if Putin sends missiles/nukes they fly to Brussels, not Washington, NY or Mobile, Alabama

    leaders of countries like France and Germany were having a full on heart attack when Bush Jr made the push for Ukraine's NATO membership. they knew it would spell trouble

    Bush saw an opportunity to close in on Russia geographically (which is dumb), EU states saw possible disaster in the same scenario instead

    anyway, the difference in perspective between EU and Bush within NATO led to the deadly official 'compromise statement' by the NATO "One day Ukraine wille become a NATO member state"

    The EU was hoping "one day" = "never"

    Bush was hoping "will become a member" = "is practically already a member just by making this statement"

    Putin was thinking the same thing as Bush felt about that statement, only it angered it him tremendously. Putin has never forgotten this while all of NATO just moved on after Bush and never seriously considered making Ukraine a member state

    It was a very unfortunate public 'compromise statement' to make in the way it affected Putin

    like I keep on saying, it's not about what Ukraine itself wanted, it's what organisations like NATO and EU were open to

    also, some here seem to think NATO = US. From your point of view it might be. But it isn't. NATO = US + other nations. If US only thought of home advantage for the US, like Bush did about trying to open up NATO membership to Ukraine, that's precisely one of those moments where most of the other NATO members states were about to get fucked

    as to the 'We Americans don't care'. Well that's okay, you don't you don't care. Mind if we do care? Half of the EU was a Russian colony up until thirty years agolol Friends I had in other countries had to take Russian in school as a compulsory course. Except for the commie weirdos they hated that shit. Imagine all in the US having to learn to speak Japanese or German and be taught German or Japanese culture trumps your own culture? Sort of like 'The Man in the High Castle' Amazon show and Philip K. Dick novel. Well that was a reality for half of Europe

    A lot of Europeans lived this shit, yall were more or less carefree except for the nuke threat EVERYBODY was dealing with. Ask the Polish just how much they miss the good old Russian times. Ask the Germans, the Czech etc etc.

    Nobody is trying to make the Ukraine 'endearing'. Just like Ukraine was a safe buffer state for Russia when it wasn't angling for NATO membership (not the same as NATO being open to membership in recent years because it wasn't), Ukraine was also a safe buffer state for the EU before Russians invaded it

    obviously any one country can get hit by missiles from the other part of the world in 17 seconds. it's about the psychology of safe distance on the ground between power blocks. In terms of missiles there is no actual safe distance. In terms of people and nations feeling safe there is

    What feels better? A shitty neighbor living 3 houses down the block or the same guy moving in right next door and doing his annoying shit right there? you're bound to go through more fuckery that way

    the real issue here is that Ukraine might as well be Buthan to the Americans : it's a far away shithole you don't need to care about. that's cool. But for us as EU it's practically next door

    US have got no problems that size with their own neighbors : they have Canada for jokes and trucker news and Mexico for drugs and cheap labor. We got some crazy fucker closing in on dementia, with one finger on the red button when he feels threatened, invading the countries that surround him because 'we are all brothers, one same people after all'

    And about Zelensky angling for help now. So what? He was offered a ride out of the country as it was going down the drain but he's staying. He's no Mr Clean (corruption ahem) but he's no Afghan figure head fleeing the country with gold bars stacked up high either when the regime collapses

    the guy is pushing the same agenda now as before the invasion : HE wants his country to become EU and NATO member. He's not changing his tune. Only he could REALLY do with those membership cards right now because of the invasion. It was NATO (except for Bush Jr back when) and EU who were stalling all along for membership openings.

    @ Dooch : no, we don't want to be 'ruled' by the US government. But if given a choice between power blocks we'll go for the US even though obviously there are some problems there - hell there are problems anywhere. but trust me you'd feel the difference in your day to day life if Putin (or Xi) was in charge of the US

    like I said it's FINE if you guys don't care. you are obviously welcome to any point of view. but to some of us the threat is close so we do care. IDK how many more ways I can explain how Russia sabotages the EU already, from secret funding over hackings to fake news, we don't need the fucker knocking on the front door additionally

    maybe Americans should have a hot Finnish piece of ass on the side right now and ask her how she feels about Putin when you have a smoke after mind blowing sex
    Last edited by Rev Jones; 03-01-2022 at 03:43 PM.

  3. #153


    tbh I have done all the explaining I can do on this, you guys see it differently that's completely cool with me but I'll focus on new developments instead of re-explaing myself and my views

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    The funniest part about all this to me is that Robby and that lame that nobody knew existed until his post-election meltdown have been radicalised by Russian misinformation terrorists and suck the dick of a Russian puppet lol staunchy 'Merican people who are angry their election was "rigged" so that the Russian puppet didn't get in to office again.

    Another thing is that it's shown the world gives zero fucks about what goes on in Africa and the Middle East lol war and terrorism defines these regions and the world moves on without a care in the world but even the threat of the Russians marching in to "undisputed" Ukraine had the whole world preparing to throw the sanctions down.

    It’s always funny how Dooch plays the “Merica don’t care about no god damn eurofags” but has 24/7 opinions about it lol most Americans couldn’t find Canada on a map either but they’ll sure as fuck care about what’s going on the U-K-R-ai N when petrol shoots up to $10 gallon.

    “Merica are watching world star not caring who cares” they’ve just sent delegates to Taiwan because they’re worried about China lol of course the Americans care about what’s happening here, top officials are worried about China further expanding in to the South China Sea while the world is distracted and on super high alert to see how China will react and what they’ll do with Taiwan. The Americans have been pressing with sanctions while pussies like Germany tried to half arse, how do you guys even figure the American government don’t care who wins they like the rest of the EU aren’t trying to have Cuban missile crisis 2.0 in a Russian controlled Ukraine and puppet state Belarus of which the latter is happening.

    “What’s the use of Ukraine?” It’s a buffer between West and Russia and is strategically extremely important plus they have their natural gas and oil that Vladimir would love to hold Europe by the balls again with.

    Apparently Turkish drone are shitting all over the Russians, Erdogan must feel like a kid on Christmas (or the Islamic equivalent to this saying) knowing he can fuck with Russia and the world won’t care too much.
    You’re confusing the Us government with US citizens.

    And you’re posting angry again. Get it together.

  5. #155
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    Imagine being from Nigeria and talking about another country as useless lol

    “we are barely in the age of armies that drive” there’s literally satellite images of Russian convoys that stretch 50 miles

    ”morale must be low in the Ukraine for anyone with internet” lol people world wide are idolising their ‘man of the year’ president as a hero, the guy will be Time magazines person of the year, Ukrainian morale is through the roof for now and it’s why they haven’t been stomped on.

    sometimes I feel like this place is inhabited by bots because you can’t have this many opinions so wide of the mark on a regular basis
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  6. #156
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post

    Apparently Turkish drone are shitting all over the Russians, Erdogan must feel like a kid on Christmas (or the Islamic equivalent to this saying) knowing he can fuck with Russia and the world won’t care too much.
    Turkey is hugely dependent on Russian gas & tourists. Russia is also building Turkey's first nuclear plant and ofcourse Turkey buys Russian missile defence systems. There's that and then theres the fact that in battlefields like Syria, Libya, Azerbaijan-Armenia, Turkey and Russia have been on opposing sides.

    As for the drones the ones Turkey sells around the world are made by Erdogan's son in law, but credit where credit's due the drones are very effective. They are cheap and expendable but can fly long and can carry a heavy payload, they've already made work of Russian equipment in Syria, Libya, Armenia so it's not a surprise that they can cause serious damage to the Russian army itself. If they get shot down it's not a big deal as they cost like $3mn a pop unlike US reaper drones which are close to $30mn.
    After the Azerbaijan-Armenia scuffle the Armenians lobbied companies who made parts for the drone and they stopped selling engines, cameras etc etc. So the drone maker made a deal with Ukraine where they provide the engines for these drones. The US senate wanted to investigate these drones to just a few months back, one of the reasons was they were provided to Ukraine. The senate wanted to possibly sanction these drones because Turkey sold them to Ukraine.

  7. #157
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    Imagine being from Nigeria and talking about another country as useless lol

    “we are barely in the age of armies that drive” there’s literally satellite images of Russian convoys that stretch 50 miles

    ”morale must be low in the Ukraine for anyone with internet” lol people world wide are idolising their ‘man of the year’ president as a hero, the guy will be Time magazines person of the year, Ukrainian morale is through the roof for now and it’s why they haven’t been stomped on.

    sometimes I feel like this place is inhabited by bots because you can’t have this many opinions so wide of the mark on a regular basis

    Well I'm from America and you're from Australia if we're pulling rank lol.


  8. #158
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post
    But NATO as a whole DIDN'T try and recruit Ukraine. For NATO, stability in the region is more important - which only works in the way of a status quo of EU + buffer states + Russia. NATO knows Russia goes ballistic when NATO is directly at its borders.

    There is a difference between Ukraine wanting to join NATO (which Zelensky has been in favor of increasingly over the last few years) and NATO actually being open to Ukraine becoming a member state (which NATO wasn't in favor of because of Russian sensibilities)

    Problems arose IN THE PAST when George Bush Jr was pushing for Ukraine (and Georgia) to become a NATO member(s) when all of the bigger EU member states who are in NATO were totally opposed to that

    if shit hits the fan between EU/NATO and Russia it's not that urgent of a problem for the US which is leagues away from a possible war zone. btw if Putin sends missiles/nukes they fly to Brussels, not Washington, NY or Mobile, Alabama

    leaders of countries like France and Germany were having a full on heart attack when Bush Jr made the push for Ukraine's NATO membership. they knew it would spell trouble

    Bush saw an opportunity to close in on Russia geographically (which is dumb), EU states saw possible disaster in the same scenario instead

    anyway, the difference in perspective between EU and Bush within NATO led to the deadly official 'compromise statement' by the NATO "One day Ukraine wille become a NATO member state"

    The EU was hoping "one day" = "never"

    Bush was hoping "will become a member" = "is practically already a member just by making this statement"

    Putin was thinking the same thing as Bush felt about that statement, only it angered it him tremendously. Putin has never forgotten this while all of NATO just moved on after Bush and never seriously considered making Ukraine a member state

    It was a very unfortunate public 'compromise statement' to make in the way it affected Putin

    like I keep on saying, it's not about what Ukraine itself wanted, it's what organisations like NATO and EU were open to

    also, some here seem to think NATO = US. From your point of view it might be. But it isn't. NATO = US + other nations. If US only thought of home advantage for the US, like Bush did about trying to open up NATO membership to Ukraine, that's precisely one of those moments where most of the other NATO members states were about to get fucked

    as to the 'We Americans don't care'. Well that's okay, you don't you don't care. Mind if we do care? Half of the EU was a Russian colony up until thirty years agolol Friends I had in other countries had to take Russian in school as a compulsory course. Except for the commie weirdos they hated that shit. Imagine all in the US having to learn to speak Japanese or German and be taught German or Japanese culture trumps your own culture? Sort of like 'The Man in the High Castle' Amazon show and Philip K. Dick novel. Well that was a reality for half of Europe

    A lot of Europeans lived this shit, yall were more or less carefree except for the nuke threat EVERYBODY was dealing with. Ask the Polish just how much they miss the good old Russian times. Ask the Germans, the Czech etc etc.

    Nobody is trying to make the Ukraine 'endearing'. Just like Ukraine was a safe buffer state for Russia when it wasn't angling for NATO membership (not the same as NATO being open to membership in recent years because it wasn't), Ukraine was also a safe buffer state for the EU before Russians invaded it

    obviously any one country can get hit by missiles from the other part of the world in 17 seconds. it's about the psychology of safe distance on the ground between power blocks. In terms of missiles there is no actual safe distance. In terms of people and nations feeling safe there is

    What feels better? A shitty neighbor living 3 houses down the block or the same guy moving in right next door and doing his annoying shit right there? you're bound to go through more fuckery that way

    the real issue here is that Ukraine might as well be Buthan to the Americans : it's a far away shithole you don't need to care about. that's cool. But for us as EU it's practically next door

    US have got no problems that size with their own neighbors : they have Canada for jokes and trucker news and Mexico for drugs and cheap labor. We got some crazy fucker closing in on dementia, with one finger on the red button when he feels threatened, invading the countries that surround him because 'we are all brothers, one same people after all'

    And about Zelensky angling for help now. So what? He was offered a ride out of the country as it was going down the drain but he's staying. He's no Mr Clean (corruption ahem) but he's no Afghan figure head fleeing the country with gold bars stacked up high either when the regime collapses

    the guy is pushing the same agenda now as before the invasion : HE wants his country to become EU and NATO member. He's not changing his tune. Only he could REALLY do with those membership cards right now because of the invasion. It was NATO (except for Bush Jr back when) and EU who were stalling all along for membership openings.

    @ Dooch : no, we don't want to be 'ruled' by the US government. But if given a choice between power blocks we'll go for the US even though obviously there are some problems there - hell there are problems anywhere. but trust me you'd feel the difference in your day to day life if Putin (or Xi) was in charge of the US

    like I said it's FINE if you guys don't care. you are obviously welcome to any point of view. but to some of us the threat is close so we do care. IDK how many more ways I can explain how Russia sabotages the EU already, from secret funding over hackings to fake news, we don't need the fucker knocking on the front door additionally

    maybe Americans should have a hot Finnish piece of ass on the side right now and ask her how she feels about Putin when you have a smoke after mind blowing sex

    alright, good points. You're right

  9. #159


    You guys have a lot of time on your hands.

  10. #160
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackula Spectacula View Post
    You guys have a lot of time on your hands.
    You're right too.
    Love you guys. Hope my Euro homies stay safe.

  11. #161
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    The propaganda from Ukraine is hilarious too, people actually believe the "Ghost of Kyiv" plotline

    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    Well I'm from America and you're from Australia if we're pulling rank lol.

    Look I didn't want to take it there because it seemed a bit below the belt to pick on the banana republic
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    Imagine being from Nigeria and talking about another country as useless lol

    sometimes I feel like this place is inhabited by bots because you can’t have this many opinions so wide of the mark on a regular basis
    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    a bit below the belt to pick on the banana republic
    What makes you and Australia so special?
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  13. #163


    Quote Originally Posted by Blackula Spectacula View Post
    You guys have a lot of time on your hands.
    I do lol.

  14. #164
    VogeltjesDansBende lid Jet Set's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    You're right too.
    Love you guys. Hope my Euro homies stay safe.
    Only a 24 hour drive to Kyiv from my place. And things were already getting closers with the assassinations here in Europe (https://www.theguardian.com/world/20...-exile-killing).
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  15. #165
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    The State of the Union address was ok. Biden pledged $1 Billion in aid but no boots on the ground. Here's my issue with providing financial aid to a county that's surrounding by an enemy: Ukraine can't use the funds to purchase weapons, food, etc.

    That $1 Billion could've been used to assist the American people (i.e. stimulus checks).
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