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Thread: Rock Q&A

  1. #1

    Default Rock Q&A

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    do you think Slash's first outing with Snakepit, 'It's Five O'Clock Somewhere', would have made a good Guns N Roses album, with Axl Rose on vocals? If I'm not mistaken the instrumental sections for a whole batch of songs on the album were composed by Slash for the supposed next GNR album, but Axl refused 'em


  2. #2
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Back when that album came out I bought about 10 copies of the cd for $0.99 each. I sold them to used cd shops over the years.

    I have never heard even a second of the album tho, lololololololololol.

    Is it any good? Much (any?) instrumental stuff on there?

  3. #3


    I'm waiting for my copy to arrive from a discogs seller. I didn't listen to the YT vid I posted above. I like my first listen to be with the cd booklet in my hands. lol I know

    I only very recently got into G'N'R, right after starting that 'high school music' thread. I got Appetite & the Illusions now, some good stuff on there (Illusions are bloated though)

  4. #4


    so I'll get back to you on that

  5. #5
    The ABBOTT
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    So I am aware Yoko is to blame for the Beatles breaking up and she is insufferable attention hungry cunt. Why was Lennon so obsessed with her. He was only one of the most famous people on earth and could of done better easily. What was his issue? I am not at all familiar with the Beatles history.

  6. #6


    i like the beatles but lennon was kind of a dick

  7. #7


    He was hypocritical (aren't we all) but was also self righteous and was into the 'I'm an Artist' thing. I think he could connect with Yoko on that level

    I think Lennon was deeply insecure and needed someone to basically boss him around

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post
    so I'll get back to you on that
    will update, still haven't received my copy

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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    So I am aware Yoko is to blame for the Beatles breaking up and she is insufferable attention hungry cunt. Why was Lennon so obsessed with her. He was only one of the most famous people on earth and could of done better easily. What was his issue? I am not at all familiar with the Beatles history.
    Seems to me like John Lennon craved a mother figure. He never really had a proper mother-son relationship with his own mother, he lived with his aunty when he was young and his mum died while he was an early teen which he never got over. He once said something like "I lost my mum twice - once when I went to live with my aunt and once when she died"

    The guy slayed pussy like a mad man but he wanted that mother-son relationship badly so he ended up with Yoko who he apparently called mother. His song My Mummy's Dead is tragically sad
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  10. #10
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    He basically credited Yoko for stopping him being a misogynist. He says something about it on 'Getting Better'.

    Of course at the same time he was cheating with Yoko on his previous wife.

    Yoko Ono was an interesting artist but it was obviously jarring to people when Lennon went from his accessible duo with McCartney to the extremely avant garde Ono.

    I think The Beatles were basically done by that point anyway. I don't think it was all Yoko's fault, they would have splintered regardless. If Lennon had lived they might have reunited.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure John and Yoko had an open relationship. I don't think John stopped openly slaying hoes when he was with her.

    Did any cunt watch the recent 'Get Back' doco? I absolutely loved it. Fascinating. Obviously it's edited a certain way, but it's like 8 hours of footage from the 'Let It Be' sessions and it's mostly a pretty good thyme. They were nowhere near as dysfunctional at that point as the world has always been lead to believe.

    Also Yoko basically just sits there and never says a word, so the whole thing about her seems to be greatly exaggerated too.

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    I was actually going to mention that in the overrated bands thread how so much of what is legend about The Beatles is grossly exaggerated.

    I haven't seen the documentary but I've seen clips on youtube and the clips show a completely different atmosphere to what I've been reading about for the last 20 years. There's one instance where George says "I think I'm leaving the band now" and I think it's Paul who says "Oh okay George" and that's it lol maybe it's been heavily edited and there's a fiery episode in between those two talking that's left out but the drama was nowhere near what I thought, I kept hearing about how tense the sessions were and they were at each other's throats and here we have them at their supposed worst and it looks like the most chilled sessions ever.

    Another legend was how controlling Paul was like a dictator and then you see clips of him encouraging the band to do some work while the band, especially John, are fucking around and Paul never gets angry or raises his voice from what I saw. They'd have probably never got anything done without Paul. I gained a lot more respect for Paul from those clips he was nowhere near what people have portrayed him

    But The Beatles nerds - which are like 90% of the reason I get tired of the band quickly - still find shit to dump on Paul like when he's playing his guitar while George is talking to him about a song then he looks George dead in the eye and says it's a good idea but because he didn't stop playing he's a bad guy lol John seemed like a total wanker though he was always in the background making smart arse comments from what I've seen.

    And I don't think I even heard Yoko talk besides one instance where I think it's her who's asking if anyone wants a drink that's it, she honestly looks like she doesn't even want to be there.
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  14. #14
    The ABBOTT
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    The main reason I brought this up, was because of this video of Yoko getting her mic turned off. I'm sure most people have seen it.

  15. #15
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    I can't imagine Paul being a dictator. I don't think you ever heard him raise his voice in songs or interviews.

    Supposedly George Harrison had the most beef with Yoko, but Lennon obviously didn't care because they still worked together after.

    I like McCartney solos more because he has this relentlessly upbeat attitude, but the early Lennon solos are very close to Beatles songs so they're great too.


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