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Thread: How's Raekwon's book?

  1. #1
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Default How's Raekwon's book?

    Yeah I'm sure there's already a thread about it, but I don't c it and anyway, let's get some fresh opinions here.

    I'll buy it eventually. Just ordered the next 2 books I plan to read, and wondered what my urgency level to read this book should be.

    I read U-God's and Cilva's. Both worthwhile reads.

  2. #2


    I read RZA's, Uey's and Buddha Monk's books. As expected, all of them were pretty bad. I'd rate Uey's the best and Rae's the worst. He's so full of himself, while, at the same time, it becomes pretty clear that he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Still, it's okay for the anecdotes (even if heavily biased). You can read it on the toilet when you're taking a shit. I'd say that's suitable. And shouldn't last you longer than a week.

  3. #3
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Cool man. It's always been very clear to me from skits where he talks that he's dumb as shit. Was hoping the co author would take control of the literary side of things.

    Sounds like I needn't be in any hurry to read it.

  4. #4
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Was just looking at some reviews on Amazon. It gets a five star average, which means nothing to me as I've seen how fucking dumb most hip hop fans r by reading some reviews on Rza's stupid books.

    But I saw this, which I thought was pretty effin' funny...

    Bought this book by Raekwon 'The Chef' thinking it would make a great gift for my 87 year old Nana this Christmas. Imagine my frustration when it arrived today and I discovered it contains no recipes at all! Id have been better off with Jamie Oliver. Gave it to my Nana anyway and now she keeps calling me saying Wu Tang Clan ain't nuttin to F wit and how she now lives by the Ethos that Cash Rules Everything Around Her. Do not buy this book hoping for some succulent recipes like I did or you will be severely dissapointed

  5. #5
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoKane View Post
    I read RZA's, Uey's and Buddha Monk's books. As expected, all of them were pretty bad. I'd rate Uey's the best and Rae's the worst. He's so full of himself, while, at the same time, it becomes pretty clear that he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Still, it's okay for the anecdotes (even if heavily biased). You can read it on the toilet when you're taking a shit. I'd say that's suitable. And shouldn't last you longer than a week.

    noel why don't you like RZA's books? They aren't amazing works of literature but they're pretty fascinating as a Wu fan and RZA is always an entertaining storyteller.

  6. #6


    Guess that was me saying that. And I didn't mean to say that there isn't anything worthwhile to get out of those books if you like the Wu - there certainly is! And RZA's books in particular are put together beautifully, no doubt. So why did I say they're bad?

    1. They're really badly written. All of the authors use a style where they are writing (more or less) proper English sentences, while still mixing in A LOT of slang (words and grammar). And it just comes off really awkward and corny to me, because neither does it sounds like them, nor is it well composed. Sorta feels like a caricature, almost patronizing. But, well, the authors ain't no Alex Haleys and the Wu ain't no Malcolm Xs, so I guess it is what it is. One NB though: Ghost, please don't ever publish a book. Just talk to some author/journalist, record the sessions and publish the audios!

    2. They all come off as pretentious. That's probably accurate enough, given that we all know they suffer from inflated egos. It just gets annoying to "spend time" with people who have so little capacity for self criticism and humility.

    Sometimes I wished I would have never started reading/watching any interviews and all of that bullshit. Just listen to a bunch of mystical ninjas dropping dope verses over dark beats. But it is what it is, and I'll probably keep on reading any book they're going to publish 🤷🏻 Would prefer to hear more from the extended family though. Power, LAD, Timbo King, Killa Sin. I think they'd all have interesting stories to tell. From the clan maybe MK, GZA and Allah Math, because they're the most humble...


  7. #7
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post

    noel why don't you like RZA's books? They aren't amazing works of literature but they're pretty fascinating as a Wu fan and RZA is always an entertaining storyteller.
    I only read the first one. From what I recall it was some pretty cool light reading. I just remember reading reviews on Amazon and seeing all these people saying how it was the deepest thing ever and it changed their life and shit like that, which was enormously depressing and a good example of why I distance myself from society and human beings.

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    PRODIGAL SUN soob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noel411 View Post
    I only read the first one. From what I recall it was some pretty cool light reading. I just remember reading reviews on Amazon and seeing all these people saying how it was the deepest thing ever and it changed their life and shit like that, which was enormously depressing and a good example of why I distance myself from society and human beings.
    Yeah people tend to overreact like that and they be throwing all kind of praises very loosely. Shit like "Wu taugh me more about history than school did for 10 years" XD I used to be like that but then I realized it was my fault that I didn't pay attention in class xD

    "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth" (Rev. 3:15-16)

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    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Yeah theres a lot of philosophy pulled from random sources. If you never read anything like that (and are young or not well educated) it might blow your mind. Also people hero worship RZA, they probably gave him credit for the things he quotes in the book.

  10. #10
    PRODIGAL SUN soob's Avatar
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    You gotta admit RZA ain't no dumb dude. He knowledgeable and shit but you know

    "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth" (Rev. 3:15-16)

  11. #11
    Shaolin Student puerto rock's Avatar
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    U God’s book was the best. Rae’s was ok. Waiting on Deck’s book.

  12. #12
    VogeltjesDansBende lid Jet Set's Avatar
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    I recently finished Rae's book, and was looking for the threads on here surrounding that book. You can't find them, because all the discussion took place inside threads about his Vlad videos. Now Rae's book is okay. It is an entertaining read. But in my opinion the pacing was a bit off. Especially in the later part things were just sort of skipped over. Regarding the writing, I agree. And I had the same with Buddha's book about him and ODB, which is really a light read that you could finish in day. It is written from the way that Rae is telling it. But this sadly does not leave any space for reflection. Something a Wu book could really use in my opinion. The end result now is just one guy's solo opinion with little to no introspective, and often just one side of a story. Some of the stories though, are interesting as a Wu fan. And if you approach it from that angle, it is a welcome addition.

    Ueys book, hahahaha. I have not heard the audio book version yet, but I am sort of dying to hear that. The book is written exactly as he speaks. Which again, does not result in the best writing. And the above also stands with the comments I had about Raes book. Both also show a bit of introspective. But sometimes I think it could be done better. Both also jump in time sometimes to the point where you are not sure when exactly this is taking place anymore. Now it has been a sec since I finished Raw.

    Buddha Monk about ODB is also written in the same vein, but more about him and ODB. I think it is just short of 200 pages, and you could finish it in a day. The writing is the same, and you know how it ends. But it still hurts to see how it all went down.

    It has been ages since I last read that first RZA book. I remember after that I was like done with RZA for a minute. I can see the commentary here, where people are saying it is super philosophical or whatever. That just sounds like you never read up or studied philosophy. Lol @ the history comment. That is true, you just did not pay attention, or read a book.

    Sophia Chang also has a book out on here time in the industry, and when she worked with Wu. Can't give any comments on that one since I haven't started it yet.

    Did not know Deck was writing a book.

    Last time I heard, Ghost was working on a book though. No idea what the status on that one is.

    Somebody should sit down and maybe get Shabazz his story on paper. A lot of it is already in the lyrics. But I think it just crazy going by that. Would need a good writer to do that proper justice.

    Last note, reading all these books. There are a lot of stories. And right now we are just getting them one by one. One account after another of the same event. Would be nice if somebody got the funds together to start writing a proper book on the stories of everybody, all together. Though I think you'd end up with a pretty heavy pill. Or maybe multiple. But only when you approach it like that, could you serve people up with a complete story. Sorta like the series right now I think? Have not seen it yet. (Ah yeah, one of our discussions was about Rae wanting to do a film about Wu & RZA doing a series.)

    That's about it, book wise I think. Or maybe I am forgetting this one 3rd party book about Wu. No idea what the name is, or if it was any good.
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  13. #13
    CEh Killa Bee MikeAll's Avatar
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    Great thorough break down of main Wu Books...

    Likewise didnt know about Deck book and would be SO HYPE for that as hes my FAV MC!

    RE GFK book: there was promo about it in early 2000's. Even had an isbn number and all but never materialized... Hopefully some day!

    RZAs 2nd book (Tao of Wu) is more philosophical. Whereas 1st book Wu Manual was more Knowledge (of Clan & 36 Chambers) Book 2 was more Widsom and events that lead to RZA gaining wisdome...

    Would love a book by GZA and doesnt event have to be biographical either!

    Appreciate how are talking about books & lit in this thread #readtosucced #readingfortheloveofit PEACE

    Quote Originally Posted by Jet Set View Post
    I recently finished Rae's book, and was looking for the threads on here surrounding that book. You can't find them, because all the discussion took place inside threads about his Vlad videos. Now Rae's book is okay. It is an entertaining read. But in my opinion the pacing was a bit off. Especially in the later part things were just sort of skipped over. Regarding the writing, I agree. And I had the same with Buddha's book about him and ODB, which is really a light read that you could finish in day. It is written from the way that Rae is telling it. But this sadly does not leave any space for reflection. Something a Wu book could really use in my opinion. The end result now is just one guy's solo opinion with little to no introspective, and often just one side of a story. Some of the stories though, are interesting as a Wu fan. And if you approach it from that angle, it is a welcome addition.

    Ueys book, hahahaha. I have not heard the audio book version yet, but I am sort of dying to hear that. The book is written exactly as he speaks. Which again, does not result in the best writing. And the above also stands with the comments I had about Raes book. Both also show a bit of introspective. But sometimes I think it could be done better. Both also jump in time sometimes to the point where you are not sure when exactly this is taking place anymore. Now it has been a sec since I finished Raw.

    Buddha Monk about ODB is also written in the same vein, but more about him and ODB. I think it is just short of 200 pages, and you could finish it in a day. The writing is the same, and you know how it ends. But it still hurts to see how it all went down.

    It has been ages since I last read that first RZA book. I remember after that I was like done with RZA for a minute. I can see the commentary here, where people are saying it is super philosophical or whatever. That just sounds like you never read up or studied philosophy. Lol @ the history comment. That is true, you just did not pay attention, or read a book.

    Sophia Chang also has a book out on here time in the industry, and when she worked with Wu. Can't give any comments on that one since I haven't started it yet.

    Did not know Deck was writing a book.

    Last time I heard, Ghost was working on a book though. No idea what the status on that one is.

    Somebody should sit down and maybe get Shabazz his story on paper. A lot of it is already in the lyrics. But I think it just crazy going by that. Would need a good writer to do that proper justice.

    Last note, reading all these books. There are a lot of stories. And right now we are just getting them one by one. One account after another of the same event. Would be nice if somebody got the funds together to start writing a proper book on the stories of everybody, all together. Though I think you'd end up with a pretty heavy pill. Or maybe multiple. But only when you approach it like that, could you serve people up with a complete story. Sorta like the series right now I think? Have not seen it yet. (Ah yeah, one of our discussions was about Rae wanting to do a film about Wu & RZA doing a series.)

    That's about it, book wise I think. Or maybe I am forgetting this one 3rd party book about Wu. No idea what the name is, or if it was any good.

  14. #14
    Wu Vatican Kanha's Avatar
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    Book was def necessary in the Wu universe.
    -----> Check Rev. William Burks aka Chuuuch "Nigowkno", "Runnit" and "Ganja"
    -----> KAMi Genesis, vol1, vol2 and vol3- beat tapes

  15. #15
    VogeltjesDansBende lid Jet Set's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeAll View Post
    Great thorough break down of main Wu Books...

    Likewise didnt know about Deck book and would be SO HYPE for that as hes my FAV MC!

    RE GFK book: there was promo about it in early 2000's. Even had an isbn number and all but never materialized... Hopefully some day!

    RZAs 2nd book (Tao of Wu) is more philosophical. Whereas 1st book Wu Manual was more Knowledge (of Clan & 36 Chambers) Book 2 was more Widsom and events that lead to RZA gaining wisdome...

    Would love a book by GZA and doesnt event have to be biographical either!

    Appreciate how are talking about books & lit in this thread #readtosucced #readingfortheloveofit PEACE
    Holy fuck. Are you saying that next to unreleased albums, movies, documentaries, when can now add books? Did not know about that. I see that the book was supposed ot be released in 2002. That would place the release in between BPW & Pretty Toney. I wonder how far they got with that and what the story if of it not happening. Thanks for sharing!

    A book by GZA would be an interesting one. Though we are still waiting on that documentary by him. Don't think we are ever going to get that though. But him doing lectures, getting involved in that universe show on Netflix, a book with more writing on the subject would be a good fit. Heck, he could even do Dark Matter in that form.

    One thing I forgot was the Cyrus book about OUATIS. I think noel mentioned it as Ringz his book. But it is really Cyrus'. I've seen him at a talk, and the book is exactly how the guy tells stories and talks. That was a great read though, and better structured than Rae & Ueys book. It also gives you some food for thought if you are interested in art and exhibitions.
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