
Buckshot da B.D.I has a recent interview where he talks about the hand signal jay z throws up and how its this jewish hand signal called the kohen and how its almost the same as lyor cohen's last name...

jay z could have just done what every respectable artist does and play the spot he was actually ranked at and work frum there...instead, he made a shadowy deal with zionists, pushed their demonic agenda and they in turn used their machine to make it appear to the public that jay z much higher ranked than he actually was....

jay z is like that kid playing the footballl video game "Madden", who created his own doctored super player and obviously wins all the games and then brags about his cheater victory....it was APPALLING to cee jay z scramble to claim Biggie and Pac's title after they died....

jay z's fan base is mediocre assholes who stick together and form a community of other like minded mediocre assholes so they can normalize their mediocre asshole existence so nobody knows they are mediocre assholes

just for sh!ts and gigs, last night eye flipped through jay's first album quickly....the beats were horrible....Regrets is an excellent song though..

drug dealers, criminals and that whole culture would say jay z is one of the best, but they don't know shit about Hip Hop....since the plandemic, eye lost tons of respect for the that whole culture, when eye witnessed a bunch of hard core thugs wearing diapers on their face....eye was done!

for jay z to put out a song like Lil Wayne's "A Milli", jay would have to hire a private music coach and train for a few years....