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Thread: Superman 2025 Trailer

  1. #1
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    Default Superman 2025 Trailer

    I guess I'm so used to Henry Cavil being Supes. My issue is too many villains and other heroes in this film. We don't need another origin story, but one like Snyder's Superman would do. I don't know. WB should've allowed Zack to continue with the franchise because, in my opinion, it was on a good track. I'm not being a hater.
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  2. #2
    Shaolin Master
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    Not feeling this at all. I don't like any of James Gunn's movies but I don't think he can do anything for Superman either. This looks like a weaker redo of "Superman Returns" which I'm a big defender of. It looks like its made to be as safe as possible with throwback 1950s Superman vibes and some modern geeky humor and Easter Eggs. Like you said, its another reintroduction.

    Nigga everyone knows Superman's basic story because its not complex. I liked Snyder's take being totally different and trying to make Superman a bad-ass and sexy dude. This looks like another effeminate skinny Gen Z hero like Spider-man for the geeks to relate to. Pandering. New DC looks like shit.
    "Why are you looking hard with a hood on and Timberland boots, staring at me for one hour..? When you could walk up and shake my hand? Why?"

    Kool Keith, "Intro" Black Elvis/Lost in Space

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam the Seed View Post
    Not feeling this at all. I don't like any of James Gunn's movies but I don't think he can do anything for Superman either. This looks like a weaker redo of "Superman Returns" which I'm a big defender of. It looks like its made to be as safe as possible with throwback 1950s Superman vibes and some modern geeky humor and Easter Eggs. Like you said, its another reintroduction.

    Nigga everyone knows Superman's basic story because its not complex. I liked Snyder's take being totally different and trying to make Superman a bad-ass and sexy dude. This looks like another effeminate skinny Gen Z hero like Spider-man for the geeks to relate to. Pandering. New DC looks like shit.
    Snyder was too real for WB. Let's be 100% honest about this and this is my opinion. James Gunn's movies don't have good replay value like Snyder's films. Perhaps I'm wrong about this new Superman, but we'll see.
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  4. #4
    Shaolin Master
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    I agree. Snyder was a real comics nerd, a talented artist and put a lot of deep Killuminati shit into big movies secretly. WB found a way to drop this man using the death of his daughter. I don't support them for that. James Gunn has made a movie or two I like but I don't think he's a fan of the shit he does. The Suicide Squad movie didn't feel like he respected or knew the subject. He just makes jokes the audience gets. 1st Aquaman made us respect and look at Aquaman as an equal to the top superheroes. Butthe 2nd made without Synder (I dunno if Gunn was involved) was just jokes and saying Aquaman is the fish guy you shouldn't take seriously. Also some real racist Illuminati type shit in there too. Gunn is a go along, get along guy.
    "Why are you looking hard with a hood on and Timberland boots, staring at me for one hour..? When you could walk up and shake my hand? Why?"

    Kool Keith, "Intro" Black Elvis/Lost in Space


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