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Thread: "It's all right to hate, as long as you hate what God hates and love what God loves"

  1. #76
    Veteran Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by My First Timbs

    u have missed or are deliberately avoiding addressing my correlation with the IPU (inv pink unicorn) (a recognized analogy referring to the unverifiable) and your Allah... u are skating around the issue "o so conveniently",

    but meanwhile ever since your post a few ways back where u admitted that belief in the unverifable is absurd.(and consequently proved my point better than i had imagined). u are the one who is appearing desperate....

    like i said b4.... the ball is in your court to provide a rational claim that gives credence to Allah not being invisible and wholy different from my imaginary pet unicorn... u still havent..

    as i stated earlier.. being open mided = willing to accept whatever the evidence dictates......

    with that understand.. please help "free my mind" some more by providing some reason and evidence to believe in the qualities of the Quran and Allah (that would be any different than my pet invisible unicorn)

    P.S... i prayed to my invisible unicorn last nite to help get rid of my migraine headache.... and wouldnt u know it! it worked!

    (but then again.. i also was relaxing and taking tylenol at the same time)

    next time, i will try another unverifiable entity and see what happens....

    I see what you are doing. You are using an old-fashioned technique called the Strawman Argument, in which you are taking my arguments out of context, and misrepresenting them and trying to resale them in a weaker form. I have explained to you numerous times that Allah is visible that alone negates any claim that I proved any point of yours. So I have addressed your point as I have done numerous times and you so conveniently ignored. I said that your invisible pink unicorn idea was absurd, and it is. The point of my argument you conveniently ignore is that Allah is visible. Allah is not a spook, a ghost, some type of phantom or apparition. I hope that point is now clear. Now for proof, you said you, "read the Qu'ran vigorously and objectively with no emotional attachment."
    What can I say as proof that can compare to what the Qu'ran has already told you? If you didn't get the proof you were looking for in the Qu'ran then surely you will not get proof from a few lines from this web forum.

    p.s. Tylenol disrupts the synaptic transfer to the nociceptors which results in numbing of the senses thus allowing you to accept more pain. Your headache was still there you just didn't feel it. Your spook just wanted you to take some drugs. You should know this Professor.
    Last edited by Wamukota X; 06-08-2006 at 02:27 PM.

    The universe is full of knowledge. Everything in the universe is truth. There is nothing false that God created, and as long as you live, if you live to be 1,000, you could never exhaust the knowledge that is in this universe.

  2. #77
    Cream of the Corp
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    It is against the first law of nature: "self preservation" not to hate. Just like the gazelle hates the cheetah and the little fish hate the shark. Like Wam. showed God hates, also Sod. + Gam. etc... That is why "love thy enemies" is a trick of the devil. Neither God nor beast loves their enemies, why should man? We would all be dead if God loved the devil or devilish things.

  3. #78
    FRESH FISH Klawful's Avatar
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    Im sorry that I have yet to read the quran but here are a couple of quotes from the Bible, that mention the witnessing of God/Allah.

    in KJV, NLT and NIV for comparison ( King James Version, New Living Translation and New International Translation)

    And if written documentation is not enough for any of you then why would you believe that the world is a rough spherical shape? why would you then believe that the moon reflects light from the sun? why would you then believe anything at all.

    There is no possible way for you as a human being to personaly figure out and experience everything in life for yourself. That is why we have teachers and schools.
    Passage Exodus 24:11: (KJV)
    11And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
    Passage Exodus 24:11: (NIV)
    11 But God did not raise his hand against these leaders of the Israelites; they saw God, and they ate and drank.
    Exodus 24:11: (NLT)
    1And though Israel's leaders saw God, he did not destroy them. In fact, they shared a meal together in God's presence!

    Passage Genesis 32:30: (KJV)
    30And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
    Passage Genesis 32:30: (NIV)
    30 So Jacob called the place Peniel, [a] saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.
    Passage Genesis 32:30: (NLT)
    30Jacob named the place Peniel--"face of God"--for he said, "I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been spared."

  4. #79
    Wu Vatican
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    Yea thats cool but I don't take the bible as literal truth. Lots of things in biblical times are just so far off base. How all these god sightings come when the bible was written, but none recently? There were also reports of seeing unicorns in those times but lets be serious.
    The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

    People are too stupid to effectively conspire to do anything, but not too stupid to come up with conspiracy theories.

  5. #80
    i think i'm high
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    arguing about theology gets you places....oh wait...

    and "whitey" it's a common mistake people make, the bible is a man-made book of philosophy, you're supposed to make connections to your life by reading it and not look at it as scientific fact and real historical evidece. but hey...


  6. #81
    Wu Vatican
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    ^ Thats my point. Klawful was proposing that the mentionings of people seeing god or talking to him just because it was in the bible was fact.
    The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

    People are too stupid to effectively conspire to do anything, but not too stupid to come up with conspiracy theories.

  7. #82


    I hate the entire Bible, is that ok?
    "The only way to a woman's heart is along the path
    of torment. I know none other as sure..."

  8. #83
    Wu Vatican
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    sho nuf.
    The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

    People are too stupid to effectively conspire to do anything, but not too stupid to come up with conspiracy theories.

  9. #84
    Don't Mess With It Koolish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitey
    Yea thats cool but I don't take the bible as literal truth. Lots of things in biblical times are just so far off base. How all these god sightings come when the bible was written, but none recently? There were also reports of seeing unicorns in those times but lets be serious.
    you've got a lot to learn about Judaism and Christianity my friend.

    let's just say "The law and the prophets were until John."

  10. #85
    Wu Vatican
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    The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

    People are too stupid to effectively conspire to do anything, but not too stupid to come up with conspiracy theories.

  11. #86
    Don't Mess With It Koolish's Avatar
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    The Old Testament was a time before Jesus when the Israelites went through their daily lives but in certain time periods there were prophets and holy men who interacted with God. (Which resulted in the books of the Old Testament).
    Jesus came to fulfill the prophecies of the coming Messiah who would save all mankind from their sins, and when he came then all was fulfilled and all that is required of people is to believe in Jesus. There are no more prophets (John The Baptist was the last) as Jesus came and nothing more is needed than for man to believe in Jesus, that is our interaction with God through Jesus, prayer etc.
    So why is there no more interaction with God such as described in the Old Testament? Jesus came and that was to fulfill everything. So all God wants of you is to accept Jesus.

    I speak from the Christian perspective.

  12. #87
    Wu Vatican
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    Fair enough.

    It just seems like an easy way out to me.
    The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

    People are too stupid to effectively conspire to do anything, but not too stupid to come up with conspiracy theories.

  13. #88


    The Old Testament was a time before Jesus when the Israelites went through their daily lives but in certain time periods there were prophets and holy men who interacted with God. (Which resulted in the books of the Old Testament).
    Jesus came to fulfill the prophecies of the coming Messiah who would save all mankind from their sins, and when he came then all was fulfilled and all that is required of people is to believe in Jesus. There are no more prophets (John The Baptist was the last) as Jesus came and nothing more is needed than for man to believe in Jesus, that is our interaction with God through Jesus, prayer etc.
    So why is there no more interaction with God such as described in the Old Testament? Jesus came and that was to fulfill everything. So all God wants of you is to accept Jesus.
    With this being your view point do you view Islam as a false religon? Mohammed, according to the Quran, is a prophet of God. And if you do believe the Islam to be false what is your reason for believing so.

  14. #89
    Don't Mess With It Koolish's Avatar
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    Hah, you think I haven't done my research on Islam.

    I probably know more than you, when like half the people at your school are Muslim you eventually catch on, and I started my own personal research.

    From what I gathered from a history textbook, Mohammed grew up in an area with a large Jewish and Christian population where he was obviously greatly influenced. I read that he himself did not write the Qu'Ran, but that his followers wrote down his teachings.

    There are issues with Islam such as the whole issue of "Jesus can't be God's Son! God can't marry and have children!" when in Christianity Jesus isn't literally like the production of God, but Jesus was not created but begotten, True God from True God we Christians say, and in the New Testament when he said he was the Son of God the Pharisees were angered because this was to make him equal to God. I honestly need more understanding and research before I 100% understand the meaning of Son, I can grasp the concept but can't perfectly display it. However it doesn't mean son the way this society views it. This is my view on the issue, a lot of Muslims take it farther and claim people such as Paul (Saul) over-stressed or misinterpreted the divinity of Jesus.

    Also, Jesus' life falls in line with Biblical prophecies (Psalm 22 vs. Matthew 27), but then Mohammed came around and oh it turns out the Bible was rewritten by corupt people (but some of it's still good). The Qu'Ran and Bible are completely different.

    According to the Qu'Ran, what actually happened was that Judas (I think it was, well somebody) was made to look like Jesus and so he was crucified instead, and Jesus went up to heaven because God favored him. However, this is Mohammed's word versus Matthew, Mark, Luke and John's.
    Last edited by Koolish; 06-11-2006 at 01:08 PM.

  15. #90
    Wu Vatican
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    Its all come from other humans intepretations which distorts it stuff anyways.
    The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

    People are too stupid to effectively conspire to do anything, but not too stupid to come up with conspiracy theories.


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