Drove 8 hrs round trip to see Meth tear the fucking house down in Chapel Hill last night. Inspectah Deck, Masta Killa, Streetlife and Allah Mathematics were all there. Meth's energy was insane. He walked on the crowd and stage dove over and over. Here are the songs I remember (I was pretty drunk)

Protect ya neck the jump off
duel of the iron mic (!)
grab the mic
no said date
ringing bells
brooklyn king
pass the bone

protect ya neck
for heavens sake
uhhh.... im not well versed in deck's solo shit

wu tang clan aint nuthin to fuck wit - rza's verse as well as his own
ice cream (just the chorus)
bring the pain
all i need
what the blood clot (!) - a highlight, he rapped the entire song, mostly walking on top of the crowd
suspect chin music
is it me
fall out
shimmy shimmy ya (ODB tribute)
triumph (with deck and mk)
do you really - just the chorus and streetlife did his verse

Got to meet Deck after the show. He seemed like he was pretty high. Would have stuck around to try to meet MK and Meth, but had a long ass drive home and school in the morning. Can anyone fill in the setlist?