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  1. #106
    Fukkin Vet!!!! Lil' Ruger's Avatar
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    you fred mech when i get the chance i'm gonna get ya online. halos addictive but WOW is like crack.

    Killbot Beats 2008 NIGGGAAAAAAAAA
    Lawrlz Ya Sniffs???

    "we laptop nigga, thugs on a computer." -TheShaolinAssassin

  2. #107
    tha VIKING gawd NIGHT MAYOR's Avatar
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    dope anytime im on msg me fella's, unless i was drinking the previous night and am on just to swear and sweat out the grog (anyone else sweat when they have a hard game ?(hahaha no homo))

    yeah i dont want to touch w.o.w. i know i will be addicted i was a massive fan of the original warcrafts, never did finish them tho.... but this new one is kinda like herion..... you know its dope but you know once you start your in for the long hall. plus i dont play games on my p.c. - i have a console for dat shit.

  3. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaolinsword View Post
    Couldn't watch it all cos I'm at work but the bits I saw was quite interesting, what came out of that handgun before the big fall though? And don't say bullets

    to answer your question.................................

  4. #109
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    Thumbs up The Spiker

    The Spiker
    Posted by Frankie at 2/28/2007 4:19 PM PST


    Excerpt from long-term, in-field interview with the soldiers of E2-BAG/1/7.

    Type-25 Carbine (Spiker)

    Length (o/a): 81.7 cm (32.17 in.)
    Length (barrel): 25.4 cm (10 in.)
    Weight (empty): 6.4 kg (14.2 lbs)
    Weight (loaded): 7 kg (15.5 lbs)
    Cartridge: Unknown
    Effective range: 40 meters (131 ft)
    Muzzle velocity: 76.2 m/s (250 f/s)
    Magazine capacity: 40 rounds
    Rate of fire: 480 rnds/min
    Unit Replacement Cost: NA

    The type-25 carbine is a magazine fed weapon designed for automatic fire. The weapon has two tungsten-alloy bayonet-type attachments.

    This weapon resembles our technology more closely than it does the other weapons in the Covenant’s arsenal. It performs admirably in a variety of environments; it is a widely held belief that the weapon could sit unattended for several weeks in an active latrine and still operate as issued with no maintenance performed on it. Unfortunately this is not far from the truth.

    Though it was first observed over a quarter century ago this weapon has not been seen in the hands of front line troops until just recently. Over the years it has garnered the nicknames “Spike Rifle”, “Spiker”, and “hatchet gun”.

    “Even though them spike rifles are really heavy I still wish there was some way to retrofit a full stock onto ‘em.”

    “Recoil isn’t as bad as you might expect, but not because of any sophisticated dampening system – it’s because the damn things weigh so much.”

    “I saw the baby kong go dry so I moved in with my shotty, well that’s the last time I’ll be doing that, huh? Damn cleaver-bayonet-thing went right through the shotty and cut my arm off just above the elbow. Only reason I’m still here is because of, well you know, because of him.”

    “Every action requires exaggerated movement; cycling the bolt, seating a magazine, charging the chamber. Even squeezing the trigger takes quite a bit of effort. And it isn’t all that surprising considering the disparity in size of our two species.”

    “Bravo kilos sure have a thing for sticking blades on their equipment, don’t they? I bet their mess kits’ve got three knives.”

    “The projectiles fired from this weapon seem to be made out of the same material as the spike grenade’s casing. Wounds caused by this weapon are horrifying.”

    “Spike rifles always have a weird sorta burnt hair smell about them. And you know you’re heading towards a firefight where they’re bein’ used if it smells like a barbeque gone wrong.”

    Using the Spiker in the Field

    Off-planet fighting brings with it some of the disadvantages of interstellar flight. Notably, the expense and difficulty of transporting large amounts of weaponry and ammunition. Unlike our ancestors in the preceding centuries, we cannot afford the luxury of ignoring or destroying enemy materiel or equipment. We field train even the most basic infantry in the “art” of utilizing found materials and weapons. A dead foe can be a treasure trove of equipment for a properly trained Spartan.

    Only recently have we encountered the so-called Spikers (Type-25 Carbine per the field manual), however, as the Brutes, in the wake of the Elite insurgence, assert their power and implement Brute strategies and weaponry on the field of combat.

    Brute Spikers are, and the pun is unavoidable, brutally effective. In field, they have similar penetration and lethal range to SMG pistols, but there are a few vital differences.

    Unlike SMGs, there’s little recoil, and therefore almost zero “rise” when using them in their default, full-automatic setting. This actually makes them a little more efficient and accurate than the SMG in dual-wielding situations, since you don’t have to adjust aim to stay centered.

    Like SMGs, pulsing the trigger rather than squeezing it into fully automatic mode, will result in more accurate shooting over distance. The spikes have a very large spread when sprayed in fully automatic mode. Larger even than the SMG.

    More vitally, the spikes don’t deform on impact if shot at close surfaces at an angle. Shoot head on, and they crumple, but angle that shot and you can deflect, with predictable accuracy, deadly, shredding rounds that basically lose none of their efficacy.

    As you can imagine, in very tight confines, the effect can be used deliberately to injure or weaken a player who thinks they’re in safe cover. They might also relax their guard, believing that your aim is catastrophically off, or that you’re targeting another opponent.

    In tests at High Ground, we’ve found that the Spikers can be used effectively at a medium distance to pick off enemies who’re often confused (and panicked) first by the sound, but then have difficulty recognizing what weapon is being used against them.

    The SMG comparison becomes especially relevant in close-quarters fighting however. The Spiker ammunition does terrible things to human flesh, and will penetrate shields and armor with ease. Files are being updated constantly on this and other brute strategies. More and more we are discovering that Brutes are as great, if not a greater threat in combat than our previous problem, the Elites.

    ((fredy) i havent read all this yet but i have a feeling this is forerunner technoligy. heavy clumbersum stuff *shrugs*)

  5. #110
    tha VIKING gawd NIGHT MAYOR's Avatar
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    this needs to be a sticky.

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  6. #111
    tha VIKING gawd NIGHT MAYOR's Avatar
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    Bungie Weekly Update
    Posted by Frankie at 3/2/2007 5:20 PM PST

    Our chums over at Ensemble Studios are busy working on Halo Wars, the RTS game set in the Halo universe and one of the 360 games I’m most looking forward to personally. They had some Microsoft bigwigs down to visit them in Dallas recently (including Shane Kim – and boy, you should hear the man trash talk during Halo games…), and the lucky blighters got to play with the ever-more polished Halo Wars. You can read about that here at their (merely) monthly update: http://forums.halowars.com/1/42345/ShowThread.aspx

    And one other interesting thing to note, is some kind of scrambled transmission seems to be decoding itself slowly in Thunder’s sig… coincidence? Maybe.
    Chetz N Hax

    I’ve been playing a lot of Campaign now, partly because it’s much more playable these days, and partly to go watch the layers of graphics appear magically before my eyes.
    When I play through Campaign mode, I have a number of cheats at my disposal to allow me to proceed, unimpeded through what could theoretically be an arduous journey of hours, all to get to a single object or event. Sure, you can fly straight to some of these places, or simply “teleport” straight to that mission, or sub-mission, but often you need to trigger events to make other events happen. Nothing more anti-climactic than zipping to what’s supposed to be an epic battle against a giant foe, only to realize you skipped rescuing somebody important, and so the foe never appears.
    So we cheat. With a simple button press (that obviously isn’t in the retail game, so don’t bother mashing your controller in the Fall) I can drop any weapon or vehicle. I can make the Chief invincible, or give him unlimited ammo. My two favorite cheats, because they’re immensely satisfying, are “Omnipotence” and “bottomless clip.” The former, means a one hit kill for any creature, using any weapon, from any distance. You still have to actually hit your target, but they always drop. The latter, is an endless supply of ammo, with no reloading ever. And that also goes for grenades.
    I have played through an early level with unlimited grenades several times now, and it never gets old. There’s several places in the very first part of the level, where you’re not even supposed to have grenades. So while cheating makes those parts a little too easy, there’s nothing like hurling a single plasma into an unsuspecting group of Grunts, fresh off a Phantom dropship, and seeing them scatter, literally like screaming bowling pins. My favorite spot to do this is a verdant, sunny cliff edge that ensures any Brutes with them, take a fatal plunge into the lake below. The only glitch in this plan is that sometimes a Grunt gets stuck, and comes racing out of the group, thus saving most of them. The reverse can happen too – stick a Grunt and watch him panic and charge straight back at his (former) buddies.
    Brutes are less easily panicked right now. Stick one, and it sends him into a rage. And guess where he’s headed next? If he doesn’t see where he was stuck from, you’re a little safer, but in really packed firefights, you have to carefully consider if sticking the big guys is the right thing to do. Plasma grenades have a way of coming back to haunt you. And there’s another plasma surprise that relates to Grunt behavior. We’re saving that one, but let’s just say it’s one of the funniest, yet scariest AI behaviors I’ve ever seen.
    I usually don’t turn on Invincibility, because I want to keep things somewhat fun when I’m cheating my way through a level, but I have been known to turn on “Medusa” which basically kills every bad guy you look directly at. Now that isn’t fair at all. But it’s handy for getting through obscenely large battles, while still triggering checkpoints and events. Your Marine buddies seem a little miffed to have missed all the action, but it usually means you get from one side of a big encounter to the other, with a LOT more friends in tow than you might ordinarily. They’re so ungrateful.
    The really fun thing about “Omnipotence” over “medusa” is the ability to take out vehicles, including Phantoms (and more) with a single pistol shot. Now THAT’S superbadass.
    It also means ridiculous amounts of vehicle wreckage gets strewn around. And yes, I do play through “honestly” too. I’ve been tinkering around with new ways to approach encounters. Although I am a mediocre Halo 2 player, that does imbue you with enough skill to take on Halo 2 campaign with relative ease. So tuning difficulty levels for advanced players as well as newbies, is one of the primary challenges for designers.
    All I can tell you is that Legendary is going to be a ferocious nightmare, but smoother and less “unfair” than last time around. But seriously, bring your skills.

    Weekly Water Update

    The programmers and artists are playing around with the properties of our water as it applies to objects in the game. So here’s an example I watched this morning, which may or may not make it into the final game, but it’s there right now. If it does something stupid, we’ll yank it – but here goes. If you die, in deep-ish river water in Valhalla, you’ll float briefly downstream until your Mjolnir armor becomes waterlogged and you sink to the bottom. You’ll tumble down the small-ish slopes with the flow of water, and make for some amazing death animations.
    Now, the same thing happens to dropped weapons, depending on their weight and properties, so it can have an effect on gameplay. In High Ground, which has some ocean frontage (and it may not be the only map with that feature) a dropped weapon can roll up and onto the beach with the tide. There’s a lot of tuning to be done to make the visual effect not be stupid, but combined with the ripples and flow around vehicles and people, the water’s behavior is becoming more and more fantastic, which fans of this update will know is a big deal to me.
    A week or two ago, I mentioned that Marcus was talking about muddy rivers. Well I found it. Actually, it had been there all along. But now part of it is muddy. Logically muddy – where it’s churned up by fast flowing river and then flows into murky pools. Follow that flow for a while and the “sediment” lessens and is diluted by the flow, and becomes clear enough to drink. And no, the X button is not the drink button.
    That said, it looks like a lot of the X Button stuff is sorta done, and with any luck, you’ll be pressing X every now and then when you play the public beta.

    Now grass ain’t water, but it’s worth mentioning. There’s a new type of grass in the house. And by house, I mean beach. Because it’s most definitely some kind of reedy beach grass. It looks amazing. It still looks like Halo stuff – I mean, it adheres to our art style, but it’s so freaking detailed. Best of all, after a period of senseless jumping around, I noticed that the grass was being properly shadowed, with the shadow dipping in and out of the individual blades. It’s really hard to describe, but it’s exactly the kind of crap I get fascinated by. It was even bent in the correct direction for wind and weather on that level, although it does move slightly in the breeze too.

    Chris Carney was talking about where it should be placed and oriented to more accurately reflect the conditions of that terrain. Looked fine to me. Actually, a lot more than fine.

    And speaking of wind and weather – one of the new, as yet unrevealed MP levels has blowing ice and clouds billowing through it. And it looks really cold. In fact, it makes Lockout look like Hawaii.

    I also noticed a considerable change – I would call it a massive improvement – to the Brute Shot. Apart from looking a lot sweeter (both in its 3D model and the effects of its blast) there are some gameplay changes that should make it a real go-to gun in Halo 3. More on that in a future update.

    Folks keep asking about the Halo 2 maps we have planned, and they’re an enigma wrapped in old newspapers, but inside a box of mystery, padlocked with an obfuscatory lock. But Sketch was excited enough about them to submit this:

    New Maps and Monkeys FTW!

    So as you’ve probably heard, there are some new Halo 2 multiplayer maps being developed by ex-Bungie multiplayer guy Max Hoberman and his new company, Certain Affinity. We haven’t had much to say about them thus far, and regrettably I still can’t spill the beans, but I can tease and taunt you with my own impressions after two separate internal play tests the past week.
    In a word – FUN! The maps I saw were really shaping up and played great and are looking great as well. I admit it was a little tough at first to go back to Halo 2 after playing so much Halo 3 but it eventually came back to me (enough so that I dispatched producer Matt Priestly my first game back), like riding a bike I guess. However I didn’t fare so well in a game of rockets on my next match on a different map. As geeky as it is, my favorite part of the maps overall was the ambient sound – in particular, one map features some awesome monkey noises. I don’t know how I ever played Halo without monkeys. There was something else… something that feltstrangely familiar… but I can’t put my finger on it quite yet.
    Stay tuned for more info – we’ll be able to provide some concrete details relatively soon, promise!

    Animation is coming on in leaps and bounds (lol, literally amirite?) and I just dropped a line of Spartans into multiplayer to watch their idle and breathing animations. The cool thing is that there’s enough natural variety in those animations that even a row of otherwise identical Spartans look like individuals thanks to simple differences in timing for the animation. Get close up and you see that the soft surfaces flex and change under the armor plates. It’s leaps and bounds better than in Halo 2 and there are more points of articulation anyway.
    Nathan (Bentllama) was explaining some of the changes and enhancements to me (one of which is top secret because it’s so obvious and cool that someone really might steal it) and walked me through a sweet animation for a Jackal kill. We shot the unsuspecting Jackal through his dome, and watched him first fall (in a nicely hand-animated motion) and then, as his body reached about three quarters of that sequence, it was actually above a rocket blasted hole in the roof – so ragdoll takes over at that point, and the Jackal tumbles over the edge, cracking its bones on every object it hits on the way down, all in a horribly realistic fashion.
    Next to Nathan was the new Elite model. And it is quite lovely – something that, were it in multiplayer, for example, you might want to play as. Tyson promises that the Elite model will be more fairly apportioned this time around. The current Halo 2 Elite models have some idiosyncrasies that make folks choose Spartans way more than they might ordinarily. It’s not a true balance issue, per se, but it’s being tuned as we speak for H3. And rightly so. Elites look superbadass. Real word. Look it up. If you can’t find it, maybe your dictionary is too liberal.
    Marty’s in LA, still recording (and even editing) dialog. He’s been absolutely swamped with work and is sending sweet stuff back at a blistering rate, via the magic of FTP. However, he took time to pose with a couple of folks vital to the Halo 3 audio soundscape. One of these non-Marty’s is a famous actor with an impending voice role, who's never been in Halo before, the other a Bungie luminary. Can you guess who they are? No prize for the winner, but will be interesting to see the speculation. And the face under the middle Marty is normally quite lovely. Not that Marty’s face isn’t lovely.

  7. #112
    tha VIKING gawd NIGHT MAYOR's Avatar
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    a new site you can hook up halo/halo 2 just like a lan but over the net

  8. #113
    tha VIKING gawd NIGHT MAYOR's Avatar
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    any predictions on a month for release ?

  9. #114
    tha VIKING gawd NIGHT MAYOR's Avatar
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    come on guys dont forget about my thread

  10. #115
    the brown guy brown_dogg's Avatar
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    I think it'll probably come out in November. On the posters it says "Fall 2007", so most likely november.

    And the Brute Spiker isn't forunner, it's Brute technology i think. Can't wait for this damn game though.

  11. #116
    tha VIKING gawd NIGHT MAYOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brown_dogg View Post
    And the Brute Spiker isn't forunner, it's Brute technology i think.
    covenant you mean ? i dunno i have a feeling some big shit will pop off in #3 - it even says is the report about that it performs more like a human weapon than covenant. and its heavy and slugish *shrugs* find out soon.

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  13. #118
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    *puts the boot into the thread*

    "there you go back where you belong"

  14. #119
    the brown guy brown_dogg's Avatar
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    That new Vidoc was amazing. So much new shit in there. I read up on a few frame-by-frame analysis by some of the fans, and some of the shit they noticed is amazing. I'm still not convinced enough to do the Beta testing though.

  15. #120
    frieza saga oDoUoSoKo's Avatar
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    Halo 24 is hot.....best song is the great destroyer


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