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Thread: Wal-Mart and the downfall of were you live

  1. #16
    Deadly Venom 100pr00f's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slippy Capalini View Post

    I don't by cheap wal-mart t-shirts unless they're for work.

    It's good to know people in other countries are making some bank. Two dollars stretches a long way in other countries.

    My taxes pay off their staff? Your taxes pay for my health care too! I get my health care from the indian health services.

    Who do you think pay ihs workers? Your taxes.

    As a matter of fact, my wifee works for ihs, so that means your paying for a lot of the neat shit laying around my house.
    so ur saying u dont mind peeps dying to make ur shit

    and the peeps that work in the factories work 20 hr days
    and with thier pay they gotta pay for utilitys that keep the factories running
    so they only get cents a day
    in yen not us $

    they get paid a half a cent in us $ a day to be slaves

    watch the vid

    dont post till u do slippy haha
    ull see
    he i liked wal-mart too..till i saw the vid

  2. #17
    Deadly Venom 100pr00f's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hectis View Post
    wal mart came to the city were i live and put nearly every thing out of business

    not only that ..property value as gone down for store owners aswell

    the said thing is..we have to pay the wal-mart to come its all taken from taxes

    wal-mart dosnt pay shit...
    the ceo profit is over 88% a year

    not only that ...he only gives about 10,000 away a year for chairty

    while the combined wal-mart staff gives away 50 mill a year
    and they dont have much money

  3. #18
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100pr00f View Post
    so ur saying u dont mind peeps dying to make ur shit

    and the peeps that work in the factories work 20 hr days
    and with thier pay they gotta pay for utilitys that keep the factories running
    so they only get cents a day
    in yen not us $

    they get paid a half a cent in us $ a day to be slaves

    watch the vid

    dont post till u do slippy haha
    ull see
    he i liked wal-mart too..till i saw the vid
    I was watching the video when I made that comment, and i'm still not changing a thing.

    These people choose to work for these sweat shops. Yeah, I agree these slave like conditions are fucked up, but they have a choice, they always have a choice.

    It's not like sombody's cracking a whip behind them, that video just shows a bunch of disgruntled employees. The problem isn't wal-mart exploiting people, the problem is the government that allows large companies to exploit it's people. And if you get right down to it, it's the people that empower the government.

    I know for a fact that Wal-Mart pays some of it's employees more than the water operators here, and that says a lot about our tribal government.

  4. #19
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100pr00f View Post
    not only that ..property value as gone down for store owners aswell

    the said thing is..we have to pay the wal-mart to come its all taken from taxes

    wal-mart dosnt pay shit...
    the ceo profit is over 88% a year

    not only that ...he only gives about 10,000 away a year for chairty

    while the combined wal-mart staff gives away 50 mill a year
    and they dont have much money
    All of the smaller mom and pop buisness don't nessicarily give back to their respective communities either. If they did, people would probably shop their instead of Wal-Mart more often. Or maybe people are just tired of mom and pop stores holding a monoply on their products in these small communities, and now these buisness owners are upset because Wal-Mart is giving the same product for cheaper. If ma and pop store want to compete they gotta cut some of their profits.

  5. #20
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slippy Capalini View Post
    All of the smaller mom and pop buisness don't nessicarily give back to their respective communities either. If they did, people would probably shop their instead of Wal-Mart more often. Or maybe people are just tired of mom and pop stores holding a monoply on their products in these small communities, and now these buisness owners are upset because Wal-Mart is giving the same product for cheaper. If ma and pop store want to compete they gotta cut some of their profits.
    It's called buying power. Wal-Mart is able to negotiate their prices they pay for shit in ways that a mom and pop never could. If they tried to sale the same thing that Wal-Mart does at the same price they'd most likely go out of business.

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  6. #21
    Deadly Venom 100pr00f's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slippy Capalini View Post
    I was watching the video when I made that comment, and i'm still not changing a thing.

    These people choose to work for these sweat shops. Yeah, I agree these slave like conditions are fucked up, but they have a choice, they always have a choice.

    It's not like sombody's cracking a whip behind them, that video just shows a bunch of disgruntled employees. The problem isn't wal-mart exploiting people, the problem is the government that allows large companies to exploit it's people. And if you get right down to it, it's the people that empower the government.

    I know for a fact that Wal-Mart pays some of it's employees more than the water operators here, and that says a lot about our tribal government.
    what about the guy who is supposed to check the condition of them places..he found all the bad things as was seen on the vid but when he tried to report it

    he got fired

    fired for doing his job

    wal-mart dosnt want any one to know what go's on

    and apperntly u dint see the vid yes they get beat for not working 20 hrs a day

    if they lack they get beat....
    peeps been killed for leaving work quiting work


    so u you agree with the ceo

    money over life
    like i said befor...he gians money and dosnt spent it

    when he is away on trips he sleeps with other folk in his compeny so he dosnt have to spen $ for a room
    mutli billionair dosnt want to spend 200$ a night so he gets hes workers to pay

    mom and pop store around my way give back
    ...the donate,, they sponser lil leage sport teams so they can have team unifoarms and proper equipment to play with lol

    what does wal-mart think of women or other races beside whites

    they cant exceed in the biz..
    this is out of the mouth of the ceo

  7. #22
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    Walmart depends on a lot of rednecks that shop there.

  8. #23
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100pr00f View Post
    what about the guy who is supposed to check the condition of them places..he found all the bad things as was seen on the vid but when he tried to report it

    he got fired

    fired for doing his job

    wal-mart dosnt want any one to know what go's on

    and apperntly u dint see the vid yes they get beat for not working 20 hrs a day

    if they lack they get beat....
    peeps been killed for leaving work quiting work


    so u you agree with the ceo

    money over life
    like i said befor...he gians money and dosnt spent it

    when he is away on trips he sleeps with other folk in his compeny so he dosnt have to spen $ for a room
    mutli billionair dosnt want to spend 200$ a night so he gets hes workers to pay

    mom and pop store around my way give back
    ...the donate,, they sponser lil leage sport teams so they can have team unifoarms and proper equipment to play with lol

    what does wal-mart think of women or other races beside whites

    they cant exceed in the biz..
    this is out of the mouth of the ceo
    I don't agree with the Ceo, why do you keep implying that. I'm just stating the facts.

    That whole video was propaganda from disgruntled employees.

    You talk about Wal-Mart like it's some big boogey man. Wal-Mart is just a name of an organization ran and supported by people just like me and you.

    If you want to point fingers start pointing them at yourself.
    Last edited by Slippy The Pimp; 07-03-2007 at 03:25 PM.

  9. #24
    Deadly Venom 100pr00f's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slippy Capalini View Post
    I don't agree with the Ceo, why do you keep implying that. I'm just stating the facts.

    That whole video was propaganda from disgruntled employees.

    You talk about Wal-Mart like it's some big boogey man. Wal-Mart is just a name of an organization ran and supported by people just like me and you.

    If you want to point fingers start pointing them at yourself.
    lol ran by people like me and u

    first ..its ran by 4 fam members

    who in the first place was ritch to begin with

    they are what u call old money

    money that go's far back ..

    even the money they have was from slaves thier grand parents own


    they never seen a hood
    or know what a ford focus is

    they are def not like u and me

    ....im not pointing fangers just laying facts....

    its right thier u can see it
    its not me speaking my mind ..its true facts...
    if u whan ill post up
    the earnings and how much u actully pay ...

    u think its cheap..put ur not looking at that over 30% of american taxes put out by hard workers like me and u go to wal-mart

    insteed off builing new schools or supplying homes to the homless

    lee scott is putting a million $ paint job on his bently..that we all paid for..

    even if u dont like wal-mart of if u dont spend money thier ...u are still giving wal-mart money


    u can find those stat any were...actully it was in the ny times a year ago...ill post when i find em

  10. #25
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    basically......besides the point u made bout ur taxes and watever....none of ur arguments or negative aspects of the company really affect YOU 100proof
    u might "care" and "feel bad" for wat the sweatshop workers and the wal-mart employees go thru.....and not to sound immature or ignorant....but SO WHAT!?!?!?!?!
    i love wal-mart....cheap shit, big stores....yea the company has a bad history and track record....but that shit aint stopping me from stepping in the store and saving a buncha money
    i understand fully what ur saying man...and i can sympathize that
    but c'mon man....its a great store
    a.k.a. The Difference saying check out my 1st video

  11. #26
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100pr00f View Post
    lol ran by people like me and u

    first ..its ran by 4 fam members

    who in the first place was ritch to begin with

    they are what u call old money

    money that go's far back ..

    even the money they have was from slaves thier grand parents own


    they never seen a hood
    or know what a ford focus is

    they are def not like u and me

    ....im not pointing fangers just laying facts....

    its right thier u can see it
    its not me speaking my mind ..its true facts...
    if u whan ill post up
    the earnings and how much u actully pay ...

    u think its cheap..put ur not looking at that over 30% of american taxes put out by hard workers like me and u go to wal-mart

    insteed off builing new schools or supplying homes to the homless

    lee scott is putting a million $ paint job on his bently..that we all paid for..

    even if u dont like wal-mart of if u dont spend money thier ...u are still giving wal-mart money


    u can find those stat any were...actully it was in the ny times a year ago...ill post when i find em
    The people that build, run, operate, clean, and support these stores through sales are people like you and me.

    If you don't like what Wal-mart is doing to other countries than buy american made products.

    The only reason Wal-Mart succeeds is becuase people like their services. Unless someone is offering it for cheaper I will continue to buy house wares, groceries and whatever else I might need. It might bring down your community, but my community is in dire need of a Wal-mart becuase we don't have any ma and pa type shops here. I gotta drive 75 miles to reach the nearest Wal-Mart. I ain't got the budget to be paying extra on some bullshit when I need gas.


  12. #27
    Deadly Venom 100pr00f's Avatar
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    well hate to say ..u wanting a wal-mart near u prolly will never happen...since 2002 wal-mart was shut out of 31 states to builed a new wal-mart
    since then millions of peeps protested and won

    so i dont think wal-mart will be building to meny more stores

    as for not affecting me it does..cuz my mom use too work thier...and was forced to work 15 hr of clock...
    her and 3 others was forced to work thoses hrs..when it was time for her to go ..they told her she cant leave till every one els one els was done with stocking ..and the doors stayed lock till they get done

    well guess what only only a few peeps get keys ...so all the workers had to spend the night and work till morn when the maneger came in
    .... all the workers were threatend if they told any one they would be fierd ..most of them cant do nothing cuz they are to poor to leave work..and cant get other jobs cuz wal-mart shut mosat of the other places down....but we have some money and my mom left
    and we are now suing them
    for doing what they did

    and guess what ..this happen 43 other times oround the us and have as up to 125 people suing

    ..so to tell u this it does effect me cuz it happen to my mom

    what does the ceo ..say...its fact...and qouted..."fuck them poor white trash people"

    and was recorded
    and is bieng used in court

    im not here to tell u stop buying from them do what u wann...

    if u like supporting a asshole who dosnt care for the workers or consumers

    im just shedding some light on wal-mart..on how it aint as good as every one thinks


  13. #28
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    100 Proof,
    The same thing happened to me when I worked at Walmart, as I stated earlier in the thread. I was like 16 at the time I worked there. It was against the law for me to work past a certain time of night, as I was in school. I was done fronting my department, and it was time for me to leave for the night. But they lock the doors from the inside, for some stupid reason, like it's a cage. I had to wait for a long time until all the departments were done fronting. There was a case a few years back where an employee got seriously injured while working, and nobody had a key to get him out of the store to a hospital.

    And they are still building a lot of Walmarts, at least around my area. Last year, they built a Super Walmart, within 15 minutes or so from me. Now they are planning on building another Super Walmart, about 10 minutes in the opposite direction from me. Plus, they have been talking about expanding the regular Walmart in my town, into a Super Walmart. This would most likely put the grocery store in that shopping center out of business, and probably a bunch of other stores. So Walmart might be the only store left there, and a bunch of overweight redneck women can rush around the store with their shopping carts.

  14. #29
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    .............im still shoppin at wal-mart
    a.k.a. The Difference saying check out my 1st video

  15. #30
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100pr00f View Post
    well hate to say ..u wanting a wal-mart near u prolly will never happen...since 2002 wal-mart was shut out of 31 states to builed a new wal-mart
    since then millions of peeps protested and won

    so i dont think wal-mart will be building to meny more stores

    as for not affecting me it does..cuz my mom use too work thier...and was forced to work 15 hr of clock...
    her and 3 others was forced to work thoses hrs..when it was time for her to go ..they told her she cant leave till every one els one els was done with stocking ..and the doors stayed lock till they get done

    well guess what only only a few peeps get keys ...so all the workers had to spend the night and work till morn when the maneger came in
    .... all the workers were threatend if they told any one they would be fierd ..most of them cant do nothing cuz they are to poor to leave work..and cant get other jobs cuz wal-mart shut mosat of the other places down....but we have some money and my mom left
    and we are now suing them
    for doing what they did

    and guess what ..this happen 43 other times oround the us and have as up to 125 people suing

    ..so to tell u this it does effect me cuz it happen to my mom

    what does the ceo ..say...its fact...and qouted..."fuck them poor white trash people"

    and was recorded
    and is bieng used in court

    im not here to tell u stop buying from them do what u wann...

    if u like supporting a asshole who dosnt care for the workers or consumers

    im just shedding some light on wal-mart..on how it aint as good as every one thinks


    Nobody forced your mom. Your mom made a choice.

    If anything, shopping at Wal-Mart was supporting your mom's because if people didn't shop at Wal-Mart your mom's couldn't get paid.

    I have family that worked at Wal-Mart too, and I never heard them complaining.

    Wal-Mart isn't banned here, they're always trying to build bigger facilities in this state. A Wal-Mart in my community would mean more jobs.


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